Australia AUSTRALIA - Perth missing/murdered SK victims

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DNA Solves
Looking forward to which restsurant it was Sharon Mason worked part-time.

Sharon worked at a fish and chip shop chopping up squid.

Sharon Mason also worked at a seafood store which obviously had freezers.
As stated previously the coroner felt the bottom half may have been frozen for the better half of 9 years Sharon was missing.

The money was along the foreshore. Mosman park was full of flats and Homeswest public housing.

Im just thinking where the fidh and chip shop was.

Greer had a dress shop on Stirling highway only 100 metres from where Pam Lawrence was murdered on Glyde st.
So who would have a freezer not seen by anyone else that could store Sharon ?

Masons lower torso for the better half of 9 years stored in freezer without it being seen?

Who would have had a freezer big enough in the early 90s?

Dress shop, mask, fish and chip shop.
Vanessa Devlin murdered by Tilbury 7 days before her trial in heroin trafficking

However, the suspect they were looking for was mid 20's (description in following news reports). Many articles made an emphasis on the connection between VD’s murder and the southside rapist and with Victoria Clark’s death on 9th September 1987 (this is also the correct date).
So this should have read,
Birnie was in prison so he could not have committed the Sharon Mason murder when contemplating the two men arguing with Sharon Mason by the panel van.

Birnie was in prison for Sharon Masons murder.
Surely Sharon Masons friend has a more mature view of Sharons disappearance.
The whole case has gone quiet regarding an appeal.

Bernie Johnson dies.

Bernie Johnson was the chief of Western Australia's vice squad when the brothel madam was shot four times in the head with .22 calibre bullets at point blank range as she sat in her Dodge at the Royal Perth Golf Club in June 1975.
At the inquest last year, which will resume in July, the WA Coroner's Court heard from retired policeman Brian Eddy, who claimed he saw Ms Finn in the police canteen with Mr Johnson just before she was murdered.

Bernie Johnson dies.

Bernie Johnson was the chief of Western Australia's vice squad when the brothel madam was shot four times in the head with .22 calibre bullets at point blank range as she sat in her Dodge at the Royal Perth Golf Club in June 1975.
At the inquest last year, which will resume in July, the WA Coroner's Court heard from retired policeman Brian Eddy, who claimed he saw Ms Finn in the police canteen with Mr Johnson just before she was murdered.

Shot at point blank range in her car with a rifle.
How do you shoot someone inside a car at point blank range with a rifle?
They said she was shot from behind the seat?
This is the comment that intrigued me on Missing & Murdered.

"I was picked up by a yellow panel van hitchhiking just outside of Mandurah on 5 October 1980. I was 19 at the time. The guy called himself 'Dave'. It was an horrific trip and I never hitchhiked again. He drove me around and made extremely disturbing threats. I eventually got away by tricking him and hailed down a car on Rockingham Rd, just south of Naval Base. The concerned Scottish male driving a dark coloured Citroen, drove me to my mother's house in Claremont, where she talked me out of reporting it (if that driver ever reads this, please come forward and give evidence to police).
Less than a month on 30 October 1980 Lisa Mott went missing. I contacted Police immediately, but they said 'Mandurah's a long way from Collie!' and weren't interested. I did not have a registration number and no crime had been committed (only threats).
Years later I recognised the 'Dave' who picked me up as David Birnie after his arrest and photos in the news. I have also informed the police of this.
I'm only bothering to write all this because of the comment above regarding Wittnoom St, Bunbury. I always thought that the key to this is locating the owner of that yellow panel van. Maybe there is a link there because 'Dave' told me back in 1980 that the yellow panelvan he was driving BELONGED TO A MATE IN BUNBURY, who let him use it.
I recall the van distinctly. The yellow paint was a bit faded and discoloured. It had two doors on the back that opened out and an L-shaped handle. No windows in the sides. The interior was filthy dirty with bench seat in front (torn black upholstery), curtain separating front and rear, even a bong and a hunting knife in ornate leather sleeve in glovebox. In back was a mattress, tool boxes, a shovel and heavy metal chains. I think I read somewhere David Birnie worked as a crane driver in Collie, so this would fit, but it looks like it might have been his mate's yellow panelvan that he drove to work and used to run up and down to Perth.
At the time he picked me up, he was actually heading back down to Bunbury from Perth. I later realised, he'd made a U-turn after he passed me and came back to pick me up (I was headed to Perth). He said he'd come up to watch 'Bathhurst' (Bathurst 1000 car race) at another mate's place in, wait for it, Willagee. Of course, Birnie is dead now, but based on what I know, I would certainly be looking at him as a suspect in Lisa Mott's disappearance. My heart goes out to her mother whom I'm sure would give anything to know what happened to her daughter. How can anyone ever be 100% certain, but I strongly suspect Birnie did take her.
People might be interested to also know that another teenager went missing shortly before all of this - Annette Deveral aged 16 (although elsewhere its reported Annette Deverell aged 19) who disappeared from the Mandurah Post Office on 13 September 1980, and whose body was found in bushland east of Pinjarra less than 2 years later. I read about the case in 2012 when it was reopened by police after they learned she had been seen in a panel van on the night she vanished. Its a shame they didn't put more stock in my 1980 report of a close shave with a guy in a panel van just outside of Mandurah. I can only think they had a hunch Annette was a runaway. I do wish the police would not run on hunches but remain strictly evidence based and do the groundwork. Of course that demands funding and education, and that's another discussion in itself.
Any else got any more info on Wittnoom St, Witnoom St or could it be Wittenoom St, Bunbury? I doubt the police will set aside resources to look into this further, as their suspect is deceased (though Catherine is still alive, this was many years before he got together with her and they together committed the horrific crimes leading to their arrest and imprisonment.) But if David Birnie WAS renovating a house for a mate in Bunbury back in 1980, did this guy own a yellow panelvan, and if he did, did he let David Birnie drive it? Anyone?"

There is also another comment further up that mentions David Birnie and a house in Witenoom St.

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Thanks. That rules out the car being a Holden or a Ford before the XA model as Holden's and early Fords, like my dad's had horizontal doors, not vertical one's as described. Only the Ford's XA, XB, XC, XD and XW model panel vans had two vertical doors. XB models had a subdued cream yellow colour option. My 1St girlfriend's ex had a XB station wagon in that colour. It wasn't a bright yellow, and could be mistaken for a faded yellow I suppose.

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Ex RAC van
IMO the most likely panel vans that fit the descriptions are Ford Falcon XA or XB models. As the fords were the only ones that came optionally with vertical rear doors
Chrysler only had horizontal rear doors
and so too the Holden only had horizontal rear doors
IMO the vehicle described is a Ford Falcon panel van such as the XA or XB. IMO an XC model's paint wouldn't of faded enough by 1980, but possible if an early version that was parked outside a lot. IMO Ford transits are too small, and besides, came with bucket seats, not bench seats.
They must've used tiny people in this advert.

Likewise Leland, Morris and Austin made panel vans with vertical rear doors, but IMO they're distinctive enough for a witness not to of used the generic description of "panel van" where as Holden Chrysler and Falcon looked much the same size and shape and would've been referred to generically.
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For continued discussion

Deborah Anderson body found in a burnt out Ford Laser at Middle Swan shopping centre at 12.20am on 25 January 2000.

It has been suggested that Malcolm Webster may be a suspect by overseas websites. 1 conviction of murder of his wife in Scotland under similar circumstances. Linked to an attempted murder in New Zealand. WA Police said he wasn't a suspect. No evidence to confirm if he was in Australia at the time but possibly went to Australia to avoid conviction in New Zealand.

There is even a miniseries about Malcolm.
Bernie Johnson's funeral is on Thursday.

The old personnel file is embargoed from general viewing for 100 years, however this is standard for these sort of files, much the same as old military personnel service files and such like. The time frame can change in that 100 years.

*However WA Police Cold Case investigators have no doubt pulled a few dozen personnel records such as this and lugged them down to the Coroner's Court.

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Bernie Johnson's funeral is on Thursday.

The old personnel file is embargoed from general viewing for 100 years, however this is standard for these sort of files, much the same as old military personnel service files and such like. The time frame can change in that 100 years.

*However WA Police Cold Case investigators have no doubt pulled a few dozen personnel records such as this and lugged them down to the Coroner's Court.

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I should've said 100 years from date of birth, so it will be available to the public in less than 20 years from now.

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Goes to show, that anything is possible, and that discounts should not be given due to a suspect's perceived standing in the community.
"No-one thinks they live next door to a serial killer," Mr Tapia said.

"But at the same time, I'm just like, he was a weird guy. He kept to himself. When you start to think about it you're like, I could see him doing something like that but I would never suspect it."

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I should've said 100 years from date of birth, so it will be available to the public in less than 20 years from now.

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6th February 2033 to be exact.

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