Australia Australia - Prabhdeep Srawn, 25, Canadian, Snowy Mtns, NSW, 13 May 2013

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Wild Walks Bushwalking Information also has a link to some answers about that particular track to Mt Townsend...

(paraphrasing) The intersection off the Main Walking Track to go to Mt Townsend apparently is not that obvious and it is quite faint and not signposted.

Google Map Satellite Location of pic below:

Wild Walks Gallery pics of the Mt Townsend Track intersection. See More...
... and here are some pictures of the Mt Townsend Track (return) before it meets the Main Walking Track. It does say that the track is not particularly easy to spot.
The Gallery also has photos which are taken 100mtr radius of that track.
Gives a good indication of the terrain, the track to Mt Townsend, and the surrounding area.


Wildwalk photo of the track back from Mt Towsend which meets the Main Range Walk.

Thanks FigTree :)


I don't really know what else can be done short of a proper grid search of the area with good old man power on foot - and a good low level reconnaissance scout by a chopper of the entire area in question, which might pinpoint something even sooner?

Its not a particularly large area to cover - a co-ordinated search effort would have no trouble covering that area in a few days at most, its the thick scrub bushes through there that make it difficult to penetrate by foot...

But again, a low level helicopter search over selected areas of the primary areas of focus within there (like up the creek line in those gulleys that lead down as already talked about and other possible routes of least resistance to descend down that valley) would cover it sufficiently IMO.
The timeline is on its way - hopefully tonight.
I will put up a separate thread for it. :)

@ Derryn Hunch
I don't really know what else can be done short of a proper grid search of the area with good old man power on foot - and a good low level reconnaissance scout by a chopper of the entire area in question, which might pinpoint something even sooner?

They did have a coordinated search and they had Army Reservists from Canada - they did a huge search covering streams and gullys - yet in the conditions it must have been hard at the time - and I'm sure they have a plan for the next search. Lets hope this time around they have luck with them to find Prabhdeep.
The new poster seems to follow your thoughts too - that Prabhdeep went missing on the west side of the track.

I will go with thinking that he went East and then South and didn't retrace the track, but ended up going (south) towards the Alpine Way Road. Maybe he was trying to find the track that followed on back to Charlottes Pass.

Things are back in swing and a new Poster has been drawn up for the oncoming search.

The message on Help Find Prabhdeep Srawn Facebook Page
Please help us spread the word again. We need assistance with posting this poster in and around the Kosciuszko National Park areas. All check points, restaurants, towns and villages. Thank you! You all have been a tremendous support.


Hi, I'm prabhs sister. Someone on the Help find Prabh Facebook page redirected me to this thread hoping you guys may be able to help in the search provided I could provide as much detailed information you were looking for. Are there any questions that you need to know, or know of anyone who can physically help search?

Thanks again for your interest and keeping information about his disappearance alive. We do want to keep everyone informed as often as we can.
Hello Mandeep,
Thank-you so much for coming to the thread, I have been following Prabhs and your family's story, and I wish for nothing more than for you to find your brother. I hope you have had a good response this time around from people wanting to help.

I do have a few questions for you - and I will post them as soon as I get home and on my other computer. They mainly relate to the time line and clarification of some of the media reports - but also what your approach now will be.

Can I also suggest that you can become a 'verified insider' on this thread by contacting one of the Moderators. It will help keep the thread active, correct and updated.

Thankyou so much Mandeep.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Mandeep, I'm praying your brother, Prabh, is found soon. Thanks to all the posters for their maps and thoughtful ideas on areas to search. I come to this thread often and am looking forward to the day there is FOUND added to the thread title.
Hi Mandeep -
Please don't feel obligated to answer anything in the questions below - these were some things I had been wondering about and had yet to source any information on ...

I recently read in a Main Stream Media Report that you may not be coming back to Australia for the search when it resumes &#8211; are you yet to make a decision regarding this?
Quote from the News Article: Source Link...
The family returned to Canada last month, but Ms Srawn said she not sure if they&#8217;d return to Australia.

I understand that some of the questions below are reliant on if you are returning, but I have added them in the hope they can shed some light on the next stage in your search for Prabh.

1) How are your plans coming along for the November Search in Australia?
When do you expect to start this next stage of your Search?

2) Do you have a new strategy of approach for this next stage of the Search?
Are there things you will do differently regarding the search, when you return?

3) What has been happening on the ground with the search around Mount Kosciuszko since you returned to Canada from Australia?
Have the searches continued?

4) Will your next search cover the same areas (now that the snow is receding), or do you plan to cover different territories?

5) What areas have been searched so far?

6) Have any further clues or information surfaced during the winter break as to where Prabh went and where he might be?

7) Will you be using specialists in any particular area or skill for the search when it resumes this time?

8) We read an article posted by one of the Australian Dog Handlers about his time on the search with his dog.
Was that search area followed up at a later stage? Did the New Zealand team of Dog Searchers have any luck?

9) You have been asking for volunteers for the next Search &#8211; how is that coming along?
What has the response been like? How many volunteers do you hope to have to help you in the upcoming months?

10) What requirements do volunteers need to have to help with the search?

11) Have the Australian Authorities offered you any help regarding the next Search on your return? Will you be involving them at any stage?

12) What were some of the major logistic obstacles you found the most difficult during the last Search?

13) How long do you plan to stay in Australia this time?

14) What do you need people to know about Prabhdeep beyond what has been reported in msm?

15) What can people do to help you in the upcoming months?


Thank-you in advance Mandeep for looking over the questions.
Strength and Prayer for the next stage.
I was just getting some links and things together for Prabhs media link page and found that when searching the NSW POLICE Missing Persons Data Base - that the link to Prabhs Missing Person Page is now a 404 Error Page :(

The search comes up at this link - and Prabhdeep is on there - but the link isnt accesible from that page...

Is this usual? - or am I on the wrong search page ...

ETA: I also went to the Australian Federal Police Page - and did a search but nothing came up.

Thank you all. Please keep Prabh in your prayers.

As for returning, I was speaking about myself. Someone from the family will definitely return but I'm not sure who or how many this time.

Our search is always ongoing. There are several hikers who visit the area for leisure and have offered assistance or asked for more information. Unfortunately, no one has had any luck. We're looking for new people to search every minute we can and are still offering the daily stipend provided they take a spot tracker or provide us with GPS tracks of what they were able to cover. We have a couple hikers we've developed a close relationship with and were able to continue sending them out.

The reason November was stated is because the NSW police and National Parks plan on searching again for Prabh.

Regarding the searched area, I can provide maps of what was covered. Since I've taken pictures of our maps, please forgive me if its unclear what area it is. Unfortunately, there have been no clues as to Prabhs location other than his telephone pings and possible voice (possible b/c we haven't been able to confirm whether it was even human or a dog in the distance).

I'm not exactly what specialists you're referring to? We've had private teams and investigators as well as a kanine unit. As for the Australian Handlers' dog did pick up a scent and the dog couldn't go any further as a result of the tough terrain. 4 men then descended the mountain where the scent was picked up along a creek line and did not come across anything. However, the area is large, it was just a general direction in an area between valleys (between the 'N' and 'W' on the map).

We then hired a canine unit from New Zealand that had 3 dogs in hopes to see if they could narrow down the area further, however neither of these dogs picked up any scent at all in that direction. This could be for one of two reasons. 1) The Australian canine unit was an urban dog and could've mistaken the scent for animals such as a wombat hole near by or 2) The wind was incredibly strong coming from the NW with the Australian handles and with the NZ team, the wind wasn't as strong. We believe it to be the first option because we did take the 3 dogs to higher peaks after searching the same area as the previous dog, Mount Townsend, Abbots Peak and Alice Rawsons in hopes the scent may have risen and would be easier to pick up from above and again there was no luck no scent.

Our search was without snow for several weeks after the official search was called off. Once the NSW police decided to call off the search it rained heavily for 4 days straight with warm temperatures. When we began searching there wasn't any snow on the ground. We had several obstacles, the telephone information being withheld from us, not having access to helicopters, then not being allowed to land the helicopter, the heavy fog making visibility to zero, etc. We had several obstacles.

As for volunteers, we ask that they are experienced hikers (with alpine/snow experience), have all their equipment (tent, shoes, pants, GPS, etc), don`t go alone, take an emergency beacon with them and register with National Parks on their intended route.

I hope I've answered all or most of your questions. I can send the telephone ping information and the theory behind the voices in another post to avoid confusion.
Thankyou so much Mandeep for all the information.- that's quite post with lots of information.
I appreciate so much you took the time to answer the questions.

I hope others are encouraged to get down to the Snowy Mountains and search for Prabhdeep - I hope the response this time around swells a bit more and you get plenty of people there.
You and your family, and Prahbdeep are in my thoughts - sending out the prayers and lighting candles.

I would be grateful if you could post the maps of the areas covered - when you have time if its not too much trouble.

Will be back later with some thoughts to post.
I apologize, I thought I did but it looks like I'm having trouble attaching pictures. I will try again.

As for the link to Prabhs missing page, I'm not sure why it's not there.
Please find attached a map


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Here is the helicopter map. The other was walked.


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Crossing my fingers and hoping this obviously much beloved man is found soon!
This is where the first Australian dog picked up a scent (where the triangle is on the map). I'm interested in following the creek by the 'o' down about 500m, where my finger is pointing.


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Telephone pings:

11:55 perisher tower - green
12:14 purple
12:21 perisher tower - green
From 1-3:05 burngoodee - dark green

There is no further activity after this point.


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Here is another map created by a private team that voluntarily helped us when the police weren't providing his telephone information to us.


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Respectfully snipped by me...
As for the link to Prabhs missing page, I'm not sure why it's not there.

I'm not sure why either. Its a bit alarming that its not available.

This is the link to the Australian Federal Police Missing Person Search Page:

I searched all States - just in case, and even in the Overseas data - but there is no page for Prabh.

This was the only information I found at the NSW Police Search Page - but there is still a 404 message.

below is a screenshot pic of the search result

Mandeep, would it be worth contacting them and letting them know that Prabhdeep needs a page on that website?

LINK to missing persons inquiry page HERE


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