Australia Australia - Prabhdeep Srawn, 25, Canadian, Snowy Mtns, NSW, 13 May 2013

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DNA Solves
Mandeep, thank-you for so many maps - just going over them now...
They are very detailed.
Such huge searches!

Thinking of you and you family today.
Respectfully snipped by me...

I'm not sure why either. Its a bit alarming that its not available.

This is the link to the Australian Federal Police Missing Person Search Page:

I searched all States - just in case, and even in the Overseas data - but there is no page for Prabh.

This was the only information I found at the NSW Police Search Page - but there is still a 404 message.

Mandeep, would it be worth contacting them and letting them know that Prabhdeep needs a page on that website?

LINK to missing persons inquiry page HERE

Thank you FigTree. Here is the link to the page that shows Prabhdeep, but like you said, when clicking on it, gives a 404 error:

PAGE 330 =
I have just finished the basic chronological order of the media reports thread - Google was not my friend throughout :rolleyes: But most of Prabhdeeps story is there in order of when the media printed it.
I will do up a timeline chart tomorrow and add it to the post as well as the new maps from Ruby and the Q&A - and anything else I can find such as videos, so that everything that is a resource is in the one thread.
The thread is here: (there is permanent link at the bottom of my posts as well)

The weather has seen the thaw begin, and searchers are out and about.

From Prabhdeeps Facebook Page - a nine day trek search began on the 28th of October.
You can keep up to date with where the searchers at this link:

We hope and pray that the searchers find Prabhdeep and that there is news soon.
Good luck and safe trekking to all the search parties.

It would be nice to see the media give this Missing Persons Case some due attention and recap a story on the search for Prabhdeep - it may also help encourage some volunteers to the Snowy Mountains.

This man was recently rescued after being lost for 3 months!

"MATAGAMI, Que. — Police have rescued a canoeist who was stranded in a Quebec forest for more than three months after a bear ate his food.

Marco Lavoie, 44, was airlifted by helicopter Wednesday from Lake Matagami, a remote area of northwestern Quebec about 250 km south of James Bay"
This man was recently rescued after being lost for 3 months!

"MATAGAMI, Que. — Police have rescued a canoeist who was stranded in a Quebec forest for more than three months after a bear ate his food.

Marco Lavoie, 44, was airlifted by helicopter Wednesday from Lake Matagami, a remote area of northwestern Quebec about 250 km south of James Bay"

I am always amazed at the strength and courage survivors have ...
From the link dotr posted...

Andre-Francois Bourbeau, author of four books on surviving the wilderness, said trust in his friends might have kept Lavoie alive.

"What kept him alive is probably hope," said Bourbeau. "He knew his friend had been advised of his return date. He waited for the date to pass, telling himself that someone would come for him."

Lavoie's is one of many Canadian survival stories over the years.

There is always hope!
... and prayers.
I have posted Mandeep's Search Maps into the Timeline, but wanted to post them full size here as the ground that has been covered (and is still being searched) is huge.
I think the full size maps give a bigger better picture of the extent of the Search and the effort that the Family, Friends, Volunteers and Searchers have dedicated to finding Prabhdeep.


The Map below shows the areas which have been searched by foot.
(Pre October 8 2013)
Map supplied by Mandeep Srawn


The Map below shows the areas which have been searched by Helicopter.
(Pre October 8 2013)
Map supplied by Mandeep Srawn


Quoted from Mandeep:
This is where the first Australian dog picked up a scent (where the triangle is on the map).
I'm interested in following the creek by the 'o' down about 500m, where my finger is pointing.

(Pre October 8 2013)
Map supplied by Mandeep Srawn


The Map below shows the areas where Prabhdeep's phone 'pinged' from.

Quoted from Mandeep:
Telephone pings:

11:55 perisher tower - green
12:14 purple
12:21 perisher tower - green
From 1-3:05 burngoodee - dark green

There is no further activity after this point.


Quoted from Mandeep:
Here is another map created by a private team that voluntarily helped us when the police weren't providing his telephone information to us.
(Pre October 8 2013)
Map supplied by Mandeep Srawn


The only thing I can offer from my experience is that on occasion, lost persons will go to high ground in an attempt to find a landmark. They may look for lights at night. On one mission I was on, the subject saw the lights of a small town and attempted to navigate down off the mountain towards the town through a small wash/valley and became entangled in overgrowth in the dark.

May I suggest you Google Tom Brown's Tracking School website and ask them if they have Tracking graduates living somewhere near the area that can be contacted and brought in to look for track evidence? As they are also survival students, they should do quite well in navigating the terrain, camping and looking for evidence. Tom and his team of instructors are the best. I can say that as I am a graduate from back in the early 80's.

Best of wishes on your search!
The only thing I can offer from my experience is that on occasion, lost persons will go to high ground in an attempt to find a landmark. They may look for lights at night. On one mission I was on, the subject saw the lights of a small town and attempted to navigate down off the mountain towards the town through a small wash/valley and became entangled in overgrowth in the dark.

May I suggest you Google Tom Brown's Tracking School website and ask them if they have Tracking graduates living somewhere near the area that can be contacted and brought in to look for track evidence? As they are also survival students, they should do quite well in navigating the terrain, camping and looking for evidence. Tom and his team of instructors are the best. I can say that as I am a graduate from back in the early 80's.

Best of wishes on your search!

Just adding Tom Brown Jnr's website address here - it is in the USA:

I dont know if Mandeep has engaged the services of a Tracker earlier in the searches for Prahb - I have not come across anything in the Main Stream Media, and I dont know if it would be viable after such a length of time (since May 5th 2013), and if the winter snow fall makes a difference. Also the area is a tourist type destination, and now with Spring here, many people will be trampling all over the place - though if there was a shoot off or a point of interest which a tracker could locate I would think that the tracking markers would have been frozen in time over winter possibly?

Maybe you could shed some light on that aspect of tracking Trackergd?

Im not sure how many Trackers we have here in Australia either.

Bumping for Prabhdeep.

Prabh's Facebook Page have requested people to post and share Prabh's Missing Persons Poster around the web.

If you go to Prabh's Facebook Page here - you can get/see the poster, and also some photo's from the recent search...

There is a post there also which says that there maybe some evidence from the latest search.

I hope they are getting closer to finding out what has happened.

BC Team Leads New Search For Prabhdeep in Australia.

CBC News. Posted: Nov 15, 2013 -

Srawn's family is financing an expedition of 18 search and rescue professionals, most of whom cut their teeth in the rugged mountains of B.C., to New South Wales for an intensive two-week search beginning on Dec. 1. The team members are all volunteering their time.

Martin Colwell, President of the Vancouver-based company SAR Technology, is the search manager.

Colwell, who has over 30 years of experience in the search and rescue field, told CBC Hamilton his first step will be to divide the search area up. From there, relying on a mathematical system that factors in a range of geographic and weather conditions, the team to specific zones.

I hope they have all they luck they need this time around and that they find some evidence of what happened - or better still, they find Prabh.

I wonder if the NSW Police and NSW Parks and Wildlife will still be helping on the new search. Mandeep mentioned they would (post in thread). I hope we see something in the papers here in Australia about the new search in December.
Maybe the Canberra Times could cover this?
Hello Media .... :seeya:

I have used up my tag quota :(
Please add any tags to the thread that aren't there by pressing the edit tags button at the bottom of the thread page.
Many thanks!

Please keep Prabhdeep Srawn in your thoughts and prayers.
He is still missing and needs to be found.

Strength to Prabhs Family, Friends, and the Searchers.


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