Found Deceased Australia - Russell Hill, 74, & Carol Clay, 72, Wonnangatta Valley, 20 Mar 2020 #6 *charges*

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Yes! As you say, GL can say whatever he likes, and probably no-one can disprove a lot of it. I for one am definitely biased against him, and will have a lot of trouble believing a word he says. Hopefully we will learn something of the truth though.
In a post that I had submitted a long time ago when we were still discussing the beginning stages of the arrest I was alluding to this. But then again all need a fair trial so I won't go further on my opinion. I wonder if LE has uncovered links to other possible crimes as we discussed back then.
Yes! As you say, GL can say whatever he likes, and probably no-one can disprove a lot of it. I for one am definitely biased against him, and will have a lot of trouble believing a word he says. Hopefully we will learn something of the truth though.
As I said before or alluding to before I unfortunately feel that what really took place will be denied and another light put on it so as to look not as bad.
One of the articles seems to say that he doesn't have access to a computer in prison and that they tried to get one for him but failed.
IMO if he doesn't have internet access then I don't see why he shouldn't have a computer the reason I say this not out of empathy for the accused but rather it may help him organize whatever he needs to. That way, yes it would be quicker at least I think, anyways. Anything to shorten the delay!
I can't say much, but GL has not denied all involvement. The police and family know how he murdered them and what he did with their bodies (as I said as long as he was telling the truth).
So it sounds like GL could try to claim that it was an accident and he panicked?

The other argument I could see him trying (to diminish his responsibility) is self defence but I don't believe either scenario.

He seems too cold and calculating and if this was the case then why didn't he come forward earlier? Why has he repainted his vehicle twice? Why are there so many other questions about his past? There are also other missing persons in the high country who have never been found and he could be a suspect.

He is obviously a very smart guy with a high IQ - IMO he is waiting to thoroughly examine the brief to see how much evidence police have against him.
I do not know whether or not he claimed it to be an accident or not. Just their causes of death and what he did with them afterwards. Which I assume was the truth because it came from the police.
I'm not doubting you at all but I am gobsmacked he fessed up as I was of the opinion he would stay quiet and let the police work hard to find the facts. I hope for your and the families sakes that this case doesn't drag on & on. Whatever happens, I'd think he'll be facing the rest of his life in jail. All my own opinion of course.
I'm not doubting you at all but I am gobsmacked he fessed up as I was of the opinion he would stay quiet and let the police work hard to find the facts.
No I understand! I was shocked too.
Wondering which direction this will take next.
I definitely think it's suspicious that he resprayed his vehicle before and that there have been other still unexplained disappearances.
Can't imagine how their families feel.

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Hi everyone. I’ve been absent for the past few months due to personal circumstances and have just caught up. It’s good to see so many familiar faces and in particular a big welcome to @stacey_victoria. It’s wonderful to have another insider here.

Please note that the next court fixture will be a committal mention (not committal hearing) on Tuesday, 23 August 2022 9:30 AM.


"Committal mention

This is a preliminary hearing before the full committal hearing. Before a committal mention, the defence will receive a hand-up brief that will include copies of witness statements and exhibits.

At a committal mention the magistrate may:
  • order that the accused be committed to trial at the County Court or Supreme Court
  • determine whether any/all of the charges can be heard and finalised in the Magistrates’ Court
  • determine whether the accused person will be granted permission to cross-examine witnesses that they have requested to attend a committal hearing and fix a date for that committal hearing
  • hear and determine any issues between the defence lawyers and the prosecution in relation to providing evidence sought in advance of the committal hearing
  • make any other order or direction that the court considers appropriate."
Committal mention

Victoria Police told the Herald Sun they were looking into a theory that the trailer may have been sold online between March and July 2020.

Maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was cut up with an oxy torch and sold at various places for scrap, or scattered in a deep river.

I would have thought that if Gumtree had an archive of ads placed covering the period concerned, then by now that information would have been retrieved by police.
Victoria Police told the Herald Sun they were looking into a theory that the trailer may have been sold online between March and July 2020.

Maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was cut up with an oxy torch and sold at various places for scrap, or scattered in a deep river.

I would have thought that if Gumtree had an archive of ads placed covering the period concerned, then by now that information would have been retrieved by police.
Makes me wonder how helpful the accused family has been. You would think IMO that they would have some idea what happened to a something that size, that was in the families possession and now isn't. I would certainly ask my SO what happened to our trailer
Victoria Police told the Herald Sun they were looking into a theory that the trailer may have been sold online between March and July 2020.

Maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was cut up with an oxy torch and sold at various places for scrap, or scattered in a deep river.

I would have thought that if Gumtree had an archive of ads placed covering the period concerned, then by now that information would have been retrieved by police.
This is exactly what I had suggested in a previous post. I hope they find it but they may not. If it was sold on an online platform I think as you do it would have surfaced by now.
I read in the Daily Mail that “It is understood police had already placed listening devices throughout the alleged killer's vehicles and home with a view to listen to how he reacted to the media hysteria”.

Listening devices

In order to verify this, I tried Googling but the only article I found was in The Australian on 26/11/21. Unfortunately it’s behind a paywall and the only snippet I could read was “… they had listening devices in both his vehicle and home over weeks and months”.

Does anyone else know more about this?
Makes me wonder how helpful the accused family has been. You would think IMO that they would have some idea what happened to a something that size, that was in the families possession and now isn't. I would certainly ask my SO what happened to our trailer

Although, with him reputedly having a controlling nature maybe, when it came to such matters, the rule at home was 'ask me no questions'.
Asst. Comm. Bob Hill’s presser after GL had been charged followed by Q & A at 7:08.

Here are most of the questions asked.

Q. Has this crime scene been located as a result of the interviews that have been conducted over the last 3 days?
A. At this point of time I’m not prepared to actually answer that question for the reasons I’ve outlined already. This is a matter before the courts. This is a crime scene that we identified this morning.

Q. The interview process took a few days. Was the accused cooperating during this time? What sort of led to that, that extension of time?
A. At this point of time I’m not prepared to actually give details of what occurred during that interview process for the obvious reasons that I’ve already outlined, and that is that this matter is now before the courts and we need to respect the judicial process.

Q. You mentioned it being quite an extensive and lengthy investigation, as we all know. Can you give us an idea of how many people have been questioned or canvassed over the last 20 months?
A. This has been a significant investigation for Victoria Police, Crime Command and the Missing Persons Squad. It is one of the most significant investigations we’ve undertaken in recent time, in recent years. You know, there’s been hundreds of people spoken to, hundreds of vehicles that have been eliminated, information reports that have been provided to us from the broader community that required investigation. In excess of a thousand information reports are on the system that we’ve, you know, been required to investigate.

Q. Are you able to say when the 55-year-old was first interviewed last year, and how significant (ui) he might have been then?
A. No, I’m not at this point of time able to give you any details of any contact that we may or may not have had with the person that’s now before the courts charged with the double homicide.

Q. You also mentioned before that investigators established in mid-last year that they believed that Russell and Carol were deceased. Can you shed any more light on that timeframe?
A. No. Suffice to say that it was mid-2000 [20] that we established at that point of time that Mr Hill and Ms Clay were deceased, and that was through the investigative process. I think it was clear to investigators that we were looking and dealing with a murder situation.

Q. Are you able to reveal any other information about a drone that we understand went missing as well?
A. No, I’m not, sorry. As I said, you know, there was limitations at what I can share with you. This has been an extraordinary investigation. …

Q & A following presser
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