Found Deceased Australia - Russell Hill, 74, & Carol Clay, 72, Wonnangatta Valley, 20 Mar 2020 #6 *charges*

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Re finding a ring etc.
I would imagine that family and friends were asked what Russell and Carol would normally wear day to day.
Who knows, maybe Carol had a ring that she only wore in private and when they went away together.

Re earrings. I'm one of those people who went camping, wearing not only a ring but also a necklace.
Wore lipstick, not because I was going out to anything, just because I felt naked without it.
Alicia Elizabeth said GL had a low tolerance for noise. This bit from the article sounds like it will be living Hell for him:

"An insider said the unit is full of unsavoury characters who scream from their cells at all hours.
“The unit is extremely loud and noisy due to the profile of prisoner in there so he is getting a baptism of fire,” the prison source said.
The source said many inmates were “noisy…disruptive unmanageable *advertiser censored**holes”.

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Greg Lynn’s life inside prison as he awaits trial over camper murders

Article says he went through a baptism of fire from other inmates.

Behind paywall
@BrumbyJack That large burnt log where the remains were found looks like it had been in a bushfire to me. As you know, they frequently fall over after a fire and I saw one that was almost identical on the ground when driving down the mountains yesterday. I think he may have dragged it there. That whole scene looks very staged to me. What do you think?

A good winch might drag a tree like that.
Welcome computer_lizard! The fact that the remains were not sooner discovered is hardly surprising. The country there is incredibly rugged. But the conjecture that he may have returned ot the burian site is really interesting. I suspect his digital footprint will provide clues to that. But you have raised the most interesting question. Police said they recovered bone fragments, a ring and dentures. No cloth fragments or other clothing, such as footwear. No spectacles.

That is a concern which makes me think he went back after the fire a moved larger remnants.
From another forum

It is alleged Lynn not just threatened to kill his first wife's pet pig, who she was deeply attached to, but he went ahead and did that in front of her.

It is further alleged more recently that the dog of a neighbor was found with its throat cut. There is no evidence to link Lynn to that, but after the alleged pig incident there is reasonable suspicion. Be crazy not to, in light of the fact that he has been charged with two murders.

Lynn is known to have a low threshold for noise and used to camp in the back yard of his former house when his kids were young.

That might give credence to the hostility towards a drone flying over head.

There is still total radio silence about what happened to his SECOND wife/partner from Doha.

There is a big story there that is one of the biggest missing pieces.
Oh Alicia this breaks my heart - as per my avatar I am a crazy animal lover if anybody heart my Basil IN FRONT OF ME ….. I just don’t think I could ever get over it. What an evil person, true definition of psychopath.
Ladies & Gents. Two things are on my mind.
1. The date of disappearance being the 20th March may be pivotal in the mindset of the alleged killer. It was immediately prior to this date that his career would have been thrown into a spin by the onset of covid 19 restrictions that would have no doubt affected his ability to Pilot and aeroplane. Going from earning big $$$ to either being stood down or knowing you will be stood down to earn 0 would be hard to stomach for anyone.
2. The bike on the back of the 4wd that was towed away by police. I do wonder whether the bike was a means of transportation that would not have been tracked that could have taken GL to the buriel site. i.e. GL whilst riding stumbles across the remains of the deceased in his bush pursuits by chance and then claims his dna is at the site through pure chance!. Is that why the police pounced to stop any chance of that happening?. I think GL is a very thoughtful SK and police know he is and have known it was him for some time but were waiting for him to trip up and he didn't. Hence, it was time to end his game by arresting him and charging him.
Not doubting the veracity of these allegations, but I'm stumped as to how a guy with a low noise threshold i.e. dogs barking, drones etc can then go and sit in a cockpit for hours at a time, for 20 years or so, with all the noise going on in the cabin.

I guess there are noises and really annoying noises, depending on the individual. One example is screaming kids: To parents it can become normal background, whereas to neighbours it can be very annoying.
There are a so many of things that we would all like to know but will have to wait for the trial.

One question that has to be established, IMHO, is placing the blue Nissan 4WD at the same location as Mr Hill and Ms Clay, at roughly the same time. It seems the police have two witnesses in addition to any technical data. We re-watched the 60 mins story. Inspector Stamper told 60 minutes that [my bold]:
Insp. Stamper: Well we have a sighting of a dark blue four-wheel drive in this area at the time that Russell and Carol were camping here
Reporter: Really?
Insp. Stamper: And also a sighting of a dark blue four-wheel drive at the toilet block just behind you over here as well.
Reporter: And is that the same car that was captured on cameras on the Great Alpine road?
Insp. Stamper: Quite potentially, yeah. Quite potentially. Yeah.
Reporter: So this same car is now being sighted three times?
Insp Stamper: Yeah, well the description is all the same and it's all within the same time frame

Another is Mr Hill's movements in the weeks prior. Police have established that Mr Hill was camping alone with his Landcruiser in the area of the King Billy and Bluff Track between 11-13 March. Although in the general area, it seems to be about 2 hrs by road from where he camped in Wonnangatta on the fateful Friday.

A third query is the route Mr Lynn took into the valley. I posted screen-grabs from the 60 minutes story, that appeared to show data points relating to the blue Nissan.
I went back to see if I could get some ones that are closer in.
The first appears to show the route taken by the blue Nissan up to the Mt Hotham camera [blue dots]. One dot appears to indicate a point on the Cynthia track [RHS, grab 2] and possibly the burial site [blue dot, middle lower part; grab 2. It also appears to show the camp site and the gate where the vehicle was heard making the 30 point turn [red dots].
Visible on the second grab are blue dotes on the LHS. These appear to be on or near Lincola or Howitt Camp and possibly Zeka spur. And a lone dot down the bottom.
It is not clear if this chart has data points for the movement of the blue Nissan only or also includes the movement of Mr Hill and Ms Clay. However, if it indicates dtat points for the blue nissan, it would then suggest that vehicle entered the valley via the Zeka spur.
what is intriguing is that there is a big blue dot on the LHS. The significance of this is not clear.



What’s going on in the “exact location photos in the Mercury article from 2 Dec?
No Cookies | The Mercury

Any thoughts on why there are a couple of extra’s in one of the shots? I thought they were just the same spot from different angles (which they are), but one photo has an extra log on top and extra stick laying down?
Credited to the same photographer.
Alicia Elizabeth said GL had a low tolerance for noise. This bit from the article sounds like it will be living Hell for him:

"An insider said the unit is full of unsavoury characters who scream from their cells at all hours.
“The unit is extremely loud and noisy due to the profile of prisoner in there so he is getting a baptism of fire,” the prison source said.
The source said many inmates were “noisy…disruptive unmanageable *advertiser censored**holes”.
Oh good.
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