Found Deceased Australia - Russell Hill, 74, & Carol Clay, 72, Wonnangatta Valley, 20 March 2020

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I always thought we weren't supposed to post links to peoples Facebook pages.
That's right, Tootsie.
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Podcast (23 mins duration) by renowned Australian crime writer and journalist, Andrew Rule:

The Wonnangatta mystery

Nothing groundbreaking here but he discusses the main theories considered by “armchair detectives” as follows:
  • Stumbling upon a cannabis crop or something illegal resulting in foul play? - something he considers a long shot.
  • Staged disappearance? - something he considers unlikely. It would require hugely elaborate planning including another vehicle planted, stashed cash, and unclear motivation to do so in this manner at their age etc.
  • An accident with the (still missing) drone that resulted in Russell/Carol coming to harm/getting lost while attempting recovery? - something he seems to consider is the most likely scenario.
He also talks about the very real risk of dying quite quickly from exposure due to the harsh elements, and he highlights the large known population of wild dogs (hybrid dingos/wolves) in the area that an injured or lost/dying person could easily fall prey to. Not pleasant stuff but he clearly knows the area.

Other things touched on and that I’m still unclear about:

1. How Carol got from her home to the camping site. Her usual car was found still in the garage at home (a house she had recently purchased and only moved into one week before going camping). I don’t know that I can yet rule out with certainty that she didn’t drive another vehicle the long journey up there, tailing Russell. It would make sense if they had planned a staged disappearance (although I accept this is not particularly likely).

2. Whether Russell really had radio comms problems (as he reported to his wife during a radio call the day after arriving) or whether it was a bit of a cover because he had Carol with him and didn’t plan to be on his radio as frequently as when he was camping solo.

3. Why it took several days for the person(s) who first saw the burnt out campsite to actually report it to authorities. It was plainly a decent fire, judging by the photos we’ve seen. Despite no sign of struggle or theft etc, there was obviously something amiss with a camper’s kit. Anyone in the high country bush would immediately report this discovery, or so I would’ve thought.

4. Why the Homicide squad is involved, even if they maintain its primarily a review function they are performing.​

Finally, I still find it extraordinary that Russell’s 4WD was released so quickly by Police in the first instance and driven from the campsite back to his home. There was still an active investigation underway, the campsite was still potentially a crime scene (even if considered unlikely), and you’d expect the authorities to take the vehicle (that had contained the missing couple’s IDs and wallets) to secure police storage/forensics pending an outcome. Instead they drove it home, and then had to go pick the 4WD up again a week or two later to give it a second round of testing! An odd and sloppy break in the custodial chain of evidence.
Podcast (23 mins duration) by renowned Australian crime writer and journalist, Andrew Rule:

The Wonnangatta mystery

Nothing groundbreaking here but he discusses the main theories considered by “armchair detectives” as follows:
  • Stumbling upon a cannabis crop or something illegal resulting in foul play? - something he considers a long shot.
  • Staged disappearance? - something he considers unlikely. It would require hugely elaborate planning including another vehicle planted, stashed cash, and unclear motivation to do so in this manner at their age etc.
  • An accident with the (still missing) drone that resulted in Russell/Carol coming to harm/getting lost while attempting recovery? - something he seems to consider is the most likely scenario.
He also talks about the very real risk of dying quite quickly from exposure due to the harsh elements, and he highlights the large known population of wild dogs (hybrid dingos/wolves) in the area that an injured or lost/dying person could easily fall prey to. Not pleasant stuff but he clearly knows the area.

Other things touched on and that I’m still unclear about:

1. How Carol got from her home to the camping site. Her usual car was found still in the garage at home (a house she had recently purchased and only moved into one week before going camping). I don’t know that I can yet rule out with certainty that she didn’t drive another vehicle the long journey up there, tailing Russell. It would make sense if they had planned a staged disappearance (although I accept this is not particularly likely).

2. Whether Russell really had radio comms problems (as he reported to his wife during a radio call the day after arriving) or whether it was a bit of a cover because he had Carol with him and didn’t plan to be on his radio as frequently as when he was camping solo.

3. Why it took several days for the person(s) who first saw the burnt out campsite to actually report it to authorities. It was plainly a decent fire, judging by the photos we’ve seen. Despite no sign of struggle or theft etc, there was obviously something amiss with a camper’s kit. Anyone in the high country bush would immediately report this discovery, or so I would’ve thought.

4. Why the Homicide squad is involved, even if they maintain its primarily a review function they are performing.​

Finally, I still find it extraordinary that Russell’s 4WD was released so quickly by Police in the first instance and driven from the campsite back to his home. There was still an active investigation underway, the campsite was still potentially a crime scene (even if considered unlikely), and you’d expect the authorities to take the vehicle (that had contained the missing couple’s IDs and wallets) to secure police storage/forensics pending an outcome. Instead they drove it home, and then had to go pick the 4WD up again a week or two later to give it a second round of testing! An odd and sloppy break in the custodial chain of evidence.

Thanks for your research

1/ The pair were seen loading Carol's gear into the 4X4 (reported by her neighbour)
Almost no chance of a third party and it is known that the couple have been on camping escapades previously.
That doesn't preclude the possibility that they were intending to meetup with (or pickup) a third party on the way.

2/ Speaking as a Radio Amateur myself I will say that the description of the communication is entirely realistic .. it's part of the 'ethos' of Ham radio (marginal comms) especially to be expected on 80M with a portable (or mobile) type antenna.
In the bottom of a deep valley you would best use a long vertical monopole to get the highest possible take-off angle .. but I would choose a 'long-wire' thrown over some tree branches and then use a special tuning unit to 'match' the wire so that maximum power is transmitted. Even then it's most likely that the receiving station (at the other end) would have difficulty hearing his transmission. Best propagation is at dusk and early morning (ionospheric propagation) .. ground wave during the day is out of range.. as in Broadcast AM. (medium wave)
And. it's most likely he has a decent setup at his home station for his wife to listen in.(she would not technically be authorized to use the radio for transmitting)
Pre-arranged 'scheds' are popular since you know the exact time and frequency of transmission.

3/ So.. if someone stumbles on the camp site what do they do? .. Wait till returning home and then .. maybe.. report to police. They would surmise that whoever owned the car has long since escaped with friends to return later some time.
No emergency action required..

4/ <<Why the Homicide squad is involved?>> Can't answer that

Remember that the most likely scenario was .. and still is .. that they wandered off and got into trouble.
The problem is logistical .. inaccessible / weather / covid.
There is definitely a large car battery visible in the tent. (melted)
I agree he would surely have an auxiliary setup .. but may have removed the auxiliary so he could supply power in the tent (lighting etc)

I just viewed the remains after the fire. For a campsite? It’s HUGE. Accelerant or not, what are the chances that a fire burned for that amount of area?
I was with the drone flew off and they chased it, got lost, environment finished them off. Or wild dogs.
But after seeing the visual, I’m not too sure. What would cause that much of the campsite to burn? It seems as though the weather was starting to turn cold and wet. Huge burn area. And not reported for several days? I guess if the spotters had to wait to get back to civilization. But the size of the camp sight burn....
Unless you Aussies have really big camp site areas when you are outdoors. I don't ever recall one this big for only two people. So maybe that’s the clue? More people?
I just viewed the remains after the fire. For a campsite? It’s HUGE. Accelerant or not, what are the chances that a fire burned for that amount of area?
I was with the drone flew off and they chased it, got lost, environment finished them off. Or wild dogs.
But after seeing the visual, I’m not too sure. What would cause that much of the campsite to burn? It seems as though the weather was starting to turn cold and wet. Huge burn area. And not reported for several days? I guess if the spotters had to wait to get back to civilization. But the size of the camp sight burn....
Unless you Aussies have really big camp site areas when you are outdoors. I don't ever recall one this big for only two people. So maybe that’s the clue? More people?

I think I need to put you back on the 'straight and narrow'.
The tent is probably like the one I posted previously.. ie A large comfortable 2 person tent (one you can stand up in) with a large awning for shelter. .. this awning supported on 2 poles which he conveniently leaned against the car and tied to the roof rack.
No surprise that there would be a fairly intense fire .. all the bedding / clothes / tent fabric etc... all highly combustible.
Stumbling on that site you would just think the owner had a very unfortunate accident.. no mystery here.
The dilemma is that this is combined with the disappearance of the couple.
But as I have outlined previously.. there is a plausible explanation for these events.
There needs to be a bigger search. .. I am thinking that they might not have covered all possibilities.
Some posts have been removed. Please be 110% sure you are posting about the right individual and not some other random person.

Also note, that google drive links are NOT acceptable links. We need links to the source of images and information, not just something that has been uploaded to a member's google drive.
I may be ahead of myself here .. but .. if the police believe they have a murder mystery (and I don't think we are there yet) .. they should offer a reward .. a very substantial reward for information that leads to recovery and apprehension of any offender/s.
There is just so much at stake with this mystery. IMHO
I'm not sure what to think about all this. An accident that rendered them incapacitated or unable to get back to camp seems the most plausible scenario, but I can't reconcile this with their campsite also being burned. For both of those things to happen seems so unlikely, IMO.
It is most likely that the drone ran out of battery and did a forced landing... somewhere in difficult terrain.
He would then have tried to recover it. he might have called Carol for help after experiencing problems.
She might have been in the middle of cooking something .. hence the fire.
It would be a challenging flight up the Conglomerate Ck
Somehow I thought the drone would be bigger.
Me too!
It'd be hard to find in the thick bush if it wasn't fitted with a tracker.

A theory to what might have happened-

Hill may have been searching for the drone for hours, he had a heart condition, got into difficulties due to exertion from searching and lay injured or dead somewhere in the bush. Clay was preparing lunch, fire started in the tent, she managed to put it out, was exhausted and frightened from this experience, became extremely fearful as Hill hadn't returned so she set off to find him. Clay couldn't find him, she became dehydrated and disorientated, could've fallen and tragically died.
It is most likely that the drone ran out of battery and did a forced landing... somewhere in difficult terrain,
He would then have tried to recover it. he might have called Carol for help after experiencing problems.
She might have been in the middle of cooking something .. hence the fire.
my thoughts too and Hill wasn't there when it happened.
I'm not sure what to think about all this. An accident that rendered them incapacitated or unable to get back to camp seems the most plausible scenario, but I can't reconcile this with their campsite also being burned. For both of those things to happen seems so unlikely, IMO.

Yes agree and especially with the car keys missing and their mobile phones. The mobile phones didn’t have reception so why would they both take them when they didn’t work - unless they both went for a walk and took them to take photos.
I find the fire suspicious as it’s highly unlikely for a tent/camp site to burn down.
I’m still going with my theory of him using his drone and stumbling upon a cannabis crop with the drone and the grower was there who came looking for them and executed them both including torching the campsite. But obviously very open to all theories.
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