GUILTY Australia - Sarah Cafferkey, 22, Melbourne, 9th Nov 2012, #1

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Depending on which newspaper you read - BM, PC - another place I can't remember..somewhere out of Melb.

I'm still not certain where SH lived at the time of the murder?. It appears that allegedly it was at Bacchus Marsh where the murder happened according to the below quote.

The publican had seen her in Bacchus Marsh's Young and Main Hotel regularly, but was less familiar with the man she was with.

They left after one drink and the publican thought little of it until Ms Cafferkey was reported missing the next morning.

By that time, police allege, she had been stabbed multiple times at a flat in Simpson Street, Bacchus Marsh.

Read more:

Sub judice contempt is the common law offence of publishing material which has a tendency to interfere with the administration of justice while proceedings are sub judice; that is, ‘under a judge’. The rationale for the offence is to avoid a ‘trial by media’ by prohibiting the publication of material which might prejudge issues at stake in particular proceedings, or which might influence or place pressure on persons involved in the proceedings, including jurors, witnesses or potential witnesses, and parties to the proceedings. In deciding whether material is prejudicial, the court will attempt to balance the public interest in free speech with the public interest in ensuring a fair trial.

Who can be held liable for subjudice contempt?
Anyone involved in publishing contemptuous information or communicating such information to the media, can be held liable for sub judice contempt. Courts are most interested in bringing contempt proceedings against people who have real control over the content, production, distribution or broadcasting of contemptuous material.

Generally speaking, in criminal proceedings the sub judice period begins at the time of arrest or charge, whichever occurs first. It also possible that proceedings may be regarded as pending once a summons or warrant for arrest has been issued, an information or complaint has been laid, notice has been given of an intention to prefer a presentment, or extradition proceedings have been commenced.

Criminal proceedings are completed when charges are withdrawn or the accused is acquitted or sentenced, or the time for lodging an appeal has passed, or all possible appeals have been heard. Hence, proceedings will still be sub judice following a hung jury, between verdict or a guilty plea and sentencing, between sentence and the time for lodging notice of an appeal,during any appeal, and before or during any retrial ordered on appeal.

The sub judice period does not apply during a siege or when a search for a crime suspect is in progress (unless, perhaps, a warrant has been issued for a person’s arrest), or when a suspect who has not been arrested or charged is being questioned by the police.

Victorian Government Solicitor's Office

ADAM SHAND From: The Australian November 22, 2012 12:00AM

A FORMER housemate of the man accused of murdering 22-year-old Bacchus Marsh woman Sarah Louise Cafferkey says he was "loud, funny, flirty and sweet".
The housemate, who declined to be named, said that for most of their time sharing a flat in the bayside Melbourne suburb of St Kilda Steven James Hunter had been a model tenant.

"Throughout his stay in my apartment, he . . . picked up groceries, paid bills, cleaned and was always polite," she said.

"If we ever went somewhere in my car he'd put petrol in and was never a burden."

The woman and Mr Hunter had forged a strong friendship.

"He was fit, muscular, tanned and most girls thought he was cute. I actually really gelled with him and we became friends and he looked out for me like a big brother," she said.

ADAM SHAND From: The Australian November 22, 2012 12:00AM

A FORMER housemate of the man accused of murdering 22-year-old Bacchus Marsh woman Sarah Louise Cafferkey says he was "loud, funny, flirty and sweet".
The housemate, who declined to be named, said that for most of their time sharing a flat in the bayside Melbourne suburb of St Kilda Steven James Hunter had been a model tenant.

"Throughout his stay in my apartment, he . . . picked up groceries, paid bills, cleaned and was always polite," she said.

"If we ever went somewhere in my car he'd put petrol in and was never a burden."

The woman and Mr Hunter had forged a strong friendship.

"He was fit, muscular, tanned and most girls thought he was cute. I actually really gelled with him and we became friends and he looked out for me like a big brother," she said.

I see in that article it says "stabbing her multiple times at his Bacchus Marsh residence."

Police alleged Mr Hunter killed Ms Cafferkey on November 10, stabbing her multiple times at his Bacchus Marsh residence.
November 22, 2012

COMMUNITY members will hold a candlelight vigil to remember murdered woman Sarah Cafferkey tonight.

Point Cook residents, shocked by the discovery of Ms Cafferkey's body in a house in the suburb, will attend the vigil at a local park at 7.30pm.

Organiser Alice Osborne said the community wanted to show their respect for Sarah and her family.

"The community is devastated ... we are also wanting to show Sarah's family we are very saddened about what has happened and we care for them and are supporting them," Ms Osborne said.
While the public will need to lobby lengthily to alter sentencing for dangerous repeat recidivists, the public only need to shout in strong unity that a dangerous sex and violence register is to be sustained and very open to the public as well as warnings actively given out to local communities. Jill's killer would have been picked up before killing her had women he threateningly approached had a clear pic to go by. Sarah's killer would never been friended or gone out with, nor would she be dead had Hunter been recently well publicised. It's a problem of rescources without the death penalty of the past. The most realistic hope is to have a truly public sex and violent crime register of serious perpetrators. No "public" register for offenders who are not serious enough to incarcerate for less than three years. For lesser levels, still keep it to statutory welfare and law enforcement personell to readily access when needed. That is the protection the people ought to be screaming for now! Many other countries have it, it's that or rather futilely try and restore the death penalty as it was in the past, including for violent rapes.
It's too late when it's your loved one who becomes a victim of the current system. Too cactus to fight as suffering too much then.Just when it becomes so well understood, via experience, realizing a register would have saved your kin.
I do keep wondering what Australians are waiting for???Another 50 more cases, month by month??
While the public will need to lobby lengthily to alter sentencing for dangerous repeat recidivists, the public only need to shout in strong unity that a dangerous sex and violence register is to be sustained and very open to the public as well as warnings actively given out to local communities. Jill's killer would have been picked up before killing her had women he threateningly approached had a clear pic to go by. Sarah's killer would never been friended or gone out with, nor would she be dead had Hunter been recently well publicised. It's a problem of rescources without the death penalty of the past. The most realistic hope is to have a truly public sex and violent crime register of serious perpetrators. No "public" register for offenders who are not serious enough to incarcerate for less than three years. For lesser levels, still keep it to statutory welfare and law enforcement personell to readily access when needed. That is the protection the people ought to be screaming for now! Many other countries have it, it's that or rather futilely try and restore the death penalty as it was in the past, including for violent rapes.
It's too late when it's your loved one who becomes a victim of the current system. Too cactus to fight as suffering too much then.Just when it becomes so well understood, via experience, realizing a register would have saved your kin.
I do keep wondering what Australians are waiting for???Another 50 more cases, month by month??

I don't think so - did look at that. Of course SH and AW were.

Remember thinking that it was a bit unusual, because AW had quite a different group of friends etc. Even TB and SH - fair difference in age.

SC fritzel was FB friends with SH and TB yesterday. But he no longer has SH on his friend list I noticed.
As good as Google Maps is, it should be noted that some of the footage is from as far back as 2009. Look at the bottom of the image for the date stamp for each image. I've found that is much more up-to-date. You do need to register and it's a simple process of scrolling down to the bottom of the page and creating a free account for personal use.

The reason I mention this is that some of the addresses being discussed here and displayed on Google Maps (some of them three years old and more) may not be relevant today. I usually compare both the Google Maps and Nearmap images when I do a search, mainly so that I don't stuff up and get it totally wrong. :blushing: For example, if SH has only lived at the Bacchus Marsh address for the last 18 months as mentioned in MSM, his current vehicle etc. would not necessarily be visible in a Google Map image taken in 2009.


Disclaimer: I have no association or financial interest in
Was SH trying to implicate someone else in Sarah's murder by leaving her body at the Point Cook house? Let's face it, he could have disposed of her body anywhere. Why at the Point Cook house? And in a wheelie bin FFS! Did Sarah's ex live there? The ex had been posting his diatribe to a friend of Sarah's FB in late October this year, which has since been deleted. He apparently also posted similar crap to the family FB page, also deleted, but the responses to his post were still visible. And of course we know of the threatening post he made to Sarah when she was chatting with SH on her own FB. Perhaps SH cunningly saw the ex as someone who would come under suspicion because of his verbal rage on FB and thought that disposing of Sarah's body at the ex's address would confirm that suspicion. It's just a thought and MOO.
Here's the problem. The laws in Australia (and other countries) are much different than those in the U.S. We're trying to interpret the sub-judice law and comply as best we can. The very last thing we at Websleuths want to do is jeopardize a case and/or trial or help set a perpatrator free.

You may find some of your posts have been removed. We may be removing them to err on the side of caution until we're confident in what should or shouldn't be allowed. If you have an argument as to why something should be allowed, please PM a Moderator or Administrator rather than discussing it on the forum. We'll then make our decisions after reviewing the arguments.

I'm bumping this up. This case will follow the rules of Jill's case. We will be making a new thread and will set out all the rules sometime today. Until then - remember the rules in Jill's case and post accordingly.


I've removed a few posts that included home addresses until I can figure out why they were posted. Anyone care to educate me?

The Link I posted with the address was where she was last seen, Thought it was relevant, It also came from a police FB page and thought if they can have it up surely we can too?
Police claimed Hunter had stabbed Ms Cafferkey multiple times at a flat in Simpson Street, Bacchus Marsh before allegedly moving her body the next day to a house in Fongeo Drive, at Point Cook, south of Melbourne. Her body was found by police on Saturday, dumped in a wheelie bin.

. She was reported missing by her distraught mother on November 12, three days after she had been at their Bacchus Marsh family home.
hi guys, perhaps I've missed some posts that have been deleted, that shed some more light than I know of, but MOO at this point is.

SH lived at BM residence, crime allegedly committed here. SH did not live at PC residence.

PC residence was rented by 2 males. One of whom moved in 4-6 weeks ago. MOO is that the person who moved in 4-6 weeks ago is AW. Neighbors say they hadn't seen one of the housemates around for a while. I think that must have been AW, who was away on holidays or whatever. Came home to something awful perhaps?

So the question still remains, who is the 2nd renter? This also poses the question of what involvement (if any) they had?

On the basis of PC neighbors accounts of power tool usage noise coming late at night from the garage of PC, MOO is that SH must have had access to the PC property, so I don't buy the theory that he simply accessed the bin from outside.

I still think there's someone missing here. The 2nd housemate. As we haven't heard any announcement of charges laid to further parties yet, I'm starting to think that the 2nd housemates involvement has been against his will, perhaps SH threatened him? MOO.
hi guys, perhaps I've missed some posts that have been deleted, that shed some more light than I know of, but MOO at this point is.

SH lived at BM residence, crime allegedly committed here. SH did not live at PC residence.

PC residence was rented by 2 males. One of whom moved in 4-6 weeks ago. MOO is that the person who moved in 4-6 weeks ago is AW. Neighbors say they hadn't seen one of the housemates around for a while. I think that must have been AW, who was away on holidays or whatever. Came home to something awful perhaps?

So the question still remains, who is the 2nd renter? This also poses the question of what involvement (if any) they had?

On the basis of PC neighbors accounts of power tool usage noise coming late at night from the garage of PC, MOO is that SH must have had access to the PC property, so I don't buy the theory that he simply accessed the bin from outside.

I still think there's someone missing here. The 2nd housemate. As we haven't heard any announcement of charges laid to further parties yet, I'm starting to think that the 2nd housemates involvement has been against his will, perhaps SH threatened him? MOO.

Asking for help here with car stuff- is it possible that the power tool noise was that yellow car being stripped? I know what 'stripped' usually means when it's a stolen car, but in this case it seems that the state of the yellow car (variously described as a commodore and a ford sedan) isn't clear.

Could the late night noise have been inside trim and stuff being removed from the car if it was used to move a body?
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