Australia - Shey Webber, 35, found badly injured in her Warranwood home

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Yup, video's up:

I find it a bit disturbing, however, that the program repeats many times that it's all about internet safety.. It's not a fact, after all, that the 'net was involved. It's a great message to get out there -- but not a fact. Not yet.

The courier's Monday note was still there at the door on Wednesday -- and it's been said that Shey got a lot of parcels, unlikely she'd ignore it.. so that to me suggests the attack happened prior to that note being left there.

So for 2-3 days at least, Shey was probably in her home but not able to check the door or answer the phone... no sign of struggle on Monday, and then on Wed. she's found in the hallway. I cannot (can you tell? lol) get this out of my head.

So sad about Carly Ryan, too.. my DD is that age now... :( Just goes to show how incredibly organised a predator can be.
Yup, video's up:

I find it a bit disturbing, however, that the program repeats many times that it's all about internet safety.. It's not a fact, after all, that the 'net was involved. It's a great message to get out there -- but not a fact. Not yet.

The courier's Monday note was still there at the door on Wednesday -- and it's been said that Shey got a lot of parcels, unlikely she'd ignore it.. so that to me suggests the attack happened prior to that note being left there.

So for 2-3 days at least, Shey was probably in her home but not able to check the door or answer the phone... no sign of struggle on Monday, and then on Wed. she's found in the hallway. I cannot (can you tell? lol) get this out of my head.

So sad about Carly Ryan, too.. my DD is that age now... :( Just goes to show how incredibly organised a predator can be.

Thanks for posting the link, Ausgirl. I wanted to watch this tonight, but was unable to.

The detective says Shey was found in the hall ... but the same detective said on the radio that the courier could see bloody clothing items, bloody tiles and signs of a disturbance. Perhaps the hallway curves around, and Shey was not visible from the window. I've looked for house floorplans, but as I can't find the sale of the house .. no floor plans.

The family really are appreciative of the courier for saving Shey's life.

It is horrible that Shey has been in the induced coma for 14 days. I wonder how long this can go on like this? :(
Regarding induced comas...

I can only talk with experience as my sister was in an induced coma... But her condition was different from Shey's... And this occurred about 15 years ago... So medical progress has probably created changes... But....

My sister aspirated in the hospital.. So was intubated and put into an induced coma...

doctors attempted periodically to see if she could breathe on her own....

It took about 6 weeks before my sister could breathe on her own... And the tube was taken out... And she was lifted from the coma...

6 weeks is a pretty long time... As I understand it... And the doctors could not give us a definite prognosis (?) of full recovery...

But.. After a few weeks of being kinda "out of it"... Having hallucinations and a separation from reality at times... She eventually was back to her own feisty self...

she was probably about 40 to 45 years old at the time...

SOOO... Long story for attempting to provide some encouragement in Shey's case...

Usually a person is put in a medically induced coma due to brain swelling - it gives the brain a chance to 'switch off' to some extent, so it can heal itself. The longer she is in an induced coma, the longer it is taking her brain to heal, which is definitely not a good thing. Ideally, a patient is under an induced coma for as short a time as possible - the longer they are under the higher the likelihood of a more severe brain injury.

Although, obviously this is not true of everyone. As IHAVENOCLUE said, her sister was out for about 6 weeks, and she returned to her normal self. Everyone is different, and I guess it would depend on the extent of her injuries. It's hard to say as there hasn't been a lot released about her current condition.

I'm not verified, so take this as JMOO. ;)
There is a pretty good article in Scientific American about medically induced comas ... and has some comments at the end of the article by people who have been put into medically induced comas themselves.

Seems you can be kept in one for quite a period of time, if absolutely necessary. One person (an extreme case) was kept in one for 6 months - though, as Public_Hysteria said, as short a time as possible is preferable, due to complications ... such as pneumonia and muscle atrophy.

I've read that they 'wake' the person on a daily basis to check for physical responses and reflexes, then put them back under.
There is a pretty good article in Scientific American about medically induced comas ... and has some comments at the end of the article by people who have been put into medically induced comas themselves.

Seems you can be kept in one for quite a period of time, if absolutely necessary. One person (an extreme case) was kept in one for 6 months - though, as Public_Hysteria said, as short a time as possible is preferable, due to complications ... such as pneumonia and muscle atrophy.

I've read that they 'wake' the person on a daily basis to check for physical responses and reflexes, then put them back under.

When my sister was in an induced coma (multiple organ failure and unable to breathe on her own), they woke her up regularly to check her reactions etc. though I don't remember how often.
There is a pretty good article in Scientific American about medically induced comas ... and has some comments at the end of the article by people who have been put into medically induced comas themselves.

Seems you can be kept in one for quite a period of time, if absolutely necessary. One person (an extreme case) was kept in one for 6 months - though, as Public_Hysteria said, as short a time as possible is preferable, due to complications ... such as pneumonia and muscle atrophy.

I've read that they 'wake' the person on a daily basis to check for physical responses and reflexes, then put them back under.

Thank you so much for that info, SouthAussie. :seeya: Good to know and have a better understanding.
Odd … I went to look up the Facebook link in this article (from yesterday) to the fund that was set up to save Shey’s home and for her rehabilitation costs, and the FB page is gone. So I tried to look up her sister Tamika’s FB page, to see if that had the details, and it has completely gone too. I know it was there previously.

I hope it is because they have decided against the fund because the mortgage-holder will defer the payments until sometime further down the track.
The parcel delivery guy might have checked through the window because his first note was not picked-up and/or something just felt 'off'. Thank goodness he was switched on. Everything about this is so disturbing to me. I'm really hoping for a good recovery for Shey. If the facebook page for donations has gone, I hope that doesn't foretell bad news :(

Something I find intriguing is that the Tuesday before she was found was Cup day. I know people don't necessarily do anything on Cup day (me often) but Shey seems like an outgoing sort of girl. Some of the photos with her sister look like they're taken at the races? Not sure where I'm going with this except I'm curious what her plans were for Cup day. There's no mention of her missing any phone calls on the Tuesday? Even a homebody like me gets a number of calls and texts about the race whether I have plans or not. It just seems like such a significant gap in her whereabouts that I don't believe it's coincidental. IMO that points it away from a random like a burglar or crazy stalker, and maybe even the Gumtree ad. It sounds more like someone who she planned to spend a day or two with. I hope this is one of those cases of police keeping their cards close.
Usually a person is put in a medically induced coma due to brain swelling - it gives the brain a chance to 'switch off' to some extent, so it can heal itself. The longer she is in an induced coma, the longer it is taking her brain to heal, which is definitely not a good thing. Ideally, a patient is under an induced coma for as short a time as possible - the longer they are under the higher the likelihood of a more severe brain injury.

Although, obviously this is not true of everyone. As IHAVENOCLUE said, her sister was out for about 6 weeks, and she returned to her normal self. Everyone is different, and I guess it would depend on the extent of her injuries. It's hard to say as there hasn't been a lot released about her current condition.

I'm not verified, so take this as JMOO. ;)

I wonder if doctors would keep someone in an induced coma to delay the shock of seeing their injuries - her sister said she didn't recognise her own sister, this can't be something Shey should see yet. Just the added trauma of seeing that could be reason not to wake her. But then I guess they would have to weigh that against other factors, such as risks of being in a coma and needing her statement. I'm getting creepy shivers thinking about the person who could have done this.
I've noticed the police lay low but work behind the scenes and then wham, someone's arrested. The suspect thinks he's clear and then makes mistakes. I'm hoping there is a suspect but if not, there is DNA from a known crim or phone/computer records. These things take time unfortunately. Perfect example is Baden-Clay & Abrahams to name a couple. The police knew but waited for a slip up.
My mums legs were run over & she was placed in a coma until ICU could fully assess her condition, do the operations and they told me when she'd be out of the coma to the day. She had no brain injury but I feel it was the best way to keep her quiet and recover with no pain. She remembered everything about the accident, prayers Shey has no brain damage & she pulls through. She sounds a smart fit girl, if anyone, she'll pull through.
I may be wrong but usually the design of those homes are tiled downstairs. Did she come home and disturb someone and she was upended over the bannister or possibly attacked downstairs.
I've got a sinking feeling it was someone living close-by. I don't know why. Security wise, some of those low windows looked easily accessible.
Perhaps we won't hear any updates for a while because the police don't want the attacker to know what Shey's condition is. Let them wonder ... has she improved and is able to say/write what happened and give a description and/or name ... is she still not doing well so he/she is in the clear (for now!!)?

As TGY says, give the attacker the opportunity to get twitchy and nervous, and slip up somehow. Revisit the scene, try to find out info from the hospital, try to observe Shey's family, remove their profile from a dating site ....
This is such a horrible crime, I hope Shey manages to fight and pull through and get the person behind his punished. The saddest part (imo) is that it happened at her home. Home is supposed to be safe, and the person took that away from her.
Either way, the perp left Shey for dead. If he/she thought Shey was dead, oh what a shock it would be to hear she was found alive. I'm hoping there will be a slip up due to damage control. Also if the perp was a part of the hospital system with Shey, I'm hoping he/she hasn't got visiting rights and the visitations are securely monitored by police. Surely Shey is being guarded!
Perhaps we won't hear any updates for a while because the police don't want the attacker to know what Shey's condition is. Let them wonder ... has she improved and is able to say/write what happened and give a description and/or name ... is she still not doing well so he/she is in the clear (for now!!)?

As TGY says, give the attacker the opportunity to get twitchy and nervous, and slip up somehow. Revisit the scene, try to find out info from the hospital, try to observe Shey's family, remove their profile from a dating site ....

All good ideas, SA! :thumb:

LE may purposely be keeping updates of Shey at zero to none... To keep the perp's anxiety rising!

Bet this perp is wondering just how much Shey can share about the attack... And is shaking in his/her boots!

additionally... As you suggest... S/he may even become more brazen to try to find out any information s/he can!

Possibly visit hospital... Ask on SM... Phone calls... go by her house...Etc...

Yup, video's up:

I find it a bit disturbing, however, that the program repeats many times that it's all about internet safety.. It's not a fact, after all, that the 'net was involved. It's a great message to get out there -- but not a fact. Not yet.

The courier's Monday note was still there at the door on Wednesday -- and it's been said that Shey got a lot of parcels, unlikely she'd ignore it.. so that to me suggests the attack happened prior to that note being left there.

So for 2-3 days at least, Shey was probably in her home but not able to check the door or answer the phone... no sign of struggle on Monday, and then on Wed. she's found in the hallway. I cannot (can you tell? lol) get this out of my head.

So sad about Carly Ryan, too.. my DD is that age now... :( Just goes to show how incredibly organised a predator can be.


I hope they`re focused on the dating site for reasons not publicized (like they saw a threatening email or something) rather than just ignoring other valid possibilities, like that a courier driver could be responsible.
Odd … I went to look up the Facebook link in this article (from yesterday) to the fund that was set up to save Shey’s home and for her rehabilitation costs, and the FB page is gone. So I tried to look up her sister Tamika’s FB page, to see if that had the details, and it has completely gone too. I know it was there previously.

I hope it is because they have decided against the fund because the mortgage-holder will defer the payments until sometime further down the track.

very odd ... even if they got some financial relief from another source, I can`t see why that would lead her to delete her FB page, where she had I think close to 12,000 followers

no, it feels like something else is going on - I hope the police are keeping Tamika and the rest of Shey`s family safe

I hope they`re focused on the dating site for reasons not publicized (like they saw a threatening email or something) rather than just ignoring other valid possibilities, like that a courier driver could be responsible.

It was stated in msm that the driver who found her has been cleared of any involvement.
Hi, I've spoken to Tamika before really nice like the reports I read about Shey. This family deserves every thought and every review possible put forward in a logical manner that can help police. I've seen your reviews here before guys and I myself are really impressed with the site.

As for the post about her removing her Fb site, she's emotionally drained. I donated, Tamika said she needed down time, it was rather fast because one minute she was advertising for donation next minute it was down, maybe I missed something their. But we aren't ones have events like this in our lives, must be shocking to think even reading that report of walking past her sister's room not even knowing it was her.

It get's me built up with anger when I see that, how man can be that cruel and violent towards females.

Now after reviewing your evidence I have two points not discussed I would like to put forward.

A) House photo :- House next door was for sale? Was it built from Ground up to be for sale? What year was it for sale? Who lived in the house, why did they move?
Seems a secluded location.

B) If it was built, at that time was Shey living in that house and could have come in contact with builders, delivery guys by deliberate errors or just extra traffic to the area?

My point being maybe this is being researched in the wrong area, or as already discussed police area just not mentioning it.

Second point.

A) When was Shey's house built and was it the same people who built the house next door....

B) Real Estate, is that being looked at.

I personally really hope they find this guy, as by seeing the detective in the video, being emotionally effected by this case. He just did not look happy one bit, in a stupid sort of way is a good thing. Means that they are dedicating themselves to finding this creep.

Just my 2 cents, maybe I've missed this already being discussed, it's just something I thought of after reviewing majority of posts.
Hi Chris Mack ... welcome, and thanks for your post! :seeya:

Interesting point that you make about builders and real estate agents. Well worth checking into a bit more.

Do you know what happened to the fund to help save Shey's home? I can't seem to find a link to it anywhere any more.

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