Found Deceased Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #1 *Arrests*

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It is hard to be sure what device he used to take the photos, but many articles say it was a camera. Here are two examples, but there are lots of them if you Google "Vincent Stanford camera".

April 10, 2015 - Police allege they found blood in Mr Stanford's car and later found a camera that contained a picture of a burnt body.

APRIL 12, 2015 9:14AM - Police will allege they discovered blood at the rear of Mr Stanford’s white Ute and pictures of a burnt body on his camera.
Just MOO but I don't think he has killed anyone before and he had no idea what he was doing. I think he was in a panic and did the first thing that came to mind - get rid of evidence. Burn, drown, drive away from my house etc.

I've thought since the start - maybe incorrectly - that it was a crime of opportunity. IMO he drove/walked past the school and saw Stephanie's car and thought she would be there alone. After he killed I don't think he would have thought about the rain the previous day, I think he was probably just running on adrenaline.

I really don't know what happened, I'm just throwing ideas out there. And I have been wrong plenty of times in the past!
Speculation only:

Maybe he committed a sexual assault in The Netherlands and that's why they moved back? Whether he was convicted or not, his mother and brother sound like they helped the police immediately, for him to be arrested as soon as he arrived home. I keep thinking that there was a reason they didn't initially seem to deny he was capable of it.
Regarding the phone triangulation, during the police press conference after Stephanie had been found, a reporter specifically asked the officer if triangulation of VS's phone had been used and the officer replied that it had not. (I should add that that's what I think I heard anyway!)

Also, not every school principal allows teachers to have personal keys. A few years back when my school had a new security system installed, the then principal deemed that we shouldn't have keys any more, because the system would need to be disabled each time someone came in outside school hours - our keys were taken away. Enter a new principal, and we all have our keys back and are responsible for turning the system on and off if we choose to enter the school after hours. I'll be heading in this coming week when I know the school cleaners and some admin staff are going to be there - as I mentioned days ago, I find an empty school is a creepy place to be alone. I know of schools where staff are almost encouraged to have a presence over holidays, as that in itself is a deterrent to potential vandals.
Im thinking he may not have gone further in as he was in a hurry and maybe also thought he may get lost coming back out. But yeah, the burning business doesn't quite gel with me. Maybe he chose that clearing so the whole forest wouldn't go up in flames. But I fail to see how burning the body would be of any use to him alongside all his other lapses that have been discussed. Daylight disposal of evidence, photo etc. Just isnt adding up. May be the burning was more a personal ritual of significance to him than an attempt to hide evidence.

The Burning Business....dragging an inert weight 5 meters across uneven ( forest floor/track ) is a hell of a job, dragging it out the back of the ute, , frantically trying to find a clearing to burn it in, you can't start a fire with nothing, there has to be foundation and structure, ( he maybe found he wasn't quite the bushman ) the gasoline has to be used carefully and strategically, burning a human body is a monumental work. ... he wanted the whole thing gone, gone , gone, naturally. All gone , gone and go back to where he was, ...
Just MOO but I don't think he has killed anyone before and he had no idea what he was doing. I think he was in a panic and did the first thing that came to mind - get rid of evidence. Burn, drown, drive away from my house etc.

I've thought since the start - maybe incorrectly - that it was a crime of opportunity. IMO he drove/walked past the school and saw Stephanie's car and thought she would be there alone. After he killed I don't think he would have thought about the rain the previous day, I think he was probably just running on adrenaline.

I really don't know what happened, I'm just throwing ideas out there. And I have been wrong plenty of times in the past!

But then I think of the photo. Does that gel with a crime of opportunity? Maybe it does if he's just a sick person anyway. I had a horrible thought. What if he was going to post the photo/s online? There's been a couple of those cases recently. Sorry if it's been mentioned, I'm just skimming the thread.
The one thing that makes me think this was planned is taking photos of her burnt body, if this had been in any way accidental, surely the last thing in the world you would want would be a photo.

Maybe the welcome given to the family was exaggerated because people are outraged, perhaps just a few neighbours contributed.
But then I think of the photo. Does that gel with a crime of opportunity? Maybe it does if he's just a sick person anyway. I had a horrible thought. What if he was going to post the photo/s online? There's been a couple of those cases recently. Sorry if it's been mentioned, I'm just skimming the thread.

The Photo.. that's the thing, isn't it. It's the element, the component of all this hideousness, this horror, that sets it apart from anything accidental, or defensive on his part. . to dip into his psyche for one moment, you have to actually think thru the fire thing.. you have to gather the wood, you have to light it. And, the thing is, you have to wait. You don't just fling a match at it and go, you have to wait to see if it is going accordingly , feeding itself on the components of the fire and in the fire, to wait until the body itself is burning, because that's what the pic was about, a burning body. He spent a fair bit of time in that forest clearing. He must have had a sense of security, too, to be able to do that.

I reckon he spent at least, at the very least, 40 to 50 mins, on the fire alone, waiting for the flames to catch and begin the work he expected flames to do. Erase, eradicate and evaporate.
Im pretty sure the twin exists as it has been mentioned in the media.

As for intellectual disability, he must might have had Aspergers or similar. Though the neighbours did say he was polite and friendly, so it couldn't have been anything all that apparent in standard social interaction.

This case reminds me a little of the Joanna Yeates case in the UK where 32yo Vincent Tabak was found guilty of her murder. He was born in Holland and had had little experience with women in his younger years. He met his first girlfriend in the UK on a dating site in his late 20s and had a secret interest in violent *advertiser censored*. It appeared to many that he had aspie traits as he was a late developer, and a loner misinterpreting Joanna's friendliness with flirtatiousness. He tried to kiss her and when she screamed, he strangled her then hid her body.

I wonder if the police have VS' computer and have found anything revealing on it (assuming he had a computer).
The Photo.. that's the thing, isn't it. It's the element, the component of all this hideousness, this horror, that sets it apart from anything accidental, or defensive on his part. . to dip into his psyche for one moment, you have to actually think thru the fire thing.. you have to gather the wood, you have to light it. And, the thing is, you have to wait. You don't just fling a match at it and go, you have to wait to see if it is going accordingly , feeding itself on the components of the fire and in the fire, to wait until the body itself is burning, because that's what the pic was about, a burning body. He spent a fair bit of time in that forest clearing. He must have had a sense of security, too, to be able to do that.

I reckon he spent at least, at the very least, 40 to 50 mins, on the fire alone, waiting for the flames to catch and begin the work he expected flames to do. Erase, eradicate and evaporate.

Just pure speculation here, but maybe he has set animals alight after killing them, maybe he took pics of those burnt dead animals and his mother and brother have seen his handiwork, they knew what he was capable of ? JMO
the big time eater for VS would be (a) the drive to Cocopaara Park (b) gathering the materiel to light a fire, out of damp wood , even though he had a can of gasoline, it still has to take hold, and a fire to burn a body, well... that's a damn big fire.. that's logs, and dry logs at that, and a hell of a lot of tinder and kindling to get started with, probably have to dig a pit to get a wind break...a short but heavy shower of rain in the area on Saturday would still have effects in the Park on Sunday, then the (c) drive back from the Park.. the drive up and back would be a careful one for sure , and VS was on an unknown time schedule. He had no way of knowing when an alarm would be raised.. he might have minutes, he might have days, he doesn't know. No wonder he is hurling stuff in canals in broad daylight.

What I have been confused about is whether he burnt the body somewhere else and then dumped it in the National Park later. That is how I read it earlier in the no of crime scenes stated.

Can somebody clarify that please?
^ Estelle, if you skip back a few pages you will see photos of where the body was found (in the national park). It definitely looks like there was a fire there. I'd repost it but I don't want to look at it again.

Also, I agree with you about what he might look at on his computer. I don't like to stereotype, but he strikes me as a person who would have those sorts of tendencies.
Everyone seems to think that he had to be back in Leeton by 7:20. Why? It hasnt been said that anyone has seen him at that time. They police only stated that they believe she was murdered between 11am and 7:20pm Sunday. This only implies that she was last known to be alive at 11am and believed not alive at 7:20pm.
Perhaps the photo is timestamped at 7:20pm. Thats reason enough to believe she wasnt alive at that time but doesnt mean that VS was back home by that time. This extends his window of opportunity for 'clean up' and travel alot.
Hi everyone I'm pretty new apart from one or two comments on poor little William Tyrells case. I'm not sure where she was killed but I don't think it was at the school like some of you have mentioned there was way more evidence being collected from his home. I do think that VS had already taken her when Aaron tried to call I think the time difference with the email had something to do with daylight savings. Maybe Aaron wasn't sure the exact time he called and on checking his phone the next day to give the time to police the time had gone back to 12 when he could of called her at 1pm. Depends what phone he has I guess. My iphone leaves the time as it was at the time iykwim. I think that Stephanie was nice to him at some point maybe only on the day or maybe she was polite to him in the street or at school one day and he took it the wrong way being socially weird and all. The burning does seem personal and to me if he felt rejected he reacted this way. Maybe he saw her car at the school and decided to pretend he was cleaning that day and she recognised him as the cleaner so she would let him in or not be worried he was in the building. He could have killed her there and cleaned it up and put everything and her body in the back and then later took whatever he cleaned it up with into his house at some point to wash it. That or he didn't bring his car to the school or pretended it wouldn't start so she would feel bad and drive him home. But I do think he hid her car in the garage until the next day when someone saw him walking back to town. Say he killed her, wherever that was, put her car in his garage, put her in his ute. Found her computer or iPad freaked out it could be tracked went and threw it in the channel and raced home. Started cleaning up and getting ready to go to the national park. The 7.20pm is a very specific time so to me he must have been on cctv somewhere maybe in town getting supplies. The servo maybe getting fuel. Drove to the bush burnt her spent the night making sure everything was alright taking photos evil and then putting the fire out. He could have even taken her car and dropped it to the field on the way back and then walked the rest of the way home. He's then hung out his washing that he did the night before said hello to the neighbour. Then his mum and brother have come home at some stage asked him what he did and he told them he went camping. He's gone out while he's gone police turn up ask mum and bro if they knew where he was last night and they've said sure he said he went camping where? And the rest is the rest. By the way I think he was just a gamer which is consistent with the loner character and he and his brother had aspirations of designing a game. Sigh.
What I have been confused about is whether he burnt the body somewhere else and then dumped it in the National Park later. That is how I read it earlier in the no of crime scenes stated.

Can somebody clarify that please?

There is a screenshot a few pages back, it shoes clearly that there was a fire at the place Stephanie was found.

When they gave the number of 5 crime scenes, I think they said there were 5 at that time but there could be more later? And that was before they knew about the forest.

In the press conference he said that the information about the forest came to them earlier on Friday, then they found her at about 5pm. S maybe now there are 6 crime scenes?
Why does someone burn a body beyond hiding physical evidence its to hide what horrible things he did!

He would also reek of smoke - so the washing would be important!
Everyone seems to think that he had to be back in Leeton by 7:20. Why? It hasnt been said that anyone has seen him at that time. They police only stated that they believe she was murdered between 11am and 7:20pm Sunday. This only implies that she was last known to be alive at 11am and believed not alive at 7:20pm.
Perhaps the photo is timestamped at 7:20pm. Thats reason enough to believe she wasnt alive at that time but doesnt mean that VS was back home by that time. This extends his window of opportunity for 'clean up' and travel a lot.

exactly FS - the only Stephanie being at school at 11 and VS being arrested 8/4/15 are givens, we can only speculate on how accurate the time line dovetails together.
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