Found Deceased Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #2 *Arrests*

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A FORENSIC expert says the fact slain teacher Stephanie Scott’s body was burned will make it difficult to pinpoint a cause of death — but even a scorched body can reveal secrets a killer wants hidden.

The post-mortem examination on the 26-year-old’s body, which was discovered last Friday in an isolated national park about 70km from her hometown of Leeton, began yesterday. NSW Police said earlier reports that Ms Scott’s body had been formally identified were incorrect.

Ms Scott’s remains are just one of several clues that may reveal how the 26-year-old bride-to-be met her tragic end.

David Ranson, Deputy Director of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, said fire took a terrible toll on the human body, affecting limbs and facial features first. It made the process of even identifying a victim difficult — but not impossible, because DNA could still be obtained.

The challenge for a forensic pathologist would be finding the cause of death.
It depends on the heat of the fire on how much was left.
Sad but I googled images of burnt bodies and there are different stages.

I feel guilty sleuthing this in respect for Stephanie's loved ones but it's going to be shown in the courtroom eventually. When Allison Baden-Clay's badly decomposed body was shown the court allowed time for her family to leave the courtroom.
If his agency said he didn't have keys then how would he clean early morning or after everyone had gone home. I often see the lawns being mowed at schools on the weekend.
My cousin and his wife would start cleaning a school only when everyone had left. :thinking:

The cleaners at my daughters school arrive just before the bell for hometime and they work as a team. They're in and done by the time the teachers go home. They don't need keys.

And lawns etc are done by a maintenance guy who isn't a contractor - he's an actual employee of DET. I think most public schools in NSW have a general assistant/handyman who is an actual DET employee?
It was said VS flew under the radar. Time will tell.

The filth that murdered Daniel Morcombe had history of molesting children but, wait for it, whilst on parole he was placed to WORK AT A SCHOOL and yup you guessed it he MOLESTED ANOTHER CHILD.

He was placed at a school for molesting children...go ******in' figure!

Cowan's past was kept kept quiet during the proceedings...time will tell as well for VS.
If VS has a criminal history then this quiet little country town called Leeton will retaliate I'm sure.
Hello all. This is my first post. This has often been in the back of my mind ...cleaners at the school where I work have keys to access rooms if we have left earlier than them. There is a huge amount of trust placed in cleaners and, let's admit, not everyone is honest and they could easily snoop around and look at things on desks or in drawers.
From ABC news story mentioned above:

The cleaning company he worked for, Colin Joss & Co, confirmed it was assisting police with the murder investigation.
It would not comment on whether Stanford had keys to the school.
However, cleaning division manager Fleur Dooley said cleaning staff never worked alone.

I am getting a stalker vibe.

Haven't we already established that NO cleaning company would have a school cleaner work on Easter Sunday?????

A FORENSIC expert says the fact slain teacher Stephanie Scott’s body was burned will make it difficult to pinpoint a cause of death — but even a scorched body can reveal secrets a killer wants hidden.

The post-mortem examination on the 26-year-old’s body, which was discovered last Friday in an isolated national park about 70km from her hometown of Leeton, began yesterday. NSW Police said earlier reports that Ms Scott’s body had been formally identified were incorrect.

Ms Scott’s remains are just one of several clues that may reveal how the 26-year-old bride-to-be met her tragic end.

David Ranson, Deputy Director of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, said fire took a terrible toll on the human body, affecting limbs and facial features first. It made the process of even identifying a victim difficult — but not impossible, because DNA could still be obtained.

The challenge for a forensic pathologist would be finding the cause of death.

Today's news reports indicated that an 'interim report' had been sent to the Coroner already. They must have been able to determine something...
Haven't we already established that NO cleaning company would have a school cleaner work on Easter Sunday?????

I think VS was not instructed to clean on Easter Sunday, but he has still might want to do. Maybe he sat for hours on his PC and neglected his duties (as I do, because I want to read on WS) and VS had to do his work on Sunday instead of Saturday. Certainly he had the keys and because he lives close to the school, he could secretly clean later than planned. IMO

Zoetermeer know sources Vincent S. as a quiet boy who lived with his identical twin brother, older brother and mother in Oosterheem. His unkempt appearance called his old neighbors striking. Vincent went into Oosterheem to primary school, the Prince Floris School, where he was in the news (my translation: where he came into disrepute) because of its unexpected, aggressive behavior towards teachers.

Google translation!
Thanks for that link FromGermany :)

A mention about looking for info in Zoetermeer below as well:

The Daily Telegraph has visited the city in Holland where the family lived until 13 months ago.

Just as in Leeton, the people of Zoetermeer are shocked by the brutal crime that has gripped Australia and, as police widen their investigations, is starting to involve The Netherlands. At Oranje Nassau College Clauslaan in Zoetermeer, staff *refused to provide any details about the period between 2002 and 2006 when Vincent and his identical twin brother Marcus are believed to have been students.
Asked if the registrar could confirm a student attended the school during that period, the answer was a polite, “Yes of course. The name?” When told, the mood changed *instantly. “We have no comment.”

It was the same at a dental equipment firm where Vincent worked as a cleaner. Initially they were helpful, and then: “We have a policy not to give out any information”.
Marcus Stanford @marcusstanford_ · 24. Mai 2013

Just had my last party in #Europe , 5 days until Australia

What can be ascertained, largely from their own posts on social media, is a picture of twin brothers *immersed in the world of computer gaming who had become obsessed with returning to Australia, the land of their birth and where they believed their dreams would come true.
incl. pic of AS and LS

Zoetermeer know sources Vincent S. as a quiet boy who lived with his identical twin brother, older brother and mother in Oosterheem. His unkempt appearance called his old neighbors striking. Vincent went into Oosterheem to primary school, the Prince Floris School, where he was in the news (my translation: where he came into disrepute) because of its unexpected, aggressive behavior towards teachers.

Google translation!

Hi All,

Great find, From Germany!

Perhaps he had a dislike for teachers?
Seems he was aggressive after all. Hopefully we will hear more about his past soon.

Zoetermeer know sources Vincent S. as a quiet boy who lived with his identical twin brother, older brother and mother in Oosterheem. His unkempt appearance called his old neighbors striking. Vincent went into Oosterheem to primary school, the Prince Floris School, where he was in the news (my translation: where he came into disrepute) because of its unexpected, aggressive behavior towards teachers.

Google translation!

Good spot, FG!
Hello all. This is my first post. This has often been in the back of my mind ...cleaners at the school where I work have keys to access rooms if we have left earlier than them. There is a huge amount of trust placed in cleaners and, let's admit, not everyone is honest and they could easily snoop around and look at things on desks or in drawers.


Yes, there is a lot of trust placed in cleaners, I used to work late a lot, and used to have one cleaner that would come and hover around my desk when I was in there, it was creepy and eventually that entire crew got dismissed when it was discovered they were responsible for a whole lot of items going missing from people's desks (thank you CCTV) anyway, so it's not just schools, there are a lot of young women who work late in offices etc and might be in there nearly alone when the cleaners come through, this whole story is just so chilling really.
They're not trying to call anyone, but the title of the article says his 'brother and sister' return home, but the rest of the article correctly refers to his 'brother and mother'.

EDIT: Exact title of the article is currently "Stephanie Scott: Alleged killer Vincent Stanford’s brother and sister return to their Leeton home". One would expect it'll be corrected soon, but seriously?? Terrible journalism...
The Daily Telegraph's version of hard hitting investigative journalism: Fly to Holland. Speak to a couple of schools and be told nothing because the case has most likely already hit the news over there or they have been interviewed by police. Frame the story to make it sound like you've found out something.
They're not trying to call anyone, but the title of the article says his 'brother and sister' return home, but the rest of the article correctly refers to his 'brother and mother'.

EDIT: Exact title of the article is currently "Stephanie Scott: Alleged killer Vincent Stanford’s brother and sister return to their Leeton home". One would expect it'll be corrected soon, but seriously?? Terrible journalism...

Yeah, that entire article is incorrect facts and rampant speculation. They didn't even get his year of birth right. You've gotta love the Murdoch press...
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