GUILTY Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #3

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves Vincent

this transcript also as is usual, outlines the crime, the perpetrator, the timeline of the crime , the process gone thru to apprehend the perpetrator, an outline of the victims day , of her murder, the actual crime itself, in all it's elements, the location and routes taken during the crime, etc..

this is for you, FromGermany, you would have missed the televised judgement....this is nearly as detailed, it is, in words, but you don't get to see the curl of the judges lip..

You are so accommodating, thank you many times! :blowkiss: Yes, I would like to have seen/heard the sentence of judgement in original and live (mimic, gesture, emphasis). But main thing would be the content.
Hi From Germany, Vincent Stanford was reported to have killed Stephanie, left her on the floor in the dark store room, then went home and ate a cheese sandwich and cup of coffee for lunch (and possibly viagra), then went back to her body,etc. His was a depraved action of a dark, disturbed monster.

After the sentencing, Stephanie's mother and family asked the nation to celebrate their beautiful daughter and join with them in memory of her 28th birthday with a mint slice biscuit and cup of tea. The 'mint slice' was Stephanie's favourite biscuit. It's about letting the music and fun, the light and love i.e. the good things back in to our lives.

:raincloud:---> :cup:---> :grouphug:---> :sunshine:
Hi FG,
would you know - has anything about this case appeared in the Netherlands news?
Wondering if anything has been reported there.
Hi FG,
would you know - has anything about this case appeared in the Netherlands news?
Wondering if anything has been reported there.

I've searched as good as I was able but didn't find anything. They hold their country clean it seems ....
This is a long hypothetical post only, so please feel free to disregard it as i am speculating only (just a heads up!)

This case is still puzzling me immensely. As much detail as the sentencing transcript went into (shudders), it seems to open up more questions about the curious case of The Stanfords. Forgive my post if it skirts over the emotional aspect of this horrible crime, i've been nothing short of devastated by this crime, especially since following the case from the start. I'm trying to step away from that for a minute to try and explore and maybe explain or understand something possibly feasible in relation to the questions and curiosities about the entire family, my focus being on Marcus primarily.

I've seen some posts about MS that speculate further involvement or perhaps sharing the same sick fantasies, possibly being in competition, egging him on etc. If i could speculate in the opposite direction for a moment, i'm wondering if it might answer some of the questions we're all confused by. Surely VS could not have lived his entire 25 years without a family member suspecting something was not right in his head, how could one man be absolute pure evil (since childhood by his own admittance) and be living in close proximity with his mother and 2 brothers the whole time and this behaviour and these thoughts were kept adequately hidden and secret in his own mind alone. As far as has been revealed, there was one incident when he was 12 that clearly sparked concern but after that, nothing. No criminal record to speak of. It sickened me that VS seemed almost proud of himself that he had never acted on these impulses before, but for all intents and purposes- it is true that he didn't act on them before 2015. Which leads me to think what changed in the immediate years BEFORE he did act on them? MARCUS did. His identical twin brother that always had his back, had his back at school, had his back up until the very end in fact. MS decided to pack up and move to the other side of the world by himself.

If i could try a little bit of character analysis on MS, I've watched all the clips of him very closely and entered into lengthy discussions about his behaviour with my husband every time another piece of news was thrown our way. Though reports have mentioned that MS has also struggled with being socially awkward due to anxiety, he's a far cry from VS. MS liked to travel around the world, he made friends, he seemed to fit in, he had a lot more social media footprints that showed him enjoying himself in Thailand and other places, social media accounts that appeared he had friends, IIRC the housemates he was living with were friends he made backpacking. He put his face out there and strangely enough put his whole name out there on a lot of his social media accounts. He even had sms's that went back to 2014 on his phone. He also seemed like a confident person: When the journalist turned up at the side entrance to his home, he was in a bathrobe sitting down having a cuppa enjoying the views of Adelaide Hills by the looks of it, but he didn't seemed phased at all! He was polite, yet firm with informing the journalist that 'Marcus' wouldn't be interested in talking to him. If a stranger was suddenly in my face with a camera while i was having my morning coffee in my bathrobe, i would've freaked out! When he was being escorted by police officers, his posture was straight with a confident stride, his head held high and even appeared to be making jokes with one of the officers. I watched that clip half a dozen times and i swear it looked like MS said something to the officer then grinned and in return the officer looked to be stifling a chuckle, and once again MS was clearly taken by surprise considering he looked like he just rolled out of bed and was still in his Star Wars pyjamas! Not only does MS seem confident but over confident. Look what he said to the judge on being 'returned' to NSW, correcting a judge in that fashion?! Subsequent interviews show him to be confident to the point of smugness even. There's no denying that MS is a confident person that knows who he is and won't be rocked.

MS also seemed to be aware of how to get out of his predicament with the lightest sentence, and without throwing his brother under the bus until it was clear VS had dug his own grave himself. Anyone else find it odd that MS continuously used 'legal buzz words' regarding his misplaced/misguided loyalty towards his brother. That was his ONLY explanation as to why he did what he did, and though i don't condone it, it IS a reason that will stand up in court to a certain degree. As for keeping the Adelaide Jewellers business card in his wallet, was that stupid or was it smart? At first i thought it was stupid if he was trying to get away with this crime, but the more i pondered it, the more i thought it was smart as it is proof that MS had no intention of keeping 'souvenirs' himself and was just doing what VS apparently told him to do (the majority of that money actually going to their mother!). Does MS seem like the type to take instruction from anyone? Something interesting from the interviews is that MS referred to VS as 'strange' at least twice. Once while describing that he always thought his brother was a bit strange, and then once again when he said that VS sounded 'strange' while he was on the phone to him when VS told him he was just driving around. Is the usage of this particular word maybe one of the biggest hints that MS knew what his brother was? This brings me full circle to before MS left for Australia.

There's nothing to really indicate on MS's twitter that there was a falling out in the family and that MS was ostracised, if anything it appears that Marcus wanted out. He was planning it all on his own, counting down the days, saying how he couldn't wait, etc. Who would know VS better than anyone? His twin brother of course. Was Marcus his brother's keeper? Did Vincent go to him with his sick thoughts and maybe just maybe Marcus in some way helped him retain his grip on some semblance of reality so Vincent didn't keep spiralling out of control with his 'strangeness'? as Marcus put it. Is it possible that it got too much for Marcus and he either needed to bail for his own sanity to get away from his twisted twin or bail because he could see Vincent was going to do something that he wanted no part of? Marcus left by himself approximately 2 years before the rest of the family seemed to just jump ship and follow. Once Marcus was gone to maybe equalise him, was that when the rest of the family became aware of how serious VS's problems were and needed to hightail it out of there without paying their rent and bills with practically only the clothes on their back and try and follow MS so VS didn't explode? IIRC VS only went to visit MS once or twice and MS never went to Leeton. The ostracism in the family imo looks like MS wanted out, not the other way around. Also keeping in mind that VS started stalking females in Leeton almost immediately.

I believe there is a lot more to this and i think only MS is the one that could shed any light on it. MS wasn't stupid, he seperated himself from his twin and despite the family following him over to Australia, MS still got off with time served. I think there's a strong possibility that MS wanted little to do with VS knowing it was trouble. MS had a decent lifestyle in Australia, he was travelling, living independantly in a nice place with great views with mates he made while travelling - now he has a criminal record being implicated in one of the most horrific murders in Australia, communities in at least 2 states that would want to lynch him, no hope of employment or future travelling and living in a dinky caravan with the elusive father that bailed on the family when he was only 3yrs old while still being hounded by media. It just seems kind of bizarre that MS would have been in on this with VS (wherever MS's headspace may lie), as MS doesn't strike me as that stupid whereas VS's actions were idiotic in trying to cover up what he did. MS almost seems like the enigma equation in all of this...

*In no way am i condoning or trying to defend MS in any of his involvement in this. I've had a lot of in depth discussions with my husband about this entire case and we have been throwing our hands up with hypotheticals as so much still makes no sense. Something that i think blows our whole hypothetical out the window is when MS started to say 'room' when VS asked him what he did with the stuff before it was clarified that it was the envelope with the rings that he was meant to hock. That alone makes me think that MS may have received more than what he is telling and it irks the hell out of me!
Thanks for you post, pixiegirl, it is certainly food for thought and a different slant on things.
This is a long hypothetical post only, so please feel free to disregard it as i am speculating only (just a heads up!)

This case is still puzzling me immensely. As much detail as the sentencing transcript went into (shudders), it seems to open up more questions about the curious case of The Stanfords. Forgive my post if it skirts over the emotional aspect of this horrible crime, i've been nothing short of devastated by this crime, especially since following the case from the start. I'm trying to step away from that for a minute to try and explore and maybe explain or understand something possibly feasible in relation to the questions and curiosities about the entire family, my focus being on Marcus primarily.

I've seen some posts about MS that speculate further involvement or perhaps sharing the same sick fantasies, possibly being in competition, egging him on etc. If i could speculate in the opposite direction for a moment, i'm wondering if it might answer some of the questions we're all confused by. Surely VS could not have lived his entire 25 years without a family member suspecting something was not right in his head, how could one man be absolute pure evil (since childhood by his own admittance) and be living in close proximity with his mother and 2 brothers the whole time and this behaviour and these thoughts were kept adequately hidden and secret in his own mind alone. As far as has been revealed, there was one incident when he was 12 that clearly sparked concern but after that, nothing. No criminal record to speak of. It sickened me that VS seemed almost proud of himself that he had never acted on these impulses before, but for all intents and purposes- it is true that he didn't act on them before 2015. Which leads me to think what changed in the immediate years BEFORE he did act on them? MARCUS did. His identical twin brother that always had his back, had his back at school, had his back up until the very end in fact. MS decided to pack up and move to the other side of the world by himself.

If i could try a little bit of character analysis on MS, I've watched all the clips of him very closely and entered into lengthy discussions about his behaviour with my husband every time another piece of news was thrown our way. Though reports have mentioned that MS has also struggled with being socially awkward due to anxiety, he's a far cry from VS. MS liked to travel around the world, he made friends, he seemed to fit in, he had a lot more social media footprints that showed him enjoying himself in Thailand and other places, social media accounts that appeared he had friends, IIRC the housemates he was living with were friends he made backpacking. He put his face out there and strangely enough put his whole name out there on a lot of his social media accounts. He even had sms's that went back to 2014 on his phone. He also seemed like a confident person: When the journalist turned up at the side entrance to his home, he was in a bathrobe sitting down having a cuppa enjoying the views of Adelaide Hills by the looks of it, but he didn't seemed phased at all! He was polite, yet firm with informing the journalist that 'Marcus' wouldn't be interested in talking to him. If a stranger was suddenly in my face with a camera while i was having my morning coffee in my bathrobe, i would've freaked out! When he was being escorted by police officers, his posture was straight with a confident stride, his head held high and even appeared to be making jokes with one of the officers. I watched that clip half a dozen times and i swear it looked like MS said something to the officer then grinned and in return the officer looked to be stifling a chuckle, and once again MS was clearly taken by surprise considering he looked like he just rolled out of bed and was still in his Star Wars pyjamas! Not only does MS seem confident but over confident. Look what he said to the judge on being 'returned' to NSW, correcting a judge in that fashion?! Subsequent interviews show him to be confident to the point of smugness even. There's no denying that MS is a confident person that knows who he is and won't be rocked.

MS also seemed to be aware of how to get out of his predicament with the lightest sentence, and without throwing his brother under the bus until it was clear VS had dug his own grave himself. Anyone else find it odd that MS continuously used 'legal buzz words' regarding his misplaced/misguided loyalty towards his brother. That was his ONLY explanation as to why he did what he did, and though i don't condone it, it IS a reason that will stand up in court to a certain degree. As for keeping the Adelaide Jewellers business card in his wallet, was that stupid or was it smart? At first i thought it was stupid if he was trying to get away with this crime, but the more i pondered it, the more i thought it was smart as it is proof that MS had no intention of keeping 'souvenirs' himself and was just doing what VS apparently told him to do (the majority of that money actually going to their mother!). Does MS seem like the type to take instruction from anyone? Something interesting from the interviews is that MS referred to VS as 'strange' at least twice. Once while describing that he always thought his brother was a bit strange, and then once again when he said that VS sounded 'strange' while he was on the phone to him when VS told him he was just driving around. Is the usage of this particular word maybe one of the biggest hints that MS knew what his brother was? This brings me full circle to before MS left for Australia.

There's nothing to really indicate on MS's twitter that there was a falling out in the family and that MS was ostracised, if anything it appears that Marcus wanted out. He was planning it all on his own, counting down the days, saying how he couldn't wait, etc. Who would know VS better than anyone? His twin brother of course. Was Marcus his brother's keeper? Did Vincent go to him with his sick thoughts and maybe just maybe Marcus in some way helped him retain his grip on some semblance of reality so Vincent didn't keep spiralling out of control with his 'strangeness'? as Marcus put it. Is it possible that it got too much for Marcus and he either needed to bail for his own sanity to get away from his twisted twin or bail because he could see Vincent was going to do something that he wanted no part of? Marcus left by himself approximately 2 years before the rest of the family seemed to just jump ship and follow. Once Marcus was gone to maybe equalise him, was that when the rest of the family became aware of how serious VS's problems were and needed to hightail it out of there without paying their rent and bills with practically only the clothes on their back and try and follow MS so VS didn't explode? IIRC VS only went to visit MS once or twice and MS never went to Leeton. The ostracism in the family imo looks like MS wanted out, not the other way around. Also keeping in mind that VS started stalking females in Leeton almost immediately.

I believe there is a lot more to this and i think only MS is the one that could shed any light on it. MS wasn't stupid, he seperated himself from his twin and despite the family following him over to Australia, MS still got off with time served. I think there's a strong possibility that MS wanted little to do with VS knowing it was trouble. MS had a decent lifestyle in Australia, he was travelling, living independantly in a nice place with great views with mates he made while travelling - now he has a criminal record being implicated in one of the most horrific murders in Australia, communities in at least 2 states that would want to lynch him, no hope of employment or future travelling and living in a dinky caravan with the elusive father that bailed on the family when he was only 3yrs old while still being hounded by media. It just seems kind of bizarre that MS would have been in on this with VS (wherever MS's headspace may lie), as MS doesn't strike me as that stupid whereas VS's actions were idiotic in trying to cover up what he did. MS almost seems like the enigma equation in all of this...

*In no way am i condoning or trying to defend MS in any of his involvement in this. I've had a lot of in depth discussions with my husband about this entire case and we have been throwing our hands up with hypotheticals as so much still makes no sense. Something that i think blows our whole hypothetical out the window is when MS started to say 'room' when VS asked him what he did with the stuff before it was clarified that it was the envelope with the rings that he was meant to hock. That alone makes me think that MS may have received more than what he is telling and it irks the hell out of me!

It's intriguing as an outsider to ponder on the relationship between MS and VS especially because they're twins. Which is the dominant one, I presume MS.

MS not reporting his brother's involvement in Stephanie's murder, and receiving her property, will always be a sore point with me. MS made a choice, he chose to stand by his murdering brother, he can never live that down.
MS acting so nonchalant when brought in by the police only suggests a low character in my mind. He knew his involvement, what his brother had done, and he acts the cocky man-about-town? He assisted his brother and envisaged they'd both escape punishment. VS must have been confident that MS wouldn't report him, why else get him involved? It would probably be extremely disturbing to enter the mind of either of these men. JMO
Both the twins Vincent and Marcus tried suicide in prison. So I think they are both (double-) desperate in their specific nature, maybe one can't exist without the other although the two of them are an evil team - and Marcus does know that. IMO
Both the twins are smiling on the pics I saw. Either Marcus nor Vincent gave the impression of "a whipped dog". One would say: the autistic Vincent isn't able to have a blame awareness. But why does Marcus also show a friendly indifference? Is he confident to walk free although he knows what he has done to his mental disturbed brother: namely to encourage him to do some evil?? That's only a question I have and I will never get an answer.
Vincent doesn't like his brother Luke and wanted to go to Australia without him. Does Marcus like his brother Luke or is he seeing him as an outsider too? If both the twins don't like him that would weld together the twins even more. IMO
If Marcus left the Netherlands on his own and to another place than the mother and his two brothers later on - why did he twitter the phrase "he can't go home" or similar? If this was his own decision (to live near Adelaide) why publicly regret the decision??
The case is closed, the convictions are done - but I will always have a slightly bad feeling. What if there was more crime and nobody knows yet because one of them/they have performed a perfect murder? The selection would be large: from teen to adult. What if there are missing girls/women at the Netherlands? Yes, Vincent seems to be proud of himself to haven't follow his murderous thinking since childhood. But is it true that he didn't follow his secret wish, for around 12 years? Then 2015 he immediately begins stalking teens and women and has a notebook with all their movements?? :dunno:
If he were a "normal" perp one would think if he tried to strangle a school principal already when he was 12 yo then he certainly didn't pause for 12 years to do his next crime. Why should we believe Vincent is the only one who waited as long as that although he even is autistic (no "normal" perp)?
FROM GERMANY SAID: If Marcus left the Netherlands on his own and to another place than the mother and his two brothers later on - why did he twitter the phrase "he can't go home" or similar? If this was his own decision (to live near Adelaide) why publicly regret the decision??

What does "home" mean here? Could it mean "I can't go back to the Netherlands" where he had lived most of his life because he is avoiding the possible consequences of something he did there? Or does "home" always mean where your mother/parents are?

Are Anika and Luke still happily living in Leeton with the same jobs? I would love to know from them what it was like to live with Vincent and Marcus. I often wonder they had to leave in such a hurry and why they chose Leeton to settle when they had never been there before? Maybe Anika was offered s job there before she even arrived in Australia - hence the quick departure or were they escaping from something there?. I also wonder how Marcus is getting on with his father and whether Vincent ever receives phone calls or visits from any of them now he is in prison.
I wouldn't trust anything Vincent said in regards to stifling his urges for all those years. It would not surprise me in the least if it's revealed that Vincent was up to similar activities in the Netherlands. Remember that Vincent denied the sexual assault for as long as possible, and his *advertiser censored* and bull story of seeing Stephanie in the staff room and "just having to kill her". I don't believe that for a second. He just had to rape her. The murder was a means to an end.
I heard this a minute ago......I'm in words can describe my sympathy for their family and loved ones.
How much more can this family take? I can't believe this news. Why why why? My heart is with the Scott family now more than ever.

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This is so sad. I feel so terrible for Merrilyn Scott. To lose a child and husband both far before their time within such a short expanse of time. Too much for one person to bear, her husband would have been such comfort for her. I send her all the (((vibes))) I can; I really hope she'll be ok in time.
Words fail me. What a terrible tragedy. RIP Robert Scott.
BREAKING: Murdered teacher Stephanie Scott's dad killed by falling tree

Heard this on tonights news.

Sincere condolences to the family.
Another devastating, significant loss through sudden tragedy.
Hopefully, there are counseling supports in place; community to rally around in silent support and assist this family through the monumental tasks of organizing another funeral they were not prepared for. :grouphug:
I just can't begin to understand the grief the Scott family is being put through. How absolutely tragic.
This is so sad. I feel so terrible for Merrilyn Scott. To lose a child and husband both far before their time within such a short expanse of time. Too much for one person to bear, her husband would have been such comfort for her. I send her all the (((vibes))) I can; I really hope she'll be ok in time.
The bit about him being her comfort really hit me hard. It would be so true of myself if I were Stephanie's mum. I would have just lost my rock when I'd already lost my world.

The world can be so cruel at times.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

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