Found Alive Australia - Terence Darrell Kelly, charged w/ abduction, 4 y.o. victim found alive, WA ,16 Oct 2021

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I don't either. However, I think deep down I don't want to think that anything sexual happened to CS. But the other thing is that a friend here messaged me by pm and called him DollGuy and asked me if I thought it would be him and I said "no". The link she sent me was so zoomed I could hardly determine anything. I have recently tried to access the 50? FB accounts but I have been unsuccessful. It appears to me that those who have seen his FB pages are convinced that there is more to it.
I saw them and I didn't see more. I looked, okay. Just a community of doll-life thingys.
Adding to Estelle’s post, I’d like to add another dimension.

Given I can’t help my curiosity with this case, I wasted my day and managed to collect the names of at least 50 fake people in his alternate universe, and have been collecting data from the profiles (date account was created, date of first post, date of last post, who liked the posts, who commented on the posts, “their” relationship to Terence (i.e. mother, daughter, son, aunt, niece, cousin, etc) with the intention of creating a “relationship map” between the different personas (honestly, I can’t help myself, and while I should be doing my actual work, this is far too fascinating).

Now they are shut down, I’m a a bit stuck as I’m still missing some data (it was way to easy to end up deep in a rabbit hole with this exploration).

So far my inkling is that he created this online falsiverse because he genuinely thought that is how families interact with each other, and I think he desperately wanted a loving family. Of particular note, I have noticed that he has maintained realistic “relationships” between the personas (i.e. his fake aunt regularly likes or comments on his fake nieces page, which makes sense as they would be mother and daughter, and his fake mother generally seems to be across all her fake families posts, so comments or likes on her fake children or fake grandchildren’s pages, and his fake daughter mostly gets likes from her fake cousin, who also gets likes from the fake other young children in the network) (I know, right!!).

I don’t yet have a solid theory as to how CS plays into this, other than that his fake girlfriend recently “gave birth” to a child (and the liquidity is that a newborn clearly cannot be a 4 year old in less than a month, but perhaps the trauma of his early years causes him to dissociate from that period in a child’s life and could therefore reasonably explain why his new baby went from newborn to 4 years old in 1 month).

But the language used, and the pictures he has ripped from the internet are a bit weird and often quite sexualised, plus the 50+ profiles, each having a different persona…. so maybe I have it all wrong and it is a massive network for paedophiles… or maybe that is his understanding of how the world works, garnered from what he sees on the internet…. I think he is most likely a human who is torn on the inside and this just happens to be how it is expressed….


I have not accessed his FB accounts as I left it too late so thanks for this explanation. I would like to know if he has Asperger's Syndrome.
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The aboriginal man whose photo appeared on Tv and who was wrongly accused of kidnapping is going to sue the TV station.

Brilliant. And he should go after the woman who was posting his socials and started that. She's a known attention seeking pest who turns up to multiple rallies, protests.
Adding to Estelle’s post, I’d like to add another dimension.

Given I can’t help my curiosity with this case, I wasted my day and managed to collect the names of at least 50 fake people in his alternate universe, and have been collecting data from the profiles (date account was created, date of first post, date of last post, who liked the posts, who commented on the posts, “their” relationship to Terence (i.e. mother, daughter, son, aunt, niece, cousin, etc) with the intention of creating a “relationship map” between the different personas (honestly, I can’t help myself, and while I should be doing my actual work, this is far too fascinating).

Now they are shut down, I’m a a bit stuck as I’m still missing some data (it was way to easy to end up deep in a rabbit hole with this exploration).

So far my inkling is that he created this online falsiverse because he genuinely thought that is how families interact with each other, and I think he desperately wanted a loving family. Of particular note, I have noticed that he has maintained realistic “relationships” between the personas (i.e. his fake aunt regularly likes or comments on his fake nieces page, which makes sense as they would be mother and daughter, and his fake mother generally seems to be across all her fake families posts, so comments or likes on her fake children or fake grandchildren’s pages, and his fake daughter mostly gets likes from her fake cousin, who also gets likes from the fake other young children in the network) (I know, right!!).

I don’t yet have a solid theory as to how CS plays into this, other than that his fake girlfriend recently “gave birth” to a child (and the liquidity is that a newborn clearly cannot be a 4 year old in less than a month, but perhaps the trauma of his early years causes him to dissociate from that period in a child’s life and could therefore reasonably explain why his new baby went from newborn to 4 years old in 1 month).

But the language used, and the pictures he has ripped from the internet are a bit weird and often quite sexualised, plus the 50+ profiles, each having a different persona…. so maybe I have it all wrong and it is a massive network for paedophiles… or maybe that is his understanding of how the world works, garnered from what he sees on the internet…. I think he is most likely a human who is torn on the inside and this just happens to be how it is expressed….


He mentioned he had a son 16 years old and girls 17 years and 19 years old and his youngest daughter who was 11 was restricted from tiktok because of the Carly Ryan story. Carly's Story.

Were you able to track back all these fake family profiles back to him?
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quite the opposite!

I am referring to the man whose photo was incorrectly published by channel 7 as the person arrested and who does not in fact even live in Carnarvon and was in hospital at the time for the birth of his child. Although it was deleted quite quickly, news still spread given the profile of the case and the fact that everyone was hanging out for the name of the person arrested.

I am not of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Descent, but I believe that Aboriginal Tribal Law is still very much respected.

note, although “spearing” is not directly mentioned, the last line of this article would be the formal reference. Down one of my rabbit holes today I ended up on the Facebook page of a family member of the actual suspect I recall the disgust regarding the incorrect identification of the suspect and the danger he was placed in. I also understand that Tribal Law varies between the different cultural groups so what may be considered an appropriate punishment in one group might not be the same in another.

Any Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islanders out there? Please correct me if I’m wrong

Aboriginal man wrongly named as CS abductor plans to sue Seven Network
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Members are responsible for what they post.

If members violate sub judice, Australian police will contact Tricia and this discussion may get shut down. It has happened in another case and we don't want it to happen again.

I can guarantee Australian LE will be reading here and watching this discussion in order to protect their case. We can only do so much to make members understand, and this is for your protection. Read the opening post and please don't say we didn't warn you.
Thank you so much Sillybilly - I appreciate all the work you mods/admin/owners do here. You have no idea how much I love WS, the Hannah Graham case brought me here (WS helped solve that case), I love this website, thanks for all you do, sincerely.

Reposting this to remind others just so this thread stays open. I remember in March a whole thread was taken down in SE case, let's not have that happen here, we're all here together, let's sleuth together safely and within TOS. Thanks to Websleuths for upkeep of this site for us, we all have our own personal reasons for being here, let's work together :)
Accused kidnapper Terence Kelly pictured with children’s dolls


This is a MUCH better photo of the doll room.
As a rough guesstimate, how much money do you think has been spent on that collection? Or is that to hard to even guess?

edit to remove Link with CS’s name

Easily over £700 / £800, depending on the top shelf on the right which looks like possibly more Limited Edition dolls so they can go for way more. I'd show an example of our own collection for comparison but I'm not sure if I'm allowed.
Easily over £700 / £800, depending on the top shelf on the right which looks like possibly more Limited Edition dolls so they can go for way more. I'd show an example of our own collection for comparison but I'm not sure if I'm allowed

Edited as I've seen a picture with more on the left, probably over £1000 .
If a child was brought into that room, what would their likely response be?
My daughter, if CS age would immediately be in her element, however not all children like dolls, my daughter has a keen interest in collecting not so much to play with but to keep boxed and displayed, condition is a massive thing to her, and it's evident the person who collected the dolls pictured liked them in the correct order. Usually in displays like this the most important ones go at the top, or eye level. Dolls get grouped together on the range, ones from the same release go on the same shelf, it looks like this has been done to a degree.
Adding to Estelle’s post, I’d like to add another dimension.

Given I can’t help my curiosity with this case, I wasted my day and managed to collect the names of at least 50 fake people in his alternate universe, and have been collecting data from the profiles (date account was created, date of first post, date of last post, who liked the posts, who commented on the posts, “their” relationship to Terence (i.e. mother, daughter, son, aunt, niece, cousin, etc) with the intention of creating a “relationship map” between the different personas (honestly, I can’t help myself, and while I should be doing my actual work, this is far too fascinating).

Now they are shut down, I’m a a bit stuck as I’m still missing some data (it was way to easy to end up deep in a rabbit hole with this exploration).

So far my inkling is that he created this online falsiverse because he genuinely thought that is how families interact with each other, and I think he desperately wanted a loving family. Of particular note, I have noticed that he has maintained realistic “relationships” between the personas (i.e. his fake aunt regularly likes or comments on his fake nieces page, which makes sense as they would be mother and daughter, and his fake mother generally seems to be across all her fake families posts, so comments or likes on her fake children or fake grandchildren’s pages, and his fake daughter mostly gets likes from her fake cousin, who also gets likes from the fake other young children in the network) (I know, right!!).

I don’t yet have a solid theory as to how CS plays into this, other than that his fake girlfriend recently “gave birth” to a child (and the liquidity is that a newborn clearly cannot be a 4 year old in less than a month, but perhaps the trauma of his early years causes him to dissociate from that period in a child’s life and could therefore reasonably explain why his new baby went from newborn to 4 years old in 1 month).

But the language used, and the pictures he has ripped from the internet are a bit weird and often quite sexualised, plus the 50+ profiles, each having a different persona…. so maybe I have it all wrong and it is a massive network for paedophiles… or maybe that is his understanding of how the world works, garnered from what he sees on the internet…. I think he is most likely a human who is torn on the inside and this just happens to be how it is expressed….


I was deep into those accounts as well. What are your thoughts on the account with the photo with many guns? His upper body is covered in what looks like tattoos, but it actually looks like he used marker on himself. This was in 2012.
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I've been discussing this case with my daughter and she suggested to understand doll collecting, and see how much of a large community there is go on YouTube as there's many, many youtubers, male and female, of various ages who collect dolls. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to certain accounts which are the "main" ones.
I would suspect (IMO) he wanted to groom. He also bought a Bratz nail kit I noticed, and I’m certain he might have dyed her hair. I keep trying to get a good look at her nails on the video when she comes out. I think beautifying would be part of the routine, and maybe dressing.

Her nails in the hospital photo are unpainted,you can see a bit of dirt under one of them
Yes he caused psychological harm and 18 days of immense indescribable pain for so many people. He's the worst of the worst a total grub and a predator. Anyone that will sympathize for Kelly is up there in the same basket as the ones who pointed fingers at the parents in my eyes.
Agree completely that he has caused harm and pain to so many.
However, understanding that the accused is human and to try understand how he got to the point that he is isn't a horrible thing, IMO. There is a spectrum of evil rather than a binary good vs. evil (again IMO). Where he lands in the spectrum will be based on evidence of what his crimes were and the motivations for doing them. Understanding why people go bad isn't the same as excusing their actions.
Once we know whose house it initially was - perhaps his grandmothers - we might find that the dolls were her doll collection. The dolls are boxed as a collection. It is not like they are placed around the room to play with.

Bratz Dolls are very modern though. His SM photos he claimed were his family tend to be of a certain look, skimpy clothing etc.
Agree completely that he has caused harm and pain to so many.
However, understanding that the accused is human and to try understand how he got to the point that he is isn't a horrible thing, IMO. There is a spectrum of evil rather than a binary good vs. evil (again IMO). Where he lands in the spectrum will be based on evidence of what his crimes were and the motivations for doing them. Understanding why people go bad isn't the same as excusing their actions.
Very important points , very well made.
I have not accessed his FB accounts as I left it too late so thanks for this explanation. I would like to know if he has Asperger's Syndrome.

I am autistic and my son is too. It crossed my mind whether TK could be when I saw the photos of his doll collection. It's very common for an autistic person to have intense interests and to 'obsessively' (for lack of a better word) collect things to do with them.

If he is a loner then that fits too.

I was in a very bad place as a teenager mentally and I enjoyed pretending to be other people. It was a type of escapism for me, I think. Nothing to this extent of course and it was harmless.

But obviously the vast majority of autistic people don't kidnap children and it wouldn't be an excuse or reason for him doing so, although I can see how it could contribute to any mental illness he may be suffering from.

All speculation of course if he even is autistic or a similar neurodiversity.
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