Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #1 *Arrests*

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I am not entirely buying the story that the son, or sons are the only sexual predators in that house.. far from it, I reckon it takes a lot of emotion to kill , and he killed in his own home, with his family around, and that implies rage of a specific middle aged man rejected kind of rage, to me. That Tia was uncompliant with him, and we can suppose , uncompliant with the son, or perhaps less stroppy with the son than with the fathers advances upon her. And of course, it all must have crossed the mothers mind the instant she first saw Tia.. this girl/child in her home with her two sons?.. whose dumb idea was this?... she would have been brainless not to see the writing on the wall, and not just her sons being dazzled but her baboonarsedface husband, as a certainty.

BBM: Totally agree Trooper. It's alleged that Tia's murderer is RT. It's been reported that Tia was found naked. So was she naked at the time she was murdered and if so why was she naked and RT even in the same room as her? Of course Tia may have been fully clothed when she was murdered and then stripped of her clothing before being dumped. Why would RT go to the trouble of removing Tia's clothes after he'd murdered her? The only thing that comes to mind is to remove any DNA that may have been present on her clothing. Tia lived with that scum so having DNA on her clothing would not have been a red flag. Nup, something is not adding up here and IMO RT was into some really shyte behaviour of the worst kind.
that son appears to spend a lot of time cultivating his hair -do...... not a lot of time left over for extracurricular activities...

They'll... how do you think Rick Thorburn made them , mum, son, son keep quiet all this time?.. they seem to have been persuaded to make false statements to the police, which is why they are all up for perjury, but that really does convey a sense of organisation and conspiracy to deceive.. .. obviously they all told a story that backs each other up, and that implies long discussions on the subject. Everyone knew everything, maybe. Maybe Rick was keeping secret his predatory activities from Mum.. Maybe the son was leaning on Dad because he knew , also. All sorts of convoluted combinations are possible. .. .

But he must have had some sort of extra pressure he could apply to keep them all in line. I cant see the coiffured son being that person, I reckon it was old Rick... . what do you reckon it was?

Trooper, I think he was enraged and blamed Tiahleigh and things went wrong. He knew he had to save his sons reputation and scared everyone shitless about the repercussions and they lived in guilt to making him get mad. :thinking:

He's a good drinker looking at his beer gut.

I read here that a carer having sexual relations with a foster child in their care carries a life sentence.

Side note.
My cousin married an interstate Truckee and had two daughters.
That very expensive truck was his baby and their livelihood, everything revolved around the bloody truck. Dad would be away for a weeks and woe and behold if he got a fine or blew a tyre because they knew he won't be happy when he got home. Tired, itching for a drink and ready to pick the eyes out of the family. He & the truck were the main breadwinners it paid the bills, mortgage everything. He had total respect from the family to the point of fear.
There were chores to be done while he was away and then it was all hands on deck to scrub that truck inside, underside, up and down. He ruled that family like Hitler.
Not saying all truckies are like this but owning a truck carries massive stresses.
I cannot figure out why that family was considered a good choice for Tia. Two adult sons, living at home, a very young 12 yr old developing girl introduced into the famly, there doesn't appear to be any checks done on the sons, or any hurdles for them to jump over before a foster child is integrated into the household, the simple fact of 2 adult sons living at home should have been considered a potential danger, regardless if the father and mother were holy saints. .. surely there must have been other fosterfamilies without adult sons, or even pubescent sons living at home as well? .. hard to believe there were none.

What I want to know is did the two sons, both being over the age of 18, also have a Blue Card. Apparently it is mandatory for any other person over the age of 18, who is living with a foster child to be Blue Card approved. Not that this freaking Blue Card meant a whole lot in regard to Tialeigh's safety and protection from these arseholes. It was more a licence to access government funds and to do whatever they wanted to Tialeigh and that included killing her!
"They alleged a Facebook message conversation between Mr Thorburn and his cousin showed him saying he'd had sex with Tiahleigh the Monday before her disappearance because she'd threatened to kill his dog."

What I'm getting from this is that it wasn't "consensual" (not that a 12 yo can consent, but..)

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This could be read two ways;

Is the son saying he had sex with Tiahleigh out of anger? This means it was non-consensual. Rape.

or is he trying to imply that he 'had to do it' because Tiahleigh threatened to kill his dog... if he didn't have sex with her? Pathetic attempt at victim-blaming.
From the article -

""He says he had sex with the victim on the prior Monday and he had only done so because she had threatened to kill his dog," Sergeant French said, of a conversation that was allegedly handed over to police."

Had only done so because she had threatened to kill his dog. That does sound like he is blaming her. Like he's claiming she was an obsessed young girl, who threatened him unless he gave into her desire for him.
And my hinky meter is still going off about the Thorburn family. Not just dad and one son.
All these months wondering what happened to Tiahleigh, and now I wish I didn't know what we have already found out. And Trooper and Makara, you are making me think there is worse to come.
I cannot figure out why that family was considered a good choice for Tia. Two adult sons, living at home, a very young 12 yr old developing girl introduced into the famly, there doesn't appear to be any checks done on the sons, or any hurdles for them to jump over before a foster child is integrated into the household, the simple fact of 2 adult sons living at home should have been considered a potential danger, regardless if the father and mother were holy saints. .. surely there must have been other fosterfamilies without adult sons, or even pubescent sons living at home as well? .. hard to believe there were none.
That's exactly what I was thinking too. Not a good fit I wouldn't have thought.
I cannot figure out why that family was considered a good choice for Tia. Two adult sons, living at home, a very young 12 yr old developing girl introduced into the famly, there doesn't appear to be any checks done on the sons, or any hurdles for them to jump over before a foster child is integrated into the household, the simple fact of 2 adult sons living at home should have been considered a potential danger, regardless if the father and mother were holy saints. .. surely there must have been other fosterfamilies without adult sons, or even pubescent sons living at home as well? .. hard to believe there were none.

On that point, would any mother allow her 12yr old daughter sleep over at a house with only 2 boys?
No? Well why in Gods name would authorities allow this to happen on a full time basis?
Is this going on regularly?
Obviously yes.

I'm not saying Tialeigh was harmed by any previous foster carers.

Among them were Tia's former foster father Wayne Pemberton and his son Cameron, who paid tribute to the "good girl".

Wayne said the "feisty" 12-year-old lived with them for two and a half years and described his "total shock" at hearing the man who cared for Tia after him had been accused of her murder.

"You don't expect that from a carer," he said.

"That's not what you're here to do.

"To hear that and for everyone in the family to (allegedly) be involved it's just unthinkable.
I hope the biological mother or parents if applicable get themselves a really good lawyer and sue whoever is responsible for placing their daughter in such a messed up situation. It's beyond disgusting and the system needs a huge overhaul IMO. It's just rotten.
All these months wondering what happened to Tiahleigh, and now I wish I didn't know what we have already found out. And Trooper and Makara, you are making me think there is worse to come.

I think the tip of the iceberg has been exposed, much more to come.. the concrete wall old Rick managed to brick up the family into a highly co-operative gang of consenting agree-ers, a family that implicitly obeyed the agreed arrangement whereas everyone kept quiet and never said a word, has had a bit of a break in it, a hole in the dyke, and I don't see it as impossible that at some stage the older brother will crack up and break down and blab and blab and blab, with old Julene not far behind. So far, the wilful determination to present a united façade of the family to the community has worked, but not now. Now it's every man or woman for him/herself in that family, and it's really of matter of who gets in first with the real story as to who gets the breaks and any slight immunity that may be offered or implied.

nice that the Hairdo Bro didn't get bail, but the other one has got bail.. soooo.. and Mum got bail too, I think.... those two might back each other up but more likely, in my opinion , to drop each other in any bucket if it results in freedom from conviction.... more conviction than both face at present. I think that is the merely the beginning of charges those two face, as well as old Rick and Hairdo Bro.
Does anyone know who took this pic? Just thinking it's convenient that there is such a good photo of her in the full school uniform and the exact backpack. Must have been pretty recent...I just wondered if it was deliberately taken to be used as a "description".

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