Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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Just heard on our local radio advertising for people who would like to become a Foster Parent should make an application to do so, since Tiah's death.
had Tia 's body never been found, and had no one in that family eventually broke down and blabbed, Tia's death would have been one of those lonely , horrible unsolved things, with no end in sight. One would have looked back on Rick's facebook messages and felt deep sympathy... and Julene's plea on SMS ... real heartbreaking.......... and those poor boys, what else can they do ?, except continue planking with brave gaiety , stubbornly dancing on in memory of their little foster sister....

It is only in the light of the current situation, him charged with murder, the rest with assorted quite serious charges of perjury and perverting the course of justice, and incest, these are not part of the law's frippery... Perjury is considered a grave offence , it undermines the entire system.. that the creepiest feeling of horror rushes in.. it does to me, at least..

There has been lots of folks get up on one's TV screen over the years, and perform this melancholy task of pleading for a loved one to come home.. .. some of them are not happy doing it, and just don't know how to dissemble, most of them make such a cackhanded job of it, because they themselves are the murderers.. .. One I recall almost in totality, it was Joe Korp, pleading for kidnappers to let his wife , Maria , go, let her come home. His eyes were like a fruit machine's , swivelling here and there , yet sitting right next to him was Maria's daughter, utterly frozen in terror. No one can forget Baden Clay and Olivia, trying their very best to be worried and concerned and not quite getting it down. . John Sharpe, pleading for Anna to bring Gracie home, knowing that he had shot the both of them with a spear gun and thrown them in the vast council rubbish tip.

Then, for example, the Moorecombes... their despair, and their terror was writ plain, and you cannot fake that., ditto Tom Meagher, ditto Cyndi...

So we come to all we have, Julene's sms, and Rick';s facebook messages... I don't doubt , not for one nanosecond, that had either of them been allowed to plead for Tia's return live , flanked by police, televised , they could not have pulled it off.. both of them would have given themselves away, the txt stuff was the ideal format for their purpose... this is the horror.

Follow the money

Equestrian horses are not a cheap hobby in fact it is a more business. Firstly there is the balanced diet, the tack, the vet, the tow vehicle and float.....
Not to mention the endless training and grooming, the horses must be in peak condition. Some (not all) become obsessed with the win and many are very bad losers. I've seen it first hand.

Now I'm seeing how 'The Frankfurt Flogger' jumped on the gravy train selling his wares at these events. The purchase and preparation of food for the day would have needed a lot of help.

Was Tiahleigh 'used' to help with the horses AND the food van for pocket money or possibly even unpaid? Is that really why they fostered a young girl (all rounder) for the 'hired help' when the sons lost interest.

Imagine getting paid an income steam and having a live-in employee on hand 24/7.

I think I'm seeing now what this scamming filth was up to.
Follow the money

Equestrian horses are not a cheap hobby in fact it is a more business. Firstly there is the balanced diet, the tack, the vet, the tow vehicle and float.....
Not to mention the endless training and grooming, the horses must be in peak condition. Some (not all) become obsessed with the win and many are very bad losers. I've seen it first hand.

Now I'm seeing how 'The Frankfurt Flogger' jumped on the gravy train selling his wares at these events. The purchase and preparation of food for the day would have needed a lot of help.

Was Tiahleigh 'used' to help with the horses AND the food van for pocket money or possibly even unpaid? Is that really why they fostered a young girl (all rounder) for the 'hired help' when the sons lost interest.

Imagine getting paid an income steam and having a live-in employee on hand 24/7.

I think I'm seeing now what this scamming filth was up to.

I believe it is more expensive than yachting, at least the wind is free, but even so, one may as well stand under a cold shower ripping up 100 dollar notes.. horses can eat one out of house and home, and I notice they had at least 2 and assorted ponies.. .. makes me wonder just what sort of money a day care operation produces... surely she would be confined to only a certain number of clients?
I agree Trooper. I think they nearly got away with it but for a mother who didn't care about the strict privacy laws surrounding the foster system.
Can you believe a caring parent or guardian can be slapped with a goal term for screaming 'HELP FIND OUR CHILD!'?

They painted Tiahleigh as an uncontrollable runaway and admittedly I believed she got on a bus to ....somewhere, that was reported. I believed that until her body was found.

I'd like to know if there are any other missing persons associated with this mob, I have a creepy feeling that Tiahleigh was not their first.
What other antics did RT get up to on his long distance trucking quests and how many other people went missing enroute?
Weather records for Gold Coast region, QLD. Low to mid 30s in days after Tiahs presumed date of death.

Hey fish.

Guess what?

There is a nifty backway from Chambers flat to Ormeau Hills through Wolfdene. Would avoid any accidental footage from M1 cams/dash cams and private property ones.

Just an edit to add. That people that live in that area will get on the M1 at Beenleigh. The back way is a goat track that goes through the bottom of the mountain.
Follow the money

Equestrian horses are not a cheap hobby in fact it is a more business. Firstly there is the balanced diet, the tack, the vet, the tow vehicle and float.....
Not to mention the endless training and grooming, the horses must be in peak condition. Some (not all) become obsessed with the win and many are very bad losers. I've seen it first hand.

Now I'm seeing how 'The Frankfurt Flogger' jumped on the gravy train selling his wares at these events. The purchase and preparation of food for the day would have needed a lot of help.

Was Tiahleigh 'used' to help with the horses AND the food van for pocket money or possibly even unpaid? Is that really why they fostered a young girl (all rounder) for the 'hired help' when the sons lost interest.

Imagine getting paid an income steam and having a live-in employee on hand 24/7.

I think I'm seeing now what this scamming filth was up to.

They are not equestrian horses they also have not been on the show scene for years. RT started the food truck up a few months before Tia died. They also had nott bred a registered purebred dog since the late 90's . I can dig up all their litter registered puppies after I take my son to the dentist.
Follow the money

Equestrian horses are not a cheap hobby in fact it is a more business. Firstly there is the balanced diet, the tack, the vet, the tow vehicle and float.....
Not to mention the endless training and grooming, the horses must be in peak condition. Some (not all) become obsessed with the win and many are very bad losers. I've seen it first hand.

Now I'm seeing how 'The Frankfurt Flogger' jumped on the gravy train selling his wares at these events. The purchase and preparation of food for the day would have needed a lot of help.

Was Tiahleigh 'used' to help with the horses AND the food van for pocket money or possibly even unpaid? Is that really why they fostered a young girl (all rounder) for the 'hired help' when the sons lost interest.

Imagine getting paid an income steam and having a live-
I truly agree with this. The rediculous privacy red tape should be lifted and foster children MUST have the same rights as an other missing or endangered children out there.

Tiahleigh’s foster sister, who cannot be named, thinks police and others in the community dismissed her a runaway.
“We feel that had this been made more public more quickly, someone may have seen her and prevented this from happening,” she said.
“We found that on all the posts about her being missing that people disregarded the importance because she ran off before. So we want parents and carers to be able to publicly share that their child has gone missing, even if it is only for an hour.
“As we’ve just learnt, every second is crucial.”

Foster sister? Was she in the home at the same time as Tiah? I know she is now over 18.
They really though it through. They could have put her in the Logan River which is closer to them, but it has a heap of recreational usage.

They would have gotten away with it if there had been any rain. She would have gone straight out to the bay.
I certainly did! There was emails being sent and pm's to news agencys, the amount of shares was amazing And people posting directly to news fb pages as comments on unrelated issue's, just to get it out to the public. And it was all so open, the foster situation and Cindy was amazing! She just pushed and pushed and didn't care who the hell knew that Tiah was in foster care. I really thought it was going to end up in some social media riot!

I was also thinking what a contrast it was to little Williams case.

It was around the same time an aboriginal boy went missing. I think he may have been found. But they were discussing how a child of colour gets less attention in the media than say someone like William.
They are not equestrian horses they also have not been on the show scene for years. RT started the food truck up a few months before Tia died. They also had nott bred a registered purebred dog since the late 90's . I can dig up all their litter registered puppies after I take my son to the dentist.

OK this was at Mr Tamborine show Oct. 2011.
I can't say this was the last show tho.
The Thorburns must have had lots of contact with the local community.. the horses, the boys, the foster kids, Rick looks a chatty sort of joiner, the food van, the coffee van.... then there is the support group for foster carers,, he and Julene were newbies at the game, supposedly, so one would think they would have support thrown at them...from fellow foster carers , from the agency itself... where was the oversight? no one noticed anything?

Now that their pictures have been broadcast nation wide, it wouldn't surprise me to find the police have had a few odd calls, from people with crystal clear memories, because this sort of behaviour doesn't happen suddenly, nor in a vacuum... there are networks, colleagues, associations, like minded fellow travellers....

I still cant come to grips with the ENTIRE 4 members of this family bunkering down and keeping silent!... not one wobbled, not one backpedalled.........really amazing.. there is usually one who calls Charlie on the whole process.
The Thorburns must have had lots of contact with the local community.. the horses, the boys, the foster kids, Rick looks a chatty sort of joiner, the food van, the coffee van.... then there is the support group for foster carers,, he and Julene were newbies at the game, supposedly, so one would think they would have support thrown at them...from fellow foster carers , from the agency itself... where was the oversight? no one noticed anything?

Now that their pictures have been broadcast nation wide, it wouldn't surprise me to find the police have had a few odd calls, from people with crystal clear memories, because this sort of behaviour doesn't happen suddenly, nor in a vacuum... there are networks, colleagues, associations, like minded fellow travellers....

I still cant come to grips with the ENTIRE 4 members of this family bunkering down and keeping silent!... not one wobbled, not one backpedalled.........really amazing.. there is usually one who calls Charlie on the whole process.

If Juleen was the orchestrator and final problem solver it would make more sense. That could be why it was so easy for them to disassociate. She had a week if not more to plan everything perfectly. The men are idiots Frankfurt flogger has no control over the 7 deadly sins. Look at his vast waistline. The boys are dullards.

That's why she was smiling perhaps. Got rid of 2 problems. She could sacrifice the husband cause she still has two adult sons and he serves no purpose.
I found another WT parallel and solved the mystery of the "extra sibling" I have been holding off posting as I cant find the article again. It was an early Brisbane times one with granny saying she received a txt from her daughter (Cyndis sister) about Tiah missing and the police not taking a report.

She went on to say she has a son and toddler at home.

So Cyndi had a toddler as well as being pregnant. So why was Tiah in care for so long? 8 months in hell house while Mum has the rest of the family intact.

Just when I thought I could not respect her more. She had a little one to look after.

Reunification takes a long time and is a long drawn out process (for a lot of kids and their families) :)
Thanks hon, I could see someone there but our sweet possumheart & Makara enhanced the pic!

I'm so frustrated at the moment, I can't make my images bigger than a thumbnail. Grrrr!

Anyone got a solution on iPad pleeeease?!?

Hold down your finger on the image in the article and you should have the option to save it. Then go to your photos, find it, open it and zoom.
If the Thornburns are as ugly as they are sounding, I think that the ex-foster mother will be very useful in rebuffing Lolitaesque accusations pointed at the victim by them in court.
If Juleen was the orchestrator and final problem solver it would make more sense. That could be why it was so easy for them to disassociate. She had a week if not more to plan everything perfectly. The men are idiots Frankfurt flogger has no control over the 7 deadly sins. Look at his vast waistline. The boys are dullards.

That's why she was smiling perhaps. Got rid of 2 problems. She could sacrifice the husband cause she still has two adult sons and he serves no purpose.

I hear ya!..... cynicism is vastly under rated in my opinion.. I'm in favour of a lot more of it. Your process has a hell of a lot going for it. ... Maybe Rick being so dumb as to interfere with 2 kids from her day care, jeopardising her income, and his, and bringing the wrath of the Qld State Gov on her head and the disgusted Qld Police down in his head, was the last straw, after years of batting away all sorts of accusations and assertions by the long suffering public..... Tia's entrance into that quartet changed the dynamic in ways that Juleen, Rick, Josh, and Trent had no control over, and no understanding of, and no way of adjusting.... perhaps Tia's normality was an unexpected challenge .
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