Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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Hi Champaign.....Being a local, do you live far from the Thorburn family home?... If so, has there been much activity there in the last few days?... The excavating would be completed by now, I guess?..:lurk:..Don't worry about responding to this post if you haven't been near there.... This time next Monday, you should have some news for us from the Court Room (yippy)..:happydance:
Hi Champaign.....Being a local, do you live far from the Thorburn family home? If so, has there been much activity there in the last few days? The excavating would be completed by now, I guess? Don't worry about responding to this post if you haven't been near there. This time next Monday, you should have some news for us from the Court Room (yippy)..:happydance:

I drove by this morning. Looks like no one there. The trailer thingy he was selling is still out the back. No cars in the driveway. I would say they would not be staying there currently. Police packed up a few days ago.
I drove by this morning. Looks like no one there. The trailer thingy he was selling is still out the back. No cars in the driveway. I would say they would not be staying there currently. Police packed up a few days ago.
Many thanks, Liadan & WWGY.

I thought all High Schools/secondary education in Australia started at Year 7 when the child was turning 12 that year. However, I had a look and only South Australia now starts High School at Year 8. Queensland has now come in line with the rest of Australia (except for SA).

The reason I asked was because of comments stating that Tia was only 11-going on 12 when she started High School as though it was unusual. Sorry.
Many thanks, Liadan & WWGY.

I thought all High Schools/secondary education in Australia started at Year 7 when the child was turning 12 that year. However, I had a look and only South Australia now starts High School at Year 8. Queensland has now come in line with the rest of Australia (except for SA).

The reason I asked was because of comments stating that Tia was only 11-going on 12 when she started High School as though it was unusual. Sorry.

Queensland also used to have year 12 finishing at 17yo instead of 18yo like other states, because they didn't have a "kindergarten" grade before year 1. I'm pretty sure there is now a prep year, but for a long time school leavers were younger than their interstate counterparts.
Queensland also used to have year 12 finishing at 17yo instead of 18yo like other states, because they didn't have a "kindergarten" grade before year 1. I'm pretty sure there is now a prep year, but for a long time school leavers were younger than their interstate counterparts.

Yes my daughter finished school last year at 17 in grade 12 here in QLD. The had no prep when she started. She went from pre school straight to grade 1 in the begining
Yes my daughter finished school last year at 17 in grade 12 here in QLD. The had no prep when she started. She went from pre school straight to grade 1 in the begining
I thought that was the case. So the kids going through prep, they'll be 18 right?
I thought that was the case. So the kids going through prep, they'll be 18 right?

They have introduced prep now. I only have one left in school who is in grade 11 he had to repeat a year early in primary school he is almost 17 so he will be one of the older grade 12 next year
Queensland also used to have year 12 finishing at 17yo instead of 18yo like other states, because they didn't have a "kindergarten" grade before year 1. I'm pretty sure there is now a prep year, but for a long time school leavers were younger than their interstate counterparts.

Yes, until quite recently QLD did not have a prep year. About 7/8 years ago it started.
In retrospect knowing what he has done it is absolutely disgusting that he had just gone about his business as usual. Shows how evil and calculated he is.
Queensland has. This is our first year of having year 7 as part of high school.

actually last year was first year of year 7 as high school. ( for what it's worth I don't agree with 12 year olds pushed into this demographic)
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'Sergeant French alleged Trent Thorburn also told police he saw Tiahleigh on the morning she was reported missing, October 30.

“I saw her at my house. She was still in her pyjamas walking around the house,” she said it would be alleged Trent Thorburn told police. “I was getting ready for work. I didn’t notice anything unusual about her behaviour. I am pretty sure she had just woken up," he allegedly told police.

“He then continues in that statement and says ‘I haven’t seen Tiahleigh since the Friday morning I described above. I haven’t had anyone contact me or provide any information to me in relation to where she might be’,” she said.

“ ... On five separate occasions he was asked if he was involved and he denies having any involvement or sexual contact with her at any stage. Eventually the defendant has admitted to the authorities that he had lied on multiple occasions in order to conceal the sexual intercourse between himself and Tiahleigh.”" '

This , I presume, is part, but only part of the Opposition to Bail that the police prosecutor put before the judge.. The result of which was, no bail. Then his solicitor succeeds in having the Opposition to Bail document sealed , not for publication, because it 'will endanger his safety'...... which implies that the bits that haven't been published are the stuff that endangers Trent's safety , inside prison. Society being what it is, common sense would tell you that it would be just as unsafe outside prison if the facts, as alleged by police are correct. ...

This claim from the police puts to bed the ridiculous lie that Trent thought it was ok, because everyone does it, and society accepts it..

It is obvious that even Trent knew it was wrong. So desperate was he to cover it up, to hide it, to not have it known, that he was prepared to lie to the coppers faces, over and over again, and on a signed and sworn to statement ( hence one of the perjury charges ) about his sexual contact with Tia.. He knows it was wrong. He denied it to everyone, and anyone who accused him of it. He tried to hide it by lying to his friend, to the police, and I wonder if he also lied to his mother, thereby putting Tia in the invidious position of having to defend herself about it.

But the Bail Opposition contents don't remain secret for ever. The police will be questioned thoroughly by the defence barrister about the events laid out , each line , letter and dot, because if it's that bad, it all goes to Trent's character and puts him at odds with his character witnesses, should any be found. ...

I suspect it is that bad, Bail Opposition documents are not usually asked to be sealed, and not usually granted the privilege of being sealed.. ( the sealing is only temporary.. .. if he does get bail, which I hope he doesn't, then the document sealing isn't required because he isn't in prison on remand. The sealing is only valid in so far as he remains in remand behind bars) ..

Thank you for paraphrasing Ms T. You are poetry in motion.
Just like to add to the discussion ...

My experience wih my 2 teens, one currently in Year 7 and 1 currently in Year 10, have lived in Vic and now Tas, is that the Year 7 students are usually quite a protected group. This is quite deliberately done. They have their own area, for recess and lunch and most classrooms clustered around this area. Older age groups do not consider it 'cool' to hang out with the Year 7's, who are considered 'noobs' and they usually avoid this area like the plague.

I talked to my older son about some of the issues we have had raised here - older boys dating 12 and 13 year old girls.
I asked if him or any of his mates ever checked out Year 7 girls or if he knew anyone dating a girl that young and he looked at me like I was mad. 'No way ' he said ' they are LITTLE girls! '

I'm not saying t doesn't happen - my own cousin at 13 in the 1970's was having sex and used to regale us girls with all the details. We were horribly shocked but never told our parents. We knew how much trouble she would have been in.
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Nothing Sillybilly about this post. Thank you so much for reminding us of TOS. This thread has gotten a bit off what web sleuths is about.

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