Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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Tiahleigh Palmer death: Foster brother admits lying to police investigating schoolgirl’s death

Melanie Petrinec, The Courier-Mail
an hour ago

JOSH Thorburn will spend the next three months behind bars.

Judge Chowdhury sentenced him to nine months in jail for perverting the course of justice and 15 months in jail for perjury.

The sentence will be suspended after he serves three months.

Judge Chowdhury said it was a “disgraceful and immoral plan” to conceal the alleged murder of a 12-year-old girl.

“Every citizen has as a moral obligation to assist the police and the courts to detect crime and prevent crime,” he said.

He said if Josh Thorburn had come forward earlier, proper focus could have been made “on the real killer of “Tiahleigh”.

EARLIER: Josh Thorburn’s father drove him to a Crime and Corruption Commission hearing into Tiahleigh Palmer’s death and told him to stick to the lie they’d concocted about her disappearance, a court has heard.

The 21-year-old claims he was terrified he would be killed if he told authorities what really happened to Tiahleigh because his father allegedly claimed he’d murdered before.

Josh Thorburn’s sentencing hearing is underway in the Beenleigh District Court, where details have emerged about Tiahleigh’s alleged murder and the coverup that followed.

Defence barrister Jeff Hunter QC said Josh Thorburn was “well and truly afraid” of his father.
Three months is a very lenient sentence. I suppose it is better than no time behind bars. It will make the rest of that disgusting family start sweating.
“Mr Thorburn senior told my client many years ago prior to his birth and possibly in New Zealand he killed a guard in an institution...,” Mr Hunter said.

He noted there was no proof it was true.

Mr Hunter said his client acknowledged he obstructed a challenging investigation and he was deeply remorseful.

“He was in a sense trapped by the lie and had to go along with it,” he said.

The court was told Rick Thorburn called a “family meeting” the night he allegedly killed Tiahleigh, telling his wife and children not to bring their phones.

Mr Hunter said afterwards, Josh Thorburn went to his room and sat with his phone in his hand and “agonised” over what to do.
Outside court, Tiahleigh Palmer’s mother, Cindy Palmer, expressed her devastation about the sentence.

“Obviously the justice system has let us down horribly today,” she said.

“But most of all they’ve let down Tiahleigh and her fight for justice.”

A supporter said the family would write to the Attorney-General and wanted to appeal.
I hope Tiahleigh's beautiful face haunts that Thorburn family for the rest of their lives.

Rest in peace baby girl. :rose:

:star::star::star::star::star: to Cindy Palmer who has been there for every hearing.
So sorry these rotten b's ended your daughters life.
Three months!!.... three months for the indescribable agony inflicted upon Cindy Palmer!!... a missing child , name of God!!..... that is truly an insult to the intelligence of the people of QLD......

Not for one moment do I believe this story , either.. to think that little squirt could throw such a ring of terror around three grown people is absurd and has a cartoonish air, . it just doesn't ring true.,.. I mean, Josh could have moved out of the home!.. gone into witness protection!!.. helped his mother 'escape'!!

This sentence has depressed me mightily.. it invalidates the value of Tiah and Cindy is right to believe she and her family have been let down, well and truly.
Three months!!.... three months for the indescribable agony inflicted upon Cindy Palmer!!... a missing child , name of God!!..... that is truly an insult to the intelligence of the people of QLD......

Not for one moment do I believe this story , either.. to think that little squirt could throw such a ring of terror around three grown people is absurd and has a cartoonish air, . it just doesn't ring true.,.. I mean, Josh could have moved out of the home!.. gone into witness protection!!.. helped his mother 'escape'!!

This sentence has depressed me mightily.. it invalidates the value of Tiah and Cindy is right to believe she and her family have been let down, well and truly.
Yeah 3 months in protective custody no doubt, the system taking the pish. What a disgrace! I'm sure the local pot dealer would get longer although I hear that our jails are full and even letting convicted peds off on suspended sentences. But, there is some good news, Joshua's testimony should sink his father and brother, and that thing he calls Mum. Weak cowards that family IMO. Joshua will already have a name change application and looking to relocate on his release. Imo fuming!

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Knowing how lenient our courts are I am relieved he is getting some jail time. I fully expected the whole sentence to be suspended due to our pathetic justice system. Julene will also get jail time. She was recorded telling the family to lie lie lie. That won't go down well for her. Sentencing for Julene is down for Aug 17. Jail will not be a nice place for her
Anyone notice Josh has dyed his hair brown. His grandmother wore a wig to court today
Anyone notice Josh has dyed his hair brown. His grandmother wore a wig to court today

what 's with these people and their damned hair!!.. it's only HAIR, you dills..

Champaign... a large bucket of thanks to you, for your impeccable relaying of local information, I know there is more to go, and I deeply appreciate your on the knocker reports from Thorburnland.. .. .
On Thursday, prosecutor David Nardone told the Beenleigh District Court police bugged the family's house in Chambers Flat after the teenager disappeared.

He said the electronic recordings showed Julene encouraging Joshua to lie.

"[She] told the family [they] have to stick to the same story about her going to school the next day," Mr Nardone said.

He told the court Joshua Thorburn was summonsed to a secret family meeting the night Tiahleigh disappeared, where he was told his brother Trent was having sexual relations with the young girl.

"His father said that they all had to protect Trent and keep the story amongst themselves, that Tiahleigh was going to go missing from school," Mr Nardone said.
"He told police that his father then said 'Tia was no longer with us'.

"He admitted that he understood that to mean that his father had killed Tiahleigh.
My gut feeling is seeing it came out today that Julene encouraged the boys to lie, she is going to get a longer jail sentence. She had sacked her previous legal team. Delaying the inevitable I think. Where is she now ? Not supporting her sons, just saving her own neck. Granny had to front up at court with Josh today.
My gut feeling is seeing it came out today that Julene encouraged the boys to lie, she is going to get a longer jail sentence. She had sacked her previous legal team. Delaying the inevitable I think. Where is she now ? Not supporting her sons, just saving her own neck. Granny had to front up at court with Josh today.

As I said to hubby tonight, Julene next, then Trent, then Daddio, sentences will increase in that order IMO.
My gut feeling is seeing it came out today that Julene encouraged the boys to lie, she is going to get a longer jail sentence. She had sacked her previous legal team. Delaying the inevitable I think. Where is she now ? Not supporting her sons, just saving her own neck. Granny had to front up at court with Josh today.
Agree she should get a longer sentence and although it can't be mentioned in this case, what does she know about the family day care allegations? Filthy filthy excuse for a family unit. Bring back the death penalty! Imo

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By God , I want to see something around 18 to 20 years for Julene, and onwards and upwards for Trent and , naturally, life without parole for Hogface.

Nothing less!
Agree she should get a longer sentence and although it can't be mentioned in this case, what does she know about the family day care allegations? Filthy filthy excuse for a family unit. Bring back the death penalty! Imo

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even if she didn't know at first, she knew it in time and STAYED IN THE GAME!!...

She knew her son had been sexually interfering with a child. It didn't seem to rock her world that her husband had the same penchant.. It didn't seem to bother her, except in the bothering of keeping him 'safe'....Safe!!!.... what the???

She simply must not be allowed to circulate in normal communities.. She is far , far too dangerous, and due to her age, unstoppable and unpersuadable... She is what she is, and what she is , is unacceptable.
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