Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #11

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Surely you jest. Tostee could care less about WW, his words are empty when he didn't even really know her. His words are all for show. What's he going to say, that he's not sorry about her at all, because that would be closer to the truth IMO. His actions that night showed him up for what he is. He's not fooling anyone except himself.

His words are as empty as those in his letter to the police following his high range drunk dangerous driving charge. That incident evidently was not a wake-up call, as he (or someone else) so eloquently put it. He then ended up with a murder charge for causing Warriena's death. Thanks to him, something much worse did happen.

"I am deeply regretful that I not only blatantly disregarded the law, but also put the lives of my friends, other road users, and yourselves as officers at risk," he wrote.

"Being stopped that night was the wake-up call I needed and I am thankful that it happened before something potentially much worse happened.

"My foolish and immature attitude has cost me the privilege to drive, my independence, and my primary means of transport."
His words are as empty as those in his letter to the police following his high range drunk dangerous driving charge. That incident evidently was not a wake-up call, as he (or someone else) so eloquently put it. He then ended up with a murder charge for causing Warriena's death. Thanks to him, something much worse did happen.

"I am deeply regretful that I not only blatantly disregarded the law, but also put the lives of my friends, other road users, and yourselves as officers at risk," he wrote.

"Being stopped that night was the wake-up call I needed and I am thankful that it happened before something potentially much worse happened.

"My foolish and immature attitude has cost me the privilege to drive, my independence, and my primary means of transport."

Exactly, He's full of s**t, and not to be trusted IMO. Anyone that gets with the tosser has rocks in their head, also IMO. That idiot needs a reality check. Why is the media still entertaining the goof ball?
I knew of someone similar to GT from the town i lived in, and he also thought he was teflon coated, and ended up coming to grief himself. What goes around comes around eventually.
I really think the media are just letting everyone know that he is still an absolute tosser, and reminding everyone of his name change, in the only way they can.

This article has spurred a lot of the same feelings that we have, in social media. SO many people detest the idiot. And his new girlfriend tries to step in and defend him. She just gets shut down by everyone. She, too, has a lot to learn. imo

He may think it is fame. It is notoriety ... of the worst kind.
Ahem *clears throat* The thread title states very clearly the words 'Not Guilty' and Warriena Wright.

So why is anything GT says or does even being brought up? If this thread is about the victim, why is there any focus at all on what GTIs doing with his life?
I'd like to see Tostee go on tour around Australia doing food challenges. Would be great reality tv. And his chance to show a different side of the Gable.

My opinion <modsnip> would change significantly if he can do a 1kg TBone in less than 15 minutes.

In fact if he could smash 2kg of chicken wings in 20 minutes it would prove beyond doubt that he really is a great guy and totally innocent of everything he's ever been accused of.

You are winning GT!

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So why is anything GT says or does even being brought up? If this thread is about the victim, why is there any focus at all on what GTIs doing with his life?

Well, it's a little difficult to discuss what Warriena is doing with her life.

I honestly would feel so much guilt if I even thought some of my actions led to someone's death. Couldn't imagine the guilt I would feel if there was a tape of me choking someone shortly before they plummeted to their death. Certainly cant imagine I would be filming snap chats with my new flavor of the month/week/day talking about not being stuck on myself. He just lacks a total ounce of class.
Gable Tostee lands paid interview with 60 Minutes

Kate Kyriacou, The Courier-Mail
November 5, 2016 1:00am

GOLD Coast playboy Gable Tostee will receive a six-figure sum for a tell-all interview about his fatal encounter with Warriena Wright.

The 30-year-old carpet layer will appear on the program on November 13, less than a month after he was acquitted of killing New Zealand tourist Ms Wright.

It is understood Channel 9 won a bidding war with its rival – Channel 7’s Sunday Night program – to secure the interview.

Well that didn't take long! :steamed: ! :cursing:
Gable Tostee lands paid interview with 60 Minutes

Kate Kyriacou, The Courier-Mail
November 5, 2016 1:00am

GOLD Coast playboy Gable Tostee will receive a six-figure sum for a tell-all interview about his fatal encounter with Warriena Wright.

The 30-year-old carpet layer will appear on the program on November 13, less than a month after he was acquitted of killing New Zealand tourist Ms Wright.

It is understood Channel 9 won a bidding war with its rival &#8211; Channel 7&#8217;s Sunday Night program &#8211; to secure the interview.

Well that didn't take long! :steamed: ! :cursing:

Totally expected (though totally unwanted).
This is not about clearing public perception, making things right. That is an impossible job. He was responsible for Warriena climbing the balcony that night, and no court decision in the world will remove that responsibility from his shoulders. The jury would not have struggled so much with their impeded decision if he was free of guilt.

This is about getting a big chunk of money.

Pretty sure that he will continue to make a huge tosser out of himself, no matter who vets the questions that will be asked of him, no matter how many tears of self pity roll down his cheeks.

He is not socially smart enough, with his IQ of 150, to understand the nuances in an interviewer's questions and discussion.
He is not socially smart enough to understand that he is a in the public's eyes, and the only way to achieve a teeny tiny modicum of respect is to go out into the world and truly do something good, for the needy, and quit focusing on himself.
So why is anything GT says or does even being brought up? If this thread is about the victim, why is there any focus at all on what GTIs doing with his life?

Yes, ask yourself those questions. He annihilated Warriena in life and now he is trying to annihilate any memory of her after her death. He wants no more talk of Warriena in any forum; public or private. He wants Warriena to be a ghost, a thing just as she was, to him at least, during her final hours on earth. If Warriena is remembered at all, he wants her to be remembered only if it is in relation to him and his triumph over her. This is a man who literally 'got away with murder'. A beautiful young woman named Warriena is dead and he is walking free. Free to perform meaningless stunts and get his name in MSM with impunity. It will be interesting to watch a replay* of the 60 Minutes' interview to see what line the interviewer takes. Some words of wisdom:

'Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before a fall.'

Proverbs 16:18 (NKJV)

I won't be watching at the same time he and his toadies will be watching. I will choose if, and when, I do and then only as an exercise in studying evil.

As for him, meh. Seen it once, seen it all. He is nothing special.
So why is anything GT says or does even being brought up? If this thread is about the victim, why is there any focus at all on what GTIs doing with his life?

When a pedo walks free because 'legal arguments' restrict the trial outcome, does that mean that society should be any less concerned about who he is going to harm next?

Same same.
I can't believe the Cafe owner and her daughter, not to mention any of the other customers didn't know who he was. Seriously? If those living right there in and around Surfers/Goldie don't know who he is and don't recognise him, I doubt many Kiwi's are going to know who he is either. I would recognise him myself, but I wouldn't bat an eyelid if I passed him on the street, but that's just me.
Well the media is getting the good word out on the street...
These TV stations make me want to vomit more than anything. I wouldn't watch if it was the last 'show' on earth.
Can't say I'm surprised at the long bow the journalist draws between Gable Tostee and JH-G, poss. Every time there is an MSM article about violence linked to SM, Gable Tostee's name will be mentioned. Karma's a *****.

Like this poor girl from NSW..............

"BEAUTIFUL young doctor Angela Jay did what thousands of other single women do every week, and it very nearly killed her.

The 28-year-old went on dating app Tinder, found a photograph of a man who looked nice, and swiped right.

Paul Dennis Lambert, 36, seemed perfect. Handsome, a good job and a warm smile. And by the time she found out he was an obsessive stalker, it was too late.

The pair met on Tinder eight weeks ago, but the affair quickly soured when Ms Jay told Lambert she didn’t want to see him any more.

Lambert was shot dead when he launched himself at police with a knife.

The incident came just two weeks after Gable Tostee was acquitted of murdering Warriena Wright in the Brisbane Supreme Court.

Tostee and Ms Wright had met only hours earlier on Tinder, before she fell 14-floors to her death in August 2014."
No surprise to me, I was expecting that.
I also think he'll be putting his name forward for reality tv shows
These are the 2 interview questions I am interested in hearing answers to:
1. Why was there only a single handprint of Warriena's on the balcony rail? How did Warriena manage to lower herself over a balcony, twist herself around whilst hanging, and only leave one print?
2. Why was there a chalk outline of a body below your balcony on your phone?
These are the 2 interview questions I am interested in hearing answers to:
1. Why was there only a single handprint of Warriena's on the balcony rail? How did Warriena manage to lower herself over a balcony, twist herself around whilst hanging, and only leave one print?
2. Why was there a chalk outline of a body below your balcony on your phone?
3. What was in your hand in the basement?
According to the almost 1000 comments on the Gangster and Gatsby Facebook site (some of which are hilarious), he is back on Tinder (or maybe that was sarcasm).
ETA: probably good that his face is still in the media, so that smart women recognise him on Tinder and don't hook up with him.
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