Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #7

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Please explain why you're treating all GT's words on the recording as gospel when GT knew it was being recorded but WW did not. Why are his words gospel when he has a history of manipulating women in conversations that are being recorded?

See the difference?

No, I don't. The 'ninja' claim came out of her mouth, not his, if that Report I linked is accurate.
We seem to have a poltergeist waffling amongst us tonight. Stuck in Yee Olde Rut.
A mantra for all ghosts lingering about:

Gate gate paragate, parasam gate, bodhi svaha.

Go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, transcend, go into enlightenment.
May it be so.
It. Was. In. His. Pocket.

How did it get there, and with what intent at the time it got there? <modsnip> Evidence is all that counts in a Trial. (Yes, I know, we are free to speculate here, but that is pretty pointless at the end of the legal day.)
It was snide, irreverent and disrespectful and you know it.

I'm so done with the victim bashers. You can believe in GT's innocence regarding murder or manslaughter as your prerogative, but this girl went out on a date and ended up dead. If you were reading some of the comments that have been made as a relative, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be so quick to protect.

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Generally people know how many drinks they can drink before they get to a certain level of drunkenness. When the alcohol content is different to what you'd anticipate you would obviously be getting drunker than you had anticipated.

For example: Homemade grappa has an alcohol percentage of about 70%, storebought vodka is around 40%. So if i thought i was having vodka on the rocks but was actually being served something else i would get more drunk before i'd even register i'd gone too far.

Make sense?

He purposefully tried to get her drunker than she had planned to get. This is his MO.

I agree, but I don't think he knew what the outcome would've been.

IMO, the result of him giving her too strong alcohol could be a reason she made the decisions, that she did. It could also be the reason that it got to the level of her ending up on the balcony in the first place.

But is that murder?
Is it manslaughter?

or is it a tragic accident from a circumstance that was created because Tostee gave her too much alcohol, so he could play his stupid sex, spy and recording games etc
My first post on websleuths but have been following the case. Even if ww acted crazy and assaulted him he said you are lucky i dont throw you off the balcony then when she said let me go home he said i would but you have been a bad girl and then carried her to the balcony. Her screams were because of what he said and threatened to do. That is the case and that is beyond reasonable doubt.
No, I don't. The 'ninja' claim came out of her mouth, not his, if that Report I linked is accurate.

I was referring to everything that's been expressed in regards to WW bringing it upon herself from the supposed "violence" to the rocks being thrown even though he sustained no injuries. Even though he told the recording he was being beaten up and he told his dad he was being beaten up yet no evidence of him being beaten up was found.

You can't seem to separate that one person knew they were being recorded and the other didn't and was being manipulated. Since this is the case, his words hold less weight than hers throughout the WHOLE of the recording.
I notice there that you have not outlined why you think he wont be found guilty .

He won't be found not guilty of murder because as long as that balcony door remained locked, WW was safe. If he unlocked the door and came out on to the balcony or she had somehow locked the door from the outside and he was attempting to unlock it. then I could see a guilty verdict sticking.
It must be hell being in that jury.. it isn't often a jury , or anyone really, gets to hear the last words of a murder victim.. I cant think of one, except way way back in the mists of time, when Ian Brady and Myra Hindley thought it was smartish to record themselves murdering children..

In those days, it was a huge reel to reel Toshiba outfit, a bit reel of tape, a huge microphone, nothing like todays nifty stuff. Ian and Myra had the bright idea to hide the finished tape in a suitcase and deposit at the railway station. They couldn't bear to destroy it, it was such a precious trophy.. ... they hid the locker ticket in a prayer book.

Anyways, to cut it short, a police man found the suitcase after they were arrested for another murder unconnected to the children murdered previously, and put the tape on the reel, and out floated the most terrible audio record of a murder.

As it happens that was the first murder recorded, as was the first kind of home unit.. Brady, like Tostee was attracted like a magpie to technical devices...... He'd record himself doing anything, like Gabe does.

and this jury will have to take the recording apart, sentence by sentence.. word by word.
I agree, but I don't think he knew what the outcome would've been.

IMO, the result of him giving her too strong alcohol could be a reason she made the decisions, that she did. It could also be the reason that it got to the level of her ending up on the balcony in the first place.

But is that murder?
Is it manslaughter?

or is it a tragic accident from a circumstance that was created because Tostee gave her too much alcohol, so he could play his stupid sex, spy and recording games etc

I don't actually have an opinion either way on whether he is guilty or not guilty. All i know for a fact are ... the facts. I am addressing the victim-blaming and the notion that her getting so drunk was somehow her fault or in her hands when in actuality her level of drunkenness was manipulated by him.

Another fact of the matter is, he had never met her before, yet he was plying her with strong alcohol. Now, is this a wise thing to do when you don't know what sort of a "drunk" someone is?
I agree, but I don't think he knew what the outcome would've been.

IMO, the result of him giving her too strong alcohol could be a reason she made the decisions, that she did. It could also be the reason that it got to the level of her ending up on the balcony in the first place.

But is that murder?
Is it manslaughter?

or is it a tragic accident from a circumstance that was created because Tostee gave her too much alcohol, so he could play his stupid sex, spy and recording games etc

When you choke someone it is reasonable to assume the person choked will attempt to escape from you. That is the reasonably foreseeable element.

When the person escaping decides to risk their own life to get away, you can be sure the threat to life was real and any alternatives were ruled out, such as staying there or attempting to go back into the flat and leave through the apartment door.
My first post on websleuths but have been following the case. Even if ww acted crazy and assaulted him he said you are lucky i dont throw you off the balcony then when she said let me go home he said i would but you have been a bad girl and then carried her to the balcony. Her screams were because of what he said and threatened to do. That is the case and that is beyond reasonable doubt.

precisely. welcome. :welcome3:
Interesting. If i got a guest so inebriated, so scared, and locked them out on a balcony when they actually were desperate to leave and go home and they ended up falling off said balcony and plunging 14 stories to a most horrific death whether i was found guilty of the death or not guilty i still would be morally responsible for said death.

Just because a court finds someone not guilty does not mean those person's actions did not contribute.

But if the prosecution didn't think there was a good chance of him being found guilty they would have never proceeded with the case against him. So it's not outrageous to think a guilty verdict could be the possible outcome.
My first post on websleuths but have been following the case. Even if ww acted crazy and assaulted him he said you are lucky i dont throw you off the balcony then when she said let me go home he said i would but you have been a bad girl and then carried her to the balcony. Her screams were because of what he said and threatened to do. That is the case and that is beyond reasonable doubt.


Noobs together. Hi! [emoji1366]

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Digital trophy, yes. I really do wonder how many are tucked away on various smartphones and computers.
Won't the journalists have an absolute field day when Gabe is sent away! So MUCH information, keen to be free!
If only I had 150 IQ then I could write the definitive Tostee Balcony murder, but alas I do not so others will no doubt take on the task.
I don't actually have an opinion either way on whether he is guilty or not guilty. All i know for a fact are ... the facts. I am addressing the victim-blaming and the notion that her getting so drunk was somehow her fault or in her hands when in actuality her level of drunkenness was manipulated by him.

Another fact of the matter is, he had never met her before, yet he was plying her with strong alcohol. Now, is this a wise thing to do when you don't know what sort of a "drunk" someone is?

This takes me to the fact that Warriena did not know him either, and I think it would have played big time into her needing to escape, after her experience of being held down by a stranger, and choked. He acted like a psychopath.
I don't actually have an opinion either way on whether he is guilty or not guilty. All i know for a fact are ... the facts. I am addressing the victim-blaming and the notion that her getting so drunk was somehow her fault or in her hands when in actuality her level of drunkenness was manipulated by him.

Another fact of the matter is, he had never met her before, yet he was plying her with strong alcohol. Now, is this a wise thing to do when you don't know what sort of a "drunk" someone is?

No, it's not a wise thing to do, but this is what he did all the time, brought girls back to his apartment, got them drunk, then had sex with them etc etc.

But you need to be clear that I am not victim blaming when I'm saying WW being drunk may have resulted in her death. I'm saying that her being drunk could have been reason as to her making decisions that resulted in her death. Yes Tostee gave her the alcohol, but would she have been as scared or feel as threatened by Tostee or climbed over the balcony rail if she was sober? This is my point, the result of her intoxication has resulted in decisions being made that may not have occurred if she had been sober
This takes me to the fact that Warriena did not know him either, and I think it would have played big time into her needing to escape, after her experience of being held down by a stranger, and choked. He acted like a psychopath.

I wonder if he liked the movie American Psycho. Though i can't find any reference from him to it (granted i havent gone searching through his BB posts) but it's all quite reminiscent of that to a lesser degree and i know a lot of wannabe alphas are truly enamored with that movie (it's also one of my favorites, but i see it as satire and making fun that ilk which seems to go over people like GT's head.)

Of course this is pure speculation on my behalf, but i do wonder.
This takes me to the fact that Warriena did not know him either, and I think it would have played big time into her needing to escape, after her experience of being held down by a stranger, and choked. He acted like a psychopath.

when the transcript is read, it isn't until she says, 'its all good, I am leaving now'.. I'ts good.. I'll be leaving now'. that he becomes enraged and lets loose his inner psychopath.. its then that his savagery and intent is clearly visible, and he is in his peculiar masculine way , totally hysterical that she dares to choose her time of leaving. He just goes apeshit. From then on , his rage escalates and her fear escalates to lethal proportions..

I loved the word Mr Cash said about Tostee's actions and words.. 'Disproportionate'.. to the situation, to the person, to the event, Gabe was disproportionate.. nothing was equal about it.
I was referring to everything that's been expressed in regards to WW bringing it upon herself from the supposed "violence" to the rocks being thrown even though he sustained no injuries.

I can only speak for myself, and I have never used the words "bringing it upon herself." What is 'supposed' about what was common ground between Prosecution and Defence that she was throwing rocks at him at generally. It is a given fact, as part of the evidence the Crown presented to the Jury.

Even though he told the recording he was being beaten up and he told his dad he was being beaten up yet no evidence of him being beaten up was found.

Incorrect. For example - He was seriously and unlawfully assaulted by her with the 'metal object.' That could have been fatal to him, or at least caused GBH. There is no point pretending that did not happen. It was the Crown who presented (led) that evidence as part of its case.

You can't seem to separate that one person knew they were being recorded and the other didn't and was being manipulated. Since this is the case, his words hold less weight than hers throughout the WHOLE of the recording.

No, it does not. It was a recording of what could be recorded audibly. She said what she said, he said what he said. Simple as that. Why read more into that than what it is - if you do not have an established agenda. I look at it for what it is......something he knew (but may have forgotten) he routinely recorded, and as it turned out, it became pretty much the entire core of the Crown case against him, and yet for him. They tendered that evidence, not the Defence.
But if the prosecution didn't think there was a good chance of him being found guilty they would have never proceeded with the case against him.

Not necessarily, there is overzealous prosecution and overcharging of defendants. There are plenty of cases, where Joe Public scratches his head as to why they even got to trial, this is one of them. There is virtually no chance of GT being found guilty of murder, exemplified by the recent acquittal of a defendant in a vaguely similar trial.
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