Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sep 2014 - #67

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Expect that LE have re-examined this light of changing theories; maybe truck driver and semi-trailer could be inter-changed when quoting. Also, this info was relayed to Police at the road could be somewhat inaccurate.
Police stop drivers in Kendall as search for William Tyrell, 3, turns up nothing

"Superintendent Paul Fehon said police were desperate for any leads and hoped someone might remember seeing something as they drove past Benaroon Drive last Friday.

One driver who was pulled over at the police road block on Friday told officers about a black Camry that a truck driver had noticed in the area several times last Friday.

It is believed the information had already been canvassed by police and discounted."
Expect that LE have re-examined this light of changing theories; maybe truck driver and semi-trailer could be inter-changed when quoting. Also, this info was relayed to Police at the road could be somewhat inaccurate.
Police stop drivers in Kendall as search for William Tyrell, 3, turns up nothing

"Superintendent Paul Fehon said police were desperate for any leads and hoped someone might remember seeing something as they drove past Benaroon Drive last Friday.

One driver who was pulled over at the police road block on Friday told officers about a black Camry that a truck driver had noticed in the area several times last Friday.

It is believed the information had already been canvassed by police and discounted."
I've often wondered about that truck driver and I hope the police actually did speak to him (not about the Camry driver, but about his own movements). From what he told Ray Hadley, it sounded like the Camry driver did nothing more than park where he, Peter the truck driver, had either planned to park or did park. But by pointing to the Camry with suspicion he was able to divert all attention away from himself. Or maybe he was just trying to be helpful.

Paraphrasing what I think Peter the truck driver said or meant:
- after sleeping overnight at the Clybucca truck stop, he had driven south along the Pacific Highway before taking the exit to Kew about 9 am
- he'd planned to park near the hotel in Kew, but because there was a black Camry already parked there he drove on through the roundabout, past a corner service station on the left, and parked in the bus zone on Kendall Road, Kew
- he was waiting for a call from his contact to make arrangements to pick up a machine to take it to Silverdale (NSW?)
- 30 minutes later the Camry drove along and parked in front of him
- 45 minutes later (or was it 45 mins after he first got there?) Peter's contact told him to "Go into KenDELL, wait for us there." (Note that Peter kept pronouncing the name of the town as "Ken-DELL", instead of the way I think the media pronounces it, "KEN-dle", which strikes me as a bit strange unless there are other people who also pronounce it that way?)
- in Kendall I think Peter probably parked near the Kendall Community Op Shop, alongside the cars parked at the curb (Note that if this is correct then his truck might have been visible in the CCTV images from the former Kendall Tennis Club in Graham Street, which was just across the road)
- 10 or 15 minutes later the Camry drove up and parked at the shop, and a "a well-built lady: black shorts, black top, blonde - walked into that shop"
- Peter drove out of Kendall at about 11:30 or 12 noon. He didn't say where he went to get the machine, or what sort of machine it was.

At a minimum, IMO Peter would have been worth talking to because he'd been sitting on the main road to or from Kendall for more than an hour that day, first in Kew and then in Kendall, around the time that William went missing. He told Ray that his dashcam was turned off, so that's unfortunate, but maybe he saw something or heard something?

- from about 06:06 in the audio file at:
"Ray Hadley: Desperate search for missing boy", 2GB, 16 Sep 2014
This would surely have elicited some information for LE's records and re-examination:
"Today we are also canvassing people driving along the Batar Creek Road, who may have been coming along that route last Friday," he said.
"We're just seeing if they saw anything, if they saw any vehicle or person, suspicious or not suspicious."
Search for William Tyrrell shifts to place he disappeared
No results back yet on their findings in November
I have a couple of thoughts ( MOO)
Why such certainty he didn’t walk or get taken up hill ?
Why so long to make the recollections the FFC did re the cars and the driving ?
Upon my recent experience of missing dog, I can’t imagine she found W and then transported him silently nor can I imagine not searching for him frantically.
The MFC emerging from a bathroom crying still seems odd to me.
hope you found your dog?:)
Another possibility;

Conversation with an Adult with High functioning autism

People with High functioning autism (Hfa) generally lack those abilities. Their intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, intonation, and motor clumsiness are typical of the condition. This failure to react appropriately to social interaction appears as a disregard for other people's feelings and comes across as insensitive.

The abnormalities of Hfa speech include:
  • verbosity
  • abrupt transitions
  • literal interpretations and miscomprehension of nuance
  • use of metaphor meaningful only to the speaker
  • auditory perception deficits
  • unusually pedantic, formal or idiosyncratic speech
  • repetitive speech and oddities in volume, pitch, intonation, prosody, and rhythm
  • echolalia (repetition of what has been said to them)
  • inappropriate response or non-response
  • speech is immature and unimaginative
Section 14 Mental Health Application - Astor Legal

A Section 14 application can be used by a person charged with a criminal or traffic offence to avoid a criminal record. However, the accused must prove that they suffer from a mental health impairment or cognitive impairment.

What is a Cognitive Impairment?
  • Intellectual disability,
  • Borderline intellectual functioning
  • Dementia
  • Acquired brain injury,
  • Drug or alcohol related brain damage, including foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or
  • Autism spectrum disorder.
A possibility IMO.

Lol what? You think a person with autism can do what the female foster person has managed with regards to the police, the media, the department of child protection etc. and not coming under suspicion widely for many years?

Edit. People with personality disorders, such as ASPD, with zero cognitive impairment, also talk funny fyi imo
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Lol what? You think a person with autism can do what the female foster person has managed with regards to the police, the media, the department of child protection etc. and not coming under suspicion widely for many years?

What exactly has she 'managed'?

The families were the first people under the spotlight. They were all cleared by two different sets of investigators.

And there is no evidence that either family was involved in William's disappearance, even now.


The latest search, as stated many times, was done under Coronial orders. Just as the search in bushland near FA's place of residence was done.
And it seems that nothing was found in this most recent search ... again.

Police search for Tyrrell in bushland near paedophile's home
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has a court date been reported for fcs alleged assault on child in their care charge?

Just jumping off your post .....

I thought of William's FP last night, when I was watching the 60 Minutes program about the 4-year old (CS) who was abducted in WA, then found 18 days later - playing with little cars after midnight in a locked room in a stranger's locked house.

CS's mother spoke of the horrible things that were being said about them on SM during this traumatic event. The pain it brought them. And, apparently, the SM onslaught continues (according to her). She said it showed her the terrible people with "hate in their hearts".

William's FP have had over 7 years of this type of horrible SM onslaught. It made me wonder how much this has affected their mental health - with regard to the AVO and the charges.

The irony being that the ones who have been churning up SM may have been the ones who caused the FP mental health to deteriorate over 7½ long years.

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Just jumping off your post .....

I thought of William's FP last night, when I was watching the 60 Minutes program about the 4-year old (CS) who was abducted in WA, then found 18 days later - playing with little cars after midnight in a locked room in a stranger's locked house.

CS's mother spoke of the horrible things that were being said about them on SM during this traumatic event. The pain it brought them. And, apparently, the SM onslaught continues (according to her). She said it showed her the terrible people with "hate in their hearts".

William's FP have had over 7 years of this type of horrible SM onslaught. It made me wonder how much this has affected their mental health - with regard to the AVO and the charges.

The irony being that the ones who have been churning up SM may have been the ones who caused the FP mental health to deteriorate over 7½ long years.

yes, i can imagine the ongoing trolling has been horrendous, shocking for a persons mental health, relentless, theyve all had a terrible 7yrs,
but does it justify allegedly assaulting a young child who has been in your family and care since babyhood, who has also had the trauma of losing her little brother, and allegedly not just one adult, but both? surely if one person allegedly snapped and struck out the other adult would rush to protect and intervene?(moo)
has a court date been set yet? ive looked but cant find anything?
yes, i can imagine the ongoing trolling has been horrendous, shocking for a persons mental health, relentless, theyve all had a terrible 7yrs,
but does it justify allegedly assaulting a young child who has been in your family and care since babyhood, who has also had the trauma of losing her little brother, and allegedly not just one adult, but both? surely if one person allegedly snapped and struck out the other adult would rush to protect and intervene?(moo)
has a court date been set yet? ive looked but cant find anything?

Makes you wonder who is actually responsible for the alleged assault, doesn't it? The people who may have been driven to the edge. Or the people who likely drove them there, with little thought about the consequences of their actions (the immense stress it has likely caused). Or a little of both. Perhaps a 50/50 split.

I can certainly see how the Mental Health Act might come into it. There will be lots of proof to support that stance.

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has a court date been reported for fcs alleged assault on child in their care charge?
I've seen two dates reported (but I don't have much faith left that <modsnip> knows what they're talking about, MOO):

Tue 01 Feb 2022
- the psychological reports were to be presented in court (1)
- the police brief was to be served (2)

Tue 22 Feb 2022
- a reply (to the psychological reports?) (1)
- "[FFC] is due to apply for a hearing under the Mental Health Act in either Hornsby or Parramatta local courts"(2)

(1) "William Tyrrell's foster parents plead not guilty to allegations of assault against another child",, 17 Dec 2021

(2) "William Tyrrell detectives conduct fresh round of interviews in missing toddler case and inquest is delayed AGAIN - as foster parents due in court over child assault charge", Daily Mail Australia, 06 Jan 2022
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What exactly has she 'managed'?

The families were the first people under the spotlight. They were all cleared by two different sets of investigators.

And there is no evidence that either family was involved in William's disappearance, even now.


The latest search, as stated many times, was done under Coronial orders. Just as the search in bushland near FA's place of residence was done.
And it seems that nothing was found in this most recent search ... again.

Police search for Tyrrell in bushland near paedophile's home
SouthAussie, do you have any information showing that, as you said, "the families ... were all cleared by two different sets of investigators"? BBM

This is from an article published 03 January 2015 (three months after William went missing), quoting Superintendent Paul Fehon: "Everyone involved in the case and even those not involved still remain a possibility as having something to do with what has occurred."
- "Missing toddler William Tyrell victim of possible targeted kidnapping from Kendall", Daily Telegraph, 03 Jan 2015

Gary Jubelin took over about a month later, so was anything said by Paul Fehon or Hans Rupp or anyone else before Jubelin moved in?
SouthAussie, do you have any information showing that, as you said, "the families ... were all cleared by two different sets of investigators"? BBM

This ABC report (and, presumably, the police brief) contains the info about the FP.

1. During his radio interview, Mr Jubelin said that, when he took over the case five months after the three-year-old vanished from his foster-grandmother's house in Kendall, he was told in the handover that the foster-parents had been ruled out of any involvement. (Handover likely done by Hans Rupp, I would think.)

2. About 18 months into the investigation, some members of the police strike force suggested there was evidence that needed to be clarified with the foster-parents.
That was when he formally interviewed the couple. "I went hard on them," he said.
Mr Jubelin said the conclusion reached by police was that the foster-parents were not involved in the disappearance.

Former lead detective reveals police bugged car of William Tyrrell's foster-parents
SouthAussie, do you have any information showing that, as you said, "the families ... were all cleared by two different sets of investigators"? BBM

This is from an article published 03 January 2015 (three months after William went missing), quoting Superintendent Paul Fehon: "Everyone involved in the case and even those not involved still remain a possibility as having something to do with what has occurred."
- "Missing toddler William Tyrell victim of possible targeted kidnapping from Kendall", Daily Telegraph, 03 Jan 2015

Gary Jubelin took over about a month later, so was anything said by Paul Fehon or Hans Rupp or anyone else before Jubelin moved in?

Not SA obviously but you can listen to Hans Rupp giving his opinion in Caroline Overington's Nowhere Child podcast - Episode 4 "Person Of Interest".

He did consider the foster parents could be involved however there was no evidence to support that , he went on to say he didn't think any member of the family was involved at all.
Makes you wonder who is actually responsible for the alleged assault, doesn't it? The people who may have been driven to the edge. Or the people who likely drove them there, with little thought about the consequences of their actions (the immense stress it has likely caused). Or a little of both. Perhaps a 50/50 split.

I can certainly see how the Mental Health Act might come into it. There will be lots of proof to support that stance.

<modsnip> did they both allegedly just snap! everyone suffers to varying degrees from outside stressors, but we cant blame others for our actions, with online bullying, keep away from social media, leave the child with a relative if you need time out,
im sad they have been bullied but sadder they both allegedly bullied a child, to me, its like being sympathetic to a domestic abuser because hes had immense stress, so we take the blame off him for hurting his family?
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<modsnip> did they both allegedly just snap! everyone suffers to varying degrees from outside stressors, but we cant blame others for our actions, with online bullying, keep away from social media, leave the child with a relative if you need time out,
im sad they have been bullied but sadder they both allegedly bullied a child, to me, its like being sympathetic to a domestic abuser because hes had immense stress, so we take the blame off him for hurting his family?

Quite honestly, I don't feel that we can ignore the outside stressors and what they do to people's perspective.
They probably thought they were coping okay, doing their best to get through each day.

There are people who have suicided due to online and offline bullying.
There are people who have committed mass killings, precipitated by online and offline bullying.

The FP have been subjected to online and offline harrassment (remember the person who was charged for harrassing them). For more than 7 years.

I just wish that everyone would THINK about the inadvertent consequences of their bullying tactics.


(That's the last I am going to say on this matter, bear, at this point in time.)
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Quite honestly, I don't feel that we can ignore the outside stressors and what they do to people's perspective.
They probably thought they were coping okay, doing their best to get through each day.

There are people who have suicided due to online and offline bullying.
There are people who have committed mass killings, precipitated by online and offline bullying.

The FP have been subjected to online and offline harrassment (remember the person who was charged for harrassing them). For more than 7 years.

I just wish that everyone would THINK about the inadvertent consequences of their bullying tactics.


(That's the last I am going to say on this matter, bear, at this point in time.)
yes, me too:)
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