Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sep 2014 - #69

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I can see why he was a POI. The media released his name and Gary never discussed him. I think he had a good case against the media and he got a nice pay out from that. Who knows exactly when the proof of the alibi was given? I think he should probably move on with his life and keep his name out of the media. It certainly seems like it’s revenge on Gary more than anything else. He will likely win though and then l hope to never hear his name (or voice) again.

I was just looking back to see what happened in his lawsuits against the media, because I couldn't remember the outcome.

I don't think we got all the finalised details (Daily Mail were fighting it) but the DT settled out of court with him, sometime prior to May 2019, for an undisclosed amount.

His issue with them was that they both called him a convicted pedo in a couple of articles.

Daily Mail tries to stop defamation case arising from William Tyrrell disappearance
Spedding v Australia Pty Ltd - NSW Caselaw

Interesting that the publication of those lawsuits was squelched and he kept a low profile for them. But he is going gungho in the media with his lawsuit against the police.
I guess criminal cases can be tried in the media, and so can some lawsuits. imo

Peter O'Brien - his lawyer - has even put up a page on his website about BS suing the police (State of NSW).
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lucky the ffcs had "proof of life" photos of william, the unusual trip to macdonalds on cctv the night before and the scrapbook photos on fgms porch, all portyraying a happy family unit, it just all feels staged to me,
also why so much emphasis on mfcs close bond with william, even sleeping together, was this to deflect from perhaps mfc losing his temper with the children? did something happen the night before, was there arguing, did they stay up or go to bed, did william misbehave and not settle, did family come over to visit their sister at fgms, did ffcs go out leaving the children in fgms care? so many questions!
Today barrister Adrian Williams, acting for the state, told the NSW Supreme Court detectives were just "trying to do their job" when they charged Mr Spedding.

Mr Williams said the allegations were renewed in a call to Crime Stoppers in January 2015.

"This wasn't something that the police actively unearthed to 'get' the plaintiff," he said.

Detectives took the matter seriously, he said, and would have been "rightly criticised" for dismissing the claims out of hand.

Mr Williams said it was common in the past for allegations made by children to be "ignored" because they were inconvenient.

Now police are expected to thoroughly investigate such claims, he told the court.

Police 'just doing their job' when charging former William Tyrrell suspect with child sex offences, court told
Today barrister Adrian Williams, acting for the state, told the NSW Supreme Court detectives were just "trying to do their job" when they charged Mr Spedding.

Mr Williams said the allegations were renewed in a call to Crime Stoppers in January 2015.

"This wasn't something that the police actively unearthed to 'get' the plaintiff," he said.

Detectives took the matter seriously, he said, and would have been "rightly criticised" for dismissing the claims out of hand.

Mr Williams said it was common in the past for allegations made by children to be "ignored" because they were inconvenient.

Now police are expected to thoroughly investigate such claims, he told the court.

Police 'just doing their job' when charging former William Tyrrell suspect with child sex offences, court told

"Mr Williams said it was common in the past for allegations made by children to be "ignored" because they were inconvenient".
and this is probably why the paperwork etc was lost and the person who abused those girls got away with it
I'm fearful for BS on where this trial is going to go. Jubelin has shown that when his back is to the wall in his own troubles, he has made a lot of embarrassing irrelevant information public, during trial, to explain his position e.g. personal information about PS. I have no reason to think he will not do the same here, nor will the other detectives. It was pretty obvious to me following the case way back when that they were going after the historical charges to ping him for the WT disappearance. The police added no new evidence and could see that there was reasonable doubt and yet they still went ahead, BS offered information for his alibi and he was ignored. Whole thing makes me sick. I hope BS wins to dissuade the police from pursuing these tactics, to my mind, they went way over the line, guess this case will really dele into where the line is. MOO
lucky the ffcs had "proof of life" photos of william, the unusual trip to macdonalds on cctv the night before and the scrapbook photos on fgms porch, all portyraying a happy family unit, it just all feels staged to me,
also why so much emphasis on mfcs close bond with william, even sleeping together, was this to deflect from perhaps mfc losing his temper with the children? did something happen the night before, was there arguing, did they stay up or go to bed, did william misbehave and not settle, did family come over to visit their sister at fgms, did ffcs go out leaving the children in fgms care? so many questions!
Interesting take bearbear.
I was thinking the opposite about all that.
Often people don't like to lie they focus on look here not there.
So to me the over emphasis on how special the relationship with MFC was with William screamed out to me that he didnt have a special relationship with FFC.
Because really where the fosters were at, and what they were trying to do with the tyrell children I believe they would have talked it up what a marvellous mother she is, if the case. that area.

"Mr Williams said it was common in the past for allegations made by children to be "ignored" because they were inconvenient".
and this is probably why the paperwork etc was lost and the person who abused those girls got away with it

We know that they didn't prosecute at the time due to the 'young ages of the victims'. So, yes, ignored and inconvenient.
And we know that was not uncommon back in the 80s. We have discussed this several times in the past, after researching it.

I am glad that the two girls got their day in court.
I am sad that it didn't work out in their favour, as many historical cases don't, but at least they had a chance at getting some justice for what was done to them. imo

I had always hoped that they would take BS to civil court, after the criminal court hearing was over.
If they had a savvy lawyer who is as good as Peter O'Brien.
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Regarding Bill Spedding, here are some selected parts from Jubelin’s book I Catch Killers:

Pages 256 & 257

"On 23 April, Margaret screams, ‘No!’ as we tell her husband Bill he is under arrest and needs to come with us. Walking with him away from his house back to our unmarked car, I look at the long line of TV trucks and hire cars on the road beyond it and wonder: What the *advertiser censored** has happened? How do all these journalists, from every major outfit in the country, know that this was happening today? I didn’t tell them. God knows who in the police hierarchy did. I’m furious.”

. . .

“This evening, I guess, Margaret will sit in her empty house and watch her husband’s arrest on the television news. I hope she’s shocked; the charges against him are shocking – the alleged sexual assault and physical assault of two girls, aged three and six, in 1987 – but I did not invent them.”

. . .

“The allegations that form the basis of these sexual assault charges are not connected to William. They come instead from the same Crime Stoppers tip-off that brought Bill into Hans’s reckoning when he was running the case.”

. . .

“The alleged crimes date back decades. While Bill was not charged at the time, or after, once we received this report it was our responsibility to follow it up. I’ve spoken to both of the alleged victims. One of these women’s medical records from the time also suggest an assault took place.”

. . .

“I knew that Bill’s name had already been linked publicly to the investigation into William’s disappearance. Charge him with these crimes and there was no way to hide it. Get it wrong and I destroy him. At the least, there would be public court hearings in which he would be accused of being a paedophile.”

. . .

“As a cop, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I did not also try to take advantage of the extra pressure this will put on Bill by seeing if I can gather evidence to rule him in or out of any role in William’s disappearance.”

“Late into the night, the light from the strike force’s room in the police station shines amid the darkness. Inside that room, I am working, still trying to find a missing three-year-old. Beneath it, in the cells, Bill must know his life has changed forever.”
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William bonded with his foster father almost immediately, was slower to take to his foster mother but not long before he vanished had started calling her 'Mum'.
William Tyrrell: Inside privileged life of foster mother, why she hates Spiderman photo | Daily Mail Online

l wonder where the journo got that info? I don’t believe l have seen it anywhere else? It’s not a quote and it doesn’t say it’s part of any FACS documentation. Not saying she’s just making it up but would be good if she gave some sources.
On Thursday, barrister Adrian Williams, for the state, said he would submit it was not sustainable to say the historical charges relating to two children in 1987 were “used as a wedge, or as some strategy of tension or pressure in the context of another investigation”.

However, Justice Ian Harrison questioned if Jubelin, who led the Tyrrell investigation for several years, had suggested there was such a strategy in his book
I Catch Killers.

Passages of the book were tendered after an objection by Williams, who argued they were inadmissible and described Jubelin as a “somewhat disgruntled, perhaps” former member of NSW Police.

In the book, Jubelin wrote that Spedding was “weird” with “a strange, nasal voice and a sly way of answering your questions”. The formeer detective said multiple people, including lawyers, had told him there was enough to proceed with the historical charges.

In affidavit evidence, Spedding said Jubelin spoke to him that night in an interview that wasn’t recorded and asked him how he would dispose of a body, before leaning into his face and saying “Mr Nice Washing Machine Man, I will ruin you”.

. . .

He said Jubelin continued, “I’ve got a deal with the papers. Whenever they talk about William Tyrrell, your name’s going to come up as well”.

William Tyrrell case: Role of ex-cop Gary Jubelin questioned in Bill Spedding malicious prosecution case
In affidavit evidence, Spedding said Jubelin spoke to him that night in an interview that wasn’t recorded and asked him how he would dispose of a body, before leaning into his face and saying “Mr Nice Washing Machine Man, I will ruin you”.

The only thing that BS had going for him with that statement is that it would have been recorded in the interview room, during the interview. But it wasn't. So that is likely going to be a case of he said/he said and may be excluded in the judge's reckoning, I would think.
The only thing that BS had going for him with that statement is that it would have been recorded in the interview room, during the interview. But it wasn't. So that is likely going to be a case of he said/he said and may be excluded in the judge's reckoning, I would think.

Maybe, but if in Spedding's position I would recount everything germane to the case that was said to me, too
The only thing that BS had going for him with that statement is that it would have been recorded in the interview room, during the interview. But it wasn't. So that is likely going to be a case of he said/he said and may be excluded in the judge's reckoning, I would think.

It seems everything he has claimed was said to him wasn’t recorded or documented in anyway. Obviously his lawyer is going throw everything they can at the state but there is no proof and frankly a lot of just isn’t believable IMO
Maybe, but if in Spedding's position I would recount everything germane to the case that was said to me, too

I am sure his lawyer has asked him to think of anything that could instill a sense of unfair treatment.
Too bad it wasn't on the interview recording.

I personally don't have a problem with the police applying pressure to a POI. They need answers, and they are not allowed to use truth serum (jk).
It is the media coverage of that pressure that is not good for the POI's reputation. The police leaks.

In his book, Jubes admitted there must have been a leak - as exhibited by the immense media presence during BS' arrest. He was angry about it. His position is, I believe, that it wasn't him or his command.
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