Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #16

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Oh, my link is now behind a paywall ... (is the same as prior, see my post)

He says his father was due to go to William’s grandmother’s house on the day William disappeared, to fix her washing machine, but “he went to an award ceremony at the school, where one of the boys was getting an award, so he ended up going there rather than going out on that day to William’s grandmother’s”. He says his father told him that he phoned the grandmother to say he would not be coming to fix the washing machine.

Before I can tell, I wouldn't be coming I had to tell first, when I would be coming. That didn't happen yet, I think?
What could be the reason for keeping the two piece spiderman suit out of the media until now?
After seeing those helpful Google Earth images of the back of the house and balcony, what strikes me is that it's quite a distance from there to the road. Willaim's FM gave the impression that he would not venture very far. Would the abductor(s) had to have been in the surrounding garden/area of the house in order to take William? If not, how did they lure him so far from the house? If they did snatch him quickly I wonder why there were no screams heard? It seems a very bold move to creep up and snatch him.

I think you're right. Someone must have been hiding close to the house - and watching William run past. If that's the case it was such a fluke that the FM wasn't chasing him around the house which ultimately enabled someone to grab him. Also, weren't we told from the start that the Grandmother's kitchen gave her a view of the main road so that she could see anyone that was coming or going? If the FM was inside making tea for a few minutes - that was another fluke that she didn't look out the window and notice anything at the time. It's almost like the exact moment was somehow known when everyone in the house was preoccupied.
What could be the reason for keeping the two piece spiderman suit out of the media until now?

I think it registered with the police that a lot of people were under the impression that William's Spiderman suit was a jumpsuit. Gary Jubelin finally explained that it was in fact a two piece suit and displayed the two individual garments.
I had a bit of a brainwave last night. We know that there were children, note the plural, living with BS at the time of the disappearance. We know BS lived at Bonny Hills and that the alleged coffee location is 'across the road from the school' at Laurieton. The distance between these two locations is 10.8km or 17 minutes by car. Walking it would be 2 hours and 15 minutes.

So: Based on the distance between home and the school I would assume the children would be driven to school
If: BS was indeed at the coffee shop at 1030 AND had driven the kids to school - what did he do between drop off (say 830am) and coffee at 1030am?
My argument being:
SOMEONE had to drop those kids off at school.
SOMEONE could not be driving a van as there would not be enough seats to accommodate all of them.
If I remember correctly MS had had leg? surgery around that time. So I'm assuming it was BS dropping them off.

So he drops them off. It's 10kms, 17 minutes drive, I would assume on a good day. In my opinion you don't just drop off the kids, go home and somehow end up back in the same location approximately two hours later, it seems illogical to me. Too much driving for little gain. More logically you do the drop off, GO SOMEWHERE, and then go back to the school at the assembly time.

So the question is WHERE? Where could he go between drop off and the assembly? ...........

And while I think of it HOW did MS get to the café? Assuming she was even there that day at that time? It would make sense if she had tagged along on school drop off. Doesn't make sense to wait at home to be picked up to then return to the same location.

SO if she's with him .... well that makes things interesting
AND if she's not .... where was SHE between drop off and coffee/assembly and how did she get there?

If BS was having coffee with MS at 10:30am, it would not add up, WT was missing at around 10:30am. BS would not be able to make it to the coffee. I feel the time is too rush and there is not enough time for BS to drive to Benaroon Dr, carry out the abduction, drop WT to somewhere and then to coffee, I also don’t think BS had the physical ability to complete those tasks so quickly.

It might be possible that BS gave his bank card to someone and instruct the person to buy coffee at 10:30am so that he can get a record although I think it is unlikely because I still believe that BS physically not able to carry out the abduction.

Where could he be between 8:30am to 10:30am? Might be tipping off someone?
Oh, my link is now behind a paywall ... (is the same as prior, see my post)

He says his father was due to go to William’s grandmother’s house on the day William disappeared, to fix her washing machine, but “he went to an award ceremony at the school, where one of the boys was getting an award, so he ended up going there rather than going out on that day to William’s grandmother’s”. He says his father told him that he phoned the grandmother to say he would not be coming to fix the washing machine.

Before I can tell, I wouldn't be coming I had to tell first, when I would be coming. That didn't happen yet, I think?

here is another link to this article
After seeing those helpful Google Earth images of the back of the house and balcony, what strikes me is that it's quite a distance from there to the road. Willaim's FM gave the impression that he would not venture very far. Would the abductor(s) had to have been in the surrounding garden/area of the house in order to take William? If not, how did they lure him so far from the house? If they did snatch him quickly I wonder why there were no screams heard? It seems a very bold move to creep up and snatch him.

There are some theory in the threads including my that suggested the perpetrator could had been hiding near where WT was running out, grabbed him (might be from behind), hand over WT's mouth so his screams cannot be heard, then ran to his car and drove off.

I also don't believe the perpetrator can lure WT/a 3yo from the far. It might be possible but the chances is 50/50 and who knows how long it could take?

Yes, the perpetrator was bold as the detective said the perpetrator had took huge risk. In my mind, I felt that the perpetrator has to had WT.
If BS was having coffee with MS at 10:30am, it would not add up, WT was missing at around 10:30am. BS would not be able to make it to the coffee. I feel the time is too rush and there is not enough time for BS to drive to Benaroon Dr, carry out the abduction, drop WT to somewhere and then to coffee, I also don’t think BS had the physical ability to complete those tasks so quickly.

It might be possible that BS gave his bank card to someone and instruct the person to buy coffee at 10:30am so that he can get a record although I think it is unlikely because I still believe that BS physically not able to carry out the abduction.

Where could he be between 8:30am to 10:30am? Might be tipping off someone?

As an example he could of dropped kids off with his wife. Planned to have coffee get a few groceries etc. Gets a voicemail from WT mother. Says I better go complete repair, leaves wife at shops and says I'll be back later. Goes to house. Abducts William. Drives back and meets wife.

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If BS was having coffee with MS at 10:30am, it would not add up, WT was missing at around 10:30am. BS would not be able to make it to the coffee. I feel the time is too rush and there is not enough time for BS to drive to Benaroon Dr, carry out the abduction, drop WT to somewhere and then to coffee, I also don’t think BS had the physical ability to complete those tasks so quickly.

It might be possible that BS gave his bank card to someone and instruct the person to buy coffee at 10:30am so that he can get a record although I think it is unlikely because I still believe that BS physically not able to carry out the abduction.

Where could he be between 8:30am to 10:30am? Might be tipping off someone?

I don't have the articles in front of me at the moment (and this has been discussed at length in previous threads) but from memory it was reported that BS and MS apparently had coffee at 10:00am. Sosocurious posted a link upthread to an article saying that BS was at his office in Laurieton, not far from the coffee shop and the school. He didn't need to be scuttling around anywhere, his office was right in town.

If BS is capable of lifting a washing machine or moving a refrigerator, I don't think he'd have much trouble picking up a three year old boy. IMO.
Oh, my link is now behind a paywall ... (is the same as prior, see my post)

He says his father was due to go to William’s grandmother’s house on the day William disappeared, to fix her washing machine, but “he went to an award ceremony at the school, where one of the boys was getting an award, so he ended up going there rather than going out on that day to William’s grandmother’s”. He says his father told him that he phoned the grandmother to say he would not be coming to fix the washing machine.

Before I can tell, I wouldn't be coming I had to tell first, when I would be coming. That didn't happen yet, I think?

"phoned the grandmother to say he would not be coming to fix the washing machine"

He would not be coming, doesn't it means he was EXPECTED to go to the house that day?
"phoned the grandmother to say he would not be coming to fix the washing machine"

Doesn't that means he was EXPECTED to go there that day?

Mr Spedding said his father had told him that he was supposed to repair a washing machine at the Kendall house where William disappeared from on September 12.
He said his father had coffee with his wife, Margaret, and then went to Laurieton Public School to watch his grandchildren in a ceremony on the morning William disappeared.

As BS son has posed for a photo that is attached to the article, I am assuming he spoke directly to the reporter.

As we now know Williams mother rung BS to find out what was happening with the part he sourced to repair the washing machine.
Colin told the media it had arrived Thursday afternoon.
BS did not want to do it at the weekend because he wanted to go to footy.
Nanna wanted it fixed because her family had arrived, which is why she told BS she wanted it fixed.

I am leaning toward mum's call being a where the bloody hell are ya Bill ..... call. We have plans.
Just my opinion.
I don't have the articles in front of me at the moment (and this has been discussed at length in previous threads) but from memory it was reported that BS and MS apparently had coffee at 10:00am. Sosocurious posted a link upthread to an article saying that BS was at his office in Laurieton, not far from the coffee shop and the school. He didn't need to be scuttling around anywhere, his office was right in town.

If BS is capable of lifting a washing machine or moving a refrigerator, I don't think he'd have much trouble picking up a three year old boy. IMO.

I think 10am still not possible to carry out the abduction within half an hour consider the time to drive to benaroon dr and WT had to happened to be running out in that precise moment.

True, about lifting a washing machine or moving a refrigerator but I still think that BS cannot run very quickly, don't feel like he can handle the pressure of an abduction. IMO
If there was a snatch, it had to be quick. Very quick indeed. For me personally this rules out BS however IMO he may be indirectly involved.

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another theory, might be someone wanted to frame BS?

Perhaps BS "deserves" something like that (ie IF he raped the girls and wasn't punished for about 30 years, but faked the well liked businessman/husband/father/grandfather/foster father), BUT I don't think somebody is able to use a little innocent foreign child for revenge. Will hope so, nobody would indeed do this. series/rpp/100-120/rpp120/10_burglary.html

Burglaries are usually ‘unplanned and speculative in nature’ (Grabosky 1995: 3). As such, successful prevention strategies are often targeted at reducing opportunity risk factors. However, some research also suggests that some offenders are ‘experts’—rational agents who ‘case’ a residence/dwelling on numerous occasions prior to committing an offence (Nee & Meenaghan 2006).
There are a number of situational and social risk factors that contribute to residential burglary. Situational risk factors include:

presence of suitable cover for offenders (eg overgrown shrubbery and trees) located along the perimeter of dwellings;
unsecured entry points to the dwelling (eg unlocked gates and windows);
the absence of a garage or properties with an open carport;
proximity to pawnshops—offenders may target areas that are in close proximity to a pawn shop so that they can dispose of their stolen goods as quickly as possible; and
proximity to public transport—offenders may choose dwellings that are in close proximity to public transport so they can access and leave the neighbourhood quickly and easily (Armitage 2011b; Moreto 2010).
Further, as previously mentioned, dwellings that are unoccupied for significant periods of time during the day are more attractive to offenders. BOCSAR data indicates that in 2011, the majority of burglaries committed in New South Wales occurred between Monday and Friday and the hours of 6 am and 6 pm (BOCSAR 2012). This is not unexpected as it is between these times and on these days that many people are at work and properties are vacant.

I wonder if it should be a burglary at the home of an elderly widow? FF's car wasn't there, all seemed okay - then suddenly little Spiderman came along?
Two things if I may.

In another thread Imagining posted a clear pic of the property and noted that the neighbours were away at the time of little William's disappearance. Could those 2 parked cars have been there for a possible break in at that house?
Keeping a distance so as not to alert, then quickly abandoning the idea as people are suddenly and unexpectedly out and about looking for William?

I'd like to ask also if there is much CCTV in the area? Any chance that speeding white 4 WD was seen on roads in the area?

I know I'm half a world away, but that doesn't mean I'm any the less saddened or moved for little William and those that love him. Also despairing and very, very angry this has happened.
After seeing those helpful Google Earth images of the back of the house and balcony, what strikes me is that it's quite a distance from there to the road. Willaim's FM gave the impression that he would not venture very far. Would the abductor(s) had to have been in the surrounding garden/area of the house in order to take William? If not, how did they lure him so far from the house? If they did snatch him quickly I wonder why there were no screams heard? It seems a very bold move to creep up and snatch him.

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and was he wearing shoes? We know he was bare foot when the spider-roar photo was taken that morning.
Personally i don't think William looks any older in that picture, and I think it's just one that his family provided to the investigators, along with all the others. I think it makes more sense to go along with the simplest explanation rather than make up elaborate back-stories about it based on no evidence. JMO.

I'm sure I saw a snippet of a Skype or similar video that that photo was from while watching the news recently. I wonder if police have kept the footage for his voice? We don't hear much, if anything, of William speaking, everything is either photgraphic or soundless video clips. I don't know how much police use voice recognition in crimes in Australia, I just wonder if they've seen video of him elsewhere that they're thinking is of him?
and was he wearing shoes? We know he was bare foot when the spider-roar photo was taken that morning.

A lot of info after his disappearance said he was wearing sandals (and a few pics of them showed up in MSM, all to help identify them/him if found) so presumably he or his mum put them on before he started running around the house.
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