Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #17

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If anyone can place Jones having previously lived in Western Australia....I am very interested... Family/friends/Non members - please join Webseuths...

AJ connections I don't know yet, but I stumbled over this just now:

Rodney Spedding and three of his siblings from Western Australian were convinced of his innocence and would stand by his side.

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His rap sheet read like a used car salesman's resume.

Does that say NISSAN?


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These creeps know who to target....... kids from dysfunctional backgrounds. The kids are so desperate for love and stability they'll believe any crap their fed...

so sad...

Bingo. It makes sense with the pedophile ring/GAPA and that's sort of what I was getting at further back in the thread when I wondered if the abductor knew of William's background (I don't know his background but the media has alluded to a rough start in life.)

We know he had love and stability at the time he was taken, though.
While we kept our hopes up for Allison Baden-Clay her body was found only 10 days later and we were all united in our shock. We helped each other through, cried together and then became a formidable force. Some of us travelled to Brookfield to be together. We felt we knew her.

William has been missing over a year now and if he is found we will be united in our happiness and relief.

Unfortunately there could be a different outcome and I feel we should bracing ourselves because many will experience grief worse than others.

Please talk over your feelings with us if ever you are feeling overwhelmed.

I sometimes am awash with helplessness.

If only the clock could be turned back for this sweet little child.

I am not sad; I'm mad...furious, in fact. Furious that someone would think it's OK to abduct a 3 year old boy from a home where he was, by all accounts, well looked after. Furious that William was taken from a family who obviously love him. Furious, most of all, because his sister is of an age when she can't possibly understand why her brother isn't running around playing with her, not to mention annoying her (as brothers often do, believe me!). Absolutely furious that little girl will probably be blaming herself (as we children often do who 'have had difficult backgrounds') for William's disappearance.

Shame on you, you b*stards. You've broken a lot of hearts and caused much despair by taking a little boy who wasn't yours, but you won't break mine. I've experienced too much pain in my lifetime not to realise that anger and sadness can't be turned into a passion to see justice done. Just by the by, if you could see my face right now, you'd be afraid; you'd be very afraid, and you'd have every right to be.

*paces in her cage and roars*
My first thought was that perhaps the car was registered in his ex wife's name (but mutual property) and during the property settling at the end of the marriage, it became part of his share and was in prison, so the neighbour was "looking after it" until his release. I have thought since it was towed away, that his ex was the one who called police after seeing the pics of the 2 cars in Benaroon Drive.
added: the cars in my household have always been registered in my name as I am the one who does all such things and it makes it easier than having to get signatures or present both of us to the Transport Dept. however, they are mutual property of the marriage.

Yep...any excuse... But what it says to me is you are trying to hide your vehicle for some reason....BRING ON THE DNA!!

Night get you....
Saved you from what?
What exactly does this post imply?

It doesn't imply anything. It was simply stating that, via the previous posters' trains of thought, they had arrived at the same conclusion as I had as to why a mattress was removed from the room/apartment/unit above Bill Spedding's pawn shop; therefore they had saved me typing a reply. Review the posts in the thread you've missed in your comings and puts things into context.
I think there are quite a few pages overnight and don't have time to read them at present, it just read as peculiar to me, that I may have posted something you were ridiculing me for, otherwise, why make the comment with my name in it.

It doesn't imply anything. It was simply stating that, via the previous posters' trains of thought, they had arrived at the same conclusion as I had as to why a mattress was removed from the room/apartment/unit above Bill Spedding's pawn shop; therefore they had saved me typing a reply. Review the posts in the thread you've missed in your comings and puts things into context.
I think there are quite a few pages overnight and don't have time to read them at present, it just read as peculiar to me, that I may have posted something you were ridiculing me for, otherwise, why make the comment with my name in it.

Simply to bring the current line of thought by WSers to your attention regarding the mattress. The last quote (the one that I replied to) shows in yellow, which seems to catch my eye more readily, as I presume it does for other WSers. I suppose I could've done a multi-quote answer but, honestly, it's more than a lot of hard work when I am using a mobile device. Please don't think I am ridiculing you for anything. If I have given that impression, please accept my apology. Some people are pragmatic others are lateral thinkers. I am of the latter variety*. Our diversity is what makes WS such a great forum and all of our thoughts and opinions are equally valid until proven to be incorrect.

(Note: *which can often make me 'sound' like I'm being a 'smart *rse'. Believe me, I am well aware of my many flaws as I am of my few virtues :) )

*unsaddles high horse*
AJ may know many officially and unofficially Disposal companies incl. employees / Disposal places in a very large area (see his residences over the years) ... At that thought I do not feel very well. :gaah: :panic: NOT only re little Spiderman.

Or places where a grey/green car, containing vital evidence, can be driven into an isolated waterway or illegally dumped in the bush.

She kicked him out ... when? After the 12th Sept when he arrived home drunk at 2pm but before 27th when he was locked up I am assuming.
Where was he living after she kicked him out?

Family had no idea of paedophile Tony Jones’ ‘horrific’ history of crime

THE family of convicted paedophile Tony Jones, a person of interest in the disappearance of toddler William Tyrrell, has issued an emotional statement calling on the government to bring in tougher sentencing laws after The Daily Telegraph revealed the 59-year-old was allowed to roam the streets despite more than 90 convictions against his name.

Shocked relatives, who now call Jones a “cretin” who does not deserve to be a part of society, were unaware of the extent of his life of crime until it was laid bare this week.

Not defending this guy in the slightest, but the remarks in that article are from his ex-wife. Once was family. There is no way that the family he was living with at the time of his arrest were not aware of his character and his past offending history.

*edit - i wrote this without knowing it was the wife he was apparently living with at the time of the charges. Bit quick to be calling her ex-wife? Shouldn't it be former wife, or estranged wife? And they may not have known of all his past offending, but it's hard to believe they would not have known he was no angel.

I don't think they would normally call them mummy and daddy unless the arrangement was intended to be permanent - ie the family is fostering the child but intends to adopt them as soon as possible (getting an adoption legally finalised can take a long time).

Younger children would be more likely to call the main parental figures in their life mummy and daddy. But I understand what you are saying. If it is not meant to be permanent, then you would certainly not encourage it. The laws should make it much easier for kids to be adopted into permanent situations. Kids can spend their whole lives in the foster system, to be chucked out at 18, when all they ever want and need is stability.

Not defending this guy in the slightest, but the remarks in that article are from his ex-wife. Once was family. There is no way that the family he was living with at the time of his arrest were not aware of his character and his past offending history.

No offence, Ms Dee, but dyathink? For 50 years I thought my surname was such-and-such (legally it is, as stated on my birth certificate) but it's really so-and-so (and I haven't been adopted). 2004 to 2014 is a long time between drinks as far as a rap sheet goes. As a long-time crim, he would know to keep his business to himself (it's no place for the missus), and the family that knew about his former offences away from his current family. Master manipulator, or so he thought. That is until a brave little 11 year old girl spoke up. Maybe the only person who knew about his 'former' life was good old ex-neighbour, Bill.

*edit - i wrote this without knowing it was the wife he was apparently living with at the time of the charges. Bit quick to be calling her ex-wife? Shouldn't it be former wife, or estranged wife? And they may not have known of all his past offending, but it's hard to believe they would not have known he was no angel.

I'd want to be known as his ex-wife PDQ as well, under the circumstances. She may already be divorced. Her comments about AJ were made in a statement by her lawyer. Seems like a pretty savvy woman to me and, let's face it, good women can often end up with some very bad men, for a variety of reasons.

Younger children would be more likely to call the main parental figures in their life mummy and daddy. But I understand what you are saying. If it is not meant to be permanent, then you would certainly not encourage it. The laws should make it much easier for kids to be adopted into permanent situations. Kids can spend their whole lives in the foster system, to be chucked out at 18, when all they ever want and need is stability.

Have a check back in this thread about this. I am sure Amee posted about the recent amendment to NSW legislation regarding the adoption of children in long-term out-of-home care, if they are not expected to be returned to their parents' care before the age of 18. I think the legislation was passed in June last year (don't quote me).

I enjoy hearing what you have to say, Ms Dee. You're an intelligent woman IMO.
Seriously, who just gives someone a car? I'm leaning more to the car being 'out of sight, out of mind' at the neighbour's place. My hinky meter is buzzing right now.

Hmm try rephrasing the question....who are you likely to just 'give' your car to? Pretty sure the only person I would give my car to is another family member who needed one.
what if there was damage to the station wagon, if the person was drunk and crashed it into another parked vehicle or tree etc, police were asking for evidence of a car part in i think, the brothers forest area? what if little william was in the car at that time? did this person arrive home drunk with a smashed front of car? im sure that would be remembered by their wife?
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