Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #18

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Did we find out any more info about that grainy photo of William (the one people were speculating was taken after his abduction)? Makara, did anyone get back to you about it?

Keeps bugging me why it was on the police photo board when they have so many other awesome clear pics of our little man. Was it the last pic of him taken before he disappeared? How long after he went missing did this photo first show up in the media? Just keep wondering if it could possibly be a pic that was recovered from a phone/laptop/iPad in one of the POI's possession. Could that be why the police still held out hope that William was alive/safe somewhere? Perhaps if it was on a thumbdrive or laptop that couldn't be linked to just one person?

Just pure speculation on my part but what if police don't believe BS did this himself directly but suspect someone close to BS (family or friend or himself or MS) and are just trying to put the pressure on him believing he is the weakest link? Other people have had access to his work vehicles in the past (MS son has worked for/with him previously, perhaps others also?), might others also have had access to work phone laptop, place of business etc?

Anyone else hugely creeped out that BS (given his previous alleged paedo history) calls all his businesses Speddo's and was also a Pawn-broker??? You know, like the dentists called Dr Chew or butchers called Mr Chop etc.

I wonder what the family reasons were that he left Wellington, sold Speddo's rental world and moved to Laurieton in early 2013. (Never posted a link before so hope this works).

Apologies if this is old ground that has already been covered or that I've missed along the way.

Just editing to add, I didn't realise he hired out so many different household items... could that be why he visited/needed a warehouse space?

The photo could have been made that morning after FD left to make his skype call. He might have called to the fgm's house to test the signal before he made the business call. My opinion is that either the police checked the parent's phones OR the FP gave the photo to the police.

If this photo was taken after William disappeared surely an arrest would have been made by now.

BS was probably known as "Speddo". In my opinion, even though there are claims of molestation, he has never been found guilty in a court of law. No matter what the public or the media says, his name, as far as I know is not on any register for child sex offenders. "Speddo" is imo an abbreviation of his surname.

Just my opinion.
-edited- I stupidly posted a link behind a paywall. I'm sorry, Makara.

Speculation and rumors on the internet is a reminder why I am grateful to Websleuths for enforcing rules which protect the victims. I trust Jubelin when he says the family were ruled out as suspects early on. The family have obviously been through the worst thing which could ever happen to a human, to a family, and they deserve our protection. Not additional stress and unfounded speculation.
Did we find out any more info about that grainy photo of William (the one people were speculating was taken after his abduction)? Makara, did anyone get back to you about it?

Keeps bugging me why it was on the police photo board when they have so many other awesome clear pics of our little man. Was it the last pic of him taken before he disappeared? How long after he went missing did this photo first show up in the media? Just keep wondering if it could possibly be a pic that was recovered from a phone/laptop/iPad in one of the POI's possession. Could that be why the police still held out hope that William was alive/safe somewhere? Perhaps if it was on a thumbdrive or laptop that couldn't be linked to just one person?

In my opinion, the detectives have hundreds of photos of William. I have one saved on my computer in my folder about this case, which is not a standard, Google resulted image. I will never re-post it because I trust what the police are doing and if any other photos of William needed to be in the public arena, they would be.

I believe the web cam looking photo of William was a recent one before he was abducted. It sounds like he was always wearing his Spiderman suit or Spiderman gloves.

I do, however, love the theories that it may have been taken after he was abducted - was it posted on the dark web? Was everything in that 60 minutes episode strategically aimed at people of interest?

I don't think so (in regards to the photo) but will keep an open mind. Anything is possible at this point. But like I keep saying, I trust everything Jubelin and the team are doing. Everything is for a reason.
In my opinion, the detectives have hundreds of photos of William. I have one saved on my computer in my folder about this case, which is not a standard, Google resulted image. (I found it posted publicly on one of his biological family member's Facebook pages.) I will never re-post it because I trust what the police are doing and if any other photos of William needed to be in the public arena, they would be.

I believe the web cam looking photo of William was a recent one before he was abducted. It sounds like he was always wearing his Spiderman suit or Spiderman gloves.

I do, however, love the theories that it may have been taken after he was abducted - was it posted on the dark web? Was everything in that 60 minutes episode strategically aimed at people of interest?

I don't think so (in regards to the photo) but will keep an open mind. Anything is possible at this point. But like I keep saying, I trust everything Jubelin and the team are doing. Everything is for a reason.

I agree, just trying to make a little sense of it all. It's just one of the ideas I recently have been wondering...not completely sold on it as an explanation myself, but need to hear others thoughts to either cement it in or erase it from my head.
I completely trust what the team are doing also, it is obviously all very strategic and I guess I am trying to anticipate what angle they are working on... along with the rest of us. :thinking:
I was thrilled to receive a Google alert about "William Tyrrell" today, but it was only this:

"Regardless of his legal options, Masters was always going to have difficulty clearing his name once the accusations had made their way onto the internet. Traditional media safeguards put strict controls on what can be published about anyone to prevent unfair slurs, but online, all that has gone out the window. The nature of the internet and social media is that anyone can publish any allegation, and often does. Masters is far from alone in being named and shamed online. For example an unsubstantiated and unfounded Facebook post recently speculated missing three-year-old William Tyrrell’s parents were somehow involved in his disappearance, merely because they had not been identified. The false Tyrrell post has been shared more than 57,000 times. Before spreading this post or other slurs, did people consider the harm they could cause and that they could be held responsible for what they said or shared?"

Another reminder why I am grateful to Websleuths for enforcing rules which protect the victims. I trust Jubelin when he says the family were ruled out as suspects early on. The family have obviously been through the worst thing which could ever happen to a human, to a family, and they deserve our protection. Not additional stress and unfounded speculation.

Thanks for the link to the article, JfW, but it's behind a paywall here in Australia. I found another link to a similar story in the Daily Mail, though, that's free:

I have a snoop around FB, although I don't have a personal account. I used to track down people who posted child exploitation and animal abuse and forward it on to relevant authorities; and that filth was enough for me. My opinion is; unless something can stand up to academic referencing standards, it's opinion only, and not worth the energy of the atoms rearranged to produce it.
I agree, just trying to make a little sense of it all. It's just one of the ideas I recently have been wondering...not completely sold on it as an explanation myself, but need to hear others thoughts to either cement it in or erase it from my head.
I completely trust what the team are doing also, it is obviously all very strategic and I guess I am trying to anticipate what angle they are working on... along with the rest of us. :thinking:

Me too, Wozzie. I wonder if Makara has heard anything. Looking at the photo, he does look like he's been crying and I do understand why it's been a topic of speculation, especially since a lot of people believe the 60 minutes interview was directed at particular people.

If that photo was after his abduction, I'm guessing it was found on the untraceable dark web? I don't know very much about that, but that would be the only explanation as to why it couldn't be traced. (I may be wrong.)

It's an interesting theory, regardless. Petrifying but interesting.
Me too, Wozzie. I wonder if Makara has heard anything. Looking at the photo, he does look like he's been crying and I do understand why it's been a topic of speculation, especially since a lot of people believe the 60 minutes interview was directed at particular people.

If that photo was after his abduction, I'm guessing it was found on the untraceable dark web? I don't know very much about that, but that would be the only explanation as to why it couldn't be traced. (I may be wrong.)

It's an interesting theory, regardless. Petrifying but interesting.

:gaah: Eeeek... like bragging rights to others. I hadn't even thought of the dark web. Have of course heard of it, but I know almost nothing about it. I was thinking more like trophy but the thought of it being bragging rights??? That IS petrifying.
:gaah: Eeeek... like bragging rights to others. I hadn't even thought of the dark web. Have of course heard of it, but I know almost nothing about it. That IS petrifying.

It's horrible to think about. If AJ or BS had anything to do with William's abduction, as someone said earlier, I believe they would have passed him on to other paedophiles and who knows how criminally sophisticated they are?

However, if William has been found on the dark web, I don't think the authorities would have alerted the predators to the fact, as they would be doing everything in their power to trace where he was.

Here is an interesting article about how paedohiles use the "dark web":

With all due respect, I can't fathom why people would think this Skype photo was taken after his abduction? Really? Do people think the police would not have been able to track the ip addresses, or triangulate the phones? And a year later no arrest?
I think it's just a normal picture of William, taken before he disappeared. IMO it's crazy how one person can make up a story about a picture and have so many people believe it.
It's horrible to think about. If AJ or BS had anything to do with William's abduction, as someone said earlier, I believe they would have passed him on to other paedophiles and who knows how criminally sophisticated they are?

However, if William has been found on the dark web, I don't think the authorities would have alerted the predators to the fact, as they would be doing everything in their power to trace where he was.

Here is an interesting article about how paedohiles use the "dark web":

Macdonalds was a rare treat for the children. Being on the internet, on Skype would be a big no no in his household. Unless William was not supervised while surfing the net? He was only 3 and a bit at the time. No child in my opinion has access to such technology unless there was no supervision.
I think it's just a normal picture of William, taken before he disappeared. IMO it's crazy how one person can make up a story about a picture and have so many people believe it.
Well everything here and on other sites is all "speculation" IMO, and as long as the conversation is abiding by the rules of particular sites then it should be ok? What one person thinks is crazy could mean a great deal to someone else and may keep them up at night for all you know.
Macdonalds was a rare treat for the children. Being on the internet, on Skype would be a big no no in his household. Unless William was not supervised while surfing the net? He was only 3 and a bit at the time. No child in my opinion has access to such technology unless there was no supervision.

Hi Davita. Maccas is a rare treat for my grandchildren too. A lot of children their age are restricted by their parents from eating food that's considered to be unhealthy and containing additives, ie; colours, flavours, etc.

On the other hand, much to my chagrin, they almost have unfettered access to the internet for gaming and other sites, eg; ABC iview, youtube, and, for one of them instagram and snapchat (those last three scare the bejeezus out of me), and Dad works in network security! They also use Skype to connect with relatives OS too, although this is done under supervision, I assume.

You wouldn't believe how tech savvy kids can be. It's almost like 'monkey see, monkey do' from the age they can understand how to use an ipad!


My unsolicited parenting advice for the younger generation? Ditch the ipads, iphones, laptops, pcs and any other technology you and your family are engrossed in, drop into your local sit down/take away 'fast food' joint, order something to eat there/out in the fresh air and spend face-to-face time/run around with each other! Healthier (and probably safer) in the long run. (Yeah, I know, bah humbug!)
With regard to so-called 'bragging rights' and 'paedophiles' using the interwebz.

A recent example of a serial child sex offender who administered an online child exploitation network for himself and others with similar proclivities is Shannon Grant McCoole.

Members had to upload new child exploitation material every 30 days, if I remember correctly, in order to keep their membership current.

Source: 'The capture of Shannon Grant McCoole: How police tracked his crimes from Denmark to Australia'
ABC News (online)
by Court Reporter James Hancock
Fri 7 Aug 2015, 1:25pm AEST

'Mr' McCoole is now spending the next 35 years of his life in jail:

Source: 'Families SA carer and child *advertiser censored* website admin Shannon McCoole jailed for sexually abusing children'
ABC News (online)
by Court Reporter James Hancock
(updated Fri 7 Aug 2015, 8:36pm AEST)
With all due respect, I can't fathom why people would think this Skype photo was taken after his abduction? Really? Do people think the police would not have been able to track the ip addresses, or triangulate the phones? And a year later no arrest?

How does anyone know that it is a picture of William on Skype, is it a fact or just mere speculation? He could be anywhere doing anything at the time the photo was taken otherwise. And yes i agree, police would know more about that particular photo and was more than likely one of the photos of WT that were given to police by family, IMO. I doubt very much that someone abducting a 3 yr. old child would send police a picture of WT after the fact because that makes no sense at all, for obvious reasons, one of them being if that was in fact the case i don't think police would be making it known to the general public if they are investigating it as some kind of lead in the case.
With all due respect, I can't fathom why people would think this Skype photo was taken after his abduction? Really? Do people think the police would not have been able to track the ip addresses, or triangulate the phones? And a year later no arrest?

Totally agree, it's right up there with believing in the tooth fairy. Does anyone know where this theory originated, was it Facebook by any chance?
Sidebar: I think Makara has contacted LE regarding this particular photo and has asked us previously to stop talking about it until she receives an answer.

I can't find the link to her post/Mod Alert(?) about this at the moment but I'm pretty sure it's in this thread somewhere. Please forgive me if I'm wrong.
Can I also ask what people think about the crying child that was heard at the caravan park in Laurieton? Were the Victorian couple checked out, cleared, not found? Does it tie in here at all or just coincidental?
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