Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #18

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Yes, this was robustly argued in earlier threads. I can't help but think that in point 11. he made a veiled confession to his parole officer of what he had done to his nieces. I came to that conclusion because when he had committed prior acts of paedophilia, he admitted to the police what he had done. When he is caught with the child in the toilet, he minimises the situation which leads me to believe he hadn't done anything yet to that child but had intention and was downplaying it. He seems to be quite candid about his intention to his nieces. Also that point 11. shows the fears his family at the time had of his intentions to the girls. Wonder if they mentioned their fears to police when the girls were interviewed in hospital? IMO

Yeah, I know it's been debated previously but the program I watched last night piqued my interest about the time Hillsley spent in and out of Chelmsford, living with various family members, and/or jail.

Hmm...that's what's been puzzling me too. The language he uses (ie 'I would probably have intercourse this time'? What had he done to them before 'this time'?), collecting the girls' clothing (fantasising?), the allusion to his father telling him not to take them to the bedroom, his anger at the family's accusations and, yes, if he had been/was living with his sister (and BS) at the time, if any of this was noted at the hospital when the girls were examined and, if not, why not? Mother and GM both knew about Hillsley's 'proclivities' or, perhaps, the girls were only examined at a later date (April/May 1987) due to symptoms of a chronic UTI as a result of the earlier assault(s)? By this time, might Hillsley have been back in jail? (God, I don't even want to think it but, may those girls been assaulted by both men?)
I cant help but think this is WHY Jubelin was assigned to the case. As I understand it, he was working cold cases (like Bowraville) and then very early on in this case he was assigned to it.

Yeppers, my thoughts exactly; Inspector!
TJ looks like a smoker so I imagine if he was to lurk around there would be a couple of cigarette butts under that opened car window or behind a tree.
He doesn't look like the type who would bother to use an ashtray.


Someone hiding behind this tree outside GM's they would not be seen from the house.
I remember the photo of the (S)peddo van parked among the police cars outside GM's house....this is exactly where he was parked.....BEHIND that tree between the two driveways.

Hiding within the tree would bring the perp very close to the children riding bikes on the driveway.


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Arrrgh there's some things you wish you didn't read but I want to keep up to date.

I feel for our detectives having to 'wear the peddo's hat' to walk in those animal's shoes.

Gotta admire our boys in blue, just gotta love 'em.

Hats off.

Sadly, tgy, when you've done this kinda stuff at Uni and spent time tracking child and animal abusers online, you almost enter a state of 'detachment' at times (and, in my case, sometimes experience underlying feelings of rage and disgust, that occasionally bubble to the surface). I must admit for a few years there, I didn't like my fellow human beings much at all.

Keep up your knowledge but learn to walk away when it's all too much.

Yep, gotta love LE, including SOCOs. It's a difficult profession.
TJ looks like a smoker so I imagine if he was to lurk around there would be a couple of cigarette butts under that opened car window or behind a tree.
He doesn't look like the type who would bother to use an ashtray.



Someone hiding behind this tree outside GM's they would not be seen from the house.
I remember the photo of the (S)peddo van parked among the police cars outside GM's house....this is exactly where he was parked.....BEHIND that tree.

I keep thinking AJ and BS must at least know what happened to William and who is responsible. They either know the local scuttlebutt, possibly be accessories (before, during, or after, the fact), or obstructing LE for reasons known only to themselves IMO.

Also, I think LE has really done their level best to really put the wind up them (with varying levels of success, as far as I know).

There are thoughts swirling around in my head but not gelling *waits for penny to drop*
I cant help but think this is WHY Jubelin was assigned to the case. As I understand it, he was working cold cases (like Bowraville) and then very early on in this case he was assigned to it.

Imagine the look on Speddos face when Jubelin said 'hello again Bill'.


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Imagine the look on Speddos face when Jubelin said 'hello again Bill'.

Why would he say, "Hello again Bill." Jubelin was involved in arresting Hillsley in the 2000's not the investigation in '87 as far as I know. MOO
Why would he say, "Hello again Bill." Jubelin was involved in arresting Hillsley in the 2000's not the investigation in '87 as far as I know. MOO

OK frogwell I imagined they may have crossed paths somewhere between the bright lamp in the interview room and the telephone book. :D
Why would he say, "Hello again Bill." Jubelin was involved in arresting Hillsley in the 2000's not the investigation in '87 as far as I know. MOO

DI Jubelin started as an investigator in 1985, and spent 4 years in various LACs. Might one of them have been Campbelltown?
You state in both of your previous posts that the program was about a woman who killed her toddler and the mental health aspects of this. I don't see that this has anything to do with Hillsley and could be misconstrued. If you thought it applicable to Hillsley, you should have said so.

OT but interesting to those of us who are amateur (or actual) criminologists. Australian television channel, ABC2; two programs, first one starting at 10:00pm tonight about a British woman who killed her child, and the next at 10:50pm on solitary confinement. Another, same channel, this coming Tuesday at 9:40pm on Broadmoor.

(Note: Will post ABC iview program links after they're broadcast. Hopefully, interested OS WSers will be able to stream them.)


Here you go: *

* This would have to be the saddest documentary I have ever seen. I'm not known for my advocacy of mothers who commit infanticide but this woman was so obviously suffering a severe psychotic episode at the time she killed her toddler. It just goes to show how vital our mental health services are.

*hugs kitty cats for comfort*


There isn't a connection to William's case; other than indirectly, and I don't mean to challenge your authority as a moderator by replying on-thread.

I've discovered BS' former brother-in-law, Jeffrey John Hillsley, underwent Deep Sleep Therapy at the notorious Chelmsford Private Hospital on 8 occasions between 1973-78: AND john AND hillsley

Therefore, I thought one of the programs would give some general insight into the link between certain mental illnesses (such as psychosis) and violent crime that may be useful when considering whether the historical child sexual abuse charges BS is facing could have, in fact, been committed by Hillsley in the 1980s.

As for the program on solitary confinement, I thought it may inform us how AJ's lawyer was able to successfully petition the magistrate to allow AJ's 2 year custodial sentence to include time served, as he had been held in solitary confinement for 12 months and was likely to serve the remainder of his sentence in the same manner. Due to the social isolation experienced by inmates in solitary confinement throughout the world, it is cited by a number of scientific studies to result in lasting mental damage. There are moves to have solitary confinement banned, led by the United Nations:
I think it's time that investigators start digging up TJ's yard (or at least his last residence) <Modsnip>
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Have been doing lots of reading and thought I'd say hello. I must say I agree with you Acamelia I think the police need to start digging!
I am still wondering if William could be out there in the bush somewhere and hasn't been found yet? I was just following the Rainn Peterson case and they found her almost 48 hrs. after she was reported missing. The dogs alerted in the north but she was found south of the property she went missing from about a mile away. Little children can be very quick at escaping as well. They also had millions of dollars worth of equipment to search but a couple of dudes on trail bikes found her curled up and asleep, and the area around there had been searched twice.
If there are no leads with the poi's mentioned in William's case as in evidence they took him then i think it could be a possibility he is still out there somewhere not too far from where he went missing from, a slim chance anyway.
I am not certain he isn't involved but I can find more reasons for him to not be, than I can for him to be involved?
I hope that makes sense, sorry, no gut feeling, no psychic feeling but I think he has been caught up in a situation because he went to the house In the days prior etc, I feel police had so little to go on that their interest in him prompted someone to bring back those historical charges.
Couple that with the care of grandchildren and I can see someone using that to their advantage.
I simply don't know enough to form a judgement that has no questions to it, for my mind.

IMO he would have to be totally mad to put himself in the thick of it by being at the house etc for repairs and being known to the family...although I understand this is what happens....he would be first on the list of suspects considering his background....why would he be so blatantly obvious.......that's all I have as to why not
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Have been doing lots of reading and thought I'd say hello. I must say I agree with you Acamelia I think the police need to start digging!

Hi Chloe & :wagon:
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Have been doing lots of reading and thought I'd say hello. I must say I agree with you Acamelia I think the police need to start digging!

:welcome:Welcome Chloe4586
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