Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #18

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Someone hiding behind this tree outside GM's they would not be seen from the house.
I remember the photo of the (S)peddo van parked among the police cars outside GM's house....this is exactly where he was parked.....BEHIND that tree between the two driveways.

Hiding within the tree would bring the perp very close to the children riding bikes on the driveway.
were they riding bikes on the driveway????
I am still wondering if William could be out there in the bush somewhere and hasn't been found yet? I was just following the Rainn Peterson case and they found her almost 48 hrs. after she was reported missing. The dogs alerted in the north but she was found south of the property she went missing from about a mile away. Little children can be very quick at escaping as well. They also had millions of dollars worth of equipment to search but a couple of dudes on trail bikes found her curled up and asleep, and the area around there had been searched twice.
If there are no leads with the poi's mentioned in William's case as in evidence they took him then i think it could be a possibility he is still out there somewhere not too far from where he went missing from, a slim chance anyway.
Until he is found, we can never be 100% sure he hasn't been missed, I admit finding that boy in US wedged down chimney, and little kiwi girl who fell down manhole, does make you consider other alternatives still.
I am still wondering if William could be out there in the bush somewhere and hasn't been found yet? I was just following the Rainn Peterson case and they found her almost 48 hrs. after she was reported missing. The dogs alerted in the north but she was found south of the property she went missing from about a mile away. Little children can be very quick at escaping as well. They also had millions of dollars worth of equipment to search but a couple of dudes on trail bikes found her curled up and asleep, and the area around there had been searched twice.
If there are no leads with the poi's mentioned in William's case as in evidence they took him then i think it could be a possibility he is still out there somewhere not too far from where he went missing from, a slim chance anyway.

Yes, Rainn's case was made me wonder this again as well.

Dogs! Being misleading! Again!
Thanks Karinna and Makara. Still figuring out how to use websleuths so forgive me if I post in the wrong spot. I've hoped all along that they would repeat their first search, retrace their steps in case something was missed.
were they riding bikes on the driveway????

Good question. I'm not sure what the children were doing before William was found to be missing. I thought it was stated in msm they were playing hide and seek too, so ? But if everyone was inside the house and William was out there by himself he was i think last seen going around the side of the house playing raa tiger or something, and no one knows after that if i remember correctly? Maybe he thought while his sissy was inside he would hide somewhere really good so she wouldn't be able to find him when she came back out to play with him? Kids that age get all kinds of funny notions in their head from what i remember of mine at that age.
Yes, Rainn's case was made me wonder this again as well.

Dogs! Being misleading! Again!

It was windy & raining so i'm surprised they even got a scent. But i'm thinking Rainn was possibly in that area but wandered away in a different direction after that? Same as William if he wandered into the bush, he could of been lost and changed his direction too, if that is what happened? I also read in one msm article that the dogs in William's case found no scent at all, yet apparently some other scource stated that the scent the dogs picked up stopped at the driveway? Bit confusing really.

William Tyrell search: police say sniffer dogs have found no trace of boy
Sniffer dogs have failed to pick up any scent of the three-year-old William Tyrell on the NSW mid-north coast, fuelling fears he may not have wandered away from home.
Old article:

Hmm. Even when I try to think of every possibility and view this case from every angle imaginable, I truly feel that B&MS hold the key to this mystery. One or both of them know what happened to William, I can feel it in my bones.

I definitely think TJ played a part in abducting William - given his history and character, I imagine he'd be capable of anything, especially if he had been drinking.

I hope with all my heart that the tiniest trace of forensic evidence in a certain vehicle will be detected and this mystery will be resolved soon. Science, don't let us down.
Old article:

Hmm. Even when I try to think of every possibility and view this case from every angle imaginable, I truly feel that B&MS hold the key to this mystery. One or both of them know what happened to William, I can feel it in my bones.

I definitely think TJ played a part in abducting William - given his history and character, I imagine he'd be capable of anything, especially if he had been drinking.

I hope with all my heart that the tiniest trace of forensic evidence in a certain vehicle will be detected and this mystery will be resolved soon. Science, don't let us down.

I tend to agree with you, Justice. About AJ, highly likely, or one of his associates we've yet to hear about.

BS, before or after the fact. He would be submissive to AJ if involved. BS is no tough guy, whereas that's just what AJ is, given his violent criminal record.

As for MS, won't comment as she isn't a POI.

All MOO.

Hopefully FSG have found even the smallest fragment of DNA that can be multiplied. I'm sure they have checked and double-checked any evidence.

*Also could you tell me the title of The Australian article you quoted please?
MOD ALERT: Please read the rules about posting the names of people not named as suspects or persons of interest in William's case.

The "victim friendly" rule extends to the family members of victims and suspects. Sleuthing family members, friends, and others who have not been designated as suspects is not allowed. Don't make random accusations, suggest their involvement, nor bash and attack them. Posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data -- even if it is public -- is not allowed. That does not mean, however, that statements made by family members and other third parties cannot come into discussion as the facts of the case are reported in the media.

It was windy & raining so i'm surprised they even got a scent. But i'm thinking Rainn was possibly in that area but wandered away in a different direction after that? Same as William if he wandered into the bush, he could of been lost and changed his direction too, if that is what happened? I also read in one msm article that the dogs in William's case found no scent at all, yet apparently some other scource stated that the scent the dogs picked up stopped at the driveway? Bit confusing really.

William Tyrell search: police say sniffer dogs have found no trace of boy
Sniffer dogs have failed to pick up any scent of the three-year-old William Tyrell on the NSW mid-north coast, fuelling fears he may not have wandered away from home.

I can think of at least one other recent case where dogs did a bad - Madison Middleton. Dogs traced her scent down to a local beach but she was dead at the block where she lived the whole time.
Dogs were not helpful in Deorr Kunz's case either, though that is partly because of human error. Still not helpful though.
They're not 100% so I take the whole "dogs couldn't sniff WT past the driveway" as meaning possibly very little.
Mulling around an idea. Could AJ have been kicked out in August when the child assault charges came to light and he might have sought out his old neighbor from Wellington, not really telling him the charges he is facing, just that his marriage has ended. BS says he can crash in the office. <Modsnip> BS says he's got a job on Friday and they should meet him there in the morning and he can give them a nearby job or something like that. The other 2 drink into the early hours of the morning and just go to where BS was going to meet them in Benaroon drive to sleep it off and be on time for some work when worlds collide? Don't know if I am making myself understood...?
Mulling around an idea. Could AJ have been kicked out in August when the child assault charges came to light and he might have sought out his old neighbor from Wellington, not really telling him the charges he is facing, just that his marriage has ended. BS says he can crash in the office. <Modsnip>. BS says he's got a job on Friday and they should meet him there in the morning and he can give them a nearby job or something like that. The other 2 drink into the early hours of the morning and just go to where BS was going to meet them in Benaroon drive to sleep it off and be on time for some work when worlds collide? Don't know if I am making myself understood...?
Your scenario has AJ staying in Laurieton and BS probably in Laurieton that morning. Changing a washing machine part is unlikely to require 3 blokes. I think meeting at Kendall for an innocent purpose is not likely.
Your scenario has AJ staying in Laurieton and BS probably in Laurieton that morning. Changing a washing machine part is unlikely to require 3 blokes. I think meeting at Kendall for an innocent purpose is not likely.

I agree it doesn't take 3 men to change a washing machine part. ;->, Something more along the lines of, " Meet me at this address tomorrow morning, I've got a really quick job and then we'll go to this other nearby location and do this other job together," Or, " This old lady might have some scrap metal etc, maybe you can ask her for it when I change the part, meet me there."
I agree it doesn't take 3 men to change a washing machine part. ;->, Something more along the lines of, " Meet me at this address tomorrow morning, I've got a really quick job and then we'll go to this other nearby location and do this other job together," Or, " This old lady might have some scrap metal etc, maybe you can ask her for it when I change the part, meet me there."
Are you proposing that BS had a bona fide job in mind or that he was planning to spring an abduction plan on AJ on the spot?
MOD ALERT: This thread is closed for maintenance.
MOD ALERT: This thread is now open.

There is to be no further discussion regarding the article (the link has now been removed) about AJ and the dog burial in 2004. The article mentions family members and they are all off topic here. What AJ did in 2004 is not relevant to this case.
I am not convinced that BS would be submissive to anyone.
He may not be a tough guy physically but some are tough in a manipulative way.
He owned a pawn shop and that would require he be slick, knowing and discrete and likely to deal with people from all walks of life. (if you know what I mean)

AJ has a charge sheet that is 27 pages long which indicates he is bad and violent ..... for certain.
He clearly is not very smart or he would not have have been caught and charged as often as he has.....
He also pleaded guilty to the recent assault charges ..... I am not saying that makes it OK but he is not calling the victim or the parents/carers liars.

Why would AJ be parked across from grandma's house the very morning William disappeared?
When the person that presumably should have been parked out the front so as to repair the washing machine was evidently sitting in a cafe having coffee.

The sentence was reduced to take into account that Jones’ early pleas of guilty had “utilitarian value” within the justice system.
Judge Flannery also considered that Jones has been held in protective custody for 12 months prior to sentencing. Jones has told the court “12 months felt like three years” under the strict contact conditions and only up to one hour of exercise per day.

I am really curious as to what time William's mother phoned BS.
When will we learn who owns the grey car parked in front the white station wagon.


BBM: I agree soso appearance's can be deceptive....I could be wrong...but people with such inclinations don't advertise their pervasion as they know it's unacceptable.... they blend.....but they find as many opportunities to surround themselves with their preferred liking or attraction.....single mothers with young children...sporting groups etc..

He only pleaded guilty IMO because he knows how to work the system - having been through it so many times in his life..

That "In his hot little hands" - quote courteously supplied by family friend (MS cousin's husband)... invoice for a coffee being purchased that morning is not evidence that he(Bill Spedding) purchased it... even if the purchase was made on his card number...illegal as it is I know many couples share ATM Cards..

Whilst I am it...... the whole school thing...I couldn't give a ....If he was there (still not proven - NOT ONE PERSON).....As far as timeline goes the school function and his appearance or non appearance goes....holds little value whatever has happened took place prior to the school function timeline anyway..... Its the 10.30am time...that needs to be locked in.
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