Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 2

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Think it's fair to say we are all baffled. Normally there is something to go on but with little Spider-Man there is nothing at all concrete :(
Think it's fair to say we are all baffled. Normally there is something to go on but with little Spider-Man there is nothing at all concrete :(

You have the best avatar on Websleuths Froggy.
I remember Allison, it's an incredible likeness and shows her kindness.
I'm not putting 100% faith in the sniffer dogs simply because of another case that sticks in my mind.

A US case, Dr Teleka Patrick, she drove out on a highway some distance from the city she'd worked in. On the night she disappeared, her car was found abandoned on side of the highway. Dogs were brought in, they tracked her scent to the edge of the highway and found nothing further. It seemed for all the world that Teleka had been picked up by someone.

Sadly, her body was found in a lake quite some distance from the highway. The lake had frozen over because of the severe winter and it wasn't until months later when it thawed a fisherman found her body.
Welcome Paddlekick

I can't get my head around that if the kids were playing chasies around the house then why didn't the dogs pick williams scent?
Police mentioned to the fence line...... But no fences. :thinking:

I heard a report on TV 2night saying much info has been given to police & they are going to wring that info out.

I just hate the thought that sweet little angel might be dead somewhere.
Sometimes I think he's very close to the house, even crawled under that little verandah. = no chasies = no scent. :thinking:


If he was under the verandah then there would be a nasty smell coming out from there by now
Police mentioned to the fence line...... But no fences. :thinking:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's just a way of saying the boundary of the property. Where a fence would be if there was one.
Hoping for a breakthrough today, I was leaning towards an extortion attempt, but now thinking if it was planned they might have had to wait a long time on the off chance that William would appear, so maybe it wasn't planned but in that case you'd think the perp would be easier to find.

I also hope they offer a reward very soon, this might sound cynical but I do hope the family uses the media, this needs to be kept in peoples faces, otherwise they forget so quickly. Surely the parents could do an anonymous one or a TV interview with their faces/voices disguised. It might reach someone with a conscience.

I can't get my head around that if the kids were playing chasies around the house then why didn't the dogs pick williams scent?

It wasn't mentioned in all MSM articles but one or two noted that the dogs could not be used in the immediate vicinity of the house because the scene had been thoroughly compromised by all the people who'd been there searching already. The dogs were used in the surrounding areas, entry to the bush etc, and found nothing. MSM noted in many cases that scent could not be detected 'past the perimeter', and that's why.

Also, I've no idea how reliable sniffer dogs are; maybe it's like a polygraph, ie they can be tricked, or not pick up a scent for some reason (in addition to site contamination I mean).

EDIT: Found it, it's the excellent article about the case from the Australian -

“within one to five minutes the adults noticed that William was missing”. They looked around the house. They couldn’t find him. They became frantic. William’s father was called on a mobile phone. He raced home to help. Within 10-15 minutes, neighbours on the street were searching as well. They couldn’t find him. “Twenty to 25 minutes” after he was first noticed missing, the police were called. They *arrived within six minutes. A “full search” was initiated.

By now, a couple of dozen *locals were looking for William. Within a few hours, police with sniffer dogs arrived from Port Macquarie. The bush surrounding the house had been “contaminated” but the handlers, with their dogs, swept further out into the bush. They could pick up no scent. “If a person was out there, the dogs would have been aware of it,” Fehon explains.

I do get the impression sniffer dogs are pretty reliable, hence their use so frequently as seen on shows to track offenders on foot. Those shows do often show the scent being lost, but they almost always obtain it initially, and had they done so in this case it would've clearly indicated where William went.

If of course he was taken in a car, no scent for the dogs :-(
I dont know much about sniffer dogs, but regardless of how William came to disappear, the photo of William on the deck with his sister and what appears to be grandmas feet has been verified as being taken within the hour of his disappearance. So we dont know where he went, but we know where he was. He was there, on what looks to be a deck, and the dogs couldnt pick up his scent. Maybe 3 year olds just dont emit that much scent?
I don't think the dogs were used on the deck (that'd be pointless, they knew he was there) and as per the article, around the house was contaminated, so the impression I got from the wording of the article was that the dogs were only used in the bush.

They wouldn't be able to use the dogs at all without having given them William's scent (from clothing or whatever) to work with.
I dont know much about sniffer dogs, but regardless of how William came to disappear, the photo of William on the deck with his sister and what appears to be grandmas feet has been verified as being taken within the hour of his disappearance. So we dont know where he went, but we know where he was. He was there, on what looks to be a deck, and the dogs couldnt pick up his scent. Maybe 3 year olds just dont emit that much scent?

IIRC, it was actually that dogs couldn't pick up William's scent beyond the boundaries of grandma's yard.
Hello 46 guests. *WAVE*

Come on in - share your thoughts - alien abduction means we've pretty much run out of steam here.

Baffled. Confounded. Stumped. Perplexed.

Help a brother out?

Hi there, I have been on this thread for a while but given the circumstances of this case and the code of conduct on WS it makes it virtually impossible to discuss the case without breaking rules.
Everything is speculation and that speculation is all anyone has.
It is an amazing think tank of a place but its hard to share your thoughts when most of them arent allowed for legal complications.
I had thought of this also but can't tie them in anywhere. It also makes you question whether it was more 'high profile' given how quickly everyone responded. Police were within 6 minutes, AirPol - same day etc...this could be standard practice I'm not sure but just throwing it out there.
I actually checked the drive time between the house and Kew police station, it said 4 minutes. So 6 minutes is a reasonable response IMO. It took hours longer for the dogs to get there from Port, they could have had them there a LOT more quickly.
I actually checked the drive time between the house and Kew police station, it said 4 minutes. So 6 minutes is a reasonable response IMO. It took hours longer for the dogs to get there from Port, they could have had them there a LOT more quickly.

Agreed, I coudnt imagine a large crime rate in Kendall, that would tie up LE - I think a response time of 6 minutes, would be about right in a small town, with a little boy lost.
To me 6 minutes doesnt suggest anything other than that.
trying to work out a timeline on what we know.

A man asked staff in a local shop for directions to Benaroon Drive, in Kendall, on the mid north coast of NSW, on Friday before 10.30am when the toddler went missing

William was last seen about 10.30am on Friday,

his mother caught a snap on her phone of him drawing with crayons, his sister behind him and his grandmother on the deck with her slippers just in view. He started a game of "chaseys" with his sister, running around the two-storey Queenslander

William's grandmother was sitting out back and saw nothing. His mother had ducked inside to make a cup of tea at the front of the house, with windows that look down Benaroon Drive, and saw nothing.

“within one to five minutes the adults noticed that William was missing” They looked around the house
William’s father was called on a mobile phone. He raced home to help...arrive back within seconds and start "running around like a mad thing"
Within 10-15 minutes, neighbours on the street were searching as well.
“Twenty to 25 minutes” after he was first noticed missing, the police were called
They *arrived within six minutes. A “full search” was initiated.
By now, a couple of dozen *locals were looking for William.
Within a few hours, police with sniffer dogs arrived from Port Macquarie.
by 1pm there were close to 100 people combing the bush.
another surge as folks got home from work

Within two hours, a full-scale search was underway and detectives were on the scene.

Read more:
Strike Force Rosann detectives are sifting through hundreds of pieces of information: possible sightings, bits of clothing, a man who asked at the general store for directions to Benaroon Drive. But nothing has proven credible.

"That's the baffling part of this case," Superintendent Fehon said. "There is simply nothing.

Read more:
In regard to the timing, 5 minutes alone, searched for 20 mins, called police etc, I keep thinking back to this time last year, I had taken my kids to a family event at a huge park, lots of hills, play equipment spread out over a large area
Kids were running from one end to the other, down hills etc, and I was thinking my then 3 yo was with her brothers as I focused on my 18 month old and 5 year old autistic son
I don't know how long it was before I realised she was neither old brother, I don't know how long it was before between realising she wasn't with either of them and actually missing
And I have no idea how long I searched before I asked for help, or how long after that she was found
It could have been 5 minutes, it could have been an hour
At no point did it occur to me to check the time, I went from mildly concerned to terrified so quickly, and from that moment all I could think about was HER
After she was found, I fell apart, I hugged her and couldn't stop crying, I remember a security guard removing her and sitting her down with the other kids and ice blocks, while I just kept crying
And I asked a number of times as I calmed down what's the time, but every time they told me, it just wasn't sinking into my adrenaline flooded mind

So with that experience in mind, I don't really believe the "times" given before police stepped in (recorded) only because I know firsthand how panic can totally distort sense of time
im wondering if william was a difficult highly strung child, if he had been told off by mum or dad for running around out of control, while she/they were in the kitchen making tea, and hes taken off sulking and got lost? it could have been a stressful time for them all there, family dynamics etc
also someone noted earlier williams spiderman suit looks like pjs, maybe he wasnt dressed yet, it looks like a thin flimsy nylon fabric and he must have been cold, his sister and gran are dressed warmly in the photo, and there is something about the photo which bothers me, not sure really, william is pulling a growley spiderman face for the photo but i think he looks stressed
Morning everyone. It's a beautiful day today- perfect for William to come home.

In regard to his spidey costume not being as warm as the others clothing- one of my kids doesn't feel the cold at all. Middle of winter and he is in a t shirt and shorts. Has been that way all his life. Maybe William is like that, doesn't feel the cold?
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