Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #23

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Interesting they are all 60 something years of age. Why are they 60 something years of age?

They are all now 60 somethings because at the time (of the charges) they all were 30 something - young newly married husbands with young children (apart from the priests) and young friends of their own children and many many opportunities. IMO Terrible that there are so many of them! And further terrible that there are so many women who weren't able to protect their children. :(
Interesting and biwildering that the FPs and LTs identities must remain a secret for safety? Sake, yet KT posts a picture of her when she knows full well people are stalking her profile.

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With Natalie Collins able to speak in media twice and this latest photo, I'm wondering if both sides of the family are under the same restrictions :thinking: Perhaps not
this is from a news report when William first went missing:" At 10.56am, utterly distraught, William’s mother calls 000 and reports him missing, telling the operator they’ve been searching for 15 or 20 minutes. She can’t understand how a child can simply vanish. There is no way in the world, she thinks, that he would have gone into the bush. Even at this early stage she worries that someone may have taken him. But here? In Kendall? It is such a small community that everyone knows each other.At 11.06am the first police car arrives; word has spread throughout the township’s 800 or so residents that a little boy is lost and dozens of locals are out looking. A command post is ­established outside the house on Benaroon Drive. At 11.12am the Dog Unit is dispatched. The SES is informed at 11.44am. At 12.52pm a police helicopter takes to the sky."
The question I have always had, and in my mind I keep going back to is this: Even at the early stage, within 15-20 minutes, the mother/foster mother (call her what you will, but she was William's mother, having cared for him since before his first birthday and would be the only mother he would know) was "worried someone may have taken him". Given the location (his grandma's house in a nice safe neighbourhood) and with William outside playing, most parents would think that he was still playing but had "hidden" just out of sight. The Police were called within 15-20 minutes and were on scene at the house 35 minutes after William was last seen. This seems to me to be a very fast response by the Police. And 6 minutes later the Dog Unit was dispatched. Once again, a very speedy response. And by 12.52 pm a Police helicopter is in the air actively searching for William. Police obviously took VERY SERIOUSLY the concerns that William may have been taken and VERY EARLY.
Children go "missing" for brief periods when playing every day in Australia...they hide, they come inside and hide under the bed or in the wardrobes, they come inside to go to the bathroom, they wander off inside to get a toy or find food or a drink...many times they don't come when they are called, they are distracted or keen on jumping out and going "boo!"...not many times would a parent be so quick to phone the police and the police be so quick to respond as they did...
I think there is a lot more to this then the public are being told and I do not think this was a random opportunistic happening. Although an earlier poster on the forum stated what they had heard was "too whacky" I think it would be wrong to look at this is a complex crime and there is a lot more to this case than what lies on the surface. That said, I hope that the trust I have in the Police is not misplaced. I think they know how and why it is so complex and I have respect for how they have conducted their enquiries so far...I hope for a resolution soon, as I am sure we all do.
this is from a news report when William first went missing:" At 10.56am, utterly distraught, William’s mother calls 000 and reports him missing, telling the operator they’ve been searching for 15 or 20 minutes. She can’t understand how a child can simply vanish. There is no way in the world, she thinks, that he would have gone into the bush. Even at this early stage she worries that someone may have taken him. But here? In Kendall? It is such a small community that everyone knows each other.At 11.06am the first police car arrives; word has spread throughout the township’s 800 or so residents that a little boy is lost and dozens of locals are out looking. A command post is *established outside the house on Benaroon Drive. At 11.12am the Dog Unit is dispatched. The SES is informed at 11.44am. At 12.52pm a police helicopter takes to the sky."
The question I have always had, and in my mind I keep going back to is this: Even at the early stage, within 15-20 minutes, the mother/foster mother (call her what you will, but she was William's mother, having cared for him since before his first birthday and would be the only mother he would know) was "worried someone may have taken him". Given the location (his grandma's house in a nice safe neighbourhood) and with William outside playing, most parents would think that he was still playing but had "hidden" just out of sight. The Police were called within 15-20 minutes and were on scene at the house 35 minutes after William was last seen. This seems to me to be a very fast response by the Police. And 6 minutes later the Dog Unit was dispatched. Once again, a very speedy response. And by 12.52 pm a Police helicopter is in the air actively searching for William. Police obviously took VERY SERIOUSLY the concerns that William may have been taken and VERY EARLY.
Children go "missing" for brief periods when playing every day in Australia...they hide, they come inside and hide under the bed or in the wardrobes, they come inside to go to the bathroom, they wander off inside to get a toy or find food or a drink...many times they don't come when they are called, they are distracted or keen on jumping out and going "boo!"...not many times would a parent be so quick to phone the police and the police be so quick to respond as they did...
I think there is a lot more to this then the public are being told and I do not think this was a random opportunistic happening. Although an earlier poster on the forum stated what they had heard was "too whacky" I think it would be wrong to look at this is a complex crime and there is a lot more to this case than what lies on the surface. That said, I hope that the trust I have in the Police is not misplaced. I think they know how and why it is so complex and I have respect for how they have conducted their enquiries so far...I hope for a resolution soon, as I am sure we all do.
I 100% agree and have voiced the same question way back. It's as I they knew he was at risk to be taken.
Stormyseas when you say "the individual closely related to WT, who seems to be so elusive", do you mean the person mentioned in the interview with NC below? I took it that he was referring to a paedophile ring and not witness protection or drug/gang related.

William Tyrrell: Missing toddler’s grandmother has lost all hope of finding him alive

EXCLUSIVE Taylor Auerbach, The Daily Telegraph
February 16, 2016 12:00am

Ms Collins regularly finds herself lying awake at night, staring at the ceiling and wondering what happened to her grandson. She has her theories, but for legal reasons they can’t be printed.

“Whatever they’ve done, they’ve done very well,” she says, again choking up.

“It’s just a damn mess. This is the best it gets. It’s just like this every day.”

Another family member, who was also present for the interview, believes the tiny superhero has fallen victim to a paedophile ring.

“Everything I read in the media about a paedophile ring — it’s like reading a book of what I thought happened,” he says.

Another of William’s closest relatives, who can’t be identified, suffered a chilling premonition the day he disappeared from the home on Benaroon Drive in Kendall.

“(He) got up to go to work and I looked up to the sky and the sky was black. Something threw him off so he went back inside and just sat out in the back garden,” Ms Collins says.

“He couldn’t believe that he was just gone, how does that happen? After that everything just went black.

“Now he’s just vanished off the face of the earth.

“How does that happen?”

BBM: UBM: There are a quite a few cryptic statements in this interview. Another family member who was present at the interview believes that William was taken by a paedophile ring, yet NC doesn't elaborate on this line of thought.

Yet another of William's closest relatives, who can't be named for legal reasons (IMO William's bio father) had a chilling premonition the morning William disappeared. Natalie looked up at the sky and the sky was black and that apparently threw him off. WTF! Something is very off IMO.
I 100% agree and have voiced the same question way back. It's as I they knew he was at risk to be taken.

P: Parents are extra cautious in Sydney, but you’d probably let your guard down and be a bit disarmed in a quiet neck of the woods like that. Do you feel betrayed that someone within that community has potentially kidnapped a child?

M: I don’t think it’s somebody from the community. I think it’s somebody who doesn’t have a history there, I think it’s…If, I mean I don’t know for sure. I can’t see, I can’t see a true local who knows my Mum, who knows us, and knows our family, choosing to take our child. I can’t see that, and if that’s the case, then I feel so sorry for that community, because that is absolutely disgraceful and nobody can trust a soul. That’s not the community of Kendall, people trust each other there.
If it was drug related, how would they know he was there?

If it is a pedo ring, someone told someone. They would have to communicate via digital communications or... drive past.. They would have to know he was there when he wasnt supposed to be there a day prior.
They would have to communicate via digital communications or... drive past.. They would have to know he was there when he wasnt supposed to be there a day prior.

Someone who has "links" would have known though.

Childcare worker from the children's creche. Parents might have collected kids the day before, and mentioned they wouldn't be in the next day, due to visiting FGM.
There was a comment from a "K.E." (KT's original name on FB) a number of years ago - this KE was child-care worker, of North Ryde.
So it's possible if this is the same person - KT might know someone working at WT's creche.
someone working at the creche knew who WT was for whatever other reason.
WT's foster parents would have notified their work contacts they'd be away - they'd know, as could their partners. (sometimes my partner shares info of who isn't in the office and why).
someone they know socially, or would normally meet on these days, has a link. Foster parents would have let them know they wouldn't be there to catch up.

KT's brother posted a picture on FB just before WT disappeared - I have always felt the reason behind this must be connected to all this - why just pictures of WT - and not of his sister or other brother? It has to be the key to all this, is what I feel. Something like a court judgement?
AT posting that photo the day of his disappearance was very strange to me too, especially as it wasn't a normal thing for him to post, nothing of William for a very long time before that post.

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I have worked in child protection for many years. I find it unusual that the bio mother has younger children (more vulnerable) in her care, but not the older ones. I believe the bio mother had visiting rights which would suggest to me that re-unification was on the cards. Just thought I'd mention this.
AT posting that photo the day of his disappearance was very strange to me too, especially as it wasn't a normal thing for him to post, nothing of William for a very long time before that post.

Memory is a bit sketchy, but I think he posted it twice - a couple of days before the disappearance, then again the night WT had gone missing.

Feels like he posted it, in a similar way to why KT is posting pics ... to send a message to someone out there?
im sure i read very early on the fps were in the process of adoption? if this is true it would be motivation for wanting your child back
Memory is a bit sketchy, but I think he posted it twice - a couple of days before the disappearance, then again the night WT had gone missing.

Feels like he posted it, in a similar way to why KT is posting pics ... to send a message to someone out there?

That's correct. The first pic was posted on 10 September 2014 and the second was posted on 12 September 2014. William was only very young in the pic, so it wasn't actually taken in September 2014. Interestingly one of Taylor Auerbach's good friends 'liked' the post.
im sure i read very early on the fps were in the process of adoption? if this is true it would be motivation for wanting your child back

Yep, it was a rumour at the time that the FGM had mentioned this to people in Kendall.
So the 1970s was not a good decade, and everyone waits till they are 60 something before they do something about it?

They are all now 60 somethings because at the time (of the charges) they all were 30 something - young newly married husbands with young children (apart from the priests) and young friends of their own children and many many opportunities. IMO Terrible that there are so many of them! And further terrible that there are so many women who weren't able to protect their children. :(

Hoping they would lose the other foster child after this incident? Adoption would have been permanent loss of access to the child? And someone had a premonition the morning of the incident that a child would be abducted? Someone knows someone? Everyone is from Wellington.

So someone told someone, who drove to see someone, who told someone, who went past grandmas place. Really need accurate details of the phone calls made by FM 2 weeks in the lead up to FGM surprise visit

What if someone had FM house bugged or listening in with external listening devices, weeks prior? They had to know they were going to be there. The chance passing is 1 in billions. It is such a quiet street on the fringe of residential rural living. It is no through road. Not even passing traffic. FD wasn't home, but occupant movement could be seen from the whole street corner due to no fences.

It s traffic for 4 houses, in the country. 1 household was on holiday, so that makes it 3 households at the quietest traffic time of the day. People had already gone to work. Then there is the off chance William was distant enough from adult eyes that he could be put in a vehicle. Thats one hell of a moment.

Someone knew

im sure i read very early on the fps were in the process of adoption? if this is true it would be motivation for wanting your child back
So the FP an FGs spotted vehicles. But police cannot find these vehicles. I could walk across the road, ask my neighbours, and they would be able to tell who's cars are who. They did say possible vehicles looking to buy house? So that is another house vacant in the small street. Many agents dont have street address to capture the client.
So Benaroon dve had unidentifiable vehicles in one of the quietest streets that exist at the quietest time the day.

So we have the FP in the process of adoption, and an industry person saying that younger children of the BioM more at risk, means the possibility of reunited fostered children back to the bio mum.

I have worked in child protection for many years. I find it unusual that the bio mother has younger children (more vulnerable) in her care, but not the older ones. I believe the bio mother had visiting rights which would suggest to me that re-unification was on the cards. Just thought I'd mention this.

im sure i read very early on the fps were in the process of adoption? if this is true it would be motivation for wanting your child back
Yep, it was a rumour at the time that the FGM had mentioned this to people in Kendall.
With the 2nd year of William's disappearance approaching.
I was just having another listen to the the parents interview last year
Part 2 - 10:40
Gary's going to catch the person and when they do i'll tell you what. The outcome of this in every way, shape and form is going to highlight the fact anything is able to be done.
It may not happen today it may happen next year.
He is going to do it, he is going to achieve an outcome for us. I truly believe that. Absolutely.

I hope he is found soon.

I can tell you what having a missing younger sibling means to a 3 year old (and throughout the next 30 years) until that person is found in my particular experience, soso:

As an adult, I can liken it to the feeling someone probably has about a loved one who has gone 'Missing In Action (MIA)', as a result of war. First of all, there is the deep sense of loss, grief, the hole in your heart that doesn't heal. Then there's the 'not knowing'. Not knowing if they are alive or dead, happy or sad, being cared for or not, sick or healthy. Are they being loved? Where are they? Who has them? Do they need you? I could go on and on. You feel a deep sense of 'responsibility' for them if they are a younger sibling; especially if your home life is chaotic. You're their protector, their comfort, their significant 'carer'. It eats away at you, day after day. The only true remedy is for them to be found; safe and well.

How anyone could take a child's brother (or sister) away from their close sibling(s) is beyond me. It is heartbreaking and cruel. Diabolical, in fact. The person(s) who took William need to give him back if he's alive. If not, I hate to think of the ramifications for that innocent little girl.

Regardless of the eventual outcome, what that dear little girl needs is the truth now and throughout the time her brother remains missing; with the caveat that any information given to her is age appropriate. She needs to be able to speak William's name, to have her questions answered and her feelings validated.

Children are more perceptive than adults give them credit for and all that obfuscation of the truth will do is to destabilise and confuse them.


Sorry if this is TMI.

Thank you Bohemian. I am sure this wasn't easy for you to write, and your unselfish honesty is appreciated. God Bless you in your own personal healing.
I'm a long time lurker but just wanted to clarify a few points about foster care. When a child is removed from a Bio parent short term orders are granted & the bio parent is automatically granted weekly access to the child. The Bio parents ALWAYS have visitation rights, as long as they want to be in the child's life.
If it is decided the child cannot be returned to the bio parent long term orders are granted, & this can take 12-18 months. At this stage the visitation changes to whatever FACS recommend which is usually 3-4 times per year.
Also, If William was going to be adopted, that could only happen if the bio mum agreed to it, or if no contact was made with the child for 12 months. The process then takes 3-4 years, & the bio mum still has ongoing visitation rights.
With the 2nd year of William's disappearance approaching.
I was just having another listen to the the parents interview last year
Part 2 - 10:40
Gary's going to catch the person and when they do i'll tell you what. The outcome of this in every way, shape and form is going to highlight the fact anything is able to be done.
It may not happen today it may happen next year.
He is going to do it, he is going to achieve an outcome for us. I truly believe that. Absolutely.

I hope he is found soon.

Me too. Thanks for sharing that, worth listening to again. The cars were there prior and then not during the search. And no neighbours can account for the cars so it would be fairly justifiable to say that appears to be a pretty good link to what has happened.
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