Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #25

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As requested by Bohemian, this is just my estimate of an area, somewhere within which the tank might be located MOO. I have not been able to confirm it because the only video available of this area (in 60minutes) is panned fast and very blurred. I worked it out by locating the 2 wcs from photos and 60minutes video, the matching pipe exit points from another photo, a possible rod point from same video, then looking at ground slope, and at ground markings on aerial imagery. But the estimate could be wrong. The background image is from


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I'm trying to make a list of houses on that road where at least one person was home at the estimated time of disapearance. So far I have 9, 11, 21, 31, 43. There may be more. None of those people noticed anything suspicious.

We seem to want so desperately to believe all that is said in MSM, and all that is said by LE, but yet we seem to discount even direct quotes from LE if it isn't in agreement with a certain theory, (ie "Police have stressed Mr Spedding is not a suspect, but a person of interest in the case.
‘‘At the very highest he is a person of interest but he is not the only person of interest,’’ Superintendent Willing said." ). The BS theory isn't the only theory out there.

I'm not sure what you mean by your last paragraph but I can assure you that if you think ee are all married to the idea that BS is our man, you are mistaken. I don't know if you've been reading the same 25 threads that I have but many WSers; including myself, have put forward various theories concerning a multitude of scenarios, potential POIs, motives and MOs and, when we come to the end of the line with our discussions with others, we don't continue to belabour the point, but research the subject ourselves to the nth degree and report any valid concerns that result to the Strike Force via Crimestoppers.

I am sure the Strike Force is busy enough conducting their investigations without having to deal with members of the public second-guessing them. I hope you get a reply to your enquiry but, until then, there's not much the rest of us can do as, given the sensitivity of the investigation, very little information has been released in MSM; which is all we are allowed to discuss on WS.

At this point, could I remind you that the investigation into William's disappearance is the largest in our state. The police officers in charge of the investigation, Supt Michael Willing and DCI Jubelin are two of our most respected. The investigation has drained police resources from all over the state and has the unequivocal support of our Police Commissioner, Premier and State and Federal MPs. It has cost well over $1M to date, not including the reward.

Do you really think that our police would risk all of that for want of pumping a few septic tanks? I'm sorry deu but doesn't make sense.
The reality is the tanks are not easily accessible, and if WIlliam came to misadventure somewhere he came to it quickly in an easily accessed space. The place was crawling with people, there is no way he was placed in a local septic tank or strangely managed to fall in one despite how inaccessible they are without leaving visible traces, we may as well be pursuing the idea he was hidden in the wheelie bin and they missed that.
Here is the previous image, with the addition of a green arrow showing the direction WT reportedly headed when last seen.


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deugirtni, BS's septic tank was pumped due to a tip-off to police from a plumber who had previously done work at the property and had found a t-shirt during the course of his work. This was at least three months after William disappeared. The police had to obtain a search warrant to actually have BS's septic tank pumped.

I get what you're saying about the possibility that William may have ended up in a septic tank and it is a thought that we've all considered but IMO that is not the case. The police have stated that the 21 septic tanks in Benaroon Drive were searched to no avail.

You've asked us to supply photos of septic tanks being pumped in Benaroon Drive. You've asked for MSM reports of the same. We can't supply what you ask for and you know that but that doesn't mean to say that this didn't take place. Photos of poo trucks pumping 21 septic tanks in Benaroon Drive is not going to sell newspapers here in Oz, so don't hold your breath for any photos of such. We are heavily reliant on MSM, SM and what the police tell us in regard to William's disappearance and that is all we have to go on. We're not privy to everything the police know in this case and nor are the media. Similarly the police are not obligated to tell the public or MSM what they know or the finer details of their investigation and that includes the full details of pumping septic tanks complete with photos.

If you feel so strongly that the pumping of septic tanks in Benaroon Drive has not been done to support your theory, I suggest you contact Crime Stoppers and ask the relevant questions you're posing here. It's pointless to continue the debate about the septic tanks on this thread. We don't have the information you require and if and when you do get that information I'm hopeful that you'll share it with us.

I think BS's tank was searched in the hopes of finding more clothing. I doubt BS would have been silly enough to try to hide clothing by flushing it but perhaps someone who does not understand how septics work may have?? Drain cameras have varying degrees of visibility but are mostly designed to view inside pipes to see if there are breakages or pipes have collapsed. Some give much better footage than others. It is fascinating viewing (not). LE may have a more elaborate version they can use for searching.
In the forest, the scent can be hunted down. A lot of time and effort would be worthwhile if it was going to be the perfect hiding place that nobody would want to pump out.

This is true. Though a local person could not guess that the house's septic tank would be the perfect hiding place ... due to that ability to pump the tank out and forensically test the contents, and due to the camera that we know was put down there to search imo. Perhaps the camera was insufficient, in people's opinions, but the perp could not know that.

Degradation in the forest would be fairly rapid, with the assistance of the dampness and the creatures there. And hiding a little guy further from the immediate properties could draw attention to a myriad of other potential perps, instead of locals. I would think that any local perp would want that.

I only say this because there are so many other places in that vast natural habitat that would be easier, safer (than being seen tinkering with your septic system by a neighbour - because the tinkering would take some time - who could then report to police later), and could potentially point the finger elsewhere ... should a local be responsible.
I'm not entering into the septic debate but wanted to put this here to show that a dead body isn't always smelt.

This body was found very close to housing.

I'm also not suggesting William was dead in the forest and not found.

Unfortunately, this man didn't have 200+ searchers turning over every leaf and twig looking for him for nine days in the local area initially, and more in subsequent searches.


dare say this fellow had not been searched for with the same rigor because William vaporised and police went straight into abduction strategy.

m on a small device and not fixing that.
I'm not entering into the septic debate but wanted to put this here to show that a dead body isn't always smelt.
'If' police are searching the area they can find dead bodies with other than dogs.

This body was found very close to housing.

I'm also not suggesting William was dead in the forest and not found.
Another thought about septic tanks. Suppose one of the blocks had an old septic tank, long disused, and the police weren't told about it? Maybe the old house had been knocked down and a new one built on another part of the block, together with a new, presumably septic, disposal system? It could be that the owners didn't know about the old one, or they might have been told, that's unsafe, get rid of it, and they told the council that they had? Then they didn't tell the police about the old tank, thinking William would be found somewhere and it would be making unnecessary trouble for themselves . . . and then there was talk of paedophiles, and they were afraid they'd be suspected of something worse than negligence.
Another thought about septic tanks. Suppose one of the blocks had an old septic tank, long disused, and the police weren't told about it? Maybe the old house had been knocked down and a new one built on another part of the block, together with a new, presumably septic, disposal system? It could be that the owners didn't know about the old one, or they might have been told, that's unsafe, get rid of it, and they told the council that they had? Then they didn't tell the police about the old tank, thinking William would be found somewhere and it would be making unnecessary trouble for themselves . . . and then there was talk of paedophiles, and they were afraid they'd be suspected of something worse than negligence.

I believe the small housing estate on Benaroon Drive was developed in the 1980s, from memory. We discovered that earlier, when trying to determine if they were on septic or town sewer. I think we even found the intention to expand the town's sewer system to include Benaroon Drive, at a later date.
Though there could have been a random house or two in that area, prior to the development, that could have been on septic ... or had an old outside Aussie loo, lol.
I'm not entering into the septic debate but wanted to put this here to show that a dead body isn't always smelt.

This body was found very close to housing.

I'm also not suggesting William was dead in the forest and not found.
(Off-topic, sort of:) I used to live very close to that Brisbane park at the time. But it's very large, incorporating several sports grounds, a bike racing track as well as a recreational riding/walking track, inaccessible bushy bits, a cemetery, a creek, another creek or canal on the other side, an offleash dog park . . . . At least some of it used to be a rubbish dump before it was turned into parkland. Somewhere around that time some of the sports grounds were resurfaced and there was an extremely bad smell about the nearby streets and inside the houses for several seasons. I don't find it surprising that a body would go unnoticed there notwithstanding a usual smell.

Edit: that smiley wasn't supposed to happen. It was a colon and end bracket, but it changed!
(Off-topic, sort of:) I used to live very close to that Brisbane park at the time. But it's very large, incorporating several sports grounds, a bike racing track as well as a recreational riding/walking track, inaccessible bushy bits, a cemetery, a creek, another creek or canal on the other side, an offleash dog park . . . . At least some of it used to be a rubbish dump before it was turned into parkland. Somewhere around that time some of the sports grounds were resurfaced and there was an extremely bad smell about the nearby streets and inside the houses for several seasons. I don't find it surprising that a body would go unnoticed there notwithstanding a usual smell.

Edit: that smiley wasn't supposed to happen. It was a colon and end bracket, but it changed!

You must have lived very close to me ;)
Although I do think it is a very long shot that William fell in a septic tank I cannot see the problem in actually pumping the tank out to completely rule it out.
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