Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 3

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Just a few things I've noticed,

1) WS wife had knee surgery around the date WT went stay and he has sole access to the house and shop
2) it seems the grandkids father may have done a spell in prison (from FB page)
3) I wonder if said person above has access to the WS house and pawn shop and even may be sleeping at the shopark
4) could point 3 be why they say they are focusing on the home and shop and not the ownersame
5) Could the grandkids father have other children? Possibly WT
Came across this news article on FB tonight. Checked it out for myself afterwards. From the New Daily on 19 September "The tragic case of the missing superhero"

Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 9.24.28 pm.png

"Benaroon Drive is long and it’s dotted with a few houses – all on half hectare plots of land, with cars parked in the driveways.

The dozen or so cars parked out on the street all belong to people involved in the investigation – with the exception of a washing machine repair van.

Standing in the quiet, listening to the rustling trees, it seems unlikely a car could drive up Benaroon Drive without being seen or heard by someone.

A strike force has been set up to investigate the disappearance, including specialist police and officers from the sex crimes squad.

“Everyone is very committed. We’re talking about a three-year-old boy,” Supt Fehon said."

This is a little concerning.....
Just a few things I've noticed,

1) WS wife had knee surgery around the date WT went stay and he has sole access to the house and shop
2) it seems the grandkids father may have done a spell in prison (from FB page)
3) I wonder if said person above has access to the WS house and pawn shop and even may be sleeping at the shopark
4) could point 3 be why they say they are focusing on the home and shop and not the ownersame
5) Could the grandkids father have other children? Possibly WT

:scared: you raise excellent points! we were wondering about the grown son upthread......

information about the missing boy's family is ''protected and confidential'' off limits

LE has refused to acknowledge whether or not WT is known/related to this family.
Could he have had an offsider/family member working/living who stayed in that office/flat and fouled the PC? I many photos of William and many other missing children on my PC.
Could the office in Lauriton have been broken into by squatters.

OMG it his is a nightmare if he's innocent.
Why am I feeling really sorry for him?

I've seen several 'maze of rooms' under houses. The older style full brick homes have the brick foundations supporting all the walls of the house especially if the house sits on land that is not level.
Just a few things I've noticed,

1) WS wife had knee surgery around the date WT went stay and he has sole access to the house and shop
2) it seems the grandkids father may have done a spell in prison (from FB page)
3) I wonder if said person above has access to the WS house and pawn shop and even may be sleeping at the shopark
4) could point 3 be why they say they are focusing on the home and shop and not the ownersame
5) Could the grandkids father have other children? Possibly WT

BS claims he had coffee with his wife and attended a school function the day that WT went missing.
Do you know the date of the hospital stay/surgery for wife?

If those dates overlap this could be part of the concern re Inconsistencies.
As it is his vehicle is noted in MSM article as being on the street yet MSM statements indicate that he had not returned.
Could he have had an offsider/family member working/living who stayed in that office/flat and fouled the PC? I many photos of William and many other missing children on my PC.
Could the office in Lauriton have been broken into by squatters.

OMG it his is a nightmare if he's innocent.
Why am I feeling really sorry for him?

I've seen several 'maze of rooms' under houses. The older style full brick homes have the brick foundations supporting all the walls of the house especially if the house sits on land that is not level.

yes if the man has a great reputation for being upstanding hard working salt of the earth it is sad to think that he could be undone by someone in his inner circle!
^ EDIT: The hospital stay - on October 22 he wishes his wife a speedy recovery on FB and they had lunch on Sep 29 so she wasn't in hospital then.

The last FB update before Sep 29 was August 22, so nothing in between those dates.

All possible that someone else was involved. Maybe police are putting pressure on WS so that he will give up the perp. His life will be ruined if he doesn't give up whoever did it, if it wasn't him.

It does make me feel sad if it's not him, because his FB seems so innocent... but clearly he is not as innocent as he seems if police are going gangbusters.
^ The hospital stay was September. From what I can see she was out by October.

was she in 12th of september ??

All possible that someone else was involved. Maybe police are putting pressure on WS so that he will give up the perp. His life will be ruined if he doesn't give up whoever did it, if it wasn't him.

It does make me feel sad if it's not him, because his FB seems so innocent... but clearly he is not as innocent as he seems if police are going gangbusters.

WT went missing Sept 12 - if Mrs B was in hospital then....hmmm....I guess he could have had coffee with her at the hospital but got the impression they had coffee together and then attended school function.
Has there been any news released on if the sniffer dogs picked up any scent at the properties being searched?
Sorry, I was wrong about the hospital dates. I just edited it.
On the 12th September L public school had their week 9 assembly.
I just don't get the hinky 'vibe' about this grandpa. I could be wrong. IDK

Why abduct/harm a child when you are spending all of your free time with a bunch of kids already? He had access and opportunity surrounding him. And it seems weird that an older man jumps into such an extreme and dangerous crime this late in life. Sure, maybe he has just never been caught, but I would think there'd be some rumors, close calls, and we'd be hearing about them. Doesn't seem like anyone has come forward to say he has been inappropriate with any kids as of yet.

I want to know more about the Anon guy. Sounds like he'd be into computers. Maybe he'd be using a mattress in the office?
I'm thinking about how quiet and hushed this case has been. There has been so much secrecy around it. Even the search of the campsite last week hasn't come up until now. Then, BANG, BS is named as a "person of interest", his addresses are public knowledge, his businesses, his family set up, his movements. Photos of the property being searched. The police have done this deliberately. They wouldn't let this come out into public knowledge unless they wanted it out there.

I have a feeling they must be pretty damn certain that BS is tied up in this in some way. JMO
Kendall: The town that will never forget William Tyrell

KENDALL: In the carefree eyes of a bush kid, it is supposed to be nearing the end of another epic Christmas holiday break, where their energy levels peak as they realise it is only a few sleeps until it is gone for another year.

But on the streets of Kendall, the little mid-north coast town on the banks of the Camden Haven River, there is something not quite right.

The streets where kids used to tear down on their bikes and billy carts are empty. The parks where the footy and cricket balls used to fly is peaceful.
I am leaning more to the idea that the police have another suspect and may be hoping he will get too cozy with the idea the police are concentrating on BS and make a mistake.
I'm wondering if his van coincidently matches the make and model of the damaged car the police were looking for.

This all seems crazy ATM.
The way the daily mail report is laughable really. They are headlining that WS posted 'cryptic' facebook messages when in fact all he did was share a couple of posts. I don't find anything too odd about that and I think most locals or people linked to the area or people will have been doing the same. The media will not help this mans cause if he is innocent. I used to enjoy reading the daily mail as I'm from the UK and living in Australia but it is full of bad reporting, unchecked facts and celebrity gossip! The one thing I will say is that they do seem to get their hands on details not published by other media outlets, sometimes that makes me question their fact checking even more! If WS had any criminal
background I reckon we'd know about it by now - look how quickly we all learnt about baby gammy's almost adopted father.
Now that all the information from the day is sinking in, I'm thinking back to the caravan park that was searched last week. We knew nothing about this until today. Did the police find something that led them to begin the raids last night/today?

Another thought: Regarding the washing machine repair van that was on the street 8 days later (or maybe more frequently, we don't know), does anyone remember the police stopping and questioning all the vehicles going in and out of the street? I remember reading this.

No sleep for a while... usually the next round of MSM articles comes out at midnight. :bedtime:
Sorry, I was wrong about the hospital dates. I just edited it.

First post on this site so hi everyone!

Just thought I'd also mention something I have noticed about his FB page. If you look at his FB behaviour his activity is nearly always every day, up untill the day after William vanished that is. He posted about the little lad on Saturday the 13th September.... then nothing from him for two whole weeks... until Sunday 28th September saying about a broken freezer. Did he go away? On a trip may be to a Caravan park? On that same day that he reappeared on FB - A Victoria couple take up residence at a caravan park for two weeks, then a child is apparently heard crying.. police are then called at some point,,, caravan is search in connection with Williams disappearance. He might have just been ill those two weeks but thought I'd mention it.
after a bit of googling see the family or person with same last name used to live in wellington nsw where they owned and then sold a rental business, before moving to laurieton.
not sleuthing the family just trying to find any connection to william

I notice that this article talks about him living in Wellington. He owned the Speddo’s business in Percy St Wellington which sold white goods and furniture.

Former Wellington businessman centre of an investigation into the disapearance of William Tyrell

His phones are still listed at a Wellington address. The first number is associated with Speddo's Hire at 158 Arthur St Wellington, NSW 2820. I guess he hasn't updated his billing info. How long has he been out of Wellington .... 3 years? Must get his phone bill at his email address.

Yes, this article says he moved several years ago. Wonder why he didn't update his phone listing?

"He sold his business interests and went to the North Coast of NSW to be with his family a few years ago."
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