Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 3

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No probs. I'm finding it's helping me to get my head around all the facts. Some of the media reports have been inconsistent.

I will type up the other videos later. As time goes on you see the pain on the police officers' faces and hear it in their voices :(

3pm Saturday (Day 2)

Supt Fehon: We’ve had in excess of 200 searchers both volunteers, SES, Rural Fire Service and Surf Life Saving out scouring the area trying to locate the young child.

At this point in time our search has covered 3 square kilometres and by the completion of today we’ll have 10 square kilometres that have been covered and searched fully.

We’ve been assisted with the police dogs, mounted police and also Pol Air, and we have the police divers who will be up here to check some of the remote dams in the surrounding areas.

At this stage, weather last night was quite mild and we’re hopeful that the young child has been able to survive in those conditions, and whilst we have that window of opportunity we’ll continue our search right throughout the evening and tomorrow. We will not give up hope at this point in time. As I say, the weather is favourable to locating this young person out there in the bush.

Uploaded September 13 (Day 2):

Reporter: “Any other avenues being investigated at the moment?”

Supt Fehon: “We’re continuing with our search. We’re in a search situation at this stage and we’ll continue with that.”

Reporter: “So you’re open to the possibility that he’s been abducted?”

Supt Fehon: “At this stage we’re looking at a search to locate a missing child. We’re obviously open to any possibility but at this stage we’re looking at a search to locate the missing child.”

Uploaded September 13 (Day 2)

Camden Haven SES Unit Controller Paul Burg: “The response we’ve had from the community has been fantastic. They’ve come out in droves and they’ve all been really good… and followed the grouping this morning with signing on and as they leave signing out, so we know exactly who’s here.

All the emergency services… we’ve had (people from the SES) come up from the Hunter/Newcastle area and up from the South West Rocks/Kempsey area and everywhere in between so we’ll have the same sort of crews here tomorrow, same sort of staffing numbers. The RFS are going to come back again tomorrow and the Surf Life Saving, they’re looking at sending the same sort of numbers back again… so it will be very similar strength to what we’ve got today and we’ll just keep on searching, as Paul said, until we find the little fellow.”

Uploaded September 13 (Day 2 – but they refer to Day 3 in the video. Maybe it was uploaded Day 3, Sept 14, in Australian time?)

Insp. Fehon: “We are now in the third full day in the search for a 3 year old boy, who’s had no food and unless he’s found water, no water… and so it is likely that he’s in a poor state of health and we need to find him today.”

Reporter: “Kim, are you worried that someone may have missed him? Is that the importance of going over… he’s very small isn’t he? Can you talk us through where he may be? Why he’s hard to find?”

Insp. Fehon: “We are worried that we have missed him. All the police evidence at this time is that this child has gone missing in the area immediately around the house… and we have searched it. We have searched it for 2 days. So obviously today we have tighter search teams in, going over that same area again to make 100% sure that that child is not within that area.”

Reporter: “What advice have you sought and what’s been told to police about this little boy?”

Insp Fehon: “We have sought expert medical advice from a doctor who has provided advice on many previous searches with success. He has advised us, of course, that a 3 year old is very small, and that by today he is likely to be still and tucked up tight, so I have briefed all the search teams that they are looking for a small boy who is likely to be curled up and may be covered and have found somewhere to hide, and at this time we’re hoping that he could still be in a position to respond to being called out.”
Uploaded September 13. Day 3 (September 14 in Australia time):


Insp. Fehon: “All the rescuers and emergency services are concerned but very focused knowing that today is such a critical day on getting out there. We saw the numbers today and some people were already out on the field this morning searching… and the family are just very thankful for everyone that’s helped but are so hopeful that we are going to have success today.”

Reporter: “Kim, has his sister been able to give any (inaudible) yesterday… has there been any development there on her being able to say whether he did walk off, or… (inaudible).”

Insp. Fehon: “The sister has been spoken to by police and has provided the information that you would expect from a child of that age. That she was playing with her brother… and that he was no longer there a few minutes later.”

Reporter: “Kim, how are you feeling about all this? Does this make any sense to you?”

Insp. Fehon: “Children do go missing and that is a regular part of our duties in finding them. Our concern is obviously that we’re up to Day 3 and haven’t located him so of course that raises serious concerns elsewhere. (We) also have investigators in the field carrying out investigations looking for any evidence or any other explanation as to where William might be.”

Reporter: “Has there been any trace of William?”

Insp. Fehon: “Our searchers have not found any evidence to assist us in locating where William is.”

Reporters: “(Are there) other possible scenarios that police are looking into?”

Insp. Fehon: “Yes, we are looking into other scenarios and that’s why we’ve got investigators working on that today.”

Uploaded on Sep 14, 2014 (Day 3):

Supt Fehon: “Today is Day 3 of the search for young William. We have continued with volunteers, emergency services, and we’ve had additional resources with the mounted police and also trail bike squad.

Our search has gone back to the original location where young William was last seen and we have retraced approximately one to one-and-a-half square kilometres, quite thoroughly over that last known area of where young William was seen last Friday.

We intend to continue this search. As time goes on, obviously, the survival diminishes and we still hold hope of young William being out there with the current conditions. We’ll continue with additional resources tomorrow. There’ll be resources coming from as far away as Sydney, and the search will continue over the coming days.”

Reporter: “Has there been any trace of William today?”

Supt Fehon: “We haven’t come up with anything at this stage. The search area, we are thoroughly going back over, and we’ll continue to do that to ensure that we’re not leaving anything unturned.”

Reporter: “What’s happening beyond the critical search on the ground in terms of the investigation (inaudible)…”

Supt Fehon: “With any situation like this we do have an investigative capability and that capability is conducting enquiries in regards to possible… any other aspects of where young William may be.”

Reporter: “Is there any indication that someone may have abducted him?”

Supt Fehon: “Look, we’re open in mind at this stage to anything, but we don’t have anything to indicate. At this stage we are still in a search mode, and we will continue to be in a search mode, but as time passes that window does diminish.”

Reporter: “Have police spoken to his sister about… (inaudible) the information (inaudible.)”

Supt Fehon: “I won’t comment in regards to talking to any family members.”

Reporter: “You said resources will come in from Sydney, what will they be tomorrow?”

Supt Fehon: “The Police (inaudible) Unit will be up here along with SES members, OSG capability.

We’ll continue with local police and we’ll maintain a very strong contingent out there searching over the coming days.”

Reporter: “Has there been any particular area that you’ve been going over painstakingly, and what type of areas are you looking?”

Supt Fehon: “We’re looking at the area near where young William was last seen, and we’ve gone back over predominantly the one to one-and-a-half kilometre radius around that property.”

Reporter: “Have you had police divers uncover anything in their search today?”

Supt Fehon: “Police divers have checked a number of waterways and dams, and unfortunately we are unable to come up with anything at this stage. They’ll continue searching until we have cleared all those waterways.”

Reporter: “Roughly how many people are involved in the search?”

Supt. Fehon: “We have over 200 people out there at present. That’s community members, SES, Rural Fire Service and Surf Life Saving. As I say, we’ll be providing relief teams to those searchers who have been out here for the last three days, and we’ll continue not only with our search but also our canvas of the area.”

Reporter: “Still looking at searching tonight?”

Supt Fehon: “Yes, there’s always a search capability. We’re running this as a 24 hour operation. As you’d understand, in darkness, we do have to limit some of those search areas… but there’ll be vehicles and people out there still maintaining a search capability."

Reporter: “Paul, you know the area well. Are you surprised that you haven’t found William by now?”

Supt. Fehon: “After 3 days looking for a young person, I think it’s fair to say we would have liked to have located something at this stage, but we are committed and we will continue with that search.”

Family friends, Nicole and John (uploaded September 14, Day 3):

Before I read all of the transcriptions I just want to say a big thank you Angeline. You are a gem.
Investigators focus on CCTV footage in the search for missing toddler William Tyrell

The Sunday Telegraph
November 16, 201412:00AM

POLICE investigating the baffling disappearance of toddler William Tyrell from the small town of Kendall are focusing their investigation on CCTV footage taken from the local tennis club.

Investigators will today set up at the Kendall Tennis Club with still images taken of all cars captured on the club’s CCTV camera on the morning William went missing in the hope of identifying any suspicious vehicles.

Port Macquarie Superintendent Paul Fehon, who is leading the investigation into the three-year-old’s disappearance nine weeks ago, said police were asking everyone who drove past the Graham St club before 11am on September 12 to come forward and identify their vehicle.
It looks like Graham Street in Kendall is the main road heading north out of town to meet up with the Pacific Highway. Hopefully something will come of the investigation of the CCTV footage. If William was in fact abducted and taken north out of town, there may be a person or people who are feeling a little uneasy right now.

Click images to enlarge.

Kendall Tennis Club in Graham Street.

Kendall Tennis Club on left of image.

Signpost to Kew and the Pacific Highway northbound.


Family friends, Nicole and John (uploaded September 14, Day 3):


I'm not casting aspersions on the woman (Nicole?) in the video but it struck me that she referred to William in the past tense. "Well William was a much loved and cherished little boy.". This was on day three! Perhaps she was just nervous.

I would also very much like to know what the reporter asked Nicole at 0:57 of the video. Any luck at all with that one Angeline? Nicole replied "I will be here, I will be here.".

No, unfortunately :( The sound is way too quiet. I wish some of the reporters would speak louder! It seems the most interesting parts are always the hardest to hear. I can only assume she was asked if she would be sticking around to talk on behalf of the parents?

Thanks for the article. Good find! Can any seasoned sleuthers guess why they have the footage 9 weeks later? I'm just confused as it's a tiny town and it seemed all the residents knew about William and were eager to help within like 24 hours? I'm hopeful that they know something and this is another step in the case they are building.

Here's another interesting fact about the street, Benaroon Drive. It could explain why someone was asking for directions:
Yes it does seem odd that the police are only now focusing on the CCTV from the tennis club. I'm thinking that they have obviously examined this footage earlier and have eliminated some of the vehicles shown there, while others are yet to be accounted for. It may also be a tactic to put the wind up anyone involved in William's disappearance.

Yes, I'd read that there is a property for sale in Benaroon Drive, across the road from the grandmother's house I think. But the guy apparently didn't ask for directions to Benaroon Drive, he asked for directions to a street near there. I really do think that if he was a person of interest we would have heard a lot more about him by now.

No, unfortunately :( The sound is way too quiet. I wish some of the reporters would speak louder! It seems the most interesting parts are always the hardest to hear. I can only assume she was asked if she would be sticking around to talk on behalf of the parents?

Thanks for the article. Good find! Can any seasoned sleuthers guess why they have the footage 9 weeks later? I'm just confused as it's a tiny town and it seemed all the residents knew about William and were eager to help within like 24 hours? I'm hopeful that they know something and this is another step in the case they are building.

Here's another interesting fact about the street, Benaroon Drive. It could explain why someone was asking for directions:
In the Shandee Blackburn case in Mackay, it was a long time after her murder that they asked for vehicle owners to identify their cars in CCTV footage. The man charged with her murder owned one of those vehicles. I get the feeling they had him as a suspect for a long time ( an ex boyfriend) and the vehicle identification was part of the narrowing down of evidence against him. I hope that is the case in William's disappearance but I fear they have no idea what happened to this little boy.
Why are they eliminating known local cars.. it could have been a local
the location of benaroon drive is not a thorough fare - for you to be there, there has to be a reason
they need to suspect any cars that went >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anytime from 930 to 11 coming <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< and joining in the search so not to be suspected
Yeah, having looked at Google maps at the street, there seems to be plenty of places for an abductor to hide and wait for the right moment. It's kind of creepy, actually. It made me think it would be quite easy for someone at a neighbour's house to pick him up and leave (not necessarily a neighbour, but a visitor). The family had only been at the house less than 24 hours, though. What are the odds?? I hope they are checking cars that were not only entering Kendall but leaving as well in that timeframe.

Also, it's possible that the culprit attended the search to avoid being suspected. They could have handed him to a third party.
Yeah, having looked at Google maps at the street, there seems to be plenty of places for an abductor to hide and wait for the right moment. It's kind of creepy, actually. It made me think it would be quite easy for someone at a neighbour's house to pick him up and leave (not necessarily a neighbour, but a visitor). The family had only been at the house less than 24 hours, though. What are the odds?? I hope they are checking cars that were not only entering Kendall but leaving as well in that timeframe.

Also, it's possible that the culprit attended the search to avoid being suspected. They could have handed him to a third party.

BBM. I totally agree Angeline. I've even found myself studying the various MSM pics of the searchers, looking for, I don't know what.

Another thing that sticks in my mind is that one of the neighbours was apparently mowing his lawn at the time of William's disappearance. The droning sound of a lawnmower (whether close by or a few blocks away) could very well disguise the sound of a slow moving vehicle. After having looked at various Google maps, videos etc. of the grandmother's house and surrounds, I think it would have been relatively easy for someone to abduct William right under the nose of his family. Having said that, I feel that if he was in fact abducted (my jury is still out on that one), it was someone who knows William and not a random stranger.
Yes, I agree. I just don't buy the police line that they are "baffled". I think it was someone known to William who wasn't happy about him being taken to Kendall... and we know from reports that only "limited people" knew where he was going. That sounds secretive to me?

What are the odds that someone in the Kendall area would take him the morning after he had arrived? As far as I know William arrived the previous evening so it's unlikely anyone in the neighbourhood would have seen much of William until that morning. Definitely not enough time to plan an elaborate abduction.

William being taken by someone known to him is the only scenario that makes sense, in my opinion. There are no clues, but all the circumstances point to this. Sad thing is, it leads to anger and frustration in the community and those who worry about William. They see the scenario as bleeding obvious but the police keep saying it's baffling.
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