Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #33

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There are not too many reasons why a child is abducted.

1. A disgruntled parent. But the child is usually located within a reasonable time period, as far as I have read. And sometimes a case of filicide happens, like little Eeva Dorendahl – or Jack and Paul Sykes

2. Someone who wants a child of their own. In which case this is an awfully long period of time in which that person(s) has been able to keep highly publicized William under wraps.
And if William is being hidden somewhere, it is very possible that it is not for innocent reasons. These children that have been taken and hidden, and escape many years later, have frequently been subjected to terrible things.

3. A child sex pervert.

4. People taking William for revenge. But the point of the vengeance is lost without a sign being delivered to the parent(s) that this is what the disappearance is about.

5. Kidnapping for money. But there has been no ransom note, no request for anything in exchange for William.

6. Abduction by another child. We have heard of a few cases of this, over the years. With disastrous results for the abducted child. And the abducted child is stumbled upon quite quickly, in the cases we have heard about.

Any others?

There are not too many reasons why a child is abducted.

1. A disgruntled parent. But the child is usually located within a reasonable time period, as far as I have read. And sometimes a case of filicide happens, like little Eeva Dorendahl – or Jack and Paul Sykes

2. Someone who wants a child of their own. In which case this is an awfully long period of time in which that person(s) has been able to keep highly publicized William under wraps.
And if William is being hidden somewhere, it is very possible that it is not for innocent reasons. These children that have been taken and hidden, and escape many years later, have frequently been subjected to terrible things.

3. A child sex pervert.

4. People taking William for revenge. But the point of the vengeance is lost without a sign being delivered to the parent(s) that this is what the disappearance is about.

5. Kidnapping for money. But there has been no ransom note, no request for anything in exchange for William.

6. Abduction by another child. We have heard of a few cases of this, over the years. With disastrous results for the abducted child. And the abducted child is stumbled upon quite quickly, in the cases we have heard about.

Any others?


Not that I can think of, SA. The only persons I can even remotely think would take William would be one (or more) of the current POIs and/or the self-proclaimed suspect, for obvious reasons. I just don’t understand why DCI Jubelin said that the investigation was at its midpoint. Unless, of course, William’s disappearance was almost a carbon-copy of Daniel Morcombe’s, ie; William was at the right place, at the right time, for one of the POIs to scoop him up. If so, there is no hope that William is alive and his remains must be waiting to be stumbled upon somewhere in the bush, at some point in the future, if at all. I don’t know why I can’t reconcile myself to the fact that William isn’t alive. The thought sits very uncomfortably with me. It’s probably just blind hope.
This is far fetched but might be considered. I had a friend who would pinch anything, wanted or not.
She once stole a dog!
Her motto was - “I saw it, I liked it, I wanted it so I took it”.

You don't need that thing, and you can afford to buy it, but you can't help yourself: You just take it. Kleptomaniacs compulsively steal items that are not needed or have little monetary value and experience pleasure or relief as a result.


Kleptomania is a condition in which an individual experiences a consistent impulse to steal items not needed for personal use or monetary value. The objects are stolen despite typically being of little value to the individual and are often given away or discarded after being taken.

Kleptomania involves experiencing tension before the theft and feelings of pleasure, gratification, or relief when committing the theft. The stealing is not done to express anger or vengeance or in response to a delusion or hallucination and is not attributable to conduct disorder, a manic episode, or antisocial personality disorder.


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Anyone have any intel on Williams uncle who had a close connection....seems to be lying low? Has removed himself from social media. I’m sure NCV2 would have some intel.

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And then do what with a child, tgy? Open the door of their car and dump them somewhere? Tell someone they found them in order to scam a reward? Resell them on Gumtree? Give them away to a friend? Kill them? A dog is one thing but a child is quite another.

Not having a go, hon. I know it may be possible but I can’t help but be shocked by some of the strange (to me, anyway) things we as human beings will do in order to obtain gratification. And what we will do in order to abrogate any responsibility for our actions.
There are not too many reasons why a child is abducted.

1. A disgruntled parent. But the child is usually located within a reasonable time period, as far as I have read. And sometimes a case of filicide happens, like little Eeva Dorendahl – or Jack and Paul Sykes

2.Someone who wants a child of their own. In which case this is an awfully long period of time in which that person(s) has been able to keep highly publicized William under wraps.
And if William is being hidden somewhere, it is very possible that it is not for innocent reasons. These children that have been taken and hidden, and escape many years later, have frequently been subjected to terrible things.

3.A child sex pervert.

4.People taking William for revenge. But the point of the vengeance is lost without a sign being delivered to the parent(s) that this is what the disappearance is about.

5.Kidnapping for money. But there has been no ransom note, no request for anything in exchange for William.

6. Abduction by another child. We have heard of a few cases of this, over the years. With disastrous results for the abducted child. And the abducted child is stumbled upon quite quickly, in the cases we have heard about.

Any others?


The thrill of an adrenaline rush. Just for the heck of it.

There are sites for Adrenalin junkies.


Drape a jacket on your vacuum cleaner
Leave vacuum in hallway
Forget about it until you wake up at 3am to pee
Freak out. That ****'s scary in the dark.

Anything is possible - it takes all types.

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There are not too many reasons why a child is abducted.

1. A disgruntled parent. But the child is usually located within a reasonable time period, as far as I have read. And sometimes a case of filicide happens, like little Eeva Dorendahl – or Jack and Paul Sykes

2.Someone who wants a child of their own. In which case this is an awfully long period of time in which that person(s) has been able to keep highly publicized William under wraps.
And if William is being hidden somewhere, it is very possible that it is not for innocent reasons. These children that have been taken and hidden, and escape many years later, have frequently been subjected to terrible things.

3.A child sex pervert.

4.People taking William for revenge. But the point of the vengeance is lost without a sign being delivered to the parent(s) that this is what the disappearance is about.

5.Kidnapping for money. But there has been no ransom note, no request for anything in exchange for William.

6. Abduction by another child. We have heard of a few cases of this, over the years. With disastrous results for the abducted child. And the abducted child is stumbled upon quite quickly, in the cases we have heard about.

Any others?


How about a person who believes they can provide a better life to what they BELIEVE he is currently living.

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Anyone have any intel on Williams uncle who had a close connection....seems to be lying low? Has removed himself from social media. I’m sure NCV2 would have some intel.

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If I have the right Uncle, he's 'away' for a couple of more months.
And then do what with a child, tgy? Open the door of their car and dump them somewhere? Tell someone they found them in order to scam a reward? Resell them on Gumtree? Give them away to a friend? Kill them? A dog is one thing but a child is quite another.

Not having a go, hon. I know it may be possible but I can’t help but be shocked by some of the strange (to me, anyway) things we as human beings will do in order to obtain gratification. And what we will do in order to abrogate any responsibility for our actions.

Open the door of their car and dump them....YES!
Scam a reward....YES!
Place in lost and found....YES!

THEY DON’T CARE otherwise someone would be $1mil richer.

There’s *advertiser censored* mongrels out their stealing oxygen as we speak.

Humour me Bo Can’t you tell I’m at a loss.

BTW some people totally live for their Fido & Fifi.

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How about a person who believes they can provide a better life to what they BELIEVE he is currently living.

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Or they wanted to take him before someone else could? The tug-of-war theme has featured quite a lot through William’s case. BF vs FF, Karlie vs Brendan, Brendan vs NC, Mitchell vs NC, NC vs Karlie, FaCS vs APS, APS vs the Coroner et al, Where’s William vs Walking Warriors, police vs BS et al, police vs Karlie, police vs Brendan. Have I forgotten anyone/thing? Probably. And at the centre of all of this, I dunno, chaos a little boy who has been missing for three and a half years. Just thinking about this makes my heart hurt.
Open the door of their car and dump them....YES!
Scam a reward....YES!
Place in lost and found....YES!

THEY DON’T CARE otherwise someone would be $1mil richer.

There’s *advertiser censored* mongrels out their stealing oxygen as we speak.

Humour me Bo Can’t you tell I’m at a loss.

BTW some people totally live for their Fido & Fifi.

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It wasn’t personal honey. I am at a loss too so I know how you feel. ‘They’ say ‘It’s always darkest before the dawn.’. Let’s pray that’s this is true for William.

btw there’s nothing wrong with living for Fido & Fifi. Companion animals and children are the only beings that truly give us unconditional love, yet they are the group the most neglected and abused.
How about a person who believes they can provide a better life to what they BELIEVE he is currently living.

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Like criminali or APS? :thinking:

(Just joking, they were likely very busy denigrating someone else at the time that William disappeared.)
Our fear of adoptions is hurting vulnerable children

The reality is that Queensland child protection services, as in all Australian jurisdictions, already practice "family support" or "family preservation". This means that all efforts are made to keep children with even highly dysfunctional families and to work with parents in an often futile attempt to fix serious problems. Removal into care is considered a last, reluctant and temporary resort, to be followed by further efforts to work with parents and facilitate family reunions.

The priority given to family support and preservation at nearly all costs profoundly harms children by both prolonging the time spent in the custody of abusive or neglectful parents, and the time spent languishing in unstable foster care placements while awaiting reunifications that are highly prone to breakdown.

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Our fear of adoptions is hurting vulnerable children

The reality is that Queensland child protection services, as in all Australian jurisdictions, already practice "family support" or "family preservation". This means that all efforts are made to keep children with even highly dysfunctional families and to work with parents in an often futile attempt to fix serious problems. Removal into care is considered a last, reluctant and temporary resort, to be followed by further efforts to work with parents and facilitate family reunions.

The priority given to family support and preservation at nearly all costs profoundly harms children by both prolonging the time spent in the custody of abusive or neglectful parents, and the time spent languishing in unstable foster care placements while awaiting reunifications that are highly prone to breakdown.

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Wholeheartedly agree TGY. Family friends just went through this nightmare in QLD. Convicted pedo living with a mother & her kids hidden away from family services. Daughter reported interference to her dad. Photographic evidence obtained but had to wait 9 months & 30k in court fees to get that child removed. The hell that little girl went through in those 9 months could have been spared if someone with balls in government organizations stepped up.

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Yes you are right Bo, could have been anyone . If I were spedding and my name and reputation had been severely compromised through this investigation as an innocent man who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ....... bloody hell id have every lawyer under the sun helping me .

Me too HB ... wondered if perhaps a 'deal' was dine ??
Hiya Hbayne. I have made numerous reports to crime stoppers about someone i suspect could be involved. I'm so unsure, but it's a possibility given the time frame & location. Initially i gave my name only (not his, so it was not even anonymous) due to fear - & thinking when/if they approach me - then I will know & can then protect myself from him. Got no phone call - nothing. Then my psychologist reports him about a month later (with his name) & still nothing. All of this reporting was to crime stoppers (which i have read since have about a 2% success rate!) I don't know what to do really. I only suspect. But that's exactly what they asked for - if you suspect someone - then come forward. I have heard nothing from his camp (i would hear from his camp i think). This was many months ago. It makes me think they have their minds made up - or that info is not being properly related? No idea!

OMG - iailwa, I'm with you in your shock & surprise by supposed lack of interest by Crime Stoppers - HOWEVER, if you have a hint of information & it hasn't got an response from Crimestoppers why the bl#%} hell haven't you pushed it further? .. Contact Det Jubelin himself .. I can't believe that you are just letting it rest !
We’ll see how well the mud sticks with Spedding’s next case but I’m thinking if he walks clean again then the Lawyers will be lining up for the legal suits.
No win, no pay, big bucks.
Huge bucks.

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Thanks Warshawski but I’m only saying what everyone who has William’s and his families’ best interests at heart are saying, albeit slightly differently. For me, it’s about a little boy named William who has been torn away from the people he loves most of all. I knew that pain as a child (and it still affects me in some ways as an adult) and, even though you adapt to the situation(s) forced upon you, nothing but reunification with your loved one(s) can even begin to heal your wounded heart. Nothing. And no one.

just now focusing on you Bo, and I so sad to hear of the pain you've had to endure, as a child, and ongoing. It's not right & not fair.
My wish is for your ongoing repair & salvation - with my arms wrapped around you :)
OMG - iailwa, I'm with you in your shock & surprise by supposed lack of interest by Crime Stoppers - HOWEVER, if you have a hint of information & it hasn't got an response from Crimestoppers why the bl#%} hell haven't you pushed it further? .. Contact Det Jubelin himself .. I can't believe that you are just letting it rest !

There has to be critical info sitting somewhere, somewherrre just waiting for a keener eyed cop to look at it.

I guess it’s not only Crimestoppers who drop the ball but the cops can as well. Are they too busy to pass the info on?

I remember Paul Onions the Pommy backpacker who was shot at by Ivan Millat, he ran zigzagging towards another car driven by a woman who witnessed the whole event and drove him to a copshop.
The car, the description of Milatt by two witnesses was given and....nothing...NOTHING eventuated.
Onions returned to England but IIRC he made enquiries from the mother-land and It was Onions who called & gave a positive ID when he saw Milatt on TV.
Onions was the prime witness taking Millat down and refused the $200,000 reward. :dunno:
Again same as Daniel Morcombe, a cop didn’t interview a witness who blew Cowan’s alibi clean out of the water. Something so simple, ‘Fitzgerald was adamant that he would have remembered checking out a mulcher’.

So what could go so very wrong?
THE man who helped put one of our worst serial killers in jail hands back $200,000 reward.
Brett Cowan's moment of truth

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