Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #37

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Another long post (sorry) but I find this doco very interesting with regard to police strategy and the media. Much, much more contained in the attached article.

- Decisions over the content and timing of communications with the media will in part reflect the need for the investigation to generate additional information from the general public.

- .... an assessment of investigations of child homicides and concluded that 77 per cent of investigations ‘used the media’ mainly to identify witnesses ....

- It is important to distinguish between a police appeal for information and the more general provision of information to the media about the offence (publicity).

- ...the use of the media offers a relatively flexible means of acquiring information. Unlike other forms of information collection, the investigative team can alter the detail and the tone of the media message accordingly as the enquiry progresses.

- There has been much discussion about the use of victims’ relatives in appeals for assistance via the media ..... In the 16 investigations covered, only two used a member of the victim’s family in press appeals.

Most importantly ... imo
- Where sensitive information had been inadvertently disclosed, the research revealed several instances where press co-operation was exemplary. In two of the cases studied, the press became aware of information which, at that stage, formed part of the investigations’ hold-back material ...... In each case, when the significance of the information was explained, the reasons for treating it as hold-back, and the potential damage to the investigation if made public, the press responded positively and did not make the information public. Indeed, there appear to have been relatively few cases where, when in possession of hold-back information, the media have released it.

Please Do Not apologise for your documented thoughts SA, long or short.
Everyone here is here for William. Everyone is entitled to be listened to & to have their opinions respected & considered.

You add enormous value to the cause. Your knowledge is priceless in this situation, & your research abilities are amazing.

So please SA, keep on, keeping on, with No Apologies please :)
Court documents show the charges were laid after NSW police referred evidence to their Victorian counterparts last year, prompting an investigation that was codenamed Operation Overgrazing.

“There is evidence of other adult offenders who are complicit in similar child sex offences,” the court documents state.

William Spedding in court on sex charges

So operation overgrazing resulted in charges being made by Sano against BS and who?
BS charges have now been withdrawn. Has who's?

When I look at the religious organisations component of child sex abuse history in Ballarat - which Sano is/would have been looking at, I believe - there is a bucket load of money that has been paid out to survivors of abuse in that area.
There are articles as recently as February this year about continuing to make these payments.

What was Spedding doing in the Ballarat area, I wonder.
Did his work/social life intermingle with persons who worked at St Patrick's College (which seems to be the central focus of much of the abuse)?
Or was the alleged abuse by Spedding and others (Operation Overgrazing) separate from the huge 'religious' scandals, payouts, and suppression of victim stories in Ballarat from the 70s and 80s?

The Ballarat Diocese continues to respond to requests for compensation for survivors of abuse who are approaching the church through previously established response protocol Towards Healing, solicitors and direct contact.
Survivors respond to Ballarat Diocese meeting abuse compensation
February 13 2018

Diocese of Ballarat: 98 (payments) Total amount $5,000,000 Avg payment $51,000
Catholic Church paid out $276m over child sex abuse claims
Yes, I found this post by soso, saying that Sano was the prosecuting agency.

Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #26

It is very interesting ... considering that Sano were established to investigate Religious and Non-Government Organisation child sex crimes.

One would think that a straight historical child sex crime charge brought on by a now-adult person(s) would not require Sano's input.
Was Spedding linked to some religious or non-government organisation in Victoria? I sort of remember speculation that he could have been an associate of now-Cardinal Pell .... same time, same place, that kind of thing.
Why were the Vic charges withdrawn?
Was there an out-of-court settlement in the Vic case ... as so frequently happens with these types of crimes .... so the charges were then withdrawn?
Were the charges brought by a now adult person(s)? (assuming you meant victim(s) )
Were the charges brought by a now adult person(s)? (assuming you meant victim(s) )

Your assumption would be correct. Police make the charges on behalf of the victims. Sano were the prosecuting agency. The victims would be the subject of the charges.

Please note that my original post did say "One would think .... ". Myself being one.

To my knowledge, victims of crime cannot actually charge people themselves.
There needs to be evidence for police charges to happen, and strong (case-winnable) evidence for a prosecutor to take a criminal case to court.
The victims would need to be available and willing to give evidence at any trial.

imo (because I don't have time right now to go and look up all the verifying links)
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Your assumption would be correct. Police make the charges on behalf of the victims. Sano were the prosecuting agency. The victims would be the subject of the charges.

Please note that my original post did say "One would think .... ". Myself being one.

To my knowledge, victims of crime cannot actually charge people themselves.
There needs to be evidence for police charges to happen, and strong (case-winnable) evidence for a prosecutor to take a criminal case to court.
The victims would need to be available and willing to give evidence at any trial.

imo (because I don't have time right now to go and look up all the verifying links)
If the DPP in both states thought that the case they had could be proven beyond reasonable doubt, and the victim/s were willing to testify, what would have changed about either case to drop/withdraw the charges?
If the DPP in both states thought that the case they had could be proven beyond reasonable doubt, and the victim/s were willing to testify, what would have changed about either case to drop/withdraw the charges?

Who knows? Could be any number of factors, which we have been trying to discuss over the past few threads, off and on.

Perhaps a change of heart by the victims, who cannot go through with the stress of the trial(s).
Perhaps the victims are ill and/or suffering adverse effects, due to abuse from years ago.
Perhaps a payout by case-connected (perhaps religious) persons which includes no criminal charges and suppression.

Seems there could always be a question about why these charges were withdrawn. Which is not going to do Spedding any good, because it will not allow him to clear his name (or be convicted) in the public's eye. imo
Just to add, the thing that I don't understand is .... if Spedding so desperately wants to clear his name, why all the suppression?
Surely he would have a good case, in both the criminal charges and civil cases, to have suppression lifted (with no children's names to be published, of course, as has always been the situation in these matters)?
With all the pre-case publicity that is still available out there, and likely will always be out there on Google, surely a magistrate would be sympathetic to having a degree of suppression lifted to clear his name - if all was good for him in these cases?

Makes me suspect that all may not be good for him, in these cases.
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I wonder if suppression was lifted in these cases, it would allow suppression to be lifted in (or reference given to) other cases that Spedding may have been involved in, in the past?

If he has previous convictions or history in other child sex offences, we would never know about it, if the matters are suppressed.

Really puzzling.

What was he doing in Ballarat? Why Operation Overgrazing?

While the different operational code names leave little room for confusion, just where do the words come from?
“In the event that the operation has a public nature or intent, an operational name linked to the activity may used as long as it has not been used previously.”
The spokesperson said the nature of the operation was considered before a name was chosen.
Operation names: how do police and the military choose them?
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Just to add, the thing that I don't understand is .... if Spedding so desperately wants to clear his name, why all the suppression?
Surely he would have a good case, in both the criminal charges and civil cases, to have suppression lifted (with no children's names to be published, of course, as has always been the situation in these matters)?
With all the pre-case publicity that is still available out there, and likely will always be out there on Google, surely a magistrate would be sympathetic to having a degree of suppression lifted to clear his name - if all was good for him in these cases?

Makes me suspect that all may not be good for him, in these cases.

Perhaps it's a matter of "watch this space".
Perhaps it's a matter of "watch this space".

For what exactly? Different charges?

We know that he is returning to court (or his lawyer is) for a cost-reimbursement submission. If he was going for suppression lifting that could have been done at the time of the withdrawal of the case ... or would have been mentioned in the 'cost submissions' article, I would think.
For what exactly? Different charges?

We know that he is returning to court (or his lawyer is) for a cost-reimbursement submission. If he was going for suppression lifting that could have been done at the time of the withdrawal of the case ... or would have been mentioned in the 'cost submissions' article, I would think.

It's just a feeling I get - this man is not done with clearing his name. imo
For what exactly? Different charges?

We know that he is returning to court (or his lawyer is) for a cost-reimbursement submission. If he was going for suppression lifting that could have been done at the time of the withdrawal of the case ... or would have been mentioned in the 'cost submissions' article, I would think.

I don't believe there is a suppression in regards to the VIC charges, the outcome of that was published in MSM. I'm of understanding there is just a suppression in place for the NSW outcome. Why??...well I'm baffled as much as you. But maybe a suppression was put in place for being a POI for William and the outcome could interfere with LE investigation/future court proceedings. Who knows with the way Australia judicial system works. All IMO
The rusted upside down car appears to have 2 exhaust pipes, something a younger person owns with a big engine. Any car experts here?
Not a car expert but a couple of things:

i)I asked someone experienced in that regard to take a look and he said no, many vehicles are made that way with a duo exhaust which comes with the vehicle, and it doesn't look modified to him.

ii)I realize I am not in Aus, HOWEVER, many things are the same or at least quite similar. Here many, many local vehicles are stolen on a regular basis, and just 'disappear'. They are often found sometime later, burned out on vast Native Reserve area, after having been stripped of the items on the vehicle which were most valuable, or which were specifically sought out by thieves to then sell to others.

It appears that both the tires and rims are missing on the pictured vehicle. It's possible this vehicle had expensive rims which were in demand by a buyer, perhaps in addition to other features on this vehicle which we can't tell from the photos. It is simpler and presumably faster to just overturn the vehicle and take the tires off with rims, than to do it while the vehicle is right-side-up. The thieves take what they need, and then set fire to obliterate any fingerprints or other evidence which may later associate themselves with the theft.

It appears that at whichever time/date this vehicle was reported to LE by the person who saw it thinking it 'looked like TJ's vehicle', the thieves overturned it, stripped it of whatever parts they wanted, and set fire to it, so not sure the police necessarily hurried to take a look at this, nor if the report to the police was necessarily made right away?

Personally I believe this vehicle is a 'red herring', perhaps in an effort to keep all of the focus from being on the anniversary news of police handing WT's case to the coroner, with an inquest expected in 2019. Just my thoughts on it, fwiw.
Where did the suppression info. on BS come from? And what exactly is it for?
Would the ACA reporter be chasing BS around to discuss anything with media as he did in the recent video if there is a suppression order in place?
Where did the suppression info. on BS come from? And what exactly is it for?
Would the ACA reporter be chasing BS around to discuss anything with media as he did in the recent video if there is a suppression order in place?

It was written about by him from his own fb account in his fb support group...the media can chase him all they like maybe hoping for him to talk....but it appears he is remaining very tight lipped atm...maybe they should chase old loose lips Col, may get a better result :p
It was written about by him from his own fb account in his fb support group...the media can chase him all they like maybe hoping for him to talk....but it appears he is remaining very tight lipped atm...maybe they should chase old loose lips Col, may get a better result :p
Thanks. Didn't realise he has a FB support page. Yeah i imagine he is tight lipped and don't think he really thinks too much of MSM as he is/was litigating against them.
Is it possible that any suppression order regarding the NSW case will be lifted once the costs aspect has been dealt with in VIC?
Who knows...I'm baffled
Hopefully the costs issue will be determined same day and we won't have to wait long after that to see what is reported in MSM regarding news of the outcome of BS's NSW charges. I believe the costs hearing is to be held later this week, IIRC.
Hopefully the costs issue will be determined same day and we won't have to wait long after that to see what is reported in MSM regarding news of the outcome of BS's NSW charges. I believe the costs hearing is to be held later this week, IIRC.

As the Courts are in different States, I doubt an outcome of a costs hearing will make any difference to a Suppression order in a another State.
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