Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #45

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4 months after her knee reconstruction, I don't think she would still be on any pain medication that would effect her in anyway IMO

Margaret was never going to turn against her Bill IMO , they are thick as thieves, it was obvious to see & she would stand by him no matter the circumstances IMO................
IMO, contrived and rehearsed
Im over the media headlines saying things like big twist in this case etc all based on MS saying BS was at assembly that day, it’s not a new twist, it’s what they have both claimed all along, just cause she says it does not mean it’s correct.
I completely agree. It was exactly the same before the inquest, and at the anniversary when GJ appealed to a certain someone..Both were summoned for a reason. I think to see if MS would divulge the same story under oath.
I don’t understand how some people have come to the conclusion that he was cleared and his alibi verified. I didn’t get that at all from
Their testimony.
Didn't Det King point out to her that she was probly in pain and was asking her about seating that was more appropriate. How she handle the steps did she have an aid. That is when she said she needed to sit down soon.

There is a lot of documented evidence - medical research papers - that state pain and chronic pain does cause memory loss ....,

I am still in “Switzerland “ re the BS situation ... as in, I haven’t come to a conclusion and remain neutral at this point ... very interesting reading both sides....
There is a lot of documented evidence - medical research papers - that state pain and chronic pain does cause memory loss ....,

I am still in “Switzerland “ re the BS situation ... as in, I haven’t come to a conclusion and remain neutral at this point ... very interesting reading both sides....
Yes I agree about being in Switzerland, I’m the same with all at this stage. But a bit more of a nudge towards PS.
The most interesting point that I got from the walk through was when MS said
She couldn’t remember what car she drove
Making sure ( no witnesses could identify a car perhaps?)
Yet, she Remembered clearly it was playing up at that time.
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I too have wondered this.

Especially as we have not seen Laidlaw in the public eye at all, even though he is apparently in charge of the investigation now.

Her allegations come as The Australian launched its own podcast into the cold case called Nowhere Child.

The publication reported on Friday the new head of the investigation, Detective David Laidlaw had never worked on the case before he took over earlier this year.
It's also understood he also started the case from scratch due frosty tensions between former NSW Homicide commander Mick Willing, his successor Scott Cook and Detective Jubelin.
'It's disgusting': William Tyrrell's foster mother launches furious tirade against the police and claims they're 'doing nothing' to find her son five years after he went missing
Didn't Det King point out to her that she was probly in pain and was asking her about seating that was more appropriate. How she handle the steps did she have an aid. That is when she said she needed to sit down soon.
Yip and close very close to the spot bs said..rc can remember what step he was on
The most interesting point that I got from the walk through was when MS said
She couldn’t remember what car she drove
Making sure ( no witnesses could identify a car perhaps?)
Yet, she Remembered clearly it was playing up at that time.
She remembered one car was playing we know what cars they owned
There is a lot of documented evidence - medical research papers - that state pain and chronic pain does cause memory loss ....,

I am still in “Switzerland “ re the BS situation ... as in, I haven’t come to a conclusion and remain neutral at this point ... very interesting reading both sides....

She went shopping after. It seems to me that close to having a TKR you would pace yourself rest and not put too much load on your knee, which would increase the pain.
She went shopping after. It seems to me that close to having a TKR you would pace yourself rest and not put too much load on your knee, which would increase the pain.

Yes it’s a shame they didn’t ask her what “shopping” she did??? Eg if she could answer that specifically..... like exactly what she bought... where she went etc .... it was a very general answer that wasn’t explored on tape... sadly...

The term “co- dependant” is what I first thought on first watching the tape ....

BigT has linked a quite comprehensive walkthrough with Mr Chapman here ... longest one that I have yet seen.

One thing that stands out to me in the almost 9min video is that quite a number of cars go up and down his street. It is certainly not one of those side streets that gets very little traffic. Even a ute pulling a trailer with large equipment on it whizzed by as they were going through the walkthrough.

My point being that if it is a regular cut-through used by locals, it is very possible that it is someone local who whizzed by that day and drew Mr Chapman's attention.
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I still live in hope that Jubes will come back to the job.

I hear your words Seabreeze and I’ve imagined the stomping of Jubes was a deliberate shift of focus from the perp to give a false sense of security with the hope there would be a mistake made.
We can hope there was a motive to this madness.
I know this is probably an outrageous theory.... but I have wondered if Jubes is still actually on the case??? And there has been an elaborate plan by the NSW Police to make it appear he has resigned.... for some strategic reason ... and they have used the media to make it look real....
Probably wishful thinking... I know....

I think we have all spent a second or two hoping for & pondering over this possibility :cool:
Poor Jube’s, he deserves to see this through, IMO his dedication is even more apparent in his willingness to be at the inquest watching on from the sidelines instead of being part of the action!
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