Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 5

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Does anyone know anything about the violin competition that is held in Kendall every year? Apparently it was held on that weekend. I'm wondering if it's such a big event that Kendall have a lot of visitors for it - or if they have markets, etc to support it.

Also, I noticed on the topographical maps for the area, not far south of Benaroon Drive, there seems to be either a large property which has a number of buildings on it (such as sheds), or a few properties together. I found a business called "The Kendall RDA Centre", which is an osteo practice (I think), on the corner of Batar Creek Road and Cobb & Co Road. Wasn't there a report of someone asking directions on that morning for Batar Creek Road?
Was held on the 13/14 September 2014 they have a fb page


Interesting Panda and well discovered mmmm thinking again

Great, thanks. I was just wondering if they get a lot of people who come down to stay the weekend it's held. I know William was allegedly abducted on the Friday, so it's unlikely there's any connection, but was just thinking outside the box, thinking if Kendall gets busy when it's on, or if people who aren't normally in Kendall may come down earlier and stay.
Good point about the car seat. So say there is a pedophile just happened to be driving down Benaroon Drive out of the blue on that weekday morning, and suddenly this child appears all alone.. he quickly seizes the moment, parks, gets out of his vehicle, runs and grabs WT even though there is a possibility that all of the neighbours could be watching him from their windows.. runs him back to the car.. throws him in.. takes off like a bat out of heck.. so.. what now? How does he keep little WT sitting nice and still in that vehicle without a car seat? How is WT not screaming and wailing? Why aren't people hearing the child scream and wail from inside the car as the car drives along? How are other vehicles on the road not seeing this little fellow looking out of the windows, making a lasting impression of himself that would be later reported as having been seen? Or did the perp knock him unconscious when putting him in the vehicle? Another time-taking thing to take care of while grabbing this opportune moment. If a neighbour or the parents happened to see this situation from a window of a house, they would immediately report him/the vehicle, and he would be hunted down. If caught right away, which... why would anyone think they would NOT be seen?? The guy out mowing his lawn.. the Grandmother in the yard.. the sister.. to name a few.. and all the others that could potentially see from inside their homes.. so if he got stopped within a couple of blocks by police after police being tipped off, it would sure be tough explaining not only why he scooped the child, but also knocked him out? It's all just so bizarre and too out there for me to feel this could have happened. What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

If William were taken by car then it seems main roads would have been avoided. imo
With children being required to be in safety seats - you would not want to risk being pulled over by LE. Surely.
Does anyone know anything about the violin competition that is held in Kendall every year? Apparently it was held on that weekend. I'm wondering if it's such a big event that Kendall have a lot of visitors for it - or if they have markets, etc to support it.

Also, I noticed on the topographical maps for the area, not far south of Benaroon Drive, there seems to be either a large property which has a number of buildings on it (such as sheds), or a few properties together. I found a business called "The Kendall RDA Centre", which is an osteo practice (I think), on the corner of Batar Creek Road and Cobb & Co Road. Wasn't there a report of someone asking directions on that morning for Batar Creek Road?

I should have looked it up before posting - apparently the Kendall RDA Centre is a "Riding for the Disabled Association". It's only open Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I thought I saw a sign for an osteo - I'll have to go and have another look. (Must the the rain, melting my brain today!)
Good point about the car seat. So say there is a pedophile just happened to be driving down Benaroon Drive out of the blue on that weekday morning, and suddenly this child appears all alone.. he quickly seizes the moment, parks, gets out of his vehicle, runs and grabs WT even though there is a possibility that all of the neighbours could be watching him from their windows.. runs him back to the car.. throws him in.. takes off like a bat out of heck.. so.. what now? How does he keep little WT sitting nice and still in that vehicle without a car seat? How is WT not screaming and wailing? Why aren't people hearing the child scream and wail from inside the car as the car drives along? How are other vehicles on the road not seeing this little fellow looking out of the windows, making a lasting impression of himself that would be later reported as having been seen? Or did the perp knock him unconscious when putting him in the vehicle? Another time-taking thing to take care of while grabbing this opportune moment. If a neighbour or the parents happened to see this situation from a window of a house, they would immediately repot him/the vehicle, and he would be hunted down. If caught right away, which... why would anyone think they would NOT be seen?? The guy out mowing his lawn.. the Grandmother in the yard.. the sister.. to name a few.. and all the others that could potentially see from inside their homes.. so if he got stopped within a couple of blocks by police after police being tipped off, it would sure be tough explaining not only why he scooped the child, but also knocked him out? It's all just so bizarre and too out there for me to feel this could have happened. What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

Yes, I agree. It's all very bizarre and very unlikely.
Mind you, I have only seen it mentioned in MSM that it was WT running to the side of the house. I haven't ever seen it said that the two of them were taking turns running to the side of the house. Which is kind of peculiar when I think about it, because if they were playing 'chasies', then why wouldnt' the girl have been running to the side of the house also?

Thanks for bringing that up - I hadn't even thought of that. I had completely forgotten the fact that there were 2 small children running around.
Wow, that sounds like an interesting case, will have to look it up. And yes, court order/warrant, but wouldn't LE have had to provide some kind of reason for wanting it? I guess really, for all we know, LE *could* have alraedy had a court order, if they already had a warrant to search the properties, is it possible they also had a warrant to obtain his DNA? It has only been said that 'he provided a sample'.. but that does not preclude that he may not have had a choice? Hmm.

They can get DNA with a court order here. In Kylie Blackwood's case they are gathering DNA from everyone who was in town when she was murdered ... lots and lots of people. It is not that difficult for police to obtain a court order for it. So, you can give it willingly, or wait a day or two and have it taken.
Good point about the car seat. So say there is a pedophile just happened to be driving down Benaroon Drive out of the blue on that weekday morning, and suddenly this child appears all alone.. he quickly seizes the moment, parks, gets out of his vehicle, runs and grabs WT even though there is a possibility that all of the neighbours could be watching him from their windows.. runs him back to the car.. throws him in.. takes off like a bat out of heck.. so.. what now? How does he keep little WT sitting nice and still in that vehicle without a car seat? How is WT not screaming and wailing? Why aren't people hearing the child scream and wail from inside the car as the car drives along? How are other vehicles on the road not seeing this little fellow looking out of the windows, making a lasting impression of himself that would be later reported as having been seen? Or did the perp knock him unconscious when putting him in the vehicle? Another time-taking thing to take care of while grabbing this opportune moment. If a neighbour or the parents happened to see this situation from a window of a house, they would immediately repot him/the vehicle, and he would be hunted down. If caught right away, which... why would anyone think they would NOT be seen?? The guy out mowing his lawn.. the Grandmother in the yard.. the sister.. to name a few.. and all the others that could potentially see from inside their homes.. so if he got stopped within a couple of blocks by police after police being tipped off, it would sure be tough explaining not only why he scooped the child, but also knocked him out? It's all just so bizarre and too out there for me to feel this could have happened. What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

I totally agree.
Even Supt Fehon said - making the probability of a random opportunistic attack "next to nil".
What a beautiful property. I'm wondering if nobody in the area had security cameras.. but I suppose if there is virtually no crime in the area (until this occurred), there would be no need? Still... if people moved here from.. wherever they moved from, you'd think that at least some of them might feel safer with monitoring? I wonder if any of the homes had recordings to give to LE?

It says, street view, March 2010. Nearly 5 yrs old.

View attachment 69802
Well we can't point fingers here I suppose, but..
Think about who would know all 3 of those things.
Who may have also had occasion to be at home at midmorning on a Friday?
Even someone who may live in the neighbourhood and who may work fulltime, may have unexpectedly run home for something?
Jeez, maybe that case that SA mentioned above is a good idea.. to take DNA samples from everyone.. but.. there is nothing to compare it to in this case yet. Too bad lie detector tests are deemed to be unreliable?

If JW's theory is correct.
The unknown person.
Knew the neighbour was away
Knew she had left her home
Knew WT"s father was not at home.
Just been thinking and thinking and thinking :laughing:

New lead detective
Back to ground zero
Planned recreation of the period WT vanished.

Have to wonder whether if things/persons that were verified early in the investigation. Have been looked at further and there are some inconsistencies.
That is why BS is a declared POI after all.
IMHO, I think it is more common than one may think, for people who live in a very low density area, and especially perhaps on a dead end street, to notice sounds of traffic. I dont' think anyone would just sit and stare out their windows, but I do think one gets used to the familiar noises heard from their homes. I live on a dead-end street, and I often think to myself (because I guess I'm weird) that it would be difficult to stalk someone living on a dead-end street because vehicles really need to have a reason for being here, and if they don't, they don't fit in, and they are noticed. I work from home.. alone.. in silence.. working away on my computer. I hear everything.. although I dont' see anything, unless I get up to look out the window, which I might if I heard something that seemed off.

Police made a point, IMHO, of mentioning that Mother was at the front window making her 'cuppa'.. Grandmother was sitting somewhere in the yard, according to reports. The sister was actually 'playing' a game of chasies, which is a two-person game, not a one person game, where you just let the one person run off by themselves.. without being 'chased'.. ?? So how could this intruder, from any angle, have happened upon this opportunity without being seen or heard by *any*one, even with the 3 family members right there at different perspectives?

Something else just occurred to me as I was thinking about hearing everything. I'll bet that living in this semi-rural area, many residents would have dogs. If someone was lurking about, in wait... or.. if someone was scurrying off, dragging a child over his shoulder, while covering the child's mouth.. surely a dog in the area, and likely many of them, would feel/hear/see that, and bark. One would think??

IMO if it was opportunistic it would of been someone looking at property for sale, delivery driver or a tourist on a Sunday Drive that just happened to be there at the right time when WT was possibly out the front of the house.

It was a Friday, resident's at work and who honestly looks out the Windows to watch every car that passes by. I live in a quiet street but I have no idea who has been and gone in my street....unless I'm directly out the front of my house!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s1ofwXb2ZXWDbelXdIZSQTw!2e0

End of Albert St cul-de-sac. Is that a driveway to someones house or a track into the bush?

I took a 'Google walk' up Albert street, there is a track off to the left, I couldn't see where that goes but it could go in the direction of Benaroon Drive. Albert Street goes for miles and then branches off into a 'Y' intersection and that where Google maps end. It looks like a well used and a normal car could drive it easily. I noticed some trees cut down along the way and no dumping areas.


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Another thing I wanted to mention about 'who looks out the windows'. There was a case near where I live, where the son was suspected of murdering his father and sister. It was years before LE had enough evidence to lay charges, and then finally almost 2 decades later, the man's day in court.. I was shocked when the jury, after several days of deliberating, found the man guilty, because any substantive evidence seemed to be missing, although whether due to lack of reporting in MSM, or lack of evidence, I'm not sure. A big part of that finding was a neighbour seeing/noticing one set of headlights driving up to the property one evening, and then 2 sets of headlights later leaving the property. It was a rural area, not much traffic. I think at least some people tend to notice things, especially when living in a quiet area. There are busy-bodies everywhere, whether they know it themselves, or admit it, is another story.

IMO if it was opportunistic it would of been someone looking at property for sale, delivery driver or a tourist on a Sunday Drive that just happened to be there at the right time when WT was possibly out the front of the house.

It was a Friday, resident's at work and who honestly looks out the Windows to watch every car that passes by. I live in a quiet street but I have no idea who has been and gone in my street....unless I'm directly out the front of my house
That was quite peculiar. I hope wherever it was, they had the sniffer dogs in there.

Anything is possible: searchers
Local residents armed with torches spent the night searching for the boy.

"We've searched the drains on the road, but there was nothing there," said one woman who was with a group of friends.

The group then searched a nearby abandoned home after one of them heard noises.

"[A] neighbour used to live in this house but she's now in a nursing home so it's been abandoned for a while," she said.

"You know, anything's possible."

I'm still curious as to which house they were talking about, does anyone know?

Maybe he wants to sell because of what has happened in the town. It may be a holiday home and they may have grandchildren or children and be fearful of the same type of thing many possibilities. If not for that reason, it is just another 'coincidence' that they want sell fast at this point in time. The mind boggles :thinking:
The abduction itself could have been unplanned and opportunistic, but the time afterward could be known to others, such as family members. Or neighbousr/relatives/coworkers/friends/whatever.. if say, someone snatched him to become one of the perp's own family.. or if someone saw a toddler with someone they know, without a reason.. or even if say, your husband (or your adult son who lives in the basement) was local to there, and then went out and didn't come for for a day or two.. ugh.. I shudder to think of someone who may suspect someone, but think it's such a way-out thing to be thinking, that they just discard it, or if they are too afraid to come forward.

"No one should be protecting anyone that is involved in a crime of this nature." Insp Jubelin said.

This comment seems so relevant yet at odds with unplanned and opportunistic. imo
:freakedout:To think that somebody lay in wait, unnoticed, sends chills down my spine...
I am new on here, can anyone tell how to get the quote, that I replied to, in the box? Thanks in advance.
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