Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 5

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How long was it planned beforehand? Because I don't think many people even knew that William was coming to see Grandma when he did.
Yeah, I don’t think it was planned either, Mrs G. Well, no more planned than someone seeing William running around for an hour or two and watching him, and perhaps watching him playing during the prior afternoon/evening as well, then taking their opportunity and grabbing him.

I think the perp lives in or visits the immediate area, and this was an opportunistic grab.

I hate thinking that, because it is a horrible consequence for little William, but I just don’t see anyone connected taking just one child. I think they would have taken both.

That's what i think too. An opportunity revealed itself and someone was in just the right place to make it happen.

I can see why LE would be suspicious of the repairman, if it can be shown that he pulled up into the driveway, unnoticed. That could have been a prefect storm if he came upon William, hiding in the bushes alongside the house. he could have snatched him up and taken him to the truck and been gone in a flash.

I think it all depends upon how strong his alibi is for that morning coffee and his cell pings thereafter.
That's what i think too. An opportunity revealed itself and someone was in just the right place to make it happen.

I can see why LE would be suspicious of the repairman, if it can be shown that he pulled up into the driveway, unnoticed. That could have been a prefect storm if he came upon William, hiding in the bushes alongside the house. he could have snatched him up and taken him to the truck and been gone in a flash.

I think it all depends upon how strong his alibi is for that morning coffee and his cell pings thereafter.

:yes: And I think Spedding could have done things to keep the searches of his properties quiet. I think that if he was fully cooperative the police would have conducted the search with a fairly low profile, kept the media out of it, did what they had to do, and been on their way.

He could have just said “Yep, I am more than happy for you to do what you need to do. Just let me have my lawyer present so I can feel reassured that all is kosher, and go for it. Please just respect my privacy”.

I don’t believe that the police would have been non-compliant in that situation. And if the media caught wind of the search, the police could have made them butt out. They have searched 21 other houses already, and they haven’t revealed who lives at those addresses.

Instead everyone knows he is a POI, and he is acting devastated. When he could have just said "I fully cooperated with police. They think someone may have accessed my properties, and needed to check it out. So I let them. I want to do all I can do to help in the search for this little boy."

I don’t know if I am explaining this very well, but I don’t believe it would have turned into a big fuss if Spedding had been compliant and confident of his alibi.
From what I can see of this property, it looks like a smallish house (2 BR) and not a lot of landscaping as in other homes in the neighbourhood, so it would likely be price on the low end of the range for the neighbourhood to begin with, and then if the owner wanted a 'quick sale', it was listed for even less than the low end of the range. Did it already sell? I wonder if LE is aware there is a home with a quicksale wanted on the street? Not that people can't choose to sell whenever they want, but they should likely have that information in their notes.

I thought when I looked a few weeks ago this was the going price based on sales history for the area. I was actually surprised when people referred to the grandma as living in an exclusive area based on the sales prices.
:yes: And I think Spedding could have done things to keep the searches of his properties quiet. I think that if he was fully cooperative the police would have conducted the search with a fairly low profile, kept the media out of it, did what they had to do, and been on their way.

He could have just said “Yep, I am more than happy for you to do what you need to do. Just let me have my lawyer present so I can feel reassured that all is kosher, and go for it. Please just respect my privacy”.

I don’t believe that the police would have been non-compliant in that situation. And if the media caught wind of the search, the police could have made them butt out. They have searched 21 other houses already, and they haven’t revealed who lives at those addresses.

Instead everyone knows he is a POI, and he is acting devastated. When he could have just said "I fully cooperated with police. They think someone may have accessed my properties, and needed to check it out. So I let them. I want to do all I can do to help in the search for this little boy."

I don’t know if I am explaining this very well, but I don’t believe it would have turned into a big fuss if Spedding had been complaint and confident of his alibi.
If he was invovled though do you really think he would of voluntarily gave LE a DNA sample.
If he was invovled though do you really think he would of voluntarily gave LE a DNA sample.

It could have been a situation where they asked him to provide his DNA, and told him that if he didn't they would just get a court order for it, so he "willingly" agreed. He would have had to provide it one way or the other. There is no dodging that bullet.

THE person who abducted toddler William Tyrell may have laid in wait until the nearby houses were empty before striking, a neighbour believes.
Judy Wilson, whose property adjoins William’s grandmother’s backyard, believes it may be more than just coincidence that the child disappeared only after she went to run errands in town.
She said someone could have been waiting for her to leave, potentially aware that the neighbour on the other side was also away.
“If someone was watching the house, they would’ve seen me leave and would’ve known the other neighbour was away,” she said
Her theory emerged as it was revealed that a second access point to the street could hold the key to cracking the case.

Posting neighbour's theory.

I'm not sure how planned this was, but in my mind, an opportunistic moment is when a person abducts a child on the pure chance he/she has come across them.
Planning could be well in advance where William was definitely the intended target.
Planned could mean someone local/visiting, watching various children at play, waiting for the moment a child is alone.
Was William the intended victim or whichever child was left unattended? :thinking:

THE person who abducted toddler William Tyrell may have laid in wait until the nearby houses were empty before striking, a neighbour believes.
Judy Wilson, whose property adjoins William’s grandmother’s backyard, believes it may be more than just coincidence that the child disappeared only after she went to run errands in town.
She said someone could have been waiting for her to leave, potentially aware that the neighbour on the other side was also away.
“If someone was watching the house, they would’ve seen me leave and would’ve known the other neighbour was away,” she said
Her theory emerged as it was revealed that a second access point to the street could hold the key to cracking the case.

Posting neighbour's theory.

I'm not sure how planned this was, but in my mind, an opportunistic moment is when a person abducts a child on the pure chance he/she has come across them.
Planning could be well in advance where William was definitely the intended target.
Planned could mean someone local/visiting, watching various children at play, waiting for the moment a child is alone.
Was William the intended victim or whichever child was left unattended? :thinking:

If they were laying in wait, I think the perp was very local. Someone had to know that the people next door were away (we usually do not make our houses look vacant when we are away), they had to be aware where Judy lived (that she was not just a visitor who was leaving) when she left her home. I think there had to be some very local knowledge for the perp to feel confident enough to grab that quick opportunity.
View attachment 69758

The aerial view shows a clear pathway from Benaroon Dve onto dirt track that leads to Kendall Cemetery (red marker) and Albert Street. It's another escape route to avoid detection, no need for the person to drive down Benaroon Dve and be seen. :thinking:

If you go to the end of Ellendale Crescent (off Benaroon Drive) there is a driveway/bush that you would only have to travel 50m through to get to the cemetery also.!1e1!3m2!1sE4i-CXotd-VSrVz-vb9GzQ!2e0?hl=en

However, even if someone made it via one of these routes or another route to Albert St tor the cemetery on Albert St hen looking at Albert St on Google Street view it looks quite an upmarket street with not a lot of houses and where a strange car would be noticed I would have though - let alone a motorbike or similar.
Well !! Insp Jubelin clearly stating unplanned opportunistic.

Unplanned ....
Not much human traffic.
Unfortunate set of circumstances that William was in a vulnerable position and came across that person.
There are a number of lines of investigation but cannot go into that.
Every family's worst nightmare.
Not an impossible task to go into the whereabouts of everyone in the area.
If you were anywhere near there, you need to see the Inspector, before he comes to you.
Well !! Insp Jubelin clearly stating unplanned opportunistic.

So a situation like BS turning up for a job but instead seizes the moment to grab William? I'm not saying it's him, just him turning up out of the blue creates the unplanned opportunistic moment.
Insp Jubelin states there's no passing through traffic, it's an out of the way housing estate and yet a person came upon William and took him. This means someone visiting the street for another reason, a delivery, visiting a relative, picking up mail, etc. This basically means all the neighbours should be closely scrutinized again and asked whether someone was expected and didn't turn up and anything along those lines. :thinking:
Unplanned ....
Not much human traffic.
Unfortunate set of circumstances that William was in a vulnerable position and came across that person.
There are a number of lines of investigation but cannot go into that.
Every family's worst nightmare.
Not an impossible task to go into the whereabouts of everyone in the area.
If you were anywhere near there, you need to see the Inspector, before he comes to you.

Rather sad to think that a 3 year old playing with his sister in the yard - is a vulnerable position.
I hope the police have something.
The thing with that is... I don't think he is required to give a DNA sample unless they either have a warrant for it? Or unless he is already charged, at which time I believe they can demand it?
So.. if they do not have enough on him to charge and arrest him and then demand the DNA.. why even think about giving it to them willingly, when it could ultimately lead to charges and an arrest? It wouldn't make sense. I don't think a lawyer would recommend that he do that. And also, the '10 page' statement that he gave? Wow. The things you say can be used against you later. I think lawyers prefer that you remain silent, as is your right. Or at least have the lawyer there WITH you at the time, if making a statement.
This man's willingness to do both things (give a DNA sample and such a large statement) indicates, to me at least, in MOO, that he thinks he has nothing to worry about. He definitely *would* have something to worry about, if a body is ever found and happens to have any spec of Mr. S's DNA on it.
Which brings me to wonder. What if.... whomever took WT, also had the opportunity somehow to collect a sample of Mr. S's DNA... a cigarette butt? A strand of his hair? If 'the' perp happened to know of Mr. S, say someone with a grudge, perhaps the same someone who called in whatever tip it was to Crimestoppers to have his properties searched (to deflect from himself?), and the perp also had the opportunity to collect a piece of his hair.. Mr. S would be in deep doodoo.
Ugh. I'm not sure that I would have volunteered my DNA if I had been in Mr. S's shoes, even though I was innocent.

It could have been a situation where they asked him to provide his DNA, and told him that if he didn't they would just get a court order for it, so he "willingly" agreed. He would have had to provide it one way or the other. There is no dodging that bullet.

THE person who abducted toddler William Tyrell may have laid in wait until the nearby houses were empty before striking, a neighbour believes.
Judy Wilson, whose property adjoins William’s grandmother’s backyard, believes it may be more than just coincidence that the child disappeared only after she went to run errands in town.
She said someone could have been waiting for her to leave, potentially aware that the neighbour on the other side was also away.
“If someone was watching the house, they would’ve seen me leave and would’ve known the other neighbour was away,” she said
Her theory emerged as it was revealed that a second access point to the street could hold the key to cracking the case.

Posting neighbour's theory.

I'm not sure how planned this was, but in my mind, an opportunistic moment is when a person abducts a child on the pure chance he/she has come across them.
Planning could be well in advance where William was definitely the intended target.
Planned could mean someone local/visiting, watching various children at play, waiting for the moment a child is alone.
Was William the intended victim or whichever child was left unattended? :thinking:

was anyone else home at her place when she went out?
If William were taken by car then it seems main roads would have been avoided. imo
With children being required to be in safety seats - you would not want to risk being pulled over by LE. Surely.
I got the feeling that someone alerted MSM fairly quickly when they saw the officers at the place of business.. for hours.. going in and out.. taking out a mattress and computer, etc. It wouldn't have taken much for MSM to gather some contact information and discover the Spedding name, and then take a ride out to his house as well.. and then start bugging police asking what they're doing, etc. And then made a big circus out of it, as is good for readership and sales. I don't think Mr. S had a hope in heck of keeping that quiet. MOO

:yes: And I think Spedding could have done things to keep the searches of his properties quiet. I think that if he was fully cooperative the police would have conducted the search with a fairly low profile, kept the media out of it, did what they had to do, and been on their way.

He could have just said “Yep, I am more than happy for you to do what you need to do. Just let me have my lawyer present so I can feel reassured that all is kosher, and go for it. Please just respect my privacy”.

I don’t believe that the police would have been non-compliant in that situation. And if the media caught wind of the search, the police could have made them butt out. They have searched 21 other houses already, and they haven’t revealed who lives at those addresses.

Instead everyone knows he is a POI, and he is acting devastated. When he could have just said "I fully cooperated with police. They think someone may have accessed my properties, and needed to check it out. So I let them. I want to do all I can do to help in the search for this little boy."

I don’t know if I am explaining this very well, but I don’t believe it would have turned into a big fuss if Spedding had been compliant and confident of his alibi.
Wow, I am SO surprised that his thoughts are leaning that way. To me.. the earth moved and the stars aligned in perfect harmony for 5 minutes that day to provide someone, a sexual predator it would HAVE to be, with such luck of timing and location and means. I just can't see it. MOO

Well !! Insp Jubelin clearly stating unplanned opportunistic.
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