Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #58

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Gary Jubelin is often lauded around these parts, but it certainly sounds like he didn't follow a methodical process but rather was a bit scattergun in his approach.

The Foster family's involvement, especially if he has passed away on the property, would be absolutely dreadful for a number of reasons not least of all being what it would mean for the effectiveness of the initial police investigation. How could that have been kept from his older sister though?

this case just got curiouser and curiouser.

In my opinion law enforcement will be guilty of professional negligence and they will have botched the investigation if it transpires William was never abducted. They should be thoroughly investigating every possible scenario as to how a child has disappeared and thoroughly investigating everyone who may responsible. Every possible avenue of enquiry should be exhausted. It will be absolutely shocking if this is what has happened. A substantial amount of time, money and resources have been used in trying to find William but the focus of law enforcement always seems to have been an abduction by a stranger.

Surely law enforcement would have done a thorough forensic investigation of the the property from top to bottom for any signs of blood as soon as they learned William had disappeared? Would it still be possible for blood to show up at a property when luminol is used in a forensic investigation after years have passed? I imagine it is unlikely blood could be detected in the outside of a property because it would degrade due to the elements after so long.

If it does turn out William was never abducted and we do not know he wasn’t yet. Was the man who claimed to his nurse “I didn't do anything wrong,' 'All I did was give my best mate and the boy a lift.' 'The boy that went missing down in Kendall?' Do you think it is possible he was imagining he had done this or was he possibly making a false claim? I am wondering if he did do this at some point in his life but he may be confusing William for another boy. I thought what he appeared to be confessing may have been true.
I think it might make a difference if you were a foster carer.
You might have your other foster children taken from you.

I'm assuming if you were a foster carer and a child died in your care, then it wouldn't just be a police investigation but there would have to be investigation by the department of childrens services as well?

I'm assuming even if deemed not to be criminally negligent, the department would have their own standards of care for foster carers including things like adequate supervision?

And that any children under your care would be removed until the investigation had been completed?

I don't know the answer.
Lost all faith in the police running this investigation, sorry .. this feels political and it's not the first time. I will be shocked if their current theory proves to be correct, and will happily eat humble pie if they solve it, but am not buying this at all.

Williams sister being removed from the fosters care and abuse charges in the pipelines and LE laying AVO'S at their feet on her behalf....just a side note?

I think we are close to a bullseye.
The volume of accusations thrown out today EPIC.

But thats what Im buyin.
Fingers crossed justice for William is coming.

I am just baffled by this whole new situation.
Surely they searched around the house many times with cadaver dogs, luminol, the whole nine yards.
I am wondering what could have possibly come to light 7 years after the fact that has made them so confident this case is about to be solved ?
Did his sister remember a detail that she had not told anyone before now ?
Was there a deathbed confession from the FGM ?
You would think so.... But in the beginning Fehon was adamant they were looking for a lost child..... and he was in charge.

They did use a scent dog in the beginning but not a cadaver dog that I recall???
Williams sister being removed from the fosters care and abuse charges in the pipelines and LE laying AVO'S at their feet on her behalf....just a side note?

I think we are close to a bullseye.
The volume of accusations thrown out today EPIC.

But thats what Im buyin.
Fingers crossed justice for William is coming.


Yeah they are big statements, but we have seen similar before .. maybe that's why I'm just not buying it, feel like I've been here before in this case. Also you would think they would have been the first people they looked at, and I'm sure they were, I just don't know ..
No Cookies | Herald Sun

"The major search on new ground comes after police received information about the possibility of William’s remains being in the area, with ground penetrating x-ray technology and polylite — that shows up DNA such as blood — to be sprayed across the dense scrub in the days ahead"

Would there be any traces of blood all these years later ?

Maybe they are not expecting to find remains in the garden bed under the balcony but blood or other remnants with DNA?
Yeah they are big statements, but we have seen similar before .. maybe that's why I'm just not buying it, feel like I've been here before in this case. Also you would think they would have been the first people they looked at, and I'm sure they were, I just don't know ..
It really is a huge bungled mess.
Things move quickly when they fall into place.
It just doesnt make sense the police commissioner would say such incriminating things without 100% confidence in what they have.
IF the FPs or one of the FPs are responsible, I think a lot of people are going to be feeling very disappointed, betrayed and angry.
People have taken William into their hearts and have been hoping and praying for seven years for him to be found. If they (or one of them) KNEW this whole time, what a disgusting secret to keep.
I don't understand how it could have been an accident (if it indeed was) because even if you lied at first out of sheer panic, surely you eventually confess to the truth. And for the police to have taken this long to even do a thorough search of the yard where he went missing is just unbelievable.
I have defended the FPs, even when things struck me as worrying - the calmest of the original phone call where FM called police to report William missing - and a month or two ago when police came out saying something about new information or whatever and the FM seemed to get angry and accused them of "fake news" to me, that was a red flag ... but I still accepted the line that they weren't involved :(
The thing is ... after 7 years is anyone going to be able to tell how William died?

There better be a REALLY strong backstory and other evidence of who a guilty party may be.

Can you imagine the lifelong rubbish that will happen if no definite person can be held accountable?

There has been no arrest.

Will there be an arrest without a body.
It really is a huge bungled mess.
Things move quickly when they fall into place.
It just doesnt make sense the police commissioner would say such incriminating things without 100% confidence in what they have.

I hope the commissioner wouldn't do that, but he is only going off what he is being told, here's hoping they are right this time hey?
"Ten reporter Lia Harris, who interviewed the foster parents for her 2019 podcast Where's William Tyrrell? said she had recently received a subpoena from the coroner's court for "a very broad range of material".

"Everything that I had uncovered in my research for the podcast, audio files, documents, everything, including those raw tapes of my extensive interviews with the foster parents," she told 2GB on Tuesday"

I just can't wrap my head around why you would be involved in a podcast if you were responsible for something happening? I'm not convinced the foster parents are the ones being targeted here.

I do think police have a solid theory and suspect and just need the evidence to nail this person. If all this leads to nothing I would be very surprised
ES & JS's home/yard was forensically examined for 3 days before CS was found, items removed and bagged. I remember a poster questioned whether the same level of scrutiny was applied to WT FP's house/yard, and we came to the conclusion, no, it wasn't covered in the news at the time or mentioned at the coronial inquest.

Is the time stamp on the pictures the key? Or, has someone changed their story? Or, the Coroner was shocked by the FP's being ruled out so early or with flimsy evidence? Wouldn't the car hold the most evidence of a deceased person after the site where they died? Is it on the list to recover to forensically take apart? Most probably belongs to a new owner by now, imo.

I'm holding my breath and scratching my head because this is a new level of speed of which a suspected person has acted to cover a crime/accident and supply a story without being found out. We've got Ristevski and 1 biased witness, but here, we have a whole family?! o_O
ES & JS's home/yard was forensically examined for 3 days before CS was found, items removed and bagged. I remember a poster questioned whether the same level of scrutiny was applied to WT FP's house/yard, and we came to the conclusion, no, it wasn't covered in the news at the time or mentioned at the coronial inquest.

Is the time stamp on the pictures the key? Or, has someone changed their story? Or, the Coroner was shocked by the FP's being ruled out so early or with flimsy evidence? Wouldn't the car hold the most evidence of a deceased person after the site where they died? Is it on the list to recover to forensically take apart? Most probably belongs to a new owner by now, imo.

I'm holding my breath and scratching my head because this is a new level of speed of which a suspected person has acted to cover a crime/accident and supply a story without being found out. We've got Ristevski and 1 biased witness, but here, we have a whole family?! o_O

Maybe ping data technology is more advanced and they could see FP’s movements didn't match with what they had been told .. or like you said the time stamp on the pictures didn't add up? I don't know why they are so focused on one specific cause of death, ie 'falling off a balcony' .. if this is correct maybe someone has come forward with a long hidden truth?
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In my opinion law enforcement will be guilty of professional negligence and they will have botched the investigation if it transpires William was never abducted. They should be thoroughly investigating every possible scenario as to how a child has disappeared and thoroughly investigating everyone who may responsible. Every possible avenue of enquiry should be exhausted. It will be absolutely shocking if this is what has happened. A substantial amount of time, money and resources have been used in trying to find William but the focus of law enforcement always seems to have been an abduction by a stranger.

Surely law enforcement would have done a thorough forensic investigation of the the property from top to bottom for any signs of blood as soon as they learned William had disappeared? Would it still be possible for blood to show up at a property when luminol is used in a forensic investigation after years have passed? I imagine it is unlikely blood could be detected in the outside of a property because it would degrade due to the elements after so long.

Agree wholeheartedly!

However, hindsight is a wonderful thing.... and yes there appear to have been multiple Police failings with not securing the crime scene, etc, etc, but we also have to remember that initially there were country police officers initially on the scene.... who were most likely "out of their league" regarding the investigation, and its complexities.

Couple this with the possible "clouding of judgement" with the Superintendent being friends with the Foster Family.

Add the complexity of a foster child going missing .... and all of the protocols this involves...

I am NOT making excuses, just trying to understand that human error can happen.

Probably the biggest mistake was by Fehon, not listening to the detectives that arrived on scene, and not handing the investigation over in the early stages...... This was raised in very early media reports....

One of my sons was obsessed with Spiderman at that age, often wearing his Spiderman costume.

My son would a) pretend to shoot webs from his wrists and b) climb everything and anything because that's kind of the whole point of Spiderman.

Spiderman climbs buildings, often climbing great heights. My son would regularly give me a fright with his Spiderman antics.

Of course it's possible for a child to love Spiderman and not want to climb things, but my observations of my son and other Spiderman obsessed kids is the love of climbing things.


That makes a lot of sense. :(
The Sky News reporter onsite is using plural tense to describe cadaver dogs on scene at 48. It is possible these dogs have picked up on a scent.

The reporter also said police crews are chainsawing trees down on Cobb and Co Road currently.
probably a silly question but why would they cut down trees? or is it just young 7 yr old trees which may have grown over a burial site?
New Australian Article

William Tyrrell’s sister has been removed from the home of her foster carers.

It’s not clear whether the removal is permanent or temporary. It comes as police renew the search for her brother, who is now thought to be dead.

William Tyrrell’s sister removed from foster home amid new police search for missing boy (

They have also published Lindsay's initial statements to Police ... but hopefully another media outlet will do that as I don't think a statement should be paraphrased....
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