Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #58

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There is video evidence of them at maccas the night before
He was also seen by the neighbour.
I am still struggling to come up with my own alternate theories for the events and reports of the past two days. I am doubting my own beliefs over the past number of years and my faith in people is quite low right now. I am trying to keep an open mind about everything but it is hard.

You must also remember that what you see and hear on the news is what they want you to know.
In this case,think of the closed hearings at the coroners court and perhaps what was said in there.There's no way in hell that will come out obviously,but the public are only getting dished up the stuff that suits the media
One thing about the balcony accident theory that doesn't really add up for me is, if the FM did go out to find William and found him lifeless after falling from the balcony, or she witnessed it. If you disregard the instinct of calling fro help or an ambulance, its the initial shock upon seeing that. There were multiple neighbours on their verandahs at the time. The lady across the road, according to the channel 10 podcast, was having a cigarette on her porch, PS said he heard children playing, surely they would have heard the shrieks of a parent finding their child dead. I do not care who you are, but if you found your child dead from a fall, or witnessed it, you would shriek or scream. Just the initial shock before self preservation kicked it. No one reported a scream.

I again imo believe that balcony theory is LE way to give the suspect a reasonable story to confess to. Once they have that confession, they can then start to get to the actual truth. They are making very sure the MSM know the theory.

Who knows if William fell that it wasn't deliberate. Sad to think of it, but he could have been subjected to continuous abuse including his sister
I am still struggling to come up with my own alternate theories for the events and reports of the past two days. I am doubting my own beliefs over the past number of years and my faith in people is quite low right now. I am trying to keep an open mind about everything but it is hard.

I think this is why the sleuthing community need to be very careful of who we label as innocent or guilty. People who seem guilty years later you hear the real story and are shocked at how they were treated and vice versa with innocent. Look at the Cleo smith case and the horrible trolls the parents endured and then refused to apologise (thankfully webslueths censored this on here). This is why facts are super important on these forums, because theories and assumptions twist into facts if they are repeated enough, and then spill over onto social media and grow a life of their own. Even when the msm say they are a POI, because even they are wrong and a bit trigger happy with their clickbait.

I remember a few years ago, a person on hear kept saying that it was a local Kendall bus driver and posting his name and details and he got banned cause he wouldn't stop, and he based this on nothing but the bus schedule that day.

I do think though, that the case had the unlucky coincidence of happening in what seems like a hot bed of a prolific pedophile ring. It was a rural area, what were the chances of all these people connected to the case also being connected to quite a few suspected pedophiles. So it was easy for LE to be led in that direction. Also withough the FF being able to be identified, how could anyone report them acting suspicious or overhear them saying something weird or past activity they witnessed.
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That’s the curious thing. Police can’t use AVOs to prevent witness tampering. They can only use them if there is a risk of abuse, either because of past acts or of the risk of future acts.
Yes - I guess I just meant to say that they would’ve pushed for the AVO for both parents if possible to ensure the daughter is well and truly protected and unable to communicate with either
Overseen by Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame, the inquest aims to determine if William's disappearance is a result of misadventure or by the hands of another person or persons.

His biological parents also presented a short statement to the court saying they are "angry and frustrated" and "want answers".

And now we wait: Tyrrell inquest findings due 2021

IMO, the coroner for WT's inquest is not satisfied to confidently sign off WT's fate as the result of misadventure or by the hands of another person or persons without further investigation.
She may believe not everyone has been cleared to her satisfaction, there's some questions that need answering. Maybe, something else has come to light in the meantime, have certain person/s been interviewed without the media's knowledge?

"This activity is in response to evidence we have obtained in the course of the investigation, not speculative in any way, we are acting on behalf of the coroner."

'We are looking for the remains of William Tyrrell': Fresh evidence behind new search for boy
There is a 7 minute 5 sec "Daily Mail" video that can be easily found called "Moments before William Tyrell's disappearance described by father". It is the FF being interviewed by Police and is well worth a watch in light of recent developments. I am having trouble posting the link. FF left for an hour or two that morning to get better mobile phone reception for a meeting so IMO it makes the time stamp of the photo of William on the Balcony in his Spiderman suit very important. 7.30am or 9.30am makes a HUGE difference for Williams movements that morning and is a game changer it he was last seen at 7.30am not 9.30am IMO.

WOW - I’ve never seen that. It was actually very hard for me to watch....
hey c & l
just dont feel at this early stage we should be poohooing the new investigative direction as somehow contrived or vindictive strike at a previous detective.
It deflects from what was actually presented today.

The foster family is now under suspicion as they should have been all along.
Not saying they are guilty of anything, simply they should have always been POI's standard until we have resolution on what happened to william
That is what I read into it, the frustration stated that the foster family clearance was a mistake.

We all know, if Rosanne is heading in the wrong direction heads will roll. Simple as that
Most importantly its an enormous volume of work at great expense.

The most alarming thing established to me is the removal of Williams sister.
Its a new chapter of chaos and confusion for a young lady already been through so much.:oops:
I think she is key to whats going on at the moment.

Hope answers are found this week. A lot is at stake.

I still believe the CS case has brought connections to someone in WT’s case. Yes my gut feeling is the sister. CS was missing for 18 days, so high profile in the media. So much emotion around this. The cases showed so much common elements which is why I got so very emotionally invested. Imagine being a young sibling of WT recovering from trauma of his disappearance, many years in, experiencing this new news event. So many similarities. I believe this poor young girl was triggered to remember something she may have blocked out, and it all unfolded from there.
I was reading other places on the webz and listening to this -

One Last Roar

Go to 20.30 and tell me your thoughts...
There's so many contradictons in the FM story.

She has stated in many interviews that she thought as soon as she couldn't immediately find him, she believed someone had taken him, yet if that was the case, when she heard what she thought was William cry out in the bushes then surely she would have gone screaming through there, but in this 'story' she didn't at that point think he had been taken and therefore William wouldn't have gone in there.
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