Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61

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I read a horrible possibility what happened to little William, through a tweet. Somone very close to William who knows a lot of undesirables the worst of society. Lets hope the Police just get to the truth of this and find William ASAP . There is so much Police know and of course keeping it to themselves
Yes I think similar things. I have also wondered whether if a child that was not your own (as in this case) fell due to an issue with the house, such as the balcony not being compliant, could there be legal action from the biological parents, or the state. I don't know the legal side of that.

Did the railings give way? Did he fall down the stairs?
Can anyone confirm if FFC was interviewed alone at any point? Everything I've read implies not, except maybe the walk through?

When GJ said he interviewed the parents something he said (you'll both hate me or words similar) implies they were interviewed together- is that correct?
Yes I think similar things. I have also wondered whether if a child that was not your own (as in this case) fell due to an issue with the house, such as the balcony not being compliant, could there be legal action from the biological parents, or the state. I don't know the legal side of that.

Did the railings give way? Did he fall down the stairs?
Ep. 1 (part 2) from the Where's William podcast

As the family was going to visit the MFGF’s gravesite that afternoon, they decided to do some drawings for him. FFC took them outside onto the patio and set them up on the decking* with paper, pencils and crayons. The kids got some leaves from the garden to use in their drawings.

[* Natarsha then incorrectly refers to it as the verandah. Big difference. The verandah is about 15’ off the ground].

The last photos of WT wearing his Spiderman outfit were taken on the decking.

WT then continued playing while his nanna watched. FFC and FD joined them and they played a game using dice. WT then jumped off the side of the patio onto the grass and started playing Daddy Tiger. FFC talked about this in her police statement. He pretended to be Daddy Tiger. He wanted FD to play but she continued drawing. He crawled around on the ground for a bit, playing tiger. He walked around the side of the house. I told him to make sure he stays close on the grass. I heard ‘roar’. It sounded really close and loud, like he was just around the corner. Mum and I laughed and we spoke to FD. After a couple of minutes, I thought ‘Oh, he’s quiet’.

At the time when this is happening, FD is there, FFC, WT and FFGM were there. FFGB was sitting on the patio having a cup of tea, so she recounts that moment in her statement to police as well. William lost interest in drawing pictures and rolling the dice and he ran down the two small stairs of the back patio onto the grass, and he ran around the right-hand side of the house. About 5 minutes had passed and FFC said, “Mum, he’s a little bit quiet”.

FFC got up from the patio when she realised that he was quiet. She walked around the corner, looking out onto that grassed area, expecting to see him playing there where he was supposed to be playing but she couldn’t see him. I think back to that moment where I just went, “I can’t hear him. Why, why can’t I hear him?” and I walked around, because it was just 2m, 3m away from where we were sitting, and I just walked out and I just see nothing. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I’m anxious. I’m walking around in a circle on the spot thinking “Where is he? Why can’t I see him?”, and I’m yelling out, “William, where are you? You need to talk to mummy. Tell me where you are. I can’t see you. I can’t hear you. Where are you? And he was nowhere and I just, and I’m just standing there thinking, “How could he just disappear?”

In light of the above, I can’t understand how the police or anyone else thought he fell 15’ from the verandah because he couldn’t – he was on the ground. If he went around the corner from the rear deck area, in one minute or less he’d be out the front of the house. Someone posted earlier that there were fences, but there don’t appear to be any.

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The day William Tyrrell vanished - NZ Herald
Could William Tyrrell case finally be solved?
Is this the escape route taken by missing William Tyrrell’s abductors
Thanks for sharing all this detail. It is helpful.
One thing that comes to mind for me, is that I wouldn't jump so quickly to "how could he just disappear". I would assume that he had gone inside somehow. Then after searching inside, I would assume that he had gone looking for Daddy or into the bush. The disappear thing wouldn't come to mind for me (and I have a three year old myself).
Is this because there would be no way for WT to go back inside for that side of the house? I think the deck is at the back, could he not have made his way around to the front entrance?
I read a horrible possibility what happened to little William, through a tweet. Somone very close to William who knows a lot of undesirables the worst of society. Lets hope the Police just get to the truth of this and find William ASAP . There is so much Police know and of course keeping it to themselves
i think I know what you are talking about. There was a person who went to jail for stalking the FPs. He has Facebook & Twitter pages with claims such as that one.
Did the railings give way? Did he fall down the stairs?
Exactly what was said in a previous post of the house/balconies was not compliant and an accident did happen it is a reasonable assumption that everyone was involved in a cover up including FGM as she would be sued and her liability insurance will not cover anything, or is it possible the FM made her think this and go along when it was infact all planned for WT to disappear that day, because of adoption purposes and to remove the BM from any visitation rights maby she is only getting visitation with the sister become she has a right to visit WT
see, for me, if I thought my husband would be home any time and my mother was there at the house, I would search as much as I could (even using the car) whilst waiting for him. He was expected within a few minutes, so it could be assumed she would see him up (the FF) the road as she drove up searching

*I wouldn't call him if I thought he'd be back any minute

(posted this upthread, wasn’t sure if it had posted, but replying again here…)
I always call my husband first in any situation e.g computer problems at work, call him before the I.T guy. Trouble with car, ring him before the mobile mechanics. Trouble picking up kids, call him before mother, in fact just in any imaginable circumstance he is my go to person. In every thing. Definitely if I couldn’t find my child I would call him before 000. The only thing I would concede in her actions would be if phone reception was an issue, but if she could get through to 000 I would expect she would also be able to get through to him. IMO
My guess is that the hearings next Tuesday will be "suppressed".

oh no! So many of us are so invested in finding answers to the mindswirl going on in our heads and the emotions going on in our hearts
Yes I know! But it's odd because you always pack spares when you are travelling, even for a few days! Always!
Not to mention.. how long had FGM been without a washing machine, a recent widow, all alone in her large house while apparently convalescing after surgery, having undoubtedly worked at getting her home ready to be put on the market.. but along comes FM and within hours of her arrival, she's wanting to do her fam's laundry? That's some kind of helpful! In any case, I'd always wondered if there was some kind of 'episode' where W may have wet the bed while sleeping with his FD, and FD freaked out, lost it.
Wills can bring out the worst in people as well....or more so: the division of assets and money. I know of someone that was incredibly close to their sibling but this friend was made executor of the will and their sibling has constantly fought tooth and nail for more than their fair share. They don't even speak anymore and it is incredibly sad. Money does seem to sometimes (possibly) bring out the worst in people? JMO MOO IMO
Yes it is sad. I know a woman who had two sons, her brother had four children. My friend's elder son was in the army and was killed in a helicopter crash. Her mother, was comfortably off and when she died she left, besides what she left equally to her son and daughter, separate legacies to grandchildren. She left $10,000 to each grandchild but left the $10,000 she would have left to the dead grandchild to his brother. Her brother has not spoken to her for 15 years. The siblings got hundreds of thousands from their mother's will but the sibling brother was offended that her son got a slightly bigger share than his four children.
It has occurred to me that if they had arrived on Saturday, as originally planned, it would have been a weekend and MFC would not have been working. The decision to go early would surely have considered MFC's Friday work commitments. He would need to attend a meeting but could do it online. Of course, due to poor reception he would have to go into town. So by going a day early, there was an anticipated window of time during which MFC would be absent. Interesting that William disappeared during that window
That has always bothered me. FFC leaves the house, William is missing soon after.
In light of the above, I can’t understand how the police or anyone else thought he fell 15’ from the verandah because he couldn’t – he was on the ground. If he went around the corner from the rear deck area, in one minute or less he’d be out the front of the house. Someone posted earlier that there were fences, but there don’t appear to be any.

The day William Tyrrell vanished - NZ Herald
Could William Tyrrell case finally be solved?
Is this the escape route taken by missing William Tyrrell’s abductors


But that’s only if you’re assuming FM story is true. It appears the police are not.

“he couldn’t (fall from the balcony) - he was on the ground” - how do we know he was on the ground? That’s the thing - we don’t. All we know is a photograph was taken on the decking at 9.37am and a 000 call was made at 10.56am. That’s it.
The NSWPOL have something to prove, they have their reputation to uphold, they're got a high profile unsolved case of a missing child.
GJ claimed his boss said, 'No one cares about that little kid'. FM said Supt. Cook was dismissive towards her and said, iirc, 'there are other missing children/people on the books too!'
Supt Cook's belief that resources were wasted on one case, even though he denied saying it, it's out there!

I fail to see how this new POI, the FM, and the investigation means she is guilty, and on what grounds could she sue, the NSWPOL are searching for WT and clues a crime was committed, she's not been unfairly arrested, or harassed by the police, she's not been identified.

If evidence is found that incriminates her, she'll be arrested and entitled to a fair trial. Police aren't scared to do their job for fear of being sued, that's ridiculous, imo.
AFAIK, BS hasn't won his lawsuit yet and may not.

The former homicide detective told Downing Centre Local Court on Wednesday that freshly promoted homicide commander Superintendent Scott Cook made the comments upon seeing a picture of William Tyrrell displayed near Jubelin’s desk.
“No one cares about that little kid — get him off the books and get him to unsolved homicide,” Jubelin says Supt Cook told him in 2017 amid growing frustration regarding the length of the investigation.
A barrister representing the NSW Police commissioner told the court Supt Cook “categorically” denied saying those words.

‘No one cares about that little kid’
I don’t believe for a second that anyone in major crime said this. Even if we assume that everyone was exhausted, from a political/career perspective, solving this case would be a massive coup. This has been one of the most publicised missing persons cases in Australia.
The stand out for me is that a $1 million reward has apparently not flushed out any informants.

(I say apparently because police have not stated otherwise. Maybe their current exercise is the result of credible information received.)

As police know, a sizeable reward -- let alone $1 million -- will persuade people (often crims) to finally decide to contact police with their suspicions or direct knowledge thereby "ratting" on one of their own kind for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver.

It's hard for me to imagine some person still sitting on pertinent information with the temptation of that much money being dangled in front of them.

This makes me feel that no one else outside the foster family is involved.
Plus, a huge reward can influence someone to tell what they know, and also defend themselves - I mean that they can not only get the reward, but justify their "ratting" by taking the high ground because it was "such a terrible crime against a poor little boy." Sorry, I hope I'm making sense.
Yes it is sad. I know a woman who had two sons, her brother had four children. My friend's elder son was in the army and was killed in a helicopter crash. Her mother, was comfortably off and when she died she left, besides what she left equally to her son and daughter, separate legacies to grandchildren. She left $10,000 to each grandchild but left the $10,000 she would have left to the dead grandchild to his brother. Her brother has not spoken to her for 15 years. The siblings got hundreds of thousands from their mother's will but the sibling brother was offended that her son got a slightly bigger share than his four children.

This is why I am all for a living will. all the money and assets distributed before i go :)
I just watched this special from the ABC that details what Bill Spedding was put through. His grandchildren were taken away from him. Lost his business. He has to live with the stigma his arrest put on him. Starting his life over again in retirement age. And that awful woman (whose identity was concealed unlike Spedding's) who walked up to his new home with no repercussions for her harassment. Shocking. Disgusting. All his wife asks for is an apology.

After this, and what we know about how Paul Savage was treated (who, to me, sounds like a senile old widower with potential mental health issues), Gary Jubelin says it's "lazy" thinking to suggest he may have had sympathies which had laid a bit too close to the foster parents.

He cleared them without speaking with the foster grandmother or WT's sister. WTF?

Sorry. I'm just so angry. If the NSW police is pulling the same thing with the FFC on trumped-up charges that they did with Spedding perhaps they should just stop before they ruin more lives and waste more money ...

Oh yeah, I am with you 100% on this, they went far beyond simply investigating these guys IMO. How’s the way Spedding was treated when he tried to show police proof of his alibi? I really hope they aren’t making the same mistake again too.
It seems the foster family had more to gain with WT removal of their life,
- behaviour problem
- BM court trying to get him back
- BM wants access
- adoption may not work for the sibling group if WT remains a sibling if the sister

Local paedophiles i haven't herd of a local paedophile who has a history of abducted and probably murder of a boy, I think most paedophiles in the area hav a history with children they know

I think we hav all kept out children in our eye sight at arms reach because of this case worried a paedophile is going to jump out of the bush and grab our child when our heads are turned when in fact its normality the person closest who will do the most harm as if it might be the foster family who have done this to WT and the local paedophiles who hav done things to children they actually hav access to

If this foster family are responsible I hope they don't get away with this as of the stress most mothers hav lived since 7 years ago with the fear of the paedophile jumping out of the bush theory
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