Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61

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Is the truck driver the new witness? Did he see FFC doing something? Was she looking out of window? (Which side, road or kerbside? - was she hiding or showing her face?) Is that why we are hearing about it now? He's finally contacted LE? Is the neice the new witness? Did she spot something in the car now/then or discuss something with LT recently that didn't add up? If the neice is young I.e 17 (or whatever legal age is to drive in Aus.) Could they be/have been close growing up as cousins (despite age gap!). Given FC's apparent wealth I'm surprised they didn't go for an overseas adoption given their means but maybe they really wanted a family that looked 'like' themselves, I.e not a blended/mixed race family - or perhaps they just hadn't realised how tricky the adoption process is in Aus. I.e cant just 'get' the perfect 2.4 family!!! What is MFC doing in all of this? Was he really out in car alone on his Skype? What have they got on FFC and not FGM/MFC? Unaccounted time? Motive - accident/she flipped/saw WT as some hindrance to adopting LT?

The niece is still overseas so she is probably in her 20s held back from coming home due to Covid perhaps. Perhaps she or one of her family smelt something odd in the car or found something in the car when they picked it up. FCC probably would not have risked cleaning it herself or having it cleaned by professionals. "Well Mum we need to get your car professionally cleaned now." Maybe FGM rarely drove it until she died.
The niece is still overseas so she is probably in her 20s held back from coming home due to Covid perhaps. Perhaps she or one of her family smelt something odd in the car or found something in the car when they picked it up. FCC probably would not have risked cleaning it herself or having it cleaned by professionals. "Well Mum we need to get your car professionally cleaned now." Maybe FGM rarely drove it until she died.[/QUOTE]

Or in the coronial, it transpired that FGM car was never forensically searched. They are lucky that car still runs/hadn't been scraped! Someone else said FFC said that WT had never been in it? If they have some DNA of WT's in there (like they did in MMcann's parents boot) is this the inconsistency? Surely if she was smart FFC would have said WT just hopped in grannies car for a look etc so traces of him being there could be explained? (With Maddie they said her belongings had been in boot). I also thought FFC is now the former FFC hence why their names appeared on AVO?
I can see the reasoning in this, however I wonder what impact living a secret life has had on her grief process.

was this the same in tias foster care case? I didn’t follow that as well as this case

Imo William and his sister won the lottery as they were in a violent drug affected upbringing, thus the removal and landed in the hands of an affluent couple who put their all into those children's future.
Private schooling, overseas holidays and the very best therapists.

imo, unfortunately, I firmly believe someone like FA happened to cross paths with William while he stood outside waiting for his dads car.
The perp won’t confess but a bug/wire will tell all…one day
I just watched the FF walkthrough and he stated William had asthma and it would be too hard for him to walk up a hill. This seems odd when we were told he's been riding his bike and running and jumping around.
Imo William and his sister won the lottery as they were in a violent drug affected upbringing, thus the removal and landed in the hands of an affluent couple who put their all into those children's future.
Private schooling, overseas holidays and the very best therapists.

imo, unfortunately, I firmly believe someone like FA happened to cross paths with William while he stood outside waiting for his dads car.
The perp won’t confess but a bug/wire will tell all…one day

So you still think FA is involved ? Even after these new developments this week?
Laidlaw at the inquest when the sister was giving evidence was shaking his head taking down notes. There was a poster upthread who said while the sister was giving testimony it was believed FM was in the background coaching her.

I think some of these comments should have a MSM link attached please. A link will help decide if it’s fact and not rumours.

A funeral I attended a 12 yr old delivered a eulogy and her mum stood up next to her and helped her through if she faltered.
Imo William and his sister won the lottery as they were in a violent drug affected upbringing, thus the removal and landed in the hands of an affluent couple who put their all into those children's future.
Private schooling, overseas holidays and the very best therapists.

imo, unfortunately, I firmly believe someone like FA happened to cross paths with William while he stood outside waiting for his dads car.
The perp won’t confess but a bug/wire will tell all…one day

I don’t really know what to think TGY. money, holidays and specially made memory photo books are lovely until those moments you go to share memories to you friends when they come to your place to play, but it’s a secret so you can’t talk about your brother. Everyone in Australia recognises williams sweet face. I can’t imagine photos being on display at FF. IMO.
I understand william and FD had a rough start, I believe that would have been rough for the bio family also. Of all of this I hope that the media steer well clear of all the children involved. Edited for clarity
25 minutes is long enough to drive straight past the riding school, head south, and turn right into the fire trails .. dump a body in deep bush and head home before calling police. Was she definitely gone that long?

uumm, where is the 3rd Search site ?

House, 5 m x 5 m area ... Oh maybe the creek - sorry
But he was not staying with the bios. He was having supervised visits or hours with them. I really cannot imagine that that influenced his behaviour. That, to me seems like a controlling thing of FFC.

The emotional impact of that short, infrequent contact could have had significant impact on WT’s behaviour. Observing and reporting on that behaviour is part of a FC’s role as part of ongoing assessment and planning IMO.

Its so strange she is even saying this wouldn't the birth mother stop the adoption, did FM hav any rights to go forward with the adoption, what would happen with the sisters adoption would she hav stopped that because of WT behaviour or would she plan to adopt sister or was that what she was trying to find out with all thies emails "can she adop one with out the other without asking that direct question"
So basically she is saying if WT visits the birth mother she will not go forward with the adoption, basically I don't think she can if he is visiting his birth mother, its obvious she wants WT to stop visits with birth mother so she can go forward with adoption, behaviour or no behaviour its obvious as long as WT is having visits with his birth mother the FM can't go forward with adoption, whats the behaviour got to do with adoption, whats the different if she doesn't go through with the adoption she will still be foster parent she will still hav to put up with the behaviour of him seeing his birth mother and being emotional after, it is making no sense to me
-WT is a foster child
-its normal for foster children to hav emotional responses after seeing the birth family
-FM won't go ahead with adoption if he is seeing birth family and having emotional response
-FM wants to stop birth family visits? As the birth family were visiting every 2 weeks until salvos took over and it was changed to FM not wanting to see the birth family so salvos had to do the child swap over and this can now only happen once ever 2 months,
-i don't see how she could be in any prosses to adopt a child who sees his mother and is upset for days after he sees his mother, thats why im so curious about the sister is it a possibility that the BM has lost the right to make a decision on her potential adoption but still has a right to stop WT future adoption, is it a situation that department/agency has a first priority to keep siblings placed together and that is what is standing in the way of adoption of the sister, would FM would hav to be also adopting WT but the birth mother is in the picture making it impossible, is FM trying to remove the birth mother visits with the behaviour aspect and that didn't work now she is left with WT and his birth mother having close relationship and that situation is stopping her from adoption with the sister, i guess only the agency/ department/ lawyers and foster family are the only ones that know what would need to happen to make the adopt happen, the kids are foster kids who hav family, the foster carers are doing a job caring for the children but it seems they hav motivation behind it all and that's the potential of future adoption or why would they be in the motions for adoption unless its what they are trying to do adopt thies children,

I wonder what happened in other foster familys when its young children and they see their biological family and call biological mum "mummy" what do they call their foster mother i would assume "mummy then the name of the person" how confusing if the FM is called mummy then start calling the BM "birth mummy" obvious something is not right and the FM is not doing the right thing by the child by calling his real mum birth mother the real mother is the mother and the FM is the carer for a period if time but in this case the carer is trying to become the real mother by an adopt process but threatening the agency to not adopt the child because its birth mother is on the scene

You do raise lots of good points, but we don’t know what the child services position was and how they managed the FC’s expectations, how they influenced their expectations.

We also don’t know WT’s sisters legal status or whether she was attending family contact because that is withheld. We do know she was only around 2 years older than WT, so IMO it’s entirely possible they were at the same stage of the legal process. It is also not unknown for siblings to be separated. It’s preferable to keep children together and maintain family bonds, but their individual welfare and wellbeing is priority.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that whilst we can speculate RE potential motivations for FFC theoretically being involved in WT’s disappearance, but I actually don’t think it’s wrong per se for someone who has cared for two children since infancy to want to formalise arrangements, particularly if case workers have planted the seed that this is the end goal so to speak.

FC’s should have had regular supervision and support from child services and it is the case workers responsibility to ensure there are appropriate boundaries and realistic expectations, particularly in a possible adoption scenario as that can be a complex and lengthy process. I don’t feel FFC was threatening in the emails, I think she was being open and honest about the challenges she was facing. I think it’s also reasonable and natural that she didn’t feel comfortable seeing the parents. She may even have been ‘railroading’ with a fixed idea of what she wanted and what she felt was best for the children, but she had no rights to anything or anyone and should have been reminded of that at every stage.
These are brilliant. It would take seconds for William to run around to the front of the verandah without anyone seeing him. And as a mother of a son with ADHD who is (still) very impulsive, I can tell you that my son would have had no troubles climbing that railing at 3yo and did many similar silly and dangerous things. Within a a couple of minutes, while FFC was inside making a cup of tea/ chatting etc, William could very, very easily have run around on to the verandah, climbed up on the railing and fell off. Very easily.

ETA while we don't know whether or not WT had anything like ADHD, we know that he was a boisterous, energetic, "masculine" child as per FGM description, and that he had some behavioural issues that the FFC had discussed with FACS (as per emails from her to FACS discussed upthread). Not only that, but he WAS in a Spiderman costume of all things, and probably thought he could do things like Spiderman!

Yes and he’s excited to wake up at grandmas on a big unfenced acre instead of his gated suburban block.

He was free to be a free range kid to exhaust himself.
I'm an anxious person but when my kids wander around the side of the house I'm not thinking they've disappeared/ been snatched, I first assume they're nearby but out of sight. If I do a lap inside and out and start hollaring and they don't respond then I get cross. It's not gone past that before I've found them, but I've never got to "they've disappeared".

Although (giving benefit of the doubt) perhaps in hindsight when she realised that's what happened, she used that word when discussing it? That's the only explanation in her favour I can think of without her having an ulterior motive.
I recall the FFC (possibly on 60 Minutes?) saying her first thought was that someone had grabbed him.

More here:

"His mother said she had a vision that somebody “reached over ... has gone ‘clump’ on his shoulders, picked him up and moved him on ... because ... that’s the only way ... to explain for him not to be there.”
I have read a lot about inconsistencies in statements and i remember another case where LE stated it is normal ( almost expected) to have some inconsistencies in a statement. Which in all honesty if that is the case I'm wondering if this is quite an abnormal inconsistency that is being reported? Another thing I have been contemplating is what if it was an accident but by a stranger ?Maybe backing out of a driveway in their car and they panicked? ( didn't FM state to LE she heard a scream?) Would give the person time to think of what to do while all the commotion was going on? My best friends child at the same age was run over by a neighbor backing out and not seeing him. Fortunately my best friends child is ok. But every time I keep coming back to no one coming forward leading me back to thinking maybe that's because there was none ? Still stumped
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