Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 7

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About Time :happydance:

How it should have always been!
(re: laws for life sentences for child rape)
I can't imagine anyone on any side of politics disagreeing with the move.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The sad problem is I heard the *rse end of the report a couple of days ago and googled for days trying to find it. Why something so important was tucked away by our media?
It should be front page news and Baird is a step in the right direction.

I knew you'd like it. :)
Agree. Life sentences should have been brought in a long time ago. I mean, what reason is there not to? It's a heinous crime and they cannot be reformed.
William Tyrell and Noah Taylor were both born 26 June...
I don't recall seeing any reports or photos of septic trucks emptying the tanks of those 21 homes, so I am wondering if by 'searching septic tanks', they merely meant 'checking the lid, lifting and looking inside', which of course, would not necessarily yield any results even if a body was located inside. In little Noah Thomas' case, the tank was half emptied before the sewage worker could see that something was in there.. in that horrible case, it was the body of poor Noah.

Add-On: Also, I am imagining the cost would be somewhat prohibitive for them (LE) to pay for the emptying of 21 septic tanks. I surely hope however, that at lease ONE septic tank was emptied, that of course being grandmother's septic.

Every one of the 21 houses in the exclusive estate around the grandmother’s house have been searched from top to bottom twice, including roof cavities and septic tanks.

I'm not familiar with Kendall although drainage is generally fairly standard. Minimum pipe size in NSW in a road is typically 375mm diameter concrete pipe.

Given the grandmothers property looks to be at/near the end of the street then the pipe would only be 375mm diamater. My guess is that it (stormwater pipe) continues along Benaroon Drive and is likely still only 375mm diameter in front of the nice manicured lawn, at maximum it would be 450mm diameter. Impossible to say where it goes after that from Google streeview/aerial imagery alone.

The piped stormwater drainage system ends at the intersection of Ellendale Crescent and Benaroon Drive. The pipes will not continue down Benaroon Drive after that. Almost certainly the pipe will then run perpendicular to the road and through the property at the intersection of Ellendale Crescent/Benaroon Drive and discharge (via a headwall - i.e water flows out) to the creek/low lying land beyond.

The only real question with the Benaroon stormwater system is whether the pipe outside the grandmothers house continues down to the Ellendale Crescent intersection and the headwall likely near there. They may be two separate pipe systems (e.g. there may be another headwall just after the 90 degree bend in Benaroon Drive).

Could a child squeeze into one of those older style stormwater kerb inlet pits? Possibly. I'm sure the pits/pipes were searched though and you wouldn't miss it. In theory a child may be able to squeeze/crawl/wiggle through the stormwater system and exit (somewhere) via the headwall although that is a highly unlikely scenario, especially given it would be pitch black in the pipe.

If anyone was really interested you could email the local Council and request the information (for free) from their GIS system and they will (or should so long as you ask nicely) provide you with a map of the stormwater pipes (including sizes) and pits in the area.

Sewer main will be only 150mm diamater there and not big enough for a child to enter. Assuming there is a sewer main in that area of town at all - they may all have septic and no Council sewer main.

The CCTV cameras down pipes are good. Council workers can very easily find/not find house sewer connections along a sewer main with the cameras.
Thank you for the awesome info :)
I feel like its been so quiet everywhere in regards to little William lately. I thought there were searches to come. I thought something would be happening or coming out in the news anyway :(
I feel like its been so quiet everywhere in regards to little William lately. I thought there were searches to come. I thought something would be happening or coming out in the news anyway :(

Unless they are keeping the searches quiet? Been really bothering me too.
I don't recall seeing any reports or photos of septic trucks emptying the tanks of those 21 homes, so I am wondering if by 'searching septic tanks', they merely meant 'checking the lid, lifting and looking inside', which of course, would not necessarily yield any results even if a body was located inside. In little Noah Thomas' case, the tank was half emptied before the sewage worker could see that something was in there.. in that horrible case, it was the body of poor Noah.

Add-On: Also, I am imagining the cost would be somewhat prohibitive for them (LE) to pay for the emptying of 21 septic tanks. I surely hope however, that at lease ONE septic tank was emptied, that of course being grandmother's septic.

You would think the neighbors would pay to have their own septic tanks emptied. Isn't it a matter of home maintenance? People know their own property better then anyone else just coming in. I'd be racking my brain and doing my own searches after the investigators left.

About the storm drain in front of the grandmother's house - I remember house hunting when my kids were little. We stopped at one house that had an overly large storm drain in the front. I wouldn't even look at the house, it just seemed so dangerous to me.

***I hope LE hasn't overlooked something so blatantly obvious, it was assumed someone else had checked it before.***

(Just consider that a tip from a loony psychic in NA)
You would think the neighbors would pay to have their own septic tanks emptied. Isn't it a matter of home maintenance? People know their own property better then anyone else just coming in. I'd be racking my brain and doing my own searches after the investigators left.

About the storm drain in front of the grandmother's house - I remember house hunting when my kids were little. We stopped at one house that had an overly large storm drain in the front. I wouldn't even look at the house, it just seemed so dangerous to me.

***I hope LE hasn't overlooked something so blatantly obvious, it was assumed someone else had checked it before.***

(Just consider that a tip from a loony psychic in NA)

Several months after our new neighbours moved in we told them what we I new about their home. They thought the two pumps were for the swimming pool, they were happy when we told them one was for the underground water tank which they didn't know about as a paved garden was build over it. My hubby knew about it because he helped the previous neighbour over a beer together.
At 48 Beneroon Dr I noticed a pvc water tank under the back verandah and also if there were other things grandma didn't realize as usually it's the male who knows about those things.
I hope william didn't fall into something like this scenario.
I'm thinking of Noah Thomas who was found 5 days later in the septic tank.
Several months after our new neighbours moved in we told them what we I new about their home. They thought the two pumps were for the swimming pool, they were happy when we told them one was for the underground water tank which they didn't know about as a paved garden was build over it. My hubby knew about it because he helped the previous neighbour over a beer together.
At 48 Beneroon Dr I noticed a pvc water tank under the back verandah and also if there were other things grandma didn't realize as usually it's the male who knows about those things.
I hope william didn't fall into something like this scenario.
I'm thinking of Noah Thomas who was found 5 days later in the septic tank.

Ugh how awful that would be. But possible, especially if was overlooked as it seems to have been in Noah's case. What happened to Noah just breaks my heart:(
i wonder if all test results are back yet from the recent searches?
surely if anything was found there would be an arrest?
unless its something sent overseas needing specialist examination? like a cleverly encrypted hard drive?
i wonder if persons of interest are being discreetly surveilled
also didnt police say they were going to pose a mannequin and re interview everyone, right back to the very beginning?
if they havent done this, does it mean theres no need because they have a solid suspect?
People can go years, even decades without having their septic tanks pumped. It costs a couple hundred bucks. I'm not sure your average homeowner would even think to do that in searching for a missing child. I just *really* hope that at least grandmother's septic was pumped. After this happened with little Noah Thomas, readers discovered there can be some kind of magic trick these newfangled plastic lids can do wherein if a child runs across it and happens to step on just the right spot, the lid has been known to flip, swallow up the child in a second, and then flip back down as if it never happened. Hard to imagine that such devices could be legal in this age, and sounds like more cheapening of products, like most things. That could sure turn out to be an explanation for what happened, I would sure love to read that yes, police pumped the septic at the grandma's house. Leaves one wondering, otherwise. It took police 5 days apparently, to do this in little Noah's case.

You would think the neighbors would pay to have their own septic tanks emptied. Isn't it a matter of home maintenance? People know their own property better then anyone else just coming in. I'd be racking my brain and doing my own searches after the investigators left.

About the storm drain in front of the grandmother's house - I remember house hunting when my kids were little. We stopped at one house that had an overly large storm drain in the front. I wouldn't even look at the house, it just seemed so dangerous to me.

***I hope LE hasn't overlooked something so blatantly obvious, it was assumed someone else had checked it before.***

(Just consider that a tip from a loony psychic in NA)
People can go years, even decades without having their septic tanks pumped. It costs a couple hundred bucks. I'm not sure your average homeowner would even think to do that in searching for a missing child. I just *really* hope that at least grandmother's septic was pumped. After this happened with little Noah Thomas, readers discovered there can be some kind of magic trick these newfangled plastic lids can do wherein if a child runs across it and happens to step on just the right spot, the lid has been known to flip, swallow up the child in a second, and then flip back down as if it never happened. Hard to imagine that such devices could be legal in this age, and sounds like more cheapening of products, like most things. That could sure turn out to be an explanation for what happened, I would sure love to read that yes, police pumped the septic at the grandma's house. Leaves one wondering, otherwise. It took police 5 days apparently, to do this in little Noah's case.

We had a home on acreage for 15 years and never pumped the septic as it had a very large absorption trench across a corner of the property. I've been led to believe septics on building blocks in Australia need to be pumped regularly as the absorption area runoff is limited and unhealthy to surrounding properties.

Due to thinking of Noah, possibly 48 Benaroon Dr was recently sewered and it had an old unused septic tank.

Kicking some ideas around.
The rainwater tanks- my mum's two cats that went missing-their bones were found years later in the rain water tank EWWW!

'The grass is always greener over the septic tank'.
Unless they know more than they're saying, after the Noah Thomas case if I was involved in WT's case I'd be searching every single septic tank and water tank in Kendall right now. I'd want to make so damn sure it wasn't that.
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