Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 8

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I wouldn't be holding my breath for immediate news of the court hearing. He is just there for a mention @ 9:30 just like everyone else facing court today. He will be in the holding cells until his name gets called. Don't imagine he will be up first just because of who he is.

I don't think much information will come out today either. Police will oppose bail, and a hearing date will be set.
eeek the tweet i read had a typo leading me to believe he would be! I wonder if the other investigation contributed to this? because it seems unusual for a 3 decade old crime to ve refused bail?
I'd be shocked if he gets bail, with all the media uproar recently regarding Australia's sentencing and bail being given to sex offenders I'm hoping they keep him locked up until his next court appearence.
Just on a side note - and to lighten the mood - he is a very sharp dresser! Just look at those shoes and slightly tight pants - could have been a Beatle back in the day! Of course would need the mop top!

You gotta love Jubelin. Not only is he a homicide cop, but a smooth one at that.

I think she walks away from him.

If BS took William I can see it happening just like Jubelin said.

A previous poster offered a theory that BS decided to just pop over and fix the machine after he missed Grandma's call. Driving up the road... William is in the open space behind the house...nobody has seen BS, nobody knows he is coming...opportunity is there and for some reason unknown to us at this time, BS decides that is the time to act.

I think that was me. If he couldn't get through to grandma and he was only 10 minutes away, he could've thought it was worth going there anyway. He could've assumed she was out in the garden and didn't hear the phone.
Good. :jail:

Also, why do the media keep stressing the charges are "unrelated"? Is it not obvious that these charges are "unrelated" to WT? The offences happened in 1987, about 25 years before he was born. :/ Of course they're "unrelated".
"Mr Spedding is caught up in a whirlwind of criminal investigation," his lawyer says.
10:35 AM - 23 Apr 2015
Wow, refused bail! I don't know about Australia but here in the UK he would probably be bailed pending a trial, unless they have either fears of a flight risk, fears he may kill himself or the homicide squad have some big info on him (paedo ring maybe?) and don't want him communicating with others he might be involved with.
I wouldn't be holding my breath for immediate news of the court hearing. He is just there for a mention @ 9:30 just like everyone else facing court today. He will be in the holding cells until his name gets called. Don't imagine he will be up first just because of who he is.

I don't think much information will come out today either. Police will oppose bail, and a hearing date will be set.

***I stand corrected****
Good. :jail:

Also, why do the media keep stressing the charges are "unrelated"? Is it not obvious that these charges are "unrelated" to WT? The offences happened in 1987, about 25 years before he was born. :/ Of course they're "unrelated".

Just covering their bottoms and protecting the legal process!
Good. :jail:

Also, why do the media keep stressing the charges are "unrelated"? Is it not obvious that these charges are "unrelated" to WT? The offences happened in 1987, about 25 years before he was born. :/ Of course they're "unrelated".

I guess it depends on your interpretation of what LE said. Unrelated directly, yes, but perhaps indirectly related
So sorry to hear that, Fence Sitter. :hug:
Thanks SouthAussie. I try not to let bad things define who i am. But im appalled at our justice system and their handlings of sex offenders. Nothing much surprises me anymore!
Im glad to hear hes been denied bail. Thats the right thing IMO. I imagine they would also be considering the chance of vigilantes if they released him aswell.
Wow, refused bail! I don't know about Australia but here in the UK he would probably be bailed pending a trial, unless they have either fears of a flight risk, fears he may kill himself or the homicide squad have some big info on him (paedo ring maybe?) and don't want him communicating with others he might be involved with.

Given all the talk about the pedo ring on the mid north coast I'd say it's the latter option
If he knows anything about William, and I'm damned sure he does, this is when they will break him. JMO. A plea bargain perhaps...
Dan Box @DanBox10 · 1m 1 minute ago

Bill Spedding denies the charges that he sexually assaulted two young girls, the court heard
Given all the talk about the pedo ring on the mid north coast I'd say it's the latter option

And maybe ... just maybe ... some other people will start talking now that he is locked away until his trial - which will be in goodness-knows-how-long.

I wonder how long till we see pics of homicide detectives visiting Margaret at home. Might change the change the dynamic somewhat with Bill locked up now.
Blackbird - about MS maybe changing without BS around to tell her what to say - I was just reading a comment on the Bravehearts FB page (made three years ago) that a lot of pedos make themselves look "safe" by having a wife who is totally under their control. Seems plausible.
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