Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - # 9

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Originally Posted by NoStoneUnturnedAus
When I have healed and regained my strength I feel I need to use my personal experience and gained knowledge (as awful as it is) to raise awareness.

Your story has prompted me to contact my local high school to have a chat to teens about talking about incidents that have occurred in the past and in secret.

Both of you are amazing!!! :loveyou:
Agreed. And to me, it is a kind of murder ... in that it 'kills' a little one's childhood, robs them of the innocence that should accompany a healthy childhood, strikes long-lasting fear into them, and undoubtedly makes them a different person from the one they were before the abuse.

I wish I was innocent again.

But - I'm so better informed this way
How do i upload a pic - easi,y

Fabre, this is from the Websleuths FAQ.

How do I attach a file to a post?

To attach a file to your post, you need to be using the main 'New Post' or 'New Thread' page and not 'Quick Reply'. To use the main 'New Post' page, click the 'Post Reply' button in the relevant thread.

On this page, below the message box, you will find a button labelled 'Manage Attachments'. Clicking this button will open a new window for uploading attachments. You can upload an attachment either from your computer or from another URL by using the appropriate box on this page. Alternatively you can click the Attachment Icon to open this page.

To upload a file from your computer, click the 'Browse' button and locate the file. To upload a file from another URL, enter the full URL for the file in the second box on this page. Once you have completed one of the boxes, click 'Upload'.

Once the upload is completed the file name will appear below the input boxes in this window. You can then close the window to return to the new post screen.

What files types can I use? How large can attachments be?

In the attachment window you will find a list of the allowed file types and their maximum sizes. Files that are larger than these sizes will be rejected. There may also be an overall quota limit to the number of attachments you can post to the board.

How do I add an image to a post?

If you have uploaded an image as an attachment, you can click the arrow next to the 'Attachment Icon' and select it from the list. This will be inserted into your post and can be located where you want it displayed.

To include an image that is not uploaded as an attachment and is located on another website, you can do so by copying the full URL to the image, (not the page on which the image is located), and either pressing the 'Insert Image' icon or by typing
after it, ensuring that you do not have any spaces before or after the URL of the image. You can insert photos from your albums (?) in this way too.
Thank you for sharing your story. Awareness is amazing. Your story has prompted me to contact my local high school to have a chat to teens about talking about incidents that have occurred in the past and in secret.

I came out after 20 years. It was too late for me, I'd already been Dux of primary school to then get expelled from 2 high schools and hate education (due to drug use). what I am seeing and hearing is that 20 years is about the usual time for victims to talk about the crimes against them. These kids are in uni degrees or apprenticeships by then and turn to drugs or other means to cope. Work at a uni now and see this first hand.

It's not on
View attachment 73668

Use that button on any reply box, then select the file from your computer. I've never gotten the url option to work.

To insert an image from a website (this is on a computer. I have no idea how to do it on a phone).

  • Right click on the image you want to upload to your message box.

  • Click on Properties.

  • From the drop-down menu highlight the URL address. Copy the address.

  • In the Repy message box click on the Insert Image icon as Mom2six pointed out to you.

  • In the next window click on the URL Tab.

  • Paste the URL into the URL address bar.

  • Uncheck Retrieve remote file and reference locally

  • Click OK.

Remember to include the link to where you accessed the image.

If you have any problems, let me know and I'll talk you through it.
Just my opinion, but I think if you're argument for or against the death penalty is related to the financial costs, you're kind of missing the point.

It's about a penalty, not what is most economically beneficial.

Is the crime inexcusable? Are they going to be rehabilitated?

It's not about money, it's not about prevention, it is about penalising a criminal for their actions.

For mine, that makes the decision very simple.

Death sentences don't work. Not any better than life without parole. Death sentences don't work as a deterrent. Texas, which has the death penalty has more murders per capita than states like Connecticut which don't. Punishment shouldn't be about revenge.
In the states here, we've passed child protection laws after a child abduction to prevent it from happening again; Meghan's Law, Amber Alerts, etc. I only hope that will all the interest in William Tyrell's case that Australia can do something of the kind.
It's horrible that a known pedophile (and others it seems) have been in your midst for 30 years. We have the National Sex Offender Registry so anyone can check out a map for offenders in their area. The map does not just include pedophiles, but sexual assaults of adults as well. If you want laws like this, you have to work for them, though.
It's 730am and I am about to delve into South Aussies 'Gardner link'. I haven't even had coffee yet.

It's 730am and I am about to delve into South Aussies 'Gardner link'. I haven't even had coffee yet.


I'm constantly wondering if he's still alive?
Sometimes I have a glimmer of hope he's alive somewhere but then I feel he's dead in the bush where the police were searching.
I'm constantly wondering if he's still alive?
Sometimes I have a glimmer of hope he's alive somewhere but then I feel he's dead in the bush where the police were searching.

I try to read between the lines of what Jubelin says. I get the impression he doesn't believe he's alive, but he doesn't have proof. He said something about not wanting to take hope away from the parents. That could be why he is careful with his words.

Now that we have reason to believe BS took William, the next question is: How did he do it? Did he drive right up to the house in his van and no one heard or saw him?
A defence lawyers job is to defend their client and so of course they will advise this. They will advise this even when they're pretty damn sure their client is guilty. They will advise this even when a missing child's life is at stake. They will do what they can to make the job of the police harder, including advising to refuse to give a statement. It's merely a tactic, no different to police applying pressure to a POI by tipping off the media. A defence lawyer will also trash a good woman's name in court in an effort to get their client off (see Allison Baden-Clay). They're not exactly saints, they're just doing their job as are the police.

Lawyers often have far less interest in the truth than the police, that's for sure. For those of us who want to see true justice, well I'm on the side of the police, with good faith that they want the RIGHT person behind bars, and they work damn hard to do it too.

Thankyou Tigerlily75....perfectly put *advertiser censored*
Just to weigh in on sentencing, my understanding also is that if you increase the incarceration penalty for sexual assaults, there is more likelihood of the victim being murdered during the assault as well. I have often thought the sentences are a mockery to the victims however they take into account the risk to the persons life by increasing sentences.
Death sentences don't work. Not any better than life without parole. Death sentences don't work as a deterrent. Texas, which has the death penalty has more murders per capita than states like Connecticut which don't. Punishment shouldn't be about revenge.
And, unfortunately, the short sentencing (and historic protection of offenders) has led to this …

Child sexual assault trials, both current and historic, comprise nearly 60 per cent of all sexual assault trials before the NSW District Court each year.

“In the past the term of imprisonment has been too short for an offender to successfully complete sex offender programs, resulting in their release without treatment,” Mr Brown said.
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