Australia Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) - #75

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This is exactly what I think happened, except I don't think it was an accident of William falling etc. I think it was assault by the foster mother that led to William dying. Hitting too hard and he fell and hit his head, throwing him and he hit his head. Shaking him for being too loud and boisterous or non compliant. Something like this. I don't think she meant to kill him. JMO
What does your theory say as to MFC? Do you think he knows, and if so, when did he become aware?
William wasn't taken away because the pair were seen together in a video store when they should have been apart. By that time, they had abducted William, and this is how he was found.

They didn't abduct William. They absconded with him. They refused to hand him over and hid from police.
I can imagine most mother's would fight having their baby taken.
What does your theory say as to MFC? Do you think he knows, and if so, when did he become aware?

Speculation: I don't think he knows or knew. I think he's completely oblivious to who he is married to.

The FF really connected with William from all accounts I've read. Not so much the foster mother. The foster fathers reaction to coming home to find William missing were completely normal. Running to find him. Etc. The foster mother's reactions were not. From his walk through video it seems clear by his comments that the foster mother hadn't started searching until he got there or minutes before.

I think she started "looking" when she got the text saying "I'll be home in 5 minutes".

If she did kill William and hide his body I think part of the motive would have been fear of the foster father knowing she abused William which led to his death.
That and, she'd lose the foster daughter and her marriage and everything else she held dear.

It’s one of the worst articles l have seen, even for Candice. There’s a lot of opinion stated as fact. There is nothing in what we learned from the inquest that says the bio parents were treated like “second class citizens”. Certainly sounds she got more than just a few quotes from the “child advocate”

Not to mention the lack of proofreading:

On Wednesday, the NSW Justice Department informed media the foster father's evidence would be delayed.

The decision was reversed, but he was in the witness box barely more than an hour, answering questions about riding trail bikes up at his mother-in-law's property , then reversed the decision.

. . .

The foster father was , which left some observers unsatisfied, and wanting to get more of an insight into him and William.
Not to mention the lack of proofreading:

On Wednesday, the NSW Justice Department informed media the foster father's evidence would be delayed.

The decision was reversed, but he was in the witness box barely more than an hour, answering questions about riding trail bikes up at his mother-in-law's property , then reversed the decision.

. . .

The foster father was , which left some observers unsatisfied, and wanting to get more of an insight into him and William.
I think her articles are often quite accurate but this one is an absolute doozy. There's even typos on the image captions!
Speculation: I don't think he knows or knew. I think he's completely oblivious to who he is married to.

The FF really connected with William from all accounts I've read. Not so much the foster mother. The foster fathers reaction to coming home to find William missing were completely normal. Running to find him. Etc. The foster mother's reactions were not. From his walk through video it seems clear by his comments that the foster mother hadn't started searching until he got there or minutes before.

I think she started "looking" when she got the text saying "I'll be home in 5 minutes".

If she did kill William and hide his body I think part of the motive would have been fear of the foster father knowing she abused William which led to his death.
That and, she'd lose the foster daughter and her marriage and everything else she held dear.

JMO - In regard to the alleged assault charge of the FF for his part in the 'disciplining' of the child (holding her by the neck) in the care of the Foster Carers, he must have that thought the FM's actions were acceptable!

Edited to add: Were they in agreeance that the child needed to be 'shut down/broken' in what she had been saying to them?
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New article in the DM.

Child protection advocate, Allannah Smith said on Friday, two days after police leaked news of the delivery of the brief of evidence to the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions: 'Can you imagine what it would be like if the boot was on the other foot?'

The bit about 'police leaked the news' is interesting coming from a journo. I wonder if she knows that for a fact or is making an assumption there.
JMO - In regard to the alleged assault charge of the FF for his part in the 'disciplining' of the child (holding her by the neck) in the care of the Foster Carers, he must have that thought the FM's actions were acceptable!

He was accused of that. "The foster dad was accused of grabbing the same child by the neck to force them to sit on the ground."

IMO it's hard to know how bad this was just from that description. I can imagine someone innocently putting their hands on a childs shoulder / neck area to get them to sit. But the written description of that action will always sound bad if left undetailed.

Yet it was brought up by the detectives. Probably not without reason.

This, and the FMs indiscretions, happened when the FF knew they were being watched and judged, too. So who knows what the behaviour was in other times.
It’s my opinion that if WT had gone missing under bio’s watch they would have been treated very differently. I think its naive to believe otherwise.

Ive worked in finance for years with the wealthy and poor and the treatment by government agencies is very different.

A personal anecdote. I used to need an otc med that was a popular ingredient in illicit drugs. If my finance days, suited up, made up, polite but assertive it was never a problem. As a dishevelled new mother in my tracksuit I was often denied, treated rudely, lectured.

It’s human nature to judge on appearances, but all of this is my opinion and I have no evidence to show this happened in this case.

Im hoping the coroner might make recommendations for this to be further investigated.

But even if it did happen, it doesn’t mean FM is guilty. An unpleasant person perhaps but not necessarily a criminal.
JMO - In regard to the alleged assault charge of the FF for his part in the 'disciplining' of the child (holding her by the neck) in the care of the Foster Carers, he must have that thought the FM's actions were acceptable!
I think it's possible that he thought his wife was being victimised by the foster daughter and he's intervened by grabbing the foster daughter around he shoulders. Who knows what kind of manipulation she uses to appear the victim in these situations. I've seen people like this before. They'll claim their horrible teen is so rude and disrespectful and "wait til your father comes home" type old school "discipline".

Obviously it's abuse and unacceptable. Even more so because of the foster care guidelines.

I think it just goes to show even more that the foster parents considers the foster children their own children and followed their own rules. It's very strange that they seemed to look to the foster system to adopt in the first place. The foster system isn't an adoption agency. It's for temporary care of children with ill parents or those temporarily unable to provide a safe environment.

The entire history of the foster parents actions are very strange IMO.

I think it's possible that he thought his wife was being victimised by the foster daughter and he's intervened by grabbing the foster daughter around he shoulders. Who knows what kind of manipulation she uses to appear the victim in these situations. I've seen people like this before. They'll claim their horrible teen is so rude and disrespectful and "wait til your father comes home" type old school "discipline".

Obviously it's abuse and unacceptable. Even more so because of the foster care guidelines.

I think it just goes to show even more that the foster parents considers the foster children their own children and followed their own rules. It's very strange that they seemed to look to the foster system to adopt in the first place. The foster system isn't an adoption agency. It's for temporary care of children with ill parents or those temporarily unable to provide a safe environment.

The entire history of the foster parents actions are very strange IMO.
They didn’t look to the foster agency to adopt. They started doing emergency placements. Unless you have a link that says otherwise? Adoption wasn’t discussed until they had both children in their care for some time. As per court documents, both children were in permanent care and there was no chance they were to be returned to the bio parents. It’s not unusual in that circumstance that the fosters may start looking into adopting them.

I think it's possible that he thought his wife was being victimised by the foster daughter and he's intervened by grabbing the foster daughter around he shoulders. Who knows what kind of manipulation she uses to appear the victim in these situations. I've seen people like this before. They'll claim their horrible teen is so rude and disrespectful and "wait til your father comes home" type old school "discipline".

Obviously it's abuse and unacceptable. Even more so because of the foster care guidelines.

I think it just goes to show even more that the foster parents considers the foster children their own children and followed their own rules. It's very strange that they seemed to look to the foster system to adopt in the first place. The foster system isn't an adoption agency. It's for temporary care of children with ill parents or those temporarily unable to provide a safe environment.

The entire history of the foster parents actions are very strange IMO.
Dannywood, I have just edited my post to add: Edited to add: "Were they in agreeance that the child needed to be 'shut down/broken' in what she had been saying to them?"
It’s my opinion that if WT had gone missing under bio’s watch they would have been treated very differently. I think its naive to believe otherwise.

Ive worked in finance for years with the wealthy and poor and the treatment by government agencies is very different.

A personal anecdote. I used to need an otc med that was a popular ingredient in illicit drugs. If my finance days, suited up, made up, polite but assertive it was never a problem. As a dishevelled new mother in my tracksuit I was often denied, treated rudely, lectured.

It’s human nature to judge on appearances, but all of this is my opinion and I have no evidence to show this happened in this case.

Im hoping the coroner might make recommendations for this to be further investigated.

But even if it did happen, it doesn’t mean FM is guilty. An unpleasant person perhaps but not necessarily a criminal.

While appearance can be a precursor to how people are treated, so can things like spitting at police officers.

Treat the police with respect and they generally respond in kind.

He was accused of that. "The foster dad was accused of grabbing the same child by the neck to force them to sit on the ground."

IMO it's hard to know how bad this was just from that description. I can imagine someone innocently putting their hands on a childs shoulder / neck area to get them to sit. But the written description of that action will always sound bad if left undetailed.

Yet it was brought up by the detectives. Probably not without reason.

This, and the FMs indiscretions, happened when the FF knew they were being watched and judged, too. So who knows what the behaviour was in other times.
I don't think they knew they were under surveillance at the time.
Dannywood, I have just edited my post to add: Edited to add: "Were they in agreeance that the child needed to be 'shut down/broken' in what she had been saying to them?"

I can't see it. Only a hardened militant type of person would think or say something like that. The foster mother appears cold in the interviews. The foster father doesn't. He seems to be the emotional party in the relationship.
I can imagine him pushing the foster daughter to sit down after she was rebelling against the foster mother's excessive timeout of 44 minutes and thinking he was acting as a united front with the foster mother. It still doesn't excuse it.

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