Australia Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) - #75

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So ALL people present when a child goes missing should face the same scrutiny?

If a parent has never been in any previous trouble, their children have never been truant, or been mistreated, they have responsible jobs, and have no criminal histories, or ever been cited by CPS-----they should be treated the same as parents under previous CPS scrutiny for abuse and/or drug usage, or neglect and domestic violence, and whose children were often truant and had previous unexplained injuries?

ALL parents should be treated the same in cases of a missing child? A distraught parent with no previous sketchy history is going to be interrogated and treated aggressively just the same as one would treat a parent with previous abuse charges?
I wonder if aggression is an effective method. Perhaps none of them should be treated aggressively.
I wonder if aggression is an effective method. Perhaps none of them should be treated aggressively.
Perhaps not. But if a child is missing, and there is reason to believe a parent was involved, based upon their previous actions, then aggression may be warranted. Considering time is of the essence...JMO
So ALL people present when a child goes missing should face the same scrutiny?

If a parent has never been in any previous trouble, their children have never been truant, or been mistreated, they have responsible jobs, and have no criminal histories, or ever been cited by CPS-----they should be treated the same as parents under previous CPS scrutiny for abuse and/or drug usage, or neglect and domestic violence, and whose children were often truant and had previous unexplained injuries?

ALL parents should be treated the same in cases of a missing child? A distraught parent with no previous sketchy history is going to be interrogated and treated aggressively just the same as one would treat a parent with previous abuse charges?

Yes, I believe they should. It happened in the case of CS who was abducted from her tent by a stranger. The number one priority should be the missing child, not the feeling of the parents. As awful as that would be, that’s my personal opinion.
Perhaps not. But if a child is missing, and there is reason to believe a parent was involved, based upon their previous actions, then aggression may be warranted. Considering time is of the essence...JMO
I would think anyone with a missing child would be happy to be faced with scrutiny as they know it's part of the process of finding their missing loved one.

That the birth parents faced scrutiny originally is normal. That the birth parents faced scrutiny and the foster parents didn't, is not and I can see why the birth parents feel unfairly targetted.

The foster mother was scathing when the police looked towards her, which is a very strange reaction IMO.

If you look at cases like CS or Daniel Morcombe missing persons, the police were scrutinising the parents which is normal in missing persons investigations. No complaints that I'm aware of from those people. Their only focus was doing what they could to help the police find the answers.

Yes, I believe they should. It happened in the case of CS who was abducted from her tent by a stranger. The number one priority should be the missing child, not the feeling of the parents. As awful as that would be, that’s my personal opinion.
And if I remember correctly, the public was very upset with how CS's parents were treated.

The number one priority should be the child, I agree. But that doesn't mean that the investigators should ignore basic investigative skills when searching for the child.
If you have 2 parents with no criminal history, no prior bad acts against their children, and zero evidence they were involved, are they going to spend the same amount of time and energy on those parents , as they would against a family with prior bad acts and a criminal history with drugs and violence? I sure hope not.

The child matters most and it would be a waste of time, imo.
So ALL people present when a child goes missing should face the same scrutiny?

If a parent has never been in any previous trouble, their children have never been truant, or been mistreated, they have responsible jobs, and have no criminal histories, or ever been cited by CPS-----they should be treated the same as parents under previous CPS scrutiny for abuse and/or drug usage, or neglect and domestic violence, and whose children were often truant and had previous unexplained injuries?

ALL parents should be treated the same in cases of a missing child? A distraught parent with no previous sketchy history is going to be interrogated and treated aggressively just the same as one would treat a parent with previous abuse charges?

Yes, because you just cannot tell what people can be capable of. People who 'seem nice' can actually be incredibly cruel inside a family setting, yet present a very different mask to the public, and equally people who might seem rough, have bad histories etc can be innocent. Everyone should be treated with the exact same level of scrutiny and suspicion regardless of the image they portray or if they have a stable (or not) background.
Perhaps not. But if a child is missing, and there is reason to believe a parent was involved, based upon their previous actions, then aggression may be warranted. Considering time is of the essence...JMO
If a child goes missing, whether there is previous dangerous actions, all loved ones should be looked at, at the same level/degree. Every abuser starts abusing somewhere.
Williams foster parents were not his parents, and now never will be.
His foster mother has been accused of violence against a child, and is the only poi in a missing child case. She does not sound like an upstanding citizen right now. She was trusted to look after these extremely vunerable children and has let them down. Upon reflection she should have been treated quite differently to how she was.
Plenty of people go missing in bush - either through misadventure, suicide, or bodies being dumped - and their bodies are missed even with very thorough searching (dogs, search and rescue experts etc etc).

If it was a small body, that had been hidden, in fairly dense bush, it’s absolutely believable that he wasn’t found.
EDIT: so I don’t think his body *not* being found is any sort of proof that it wasn’t ever there.

Especially if we take the assumption that someone responsible for the disappearance was privy to the search process. He could’ve been moved and moved again.

Or William could have just got lost in the bush, and has not been found. Eg: Fallen into a small space, curled up inside a rotted tree for warmth.

Even if William is found out there someday, at this late stage it will be one heck of an uphill battle to work out how he got there.

At the inquest SC Williams spoke of .... "“There is certain methodology to assist in understanding what they call ‘lost person behaviour’”
"He was engaged in fantasy play [playing daddy tiger] as a child that took me in the path of did he wander off?"
"He said he thought of William’s ability to walk, climb, jump and run, and questioned whether there may have been an animal he could have followed, “which is typical of three-year-olds”.

William Tyrrell’s foster dad searched bushland for days

I am reminded of Daniel O'Keeffe (a grown man) not being found until 4 years after he went missing, because he had lodged himself into a small cavity in his parent's own home and wasn't found during the searches for him. Link
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And if I remember correctly, the public was very upset with how CS's parents were treated.

The number one priority should be the child, I agree. But that doesn't mean that the investigators should ignore basic investigative skills when searching for the child.
If you have 2 parents with no criminal history, no prior bad acts against their children, and zero evidence they were involved, are they going to spend the same amount of time and energy on those parents , as they would against a family with prior bad acts and a criminal history with drugs and violence? I sure hope not.

The child matters most and it would be a waste of time, imo.

But wouldn’t that be having tunnel vision? If you are more focused on one suspect than another you could lose critical evidence.

If you asked me to make a bet on who did it, then sure I’d bet on the suspect with the criminal history but I’d expect police to keep an open mind and treat everyone as equal suspects, methodically going through each person.

And Im not talking about aggression, Im saying everyone should face the same level of scrutiny when a child goes missing.

Generally this means handing in electronic devices, photographs of any injuries, interviews, searching the property, marking out a crime scene of where the kid allegedly went missing, searching vehicles, having parents under survelliance and usually parents are forbidden from participating in the search.

If those procedures are not followed because the parents are upstanding citizens, police are not doing their job. And imo it does not only the child a disservice but also the parents. Because as we can now see people are looking at them sideways.
Or William could have just got lost in the bush, and has not been found. Eg: Fallen into a small space, curled up inside a rotted tree for warmth.

Even if William is found out there someday, at this late stage it will be one heck of an uphill battle to work out how he got there.

At the inquest SC Williams spoke of .... "“There is certain methodology to assist in understanding what they call ‘lost person behaviour’”
"“He was engaged in fantasy play [playing daddy tiger] as a child that took me in the path of did he wander off?"
"He said he thought of William’s ability to walk, climb, jump and run, and questioned whether there may have been an animal he could have followed, “which is typical of three-year-olds”.

William Tyrrell’s foster dad searched bushland for days

I am reminded of Daniel O'Keeffe (a grown man) not being found until 4 years after he went missing, because he had lodged himself into a small cavity in his parent's own home and wasn't found during the searches for him. Link

Oh gosh, this is one of the saddest cases Ive ever followed. Never expected the final result.
Same here, also depending on the day.

But it's the one that my mind keeps going back to.

If only we knew ....
- what was on all of those unheard secret recordings made of PS (because there was enough on the ones we heard about to make me wonder)
- if FA was in Kendall that morning looking for places to rob
- if GO went straight to the Kendall community centre that morning, then straight home again

.... and if we knew more about the recluse across the street.

If they could clear those things up satisfactorily, William getting himself lost would likely remain stable at the top of my list.
I am reminded of Daniel O'Keeffe (a grown man) not being found until 4 years after he went missing, because he had lodged himself into a small cavity in his parent's own home and wasn't found during the searches for him. Link
It's quite different though. He was a grown man whose radius of possible movement was very large. Who chose to hide in quite a tricky position.

Doesn't sound like there was much of a local search: "They believe had police used a search dog or tracked his phone they would have found Dan in "20 minutes". The Age

In Williams case, the radius of movement is smaller, not underestimating how far a kid can wander. And they can also hide, of course. But given the amount of intensive searching in the local area, it's a very different type of case.

He could still be curled up somewhere. Just seems more likely an adult is involved somewhere along the way.
But wouldn’t that be having tunnel vision? If you are more focused on one suspect than another you could lose critical evidence.

If you asked me to make a bet on who did it, then sure I’d bet on the suspect with the criminal history but I’d expect police to keep an open mind and treat everyone as equal suspects, methodically going through each person.

And Im not talking about aggression, Im saying everyone should face the same level of scrutiny when a child goes missing.

Generally this means handing in electronic devices, photographs of any injuries, interviews, searching the property, marking out a crime scene of where the kid allegedly went missing, searching vehicles, having parents under survelliance and usually parents are forbidden from participating in the search.

If those procedures are not followed because the parents are upstanding citizens, police are not doing their job. And imo it does not only the child a disservice but also the parents. Because as we can now see people are looking at them sideways.

Actually in the vast majority of cases, the perpetrator is the last person who saw the missing person alive.
The Foster Mother should have always had the most scrutiny IMO.
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If only we knew ....
- what was on all of those unheard secret recordings made of PS (because there was enough on the ones we heard about to make me wonder)
- if FA was in Kendall that morning looking for places to rob
- if GO went straight to the Kendall community centre that morning, then straight home again

.... and if we knew more about the recluse across the street.

If they could clear those things up satisfactorily, William getting himself lost would likely remain stable at the top of my list.
All of what you posted are my thoughts too.

FA, GO etc are still on my "possibles" list.

I wonder if we'll ever know.
All of what you posted are my thoughts too.

FA, GO etc are still on my "possibles" list.

I wonder if we'll ever know.
I'm sure there will be people who will continue to maintain that it was BS, even if the FM is charged and convicted. Some people just can't be convinced no matter how much evidence., because they've picked a team and they're sticking with it no matter what. IMO
How can it be explained that the FF could be captured on the CCTV at the Tennis Club with FF's vehicle being seen at 8.40am, and yet Police said they had evidence that he left 48 Benaroon at 09:30am?

Edited to add:
William Tyrrell: how new evidence revived the case and triggered a fresh search effort

“William’s foster father had left the home at 9.30am to drive out of the town to find better mobile reception for a Skype call and to fill a script at a chemist – actions which have been verified by police.”
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