Autopsy Report - UCF Osteological Analysis-Duct Tape Info

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The matted hair suggests to me that at some point her head was going side to side in such a manner to mat the hair after the duct tape was applied. Sounds like a struggle at some point. If her arms were free it seems she'd be trying to pull the tape off her mouth. If your arms aren't free it seems a side to side motion with your head would be an attempt to free yourself. As in an attempt to breathe.

Horrifying, but you are correct. That's exactly what any person would do trying to get himself/herself released. How terrible thinking this precious little child was trapped like this by her own mother. :mad:

Whether the tape was put on prior to death or after is still tragic. What kind of woman would do this to her child, tape before death or after, then toss her baby into a car trunk, drive away and party while she begins decomposing, and eventually throwing her into the woods for eternity? Intentional death or not, KC is evil. None of this bodes well for KC at trial.
ok here I go...I have always thought that Caylee died the night of the 15th or early morning of the 16th. I even posted earlier that the evidence released today along with the June 16th Video of KC and Tony in the video store, and how KC wasn't crying, basically calm like any other day picking out a movie was so damning I am wondering if KC was calm because Caylee was in the trunk of her car. I wonder if KC put her in there, duct taped so no one could hear her scream, so KC could spend the night with Tony - left her over night and she died. Before anyone goes off on me, I am not suggesting an accident. If KC did this then I believe that she knew what might happen to Caylee and didn't care. That's why defense cannot say it was an accident, not with the amount of duct tape covering Caylee's mouth and nasal area. Are there pieces of duct tape mentioned in the report that was not on Caylee's skull and could have been around her wrists? If so that would suggest to me that Caylee was alive when she was first put in the trunk.

I know, it's late but I can't seem to stop typing.

Just read post above stating that there was more duct tape found that was not on her skull - thank you magic-cat
I'm just not managing to grasp any logical reason for the multiple pieces of tape to have been placed on a live child in the manner that they apparently were.

If the purpose of the tape was to silence Caylee, one strip directly across her mouth would have achieved that, in which case I can't think why it would be necessary to place the tape under her jaw as well. It seems, from the information released, that it must have been at least partly under the jaw bone, otherwise once the flesh of the lips/cheeks/chin had gone then IMO the jaw would have dropped.

If the tape was used to cover her mouth and nose in order to suffocate her, it seems to be to an over-complicated and unnecessarily tricky and time consuming way of suffocating a small child. Caylee would have been struggling and fighting with both her arms and legs during this period of unrolling, tearing and applying multiple strips of duct tape, unless she was bound. If she was, that would mean binding, unrolling, tearing, applying, unrolling, tearing, applying.........then unbinding her limbs again when she was gone (because no evidence of binding materials were found). This seems nonsensical to me when a pillow or an adult hand could do the deed with much less effort!

If the pieces of tape were applied to both her mouth and nose - she couldn't then have been chloroformed.

If she was chloroformed first, there would have been no need to go through the multiple taping exercise - a pillow or hand would be much less bother!!

It's possible that the tape initially covered not only the chin, mouth and nose, but also the eyes. The eye sockets of a small child are incredibly close to the nasal bone and it's possible that the multi-strip covering of tape may have shrunk/contracted over time due to heat or water-shrinkage and that it originally covered a larger area.

Maybe KC wanted to cover up all of Caylee's face.


IF Caylee was struggling or in the world did KC keep from getting fingerprints on the duct tape. Would the water have washed fingerprints away?

My head hurts:confused:
I was never really a believer in the chloroform until today but after the evidence that has come out today about the high level of chloroform, the acetic acid, and the multiple layers of duct tape, my best guess is that she chloroformed Caylee in order to suffocate her by duct tape. The chloroform would ensure that the duct taping would be easy for KC, rather than having to struggle with a terrified child. Placing three or four pieces of duct tape across her face seems a whole lot easier and less hassle than suffocating her manually, since KC wouldn't have any idea how long to hold her hand or the pillow in place. Basically, she let the duct tape do the dirty work for her. She may have even put her in the trunk before she was even dead.

I agree with you. I wonder if she didn't chloroform her really good...enough to kill her and then wrapped the tape around her face and head multiple times for good measure just in case the chloroform didn't kill her. For the duct tape to be in her hair it seems like she would have wrapped it around her head and across her nose and mouth several times just to be sure. Then she placed her in the trunk for a couple days. Who knows where she parked the car during those two days but probably where no one would hear any commotion in case Caylee kicked or something. I would also think that unless she murdered her first and then taped her face and head for good measure she would have had to have bound her wrists and ankles so she couldn't pull the tape off and so she couldn't kick. To think that she put a heart on that duct tape over her mouth just shows how evil that witch is. Did she think putting that heart there made it all ok? Hearts mean love and there was nothing loving about what Casey did to Caylee. How dare her :furious: I could just rip her face off. Talk about RAGE :furious:

You can bet she used the chloroform as it was found in three places in the trunk. She had probably been using it for who knows how long.
CNN has picked up the duct tape story:

The tape was still attached to head hair, and the skull was separate from the other body parts, said Dr. Jan Garavaglia, chief medical examiner for Orange County.

"This duct tape was clearly placed prior to decomposition, keeping the mandible in place," she says in the report. Garavaglia said animals had scattered the bones after decomposition began.

In other words, the bones of the lower mandible would have been scattered too, except that the duct tape held them firmly in place. I think the hair probably also helped to hold the duct tape in place even in the water.

Of course duct tape is completely waterproof - I've seen water pipes and hoses repaired with duct tape that has lasted for years.

To think of putting that stuff on a delicate little child's face is beyond evil.

I think the mat of hair was caused over months by the decomposition of the head and debris getting in there from other creatures. (Sorry, I know this is hard to think about! :furious: )
I have pretty long hair myself and I know I it looks in the morning. I think that maybe Caylee was murdered while she was asleep by being smothered. That might explain the matting of the hair.

They have not reported any chloroform on that paper towel, the duct tape, or any of her clothing, or the winnie the pooh blanket in that report today. I am curious if there is more tox reports to come or if they tested any of that stuff for chloroform.

We all know they found chloroform in the trunk of the car on the liner. Well, wouldn't evidence of the chloroform be in her clothes, the blanket, duct tape?
I was never really a believer in the chloroform until today but after the evidence that has come out today about the high level of chloroform, the acetic acid, and the multiple layers of duct tape, my best guess is that she chloroformed Caylee in order to suffocate her by duct tape. The chloroform would ensure that the duct taping would be easy for KC, rather than having to struggle with a terrified child. Placing three or four pieces of duct tape across her face seems a whole lot easier and less hassle than suffocating her manually, since KC wouldn't have any idea how long to hold her hand or the pillow in place. Basically, she let the duct tape do the dirty work for her. She may have even put her in the trunk before she was even dead.

I feel the exact same and agree 100% with your suggested scenario. I had no strong opinon on the chloroform before today...well, now I do. As horrid as it is, the evidence of chloroform gives me comfort. I have to believe that Caylee was unconcious when that tape was placed on her face. I can't bear it any other way. Right now, I'm going to believe that. I have to.
I still think Casey may have put the tape on post mortem as "staging" because she was working on a plan to say Caylee had been "kidnapped". Then, typical Casey style, she lived in the current 10 minutes i.e. having fun, going dancing, boyfriend hopping and literally just left her decomposing child in the trunk.

I agree 100% with this. The autopsy only concludes the tape was placed before decomposition began, not premortem (perimortem? am still having my morning cofee...).

I said months ago I think she may have died in bed with KC. Being on several 'crunchy parenting' boards myself and learning, a risk for death during co-sleeping is the parent's alcohol and/or drug usage. That they may roll over and suffocate the child being unaware. KC may not be a very large girl, but she was 3-4x Caylee's weight.

I believe the trunk, the duct tape, and the chloroform are all staging agents from someone desperate not to be blamed for Caylee's death. Even if the death was not from cosleeping, or even intentional I still think these were staging because they all are CLASSIC associations with kidnapping. I think it's overthinking to believe she attempted to kill Caylee with duct tape over her nose&mouth, then used or previously used chloroform, then drove around with her in the trunk as seperately come up with plans. Kidnapping-scenario makes a much more reasonable explanation including the placement in the trunk. It's all staging and I know nothing more now after reading the report than I did before.
I agree 100% with this. The autopsy only concludes the tape was placed before decomposition began, not premortem (perimortem? am still having my morning cofee...).

I said months ago I think she may have died in bed with KC. Being on several 'crunchy parenting' boards myself and learning, a risk for death during co-sleeping is the parent's alcohol and/or drug usage. That they may roll over and suffocate the child being unaware. KC may not be a very large girl, but she was 3-4x Caylee's weight.

I believe the trunk, the duct tape, and the chloroform are all staging agents from someone desperate not to be blamed for Caylee's death. Even if the death was not from cosleeping, or even intentional I still think these were staging because they all are CLASSIC associations with kidnapping. I think it's overthinking to believe she attempted to kill Caylee with duct tape over her nose&mouth, then used or previously used chloroform, then drove around with her in the trunk as seperately come up with plans. Kidnapping-scenario makes a much more reasonable explanation including the placement in the trunk. It's all staging and I know nothing more now after reading the report than I did before.

A kidnapper would not put a heart shaped sticker on the duct tape, do you think?

I don't think it's over thinking as far as the duct tape being the murder weapon. I thought it stated in the autopsy report that the duct tape was placed over the mouth and nose. I will go back and read this portion of the autopsy report.

There was no kidnapping scenario until after CA called the police. She wanted to leave town was her plan. She bought time with her stupid parents by manipulating them. Caylee is here and there for 31 days. She killed her daughter and then didn't know what to do. I think that's obvious because she left her in the trunk for so long.
Although, I think if it were a "staging" attempt after death, what is the purpose of several pieces of duct tape? I'd think one would suffice.
A mother might put a sticker on it, yes. I've never argued that KC was "smart" lol. Or un-twisted.

I am not in any way defending her actions or this evidence, merely relating my gut thoughts about it. I believe this is staging and she pulled it out of her butt when she got caught by Cindy. She really thought the police would believe her (because she's NOT smart).
A mother might put a sticker on it, yes. I've never argued that KC was "smart" lol. Or un-twisted.

I am not in any way defending her actions or this evidence, merely relating my gut thoughts about it. I believe this is staging and she pulled it out of her butt when she got caught by Cindy. She really thought the police would believe her (because she's NOT smart).

I think I understand what you are saying. You don't think the duct tape is what actually killed her? What do you think the cause of death was?

I didn't think at all that you were defending Casey. Not at all but how can you pull the staging out of your butt when caught by your mother 31 days after the tape was there? KWIM? I can't remember, was one of the google searches she did on kidnapping? As I write this that is coming to mind.
ok here I go...I have always thought that Caylee died the night of the 15th or early morning of the 16th. I even posted earlier that the evidence released today along with the June 16th Video of KC and Tony in the video store, and how KC wasn't crying, basically calm like any other day picking out a movie was so damning I am wondering if KC was calm because Caylee was in the trunk of her car. I wonder if KC put her in there, duct taped so no one could hear her scream, so KC could spend the night with Tony - left her over night and she died. Before anyone goes off on me, I am not suggesting an accident. If KC did this then I believe that she knew what might happen to Caylee and didn't care. That's why defense cannot say it was an accident, not with the amount of duct tape covering Caylee's mouth and nasal area. Are there pieces of duct tape mentioned in the report that was not on Caylee's skull and could have been around her wrists? If so that would suggest to me that Caylee was alive when she was first put in the trunk.

I know, it's late but I can't seem to stop typing.

Just read post above stating that there was more duct tape found that was not on her skull - thank you magic-cat

Putting duct tape over a child's nose and mouth and putting her into the trunk in Florida in the summer is as horrible and deliberate as burying a child alive.

Just thinking about it gives me claustrophobia.
I think the matted hair was caused by decomp fluids and then insects feasting on it and then nesting in the hair and plants roots growing through it.

The matted hair is removed from the skull. Plant roots permeate the mat and there are multiple small roughly circular, irregular defects in the mat, suggestive of insect predation artifact.
(page 11/11 - 6450)
But if it was an accident, wouldn't she have called for help? Why go to this length to cover up and accident that she most likely wouldn't have served jail time for? If it truly was an accident.

Now I see why the defense didn't want this autopsy report released. Or the A's for that matter. Good grief-it's horrendous.
A mother might put a sticker on it, yes. I've never argued that KC was "smart" lol. Or un-twisted.

I am not in any way defending her actions or this evidence, merely relating my gut thoughts about it. I believe this is staging and she pulled it out of her butt when she got caught by Cindy. She really thought the police would believe her (because she's NOT smart).

I used to think it was staging as well until I read that the tape was also over the nose. A kidnapper would cover the mouth only, a murderer would cover both.
I read nothing in the report that suggests a struggle of any kind. As I read it, and putting other evidence together, it looks this way to me. Caylee was Chloroformed to knock her out, then duct tape was placed over her mouth and nose to suffocate her. This would have been very easy to do after the chloroform was used.

If this happened the night of the 15th and caylee stayed in her bed, with KC sleeping in her bed with the deceased Caylee in the same room or she was killed on the 16th in the morning, I do not know.

I would suggest many of the small bones were not found because they would have been of high cartilage content, and were likely consumed by small animals. in addition it would appear that some larger animal drug the lower portion of the skeleton off some distance and consumed some amount of the soft tissue.

Link to the complete report:
But if it was an accident, wouldn't she have called for help? Why go to this length to cover up and accident that she most likely wouldn't have served jail time for? If it truly was an accident.

Now I see why the defense didn't want this autopsy report released. Or the A's for that matter. Good grief-it's horrendous.

Most people would have called for help, but this is a girl who has been 'covering up' the reality of her entire life for a long time. She hid the truth of her own existence under an elaborate web of lies, deceit and fantasy, so what was most likely to be her first instinct if she found her child (the centre of her parent's world) dead because she had not been watching her properly? If this is what happened, I can quite imagine that her first coherent thoughts after the initial shock were 'my mother will NEVER forgive me', followed by 'I've got to hide the truth, get out of here, act normal and lie, lie, lie'!
But i'd think at this point a year later, she'd drop the lie, knowing her life is depending on her telling the truth.
I read nothing in the report that suggests a struggle of any kind. As I read it, and putting other evidence together, it looks this way to me. Caylee was Chloroformed to knock her out, then duct tape was placed over her mouth and nose to suffocate her. This would have been very easy to do after the chloroform was used.

If this happened the night of the 15th and caylee stayed in her bed, with KC sleeping in her bed with the deceased Caylee in the same room or she was killed on the 16th in the morning, I do not know.

I would suggest many of the small bones were not found because they would have been of high cartilage content, and were likely consumed by small animals. in addition it would appear that some larger animal drug the lower portion of the skeleton off some distance and consumed some amount of the soft tissue

Link to the complete report:

I'm not sure about the chloroform. I think I need more tox reports to add this to my conclusion but ITA with everything else you said.

The dogs hit in the back yard for decomp. Do you think she kept her in the sand box a few days? Maybe borrowing the neighbor's shovel to bury her in the back yard. You would need a big hole to bury 40 lbs. The sand would complicate digging a large whole. She couldn't do it. Put the child in the trunk of the car and tossed her in the wooded lot?
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