awaiting sentencing phase

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Oscar’s Reckless and Irresponsible Nature

"At Schipol Airport in Amsterdam in 2006, Pistorius was detained after being accused of making a false declaration over a plane ticket, and was held again after security officers found traces of explosive material on his prosthetic limbs. "

I had not heard of that before.

Oscar’s Narcissism

"Oscar Pistorius has recently undergone a mental health assessment and the experts involved have found that he is not narcissistic. I find this very surprising and don’t agree with their findings."

I agree with that comment.

"PS. My prediction for the sentencing: Guilty of murder – 15 years. Guilty of associated firearms charges – 5 years in total. Twenty year jail sentence. Time will tell…"

Another person who will be disappointed with the verdict.
I cannot imagine OP being without some sort of communication but I agree it could not possibly have been 0020. Any chance he did a swap with one of his family? OTOH it could be a narrow wallet, a folded handkerchief, a key case, or something else equally innocent.

I think a loaned phone is a good possibility but so too is a wallet or a glasses case.
BIB1 Nor do I. I'm convinced someone else was complicit in removing it.

BB2 Pedantically it wasn't surrendered at the bail hearing: on 19 Feb Roux said the Defence had it but it wasn't handed over to the police until 25 Feb (and then to Moller on 26 Feb).

I do understand the connection with tower and so on only half, totally layman. Where was the phone 0020 after 8:00am, Mr Fossil?
Opportunities to take it from crime scene: Oldwage, Labuschagne, uncle, brother, sister, coach, ?? - dependent on leaving-time.
I do understand the connection with tower and so on only half, totally layman. Where was the phone 0020 after 8:00am, Mr Fossil?

We don't know.

From the phone records we see that at about 7am it is in the Shere AH cell tower vicinity (this covers Hazeldean Square so maybe someone went for a coffee with it in their car or pocket?), it then returns to Silverlakes and then at some point before 8am it leaves again and is in the Shere AH vicinity again. After that, we don't know, as the police didn't disclose any phone records for after 8am. That said, they must have them and therefore must know exactly where it went unless it was switched off or put into Airplane mode (e.g. dropped the signal).
I cannot imagine OP being without some sort of communication but I agree it could not possibly have been 0020. Any chance he did a swap with one of his family? OTOH it could be a narrow wallet, a folded handkerchief, a key case, or something else equally innocent.

Not an expert in police/arrest/detention procedures (and don't wish to be)… but I don't believe that detainees in police custody are allowed to have a cellphone in jail.
Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp’s relationship was far from ‘normal’

In acquitting Pistorius of murder, Judge Masipa seems to be saying that brutality is part and parcel of ordinary life

There are 1480 comments on this article!

"What is a “normal relationship”? Excitingly, this long-mulled-over question has at last been resolved. “Normal relationships are dynamic and unpredictable most of the time, and human beings are fickle,” Judge Thokozile Masipa said on Thursday, explaining why she was not convicting Oscar Pistorius of the murder of Reeva Steenkamp.

This dynamism, according to Masipa, is why Steenkamp professed herself in messages to Pistorius to be “scared of you sometimes and how u snap at me and of how you will react to me”. (This message was prescient, seeing as, on 14 February 2013, Pistorius was to pump her full of bullets.) Steenkamp felt “attacked”, she wrote, by the person she “deserved protection from.” This, according to the judge, is a normal relationship. And thus, even though Pistorius killed Steenkamp, he did not murder her, according to the judge. Instead, she convicted him of culpable homicide."

"Masipa's ruling sends out “a very negative message that you can kill someone and claim it was a mistake and get away with it”.

"And this is an issue that, of course, goes far beyond celebrity. In South Africa, a woman is killed by her partner every eight hours. In the UK, two die a week. Perhaps Masipa was right after all. Perhaps this was a “normal relationship.” But that doesn't make it right."
Not an expert in police/arrest/detention procedures (and don't wish to be)… but I don't believe that detainees in police custody are allowed to have a cellphone in jail.

BUT he is not any ordinary detainee :). He is a Pistorius. He has already gotten away with murder! A mere cell phone wouldn't be a problem. I don't think it would happen in the US or UK but I am more doubtful about SA.
Not an expert in police/arrest/detention procedures (and don't wish to be)… but I don't believe that detainees in police custody are allowed to have a cellphone in jail.

...... except Mr. Golden Boy.
Another possibility is that Reeva was standing at the door, gripping the handle to hold the door shut.

Remember there is NO evidence (other than Pistorius' word) that the door was locked. There may not have been a key in the lock, hence no means of locking it.
It was his private en-suite toilet, not one for general use by visitors.
Agreed. OP said he smashed the door and saw the key on the floor. But if you looked at the hole and the floor, it looks very hard to stick your arm and grab the key on the ground. I don't think there was a key at all from the inside.
I have been travelling around the world since July 10 so I am not up-to-date with many aspects of this case now.

So could you please tell me what happened to Roux's urgent bail application after it was revoked?

"Defence advocate Barry Roux has launched an urgent bail application for paralympian Oscar Pistorius on Friday. This after Judge Thokozile Masipa found Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide for the death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

“I’m not saying culpable homicide is not serious, but he was out on bail on a far more serious charge,” said Roux.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel said Pistorius should not be granted bail because this is a serious case. He said being convicted of homicide means a lengthy prison term is probable, so Pistorius is more likely to be a flight risk.

He argued Pistorius sold his properties and has no more immovable assets in the country. He currently lives with his family.

Roux argued Pistorius sold his homes to pay for legal fees, not to flee South Africa. "
I have been travelling around the world since July 10 so I am not up-to-date with many aspects of this case now.

So could you please tell me what happened to Roux's urgent bail application after it was revoked?

"Defence advocate Barry Roux has launched an urgent bail application for paralympian Oscar Pistorius on Friday. This after Judge Thokozile Masipa found Pistorius guilty of culpable homicide for the death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

“I’m not saying culpable homicide is not serious, but he was out on bail on a far more serious charge,” said Roux.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel said Pistorius should not be granted bail because this is a serious case. He said being convicted of homicide means a lengthy prison term is probable, so Pistorius is more likely to be a flight risk.

He argued Pistorius sold his properties and has no more immovable assets in the country. He currently lives with his family.

Roux argued Pistorius sold his homes to pay for legal fees, not to flee South Africa. "

Nel also brought up the nightclub fight/disagreement that OP got into at the VIP room, breaking his bail conditions. Meh, falls on deaf ears.

JMasipa just tells Uncle Arnie to keep a better eye on his nephew!! Gee, she made me cross. :mad:
Justice for South Africa’s domestic violence victims is a long way off

"Every day in South Africa three women are killed by their partners.

The emotional reaction to the verdict has been partly due to the fact that people were looking to this case to set a precedent.

They wanted assurance that even men seen to be in positions of privilege would not be able to get away with criminal behaviour of this kind.

Unfortunately for the public, South Africa’s legal system is not set up that way. The accused does not have to prove his innocence, and can test how strong the state’s case is by raising reasonable doubt against the possibility of his guilt.

It was up to the state to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that Pistorius was guilty of premeditated murder.

According to the South African Medical Research Council, less than 38 per cent of intimate partner femicides in South Africa lead to a conviction in less than two years."

It’s a sad fact but for those who felt betrayed by the Pistorius verdict, there may be many more betrayals out there which will never even make it to a court of law."
Nel also brought up the nightclub fight/disagreement that OP got into at the VIP room, breaking his bail conditions. Meh, falls on deaf ears.

JMasipa just tells Uncle Arnie to keep a better eye on his nephew!! Gee, she made me cross. :mad:

BIB - Yes. Rather than address OP directly and get him to take responsibility for his own behaviour, she puts the onus onto Uncle Arnold instead, like OP is a toddler who can't control himself and someone else needs to take charge.
When violence touches sympathisers such as Judge Masipa and those that stand silently by watching, may they be haunted by their cowardice!
"Oscar Pistorius will return on 13 October for up to three days of mitigation arguments, before the judge will pass sentence at a later date.

He faces a maximum sentence of 15 years for the culpable homicide charge and five for the firearms charge, but reporters familiar with the South African legal system are suggesting he may avoid jail entirely because he's a first time offender, writes journalist Stephanie Findlay. "

Three days of mitigation arguments? That seems a long time. I wanted June and Barry to give their mitigation statement personally but I guess they won't.

I think if OP walks free, there will be outrage in South Africa! and just because he is a first-time offender.

Also, I read a comment recently saying that once Roux and Nel conspired to lie about Reeva and OP being alone in the house when they were not as Frank was there, the trial was a farce.
IMO this is another flight risk, if both fathers want to talk to him. I don't think, OP would like it and would have the courage.

OP will have to lie about this for the rest of his life. I can't see him staying in South Africa forever unless he goes to prison which I hope he does, but it looks as if Mozambique would be a better place for him as Uncle Arnold could give him his place there to live. Do you really think OP would be broke after all this? He had several properties, race horses and cars.
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