AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #1

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I will try.

Old Town Scottsdale is the original downtown of Scottsdale. It's about a four or five square mile district that has the original stores, curio and souvenir shops, etc. It has nearly one hundred nightclubs in this little small area, and while it is a nice safe fun place for tourists to bring their children in the daytime, at night it turns into a wild scene resembling Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Even though many of Scottsdale's more prominent citizens have moved farther north in Scottsdale, Old Town still remains popular with the locals.

It's an area where you see many people bicycling, walking, skateboarding, riding in golf cats and pedal cabs. There are free trolleys to take you around the area as well as cabs all over the place.

People in Old Town are friendly. It's a historical place and it's always busy. Lots of festivals going on and lots of out of towners.

Is it a bad place? I wouldn't ever call it a bad place. But when I go walking at night I wear my gun in my holster.

At night it's a little like walking in a dark alley. Allison didn't really live in Old Town but one could say she lived on the outer edge. She did frequent Old Town a lot. Scottsdale Healthcare, a large hospital in the area is located in the heart of Old Town. It's a major trauma center. I would assume she was in that vicinity often.

Hope this helps.

Yes, it does. In fact I'm sure we went to it while we were visiting. I pray they find this killer. I'm sure you're on edge until he is caught.
Yes, it does. In fact I'm sure we went to it while we were visiting. I pray they find this killer. I'm sure you're on edge until he is caught.

While I wouldn't compare our town to Chicago our New York or some other major city where one might expect a lot of crime, I will say that we are becoming more and more aware of the increasing number of crimes, murders, drugs, kidnappings and sex trafficking in our town over the last few years. The economy hasn't helped.

But even so, this is different. I doubt that the cops have even seen anything like Allison brutal murder. I don't recall anything like it before in our town.

Naturally it makes our radar go up and we all feel we need to be more cautious until the killer is caught.

I understand what Allison's dad meant when he said he didn't care if it was random our targeted. He just wants the killer caught. But to those of us living here we do care if it's random or targeted because when you think it could have been random it might mean the killer is out there just waiting to strike again. If it was personal it doesn't give one as much cause for worry.

But we all want to see Allison's killer brought to justice regardless of who it was our why.
I just can't find a way that makes sense for this to be some random crime by someone unknown to Allison.
I just can't find a way that makes sense for this to be some random crime by someone unknown to Allison.

I know exactly how you feel. And then sometimes when I look at her photos and read what she's said and what her friends and family say about her, I wonder how anyone who knew her could have done this.

How could anyone she knew have hated her so much.

Could there be some far out motive we haven't thought of yet? Could this be why there is so much secrecy surrounding this case?
Jumping to conclusions:

Allison Feldman was found nude with a cloth wrapped around her head, lying in a pool of blood, with a white substance around her body and the strong odor of bleach. She reputedly had major cranial trauma. LE has also reported that:

may or may not have known her killer

may or may not live in her neighborhood

may or may not have cuts and scratches on his hands and arms

may or may not have sexually assaulted her

may or may not have targeted her

may have stolen her iPhone, credit cards and Tiffany bracelet

may or may not have given the bracelet to someone else

may or may not have used bleach to try to clean up or destroy evidence

may or may not have been let in the house by Allison

may or may not have come in through an open window or door

may or may not have been caught on surveillance camera leaving the crime scene

may or may not be a person she knew in the past that LE obtained a warrant to monitor

may or may not be someone that asked her out in the past that she rejected

may or may not have covered her head with any number of things that LE has chosen to refer to as a cloth

and lastly, may or may not have been shot

LE does not want to reveal more details of the case because it might jeopardize the investigation.

LE states they do not want the neighbors to be afraid, citing that the killer is not hitting every third house.

However, LE does not believe this is a trend and has told the public it is isolated.

This being said, LE has stated it has no reason to believe that Allison was targeted and has no suspects at this time.

Did I miss anything?


Thanks tons for that! Also, I keep remembering that the police have said several times they have increased patrols in the area of her home. Again, contradictory to some things they say.
About the Scottsdale Police Department

I want to make one thing clear to anyone who may misinterpret my frustration over Allison's murder not having been solved.

I am in no way blaming SPD or accusing them of incompetence.

To the contrary, I feel like I live in one of the safest cities in the country, if not the world. I love Scottsdale and I love my SPD. They are the nicest, friendliest cops I've ever met and I think they are highly competent and well trained. Without going into specifics, I feel that they have always gone out of their way to meet my needs and to protect me.

I have had the opportunity to speak to several officers, sergeants and commanders about this case and they have assured me they have every detective available working on catching the killer. There is nothing they want more.

Like I said before, I don't think most of them have ever had a sensational murder like this before and it must have been a terrible and gruesome crime scene. I know they are doing everything in their power to solve this.

As for all the changing and confusing reports, I have been told by one of the detectives on the case that the SPD was told by higher ups to keep certain details under wraps.

So you can draw your own conclusions as to why. Personally I do think they have a suspect. And the suspect might be well connected. I don't know at what point the district attorney's office gets involved but I do know they don't want convictions overturned on a technicality.

So I have a hunch this is why there is so much conflicting information and it's also important I think to remember that some of what we know was leaked from an unsealed document that LE didn't want us to know about.

It must be difficult for them to satisfy the public, keep the media happy, follow orders from higher ups, try to make the neighborhood feel safe and at the same time work 24/7 trying to solve this case.
MissD, thanks for sharing that. I am sure they're doing everything possible. I know LE often has good reasons to not let the public know what's going on and even gives false information. Scottsdale is a beautiful city and we had discussed moving there. But unfortunately, AZ will tax my pension.
One would think that a city like Scottsdale would have a sophisticated police media person. Doesn't appear to be the case. I have never heard of a crime described by LE in so many contradictory ways.
I have been thinking about the cloth wrapped around Allison's head. Could it have been a blindfold wrapped around to cover her eyes? It has made me wonder, if she was blindfolded, were here hands and feet also bound? Thinking of the defensive wounds, suggested by LE, on the perp's arms and hands ... scratches would likely be confined to those areas if Allison struggled with her attacker while her hands were being bound/ after they were bound. It sounds like it may have been an execution-style murder. I doubt it was random. IMO, it was personal.
Has the BF been ruled out? Has anyone heard? Is anyone thinking this could go unsolved?
I think there are two main reasons there is so much conflicting information:

1) The news media is sometimes misreporting. For instance, the only mention of this being a shooting was one report by Channel 15. The only thing close to official word on cause of death was the accidentally leaked warrant which reportedly mentioned "head trauma." If it was a gunshot wound, I would have thought that would be more specific. But maybe not. Another is if the boyfriend was cleared or not. I thought they said early on they ruled him out. And I don't recall anything in the meeting that contradicted that. I followed up with a friend who was also there and remembers it the same way. Sure, Channel 10 reported that he has not been cleared, but it's one of the few hard facts they didn't show the commander actually saying. It's strange to me that LE would change direction on that and only bother to tell one news guy.

2) I think LE was too eager during that first meeting to quell fears. (I didn't actually attend the first one, so this is based on how the news reported it.) They made assumptions based on probably similar cases or profiles. Considering no forced entry, and probably other clues they haven't released, they probably assumed it must have been someone she knew. And most of the time that's probably exactly the way it goes. So after several days, with lots of pressure to say what's going on, that's what they went with. They probably thought ex-boyfriend, contractor, laborer, whatever, no worries we'll find him in short order. Then as the days turned to weeks and they couldn't figure it out, they realized they jumped to conclusions too quickly. The whole purpose of that second meeting seemed to be about undoing the assumptions they laid out in the first. Even the word "targeted" - he criticized that it maybe wasn't appropriate and then went on to somewhat defend it, paraphrased something like "if you are the victim of a crime, by definition you were 'targeted' regardless of the situation". That was followed up by a lot of those "may or may not" clauses. It seemed to be about correcting the misstatements from before, without actually explicitly admitting they had been wrong.

My tone may come across critical, but I think they did a good job in that second meeting. He was very clear in explaining what they know and don't know, even if they couldn't give us some details, or how/why they knew certain things.
I had never heard that they ruled the BF out early on. I could've missed that report.
I guess I have missed alot of reports. I also hadn't heard that the Channel 12 had misreported the manner of death as a shooting. There's been so many varying reports, hard to keep up. Channel 15 also said it was a shooting. Misreport also...possibly?
I guess I have missed alot of reports. I also hadn't heard that the Channel 12 had misreported the manner of death as a shooting. There's been so many varying reports, hard to keep up. Channel 15 also said it was a shooting. Misreport also...possibly?

Yes, sorry, it was Channel 15. Proof I should have gone to bed many hours ago :p
It may have been mentioned before, but i feel like she got out of the shower and perhaps the towel she was using was what they used to cover her face. The whole thing is so sad and scary.
It may have been mentioned before, but i feel like she got out of the shower and perhaps the towel she was using was what they used to cover her face. The whole thing is so sad and scary.

That's a good point. I never thought of that.
One would think that a city like Scottsdale would have a sophisticated police media person. Doesn't appear to be the case. I have never heard of a crime described by LE in so many contradictory ways.

I agree wholeheartedly. Because the public depends on both the police and the media it's very important to have an information officer who can anticipate their questions and give them intelligent and thoughtful responses. There are ways to give out information without jeopardizing the investigation. Sgt. Mike Pooley, the media liaison officer in Tempe, AZ when Adrienne Salinas went missing was a great example. He had that wonderful compassionate and diplomatic attitude that made us think it actually hurt him because he couldn't share every single detail of the case with us.
I've met Sgt Ben Hoster. He's really very nice and friendly. I don't understand this lack of communication. You're right.
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