AZ AZ - Allison Feldman, 31, Scottsdale, 18 Feb 2015 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I was watching 48 Hours Investigation Discovery and they recapped the case of Dana Claire Edwards. The similarities in evidence and circumstances in Dana Claire's case and Allison's are alarmingly similar (wound type, towel, occurred shortly after a holiday, individuals cooperating, video surveillance, etc.) Google it and see if you can watch the full episode online. Not sure if I am allowed to post a link. It took a year to solve the case.

I am puzzled by the lack of reward for info on the case. Allison's family most definitely has the means to offer a sizeable reward. I am from their local area. It makes me wonder if police are just waiting for the individual responsible to trip up on their own.
I read up on Dana Clair's case here:

You're right. There are some striking similarities to Allison's murder. Investigators in that case lost a lot of evidence prior to trial, but they still managed to find enough evidence to convict Thomas Ford. One item I found interesting:

<<snipped>> Nearly one year after the murder, police finally got their break. DNA that analysts called "consistent" with Thomas Ford's was found on the towel that covered Dana Clair's face. Police arrested Ford and charged him with murder.


It took nearly one year to get the results of DNA testing?!? But, the clinching piece of evidence was JTF's cell phone records.

I wonder if the DNA evidence investigators recovered from Allison's murder comes from the cloth on her head. Do they simply know that there is DNA from 2 different people, one obviously being Allison, on the cloth and need more time to analyze both specimens?
Usually in home invasions, the first thing they do is shoot the person, injure, then rob. Who knocks on someone's door, kills them and stays approximately 5 hours afterwards? If they did rob more than the bracelet, ccs and phone, I would think LE would let people know so they can spot something that someone has. If that's all they took, then what was their goal? You're right Old Steve, it IS confusing.
5 hours? What do you mean by that?
Maybe they are counting from the last time Allison was last seen at 8 PM by boyfriend and when they saw someone leave on cam at 1 AM?
Maybe they are counting from the last time Allison was last seen at 8 PM by boyfriend and when they saw someone leave on cam at 1 AM?

Hi, Yes, that's the 5 hour span that I meant. We discussed it way back earlier.
Maybe they are counting from the last time Allison was last seen at 8 PM by boyfriend and when they saw someone leave on cam at 1 AM?
I didn't realize that her boyfriend saw her at 8pm. I had heard about the perp leaving at 1am but I hadn't heard confirmation that the perp was there 5 hours. I wonder if Nancydrew71 has a new link or old link to news I obviously missed. Please share. :)
Maybe they are counting from the last time Allison was last seen at 8 PM by boyfriend and when they saw someone leave on cam at 1 AM?

No, the boyfriend did not see her at 8 pm. There hasn't been any mention of when AF told him to go home and study. The 8 pm time is from the last texting, conversation that AF had with her family.

Around 11:00 pm, texts from the parents were not received.

I'd like to see SPD verify whether the times stated for the texts/calls where Az time or Minnesota time, where her family live. Her family has given the exact same times but they are in a different time zone.
Wished we had good timeline.... But, searching I did find is this from backthread by Bernina. It's a bit out-of-context, so please forgive, and some info is old since it goes back a ways

Berniana said:
03-20-2015, 12:46 PM
Sorting out "Facts" :gaah:

Seeing BF for 10 months - plans for engagement proposal in July/Israel.
She's been in the neighborhood 8 months, living alone in a house.
BF encouraged her to get an alarm system for home, AS installed 6 weeks prior to murder.
Friends says she was seeking help for home (landscaping, handyman).
Mom "talked" to AF at 8:00 pm Tuesday (Az or Minn time?)
Mom/dad texted at 11:00 was not "delivered" (Az or Minn time? Was iPhone turned off by then?)
No forced entry.
Stolen items reported: Credit cards, iPhone6, Tiffany bracelet.
AF was shot.
AF was found in main hallway nude with cloth "wrapped" (?) around head.
LE believes there was a struggle, AF possibly gave defensive cuts/scratches to perp on hands and arms.
White substance found around body, bleach odor.
Perp left at 1:00 am Wednesday morning.
iPhone was off all day Wednesday.
Body found at 4:00 pm Wednesday by BF.
LE at scene for 3 days.
There are security cameras possibly on adjoining houses that show BF entering house around 4:00 pm Wednesday.
No moon on evening of the crime.
Front of house had no fence, garage enclosed opened to front of property, open desert landscaping.
Rear had block wall fence and wood gate out to alley.
LE says AF may or may not have known perp.

These are the only significant bracelets I found in any of her pics from her FB acct:

71399 71400

The 2nd one looks like beads but the tag got my attention. AF had a watch on her left wrist when it was shown. Can't find anything close to either in Tiffany's current online catalog:

Maybe it's something like this: , not on the high end of price.......
Was it an heirloom piece from a relative, did she buy it herself, or was it from a BF? First pic is from 2012.
Wished we had good timeline.... But, searching I did find is this from backthread by Bernina. It's a bit out-of-context, so please forgive, and some info is old since it goes back a ways

I think her search for the handyman was when she first moved in, I didn't catch anything on her FB postings that mentioned her search so it was probably further back...and I noticed a "typo"..."AS" instead of "AF" on the line about the alarm system.:blushing:
No, the boyfriend did not see her at 8 pm. There hasn't been any mention of when AF told him to go home and study. The 8 pm time is from the last texting, conversation that AF had with her family.

Around 11:00 pm, texts from the parents were not received.

I'd like to see SPD verify whether the times stated for the texts/calls where Az time or Minnesota time, where her family live. Her family has given the exact same times but they are in a different time zone.

Yes, The mother's call could have been Minnesota time which would have been 9 p.m. So it could have been that he was there from 8 or 9 to 1 a.m. or anytime in between.
But, you can't get more solid evidence than a DNA match. This hiding LE is doing behind closed doors is not getting them anywhere, IMO.

DNA is compelling evidence, no question. The tough part in terms of proof that will stand up in a court of law, though, is being able to show beyond a reasonable doubt that the DNA of the accused didn't get there through some other way, at some other time. I am *by no means* a DNA expert, but a good defense lawyer will do anything possible to poke holes in a prosecutor's argument. If there's a shadow of a doubt or there could potentially be other reasons the DNA was found where it was, LE will most likely try to get as much supporting evidence as possible before making an arrest.

The burden of proof is on the shoulders of LE and eventually, a prosecution team, since our justice system is based on "innocent until proven guilty." LE may have a mound of evidence, but could be waiting to make the case as airtight as possible so that once an arrest is made, the killer will be convicted and put away for a very long time (hopefully).

Again, all this is just my opinion! I'd love to hear an update on this case because Allison and her family deserve justice, but I still feel like there's a reason behind why LE has been so quiet. Hopefully, that reason *isn't* because the case has stalled.
OK so her last text was at 8, why don't we know what time her boyfriend left other than she "kicked him out early" so he could study?
OK so her last text was at 8, why don't we know what time her boyfriend left other than she "kicked him out early" so he could study?
Good question. I sure wish we had the answer. It's getting close to the 4 month mark. Hopefully there's an arrest soon.

Though, don't think solution is in the timeline. More and more seems like someone she was acquainted with (even if very superficially) and thought they had a chance with her and she let into her home to talk to at night, and things went bad...
Could of course be wrong, and might simply be a nut-job living in the neighborhood who's been overlooked.. She might have mistakenly though her BF was returning and at her door - opening it, only to be greeted by a killer who pushes his way in...
Has there ever been a statement from the boyfriend yet? Since they were almost engaged, it would be so helpful for him to put out at least a crumb of his feelings about who might have done this. I would imagine that LE has obtained a wealth of information from him but to go on record as a tribute to Allison would seem reasonable. I just don't get it.
Has there ever been a statement from the boyfriend yet? Since they were almost engaged, it would be so helpful for him to put out at least a crumb of his feelings about who might have done this. I would imagine that LE has obtained a wealth of information from him but to go on record as a tribute to Allison would seem reasonable. I just don't get it.

It's tricky, we don't know. Take for instance, just purely hypothetical - a couple where there's talk of engagement... the man finds his future fiancée murdered. He's heartbroken, and worse soon learns from LE that his gal might have been murdered as a result of seeking someone new to be with.
It's tricky, we don't know. Take for instance, just purely hypothetical - a couple where there's talk of engagement... the man finds his future fiancée murdered. He's heartbroken, and worse soon learns from LE that his gal might have been murdered as a result of seeking someone new to be with.

I have always felt pretty bad when a victim's family/significant other gets a microphone shoved in their face. If it's something they want, that's one thing, but I think we've come to expect statements from them because the money machine called the media. (The whole "If it Bleeds, It Leads" mentality)
I have always felt pretty bad when a victim's family/significant other gets a microphone shoved in their face. If it's something they want, that's one thing, but I think we've come to expect statements from them because the money machine called the media. (The whole "If it Bleeds, It Leads" mentality)
I agree with you but IIRC he had said when he is ready he would make a statement. Guess he's still not ready.
I agree with you but IIRC he had said when he is ready he would make a statement. Guess he's still not ready.
I keep thinking one of these days I'll turn on the news and see the case has been solved. I wish LE would say something to let the public know the case hasn't gone cold.
I didn't mean to attach my post to your post "justice be served" sorry :)
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