AZ AZ - Amy Yachimec, 13, Phoenix, 6 Nov 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I wonder why they suspect foul play right off the bat? From what little info I was able to find, seems like she may have been taken over the border in human trafficking, or even in the states still for human trafficking.
I wonder why they suspect foul play right off the bat? From what little info I was able to find, seems like she may have been taken over the border in human trafficking, or even in the states still for human trafficking.

Amy's sister's post seems to indicate that the police have much more information than we do (as is usually the case, of course.)
This is just conjecture, but perhaps the girlfriend, being mentally challenged, was able to provide information to the investigation, but may not have been considered a swearable witness/co-conspirator for the purposes of a trial.

Amy's case is listed in NamUs.

However, it says there is no DNA sample available. To me, this seems like the next best step. Amy's sister can provide an mtDNA sample which can be uploaded to NamUs and will be cross-checked against any unidentified remains in NamUs (provided they also have mtDNA samples uploaded.)

I believe families of the missing can obtain lab kits to do this for free. I think believe09 knows more about that than I do....I'm going to PM her and ask her to chime in here...

A word to Amy's sister: It's a long shot, and sometimes it takes a long time to get the samples processed and uploaded. But the good news is that forever after that, as more and more old cases are entered into NamUs, and more and more remains are found, they will continue to be checked against Amy's sample.
I think getting a DNA sample filed for Amy would be wonderful. That way if there is any unidentified person's DNA can be ran and see if there is a match. Amy needs to be brought home and laid to rest!

I think it's very interesting that a classmate said that Amy was scared of this couple and the threats of being sold to sex slavery. It could be a possibility if she was never found.
It really seems like a possible match to me.

Beyond the similar looking composite:

Amy's height is listed at 5'3", decedents height is 4'8-5'2" which seems close enough to consider.

Amy was age 13 years 9 months, decedent is listed as 14-18 which is also very close.

Hair colour of both is brown, both appear similar build.

AND, the blue terry cloth shirt is listed as Amy having worn, decedent is listed as wearing a blue/white terry cloth shirt.

Amy is missing from Arizona and decedent is found in Texas, BUT, she was found beside a hwy overpass where she'd likely been dumped so the killer could have been traveling.

Time span fits. Amy missing November 1981, decedent found skeletanized Jan 1, 1984 thought to have died at least 1 year prior....Amy would have been missing just over 2 years at that point.

Did Amy ever have braces on her teeth? this unidentified person did at one time. Or own a green comb? She was found with a similar shirt as Amy was last seen in.
It looks like the sister hasn't been online for over a year and a half. I wish there was someway to let her know her sister is a featured case here and the possible unidentified person link and helpful DNA advice. :(

And the friend hasn't been on since 2009
From this article in September, I believe that it was thought that Amy could be Princess Doe.

New tests performed on hair and tooth samples taken from the body of Princess Doe, the unidentified young woman found beaten to death in a New Jersey cemetery in 1982, suggest she spent time in the Long Island area prior to her death and was likely originally from Arizona.

Retired Det. Lt. Stephen Speirs appeared on CNN Saturday morning to give an update on the first round of tests investigators hope will lead to Princess Doe’s identity.

“We know that from 10 months to 7 months [prior to her death] she lived in a particular region of the United States which they refer to as Region 1, which covers a good portion of the northeast and some of the mid west,” said Speirs regarding the hair sample testing. “And then at approximately 7 months to 5 months what we discovered was that she was definitely transient. She went from one particular region of the United States to another which is Region 2. And for the last five months she was in Region 2 of the United States which puts her in the northeast area.”

Speirs said one of Princess Doe’s teeth was also sent out for isotope testing, which gave investigators an idea of where she spent her early life.

“We’ve determined that there’s a potential she could have come from the Midwest area meaning, quite honestly, Arizona is what we’re focusing on now,” said Speirs.
You bring up a great point! I think what threw people off from searching other states was that "confession" from that man and woman accused of killing princess doe. They said she came from the Long Island, NY area, estranged from her family. But now I think she may have briefly been in the long island area, but I think she came from somewhere else, and they stated with the refreshed investigation it's likely she was from AZ. (For awhile, it was thought Allison Marie Mims was Princess Doe, along with Diane Dye, but DNA ruled out Diane Dye and Allison Mims, missing from AZ, was found deceased in the AZ desert decades after she went missing).
Amy's sister's post seems to indicate that the police have much more information than we do (as is usually the case, of course.)
This is just conjecture, but perhaps the girlfriend, being mentally challenged, was able to provide information to the investigation, but may not have been considered a swearable witness/co-conspirator for the purposes of a trial.

Amy's case is listed in NamUs.

However, it says there is no DNA sample available. To me, this seems like the next best step. Amy's sister can provide an mtDNA sample which can be uploaded to NamUs and will be cross-checked against any unidentified remains in NamUs (provided they also have mtDNA samples uploaded.)

I believe families of the missing can obtain lab kits to do this for free. I think believe09 knows more about that than I do....I'm going to PM her and ask her to chime in here...

A word to Amy's sister: It's a long shot, and sometimes it takes a long time to get the samples processed and uploaded. But the good news is that forever after that, as more and more old cases are entered into NamUs, and more and more remains are found, they will continue to be checked against Amy's sample.

Thanks Irish Eyes, and Happy New Year to the faithful who have been tracking Amy's case. FRS kits are free, thanks to George W II. In the event that Amy's sister is out of reach, I can check with LE and see if one is in process, and perhaps NAMUS has not been updated.
As bad as this may sound, I know more details then I thought I ever would. I met with the detectives a few years ago as I was only 12 when it happened, and at my age now, I wanted the truth and wanted answers. The hardest part is knowing that she was murdered but her remains have never been found. I think the greatest thing in the world would be to find her remains and finally lay her to rest in a respectful way that she so deserves. I know that someone out there has to know more.

From what the detectives have told me. She went with the neighbors on the evening she disappeared and they went to a party. I guess the adult male Raymond Diaz who took her was joking at his cousins house where the party was held that he wanted to have sex with her, and his cousin forbid it to happen in his house. There are a few sketchy details as to all the events that happened after that. What we do know for sure is that she was taking out south on the 51 past the casino in a very bushy area and was raped and murdered. The gentle man and his then pregnant girlfriend returned back to my grandmother's apartments and immediately came to our door and asked what was wrong, which my mother and grandmother at the time found to be very odd, as there was no indication there was anything wrong. One thing that was odd as well is that the man had no clothing on, his girlfriend had to run into the apartment and get him a blanket. They left not long after arriving home, from what the police know, they went back and buried my sister's body, and to this day her remains have still not been found.

Bumping this post.

I am 50/50 on the Jane Doe, only because of the distance. LE would know if this couple were on an extended roadtrip around the time of Amy's disappearance. The fastest way to get to the dumping ground from Phoenix seems to be via Juarez...I dont know if there would be a record of them crossing borders-maybe they were that stupid which would be great if a still exists.

I am a fan of LE knowing whether or not Amy was trafficked. It seems like the answer is no.

The Jane Doe sketch and stats looks remarkably like Amy however. Dentals would be a good means of matching-way faster than DNA.
I found two NAMUS cases for Jane Does in Amy's age range found on the same day-how odd is that? Both in Orange, but two different ME's. Case 4573, 84-0003 which is listed in the previous posts, and 4574, PA84-0009.

Neither Doe has a mandible recovered, but they were wearing different clothing and had different hair lengths.
The address is simply identified in NAMUS as Orange County, TX
1005 Ridgewood St, Vidor TX

ETA: These have to be related.
I reached out yesterday and received information that a FRS was collected in February of 2012. I emailed the Case Manager at NAMUS to make sure they were aware and could update the listing.
Found this on Amy's FB page.

I thought this was interesting. I would love to know who the info came from and how they KNOW it is accurate if they haven't found a body.

It wasn't until 1988 when police received information that assured them of her murder and burial in the desert.

Have anyone joined the FB page and let the sister know that Amy is featured right now? Is it against any Websleuths rules to do that?
No it isnt against TOS-go for it!! This case is stalled-I wonder what it would take to get it going? I wonder if LE needs resources like dogs? Maricopa is huge-I would bet they have done a few HRD searches in the area they believe she is.
So you have proof of a murder, but no body.

If there is a hair available that seems to be Amy's, I have every confidence in that ME department. They would be able to see if there was maybe death banding, or if it was pulled out by the root.

I wonder if LE has the car?
This cant be a one off-do you guys think this couple has only ever abducted and killed Amy?
It is very odd that Brian Bleyl disappeared February 28 1981 12 years old, off Myrtle Ave W and 9th avenue (only about 9 miles from AMY) in Phoenix AZ... wonder if Raymond Diaz , the neighbor had anything to do with that?? Very close to her home and only about 5 months apart?

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