AZ AZ - Daniel Robinson, 24, remote job site, Buckeye, 23 Jun 2021 #2

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It can go stale, if not stored properly. That much I know. I have some now (got stale) that my daughter is going to turn into a cream for my husbands RA. Which is the whole reason I even tried growing any. While checking on whether weed can go bad I ran across an article about what to do if you get a bad high, written by a doctor. Room spinning, paranoia and feeling anxious were some of the things mentioned. Sounded pretty intense. The only thing I can think of is if he got some that was laced with something else. JMO
How To Handle A Bad High, According To A Doctor
This was a very interesting article. It looks like it normally wouldn't have any long term effect. I wonder what was going on in Daniel's life that no one knew about. Hey! I'm glad you could repurpose your product, lol. I've heard it works wonder for RA, among other things.
It can go stale, if not stored properly. That much I know. I have some now (got stale) that my daughter is going to turn into a cream for my husbands RA. Which is the whole reason I even tried growing any. While checking on whether weed can go bad I ran across an article about what to do if you get a bad high, written by a doctor. Room spinning, paranoia and feeling anxious were some of the things mentioned. Sounded pretty intense. The only thing I can think of is if he got some that was laced with something else. JMO
How To Handle A Bad High, According To A Doctor
Weed can be very helpful and also very detrimental. In people with mental disorders or latent mental disorders, it can trigger psychotic breaks, paranoia, anxiety, etc, etc. Just normal weed, not even laced with anything. It happened to me and to a friend of mine as well.

...The discovery caused many to speculate if the remains might belong to missing 25-year-old geologist Daniel Robinson, who was last seen in June 2021 leaving his worksite in the rural buckeye desert.

After two days of speculation, Robinson's father said in a Jan. 9 tweet that the remains did not belong to his son, citing the Maricopa County Medical Examiner's office and the Buckeye Police Department.

I was very disturbed by this article I think they could have said it was not him without putting the victims name in the article and not saying anything else about the victim, I just felt that if I was his family, I would be in pain and seeing oh, it was just mr so and so , and then on to Daniel.... I don't know just my heart and my own opinion.
I have re-read this forum and the opinions that he had a mental health breakdown are not my perception, in fact I see something different.
To preface this, the week prior to his disappearance we had two days of temps at 118/117 which can cause people to feel claustrophobic or grumpy. April and May were the only months students attended school and masks were mandated. Things were opening up. Grocery stores had arrows on the floors directing shoppers. People came out of the quarantine acting odd and feeling depressed. Daniel was probably a lot like the rest of us in that super weird experience.
Going through the DR there are all these indicators of a lucid, rational young man:
pg 15 he texted for permission to pick up the canopy he accidentally left, and was told to come by any time to get it.
pg 18: Luke didn’t observe any odd actions or statements the weekend prior to Daniel’s disappearance.
pg 23: Daniel showed up at the work site wearing his safety vest.
pg. 25: His FB post was the Suns in 4 referencing basketball.
pg 26: the common area of his apartment was “well kept and clean” and his bedroom was messy with clothes on the floor.
pg. 35: He ate, paid his bill and “packaged his food in a to-go box”
pg 38: according to Roger, Daniel spent a lot of money on computer parts.
unk pg: he left Tempe before 6:30 am to go to work, and took photos at the Verrado well site.
The fact that he worked two jobs, was building a computer which is sort of like a “hobby” and was following the Suns, and having conversations with people are all healthy emotional signs. His apartment description seems typical. Packaging his leftovers is a big tell that he was planning to eat it later.

I do agree that he seemed deeply hurt by the rejection due to his infatuation with K. Talking to friends and family, having a hobby, watching the Suns, and even his respectfulness in his text replies to K are indicators of responsible and healthy emotional responses. Of course, this is my humble opinion, and I am not a professional counselor or therapist.
Yet you left out all the statements from people that indicate he wasn't acting ok. Plenty of people with mental health issues still keep up a facade...carry on at work and speak with family and friends. A good clue in that report is what happened after he left the IHOP when he got the Uber. There are a lot of gaps. Why did he frantically call his sister saying there was an emergency then never speak of it? Why was everyone was so worried about him right away and why the only family member speaking on his mental state is his father, even though he last saw his sister. Undiagnosed and untreated mental illness is still mental illness. It's not something that is shameful. As to his apartment there's no saying when he smoked the 4 marijuana joints. He could have been self medicating and under the influence of something that day also. IMHO his conversations with his coworker at the office and at breakfast the week prior are most telling.
I have re-read this forum and the opinions that he had a mental health breakdown are not my perception, in fact I see something different
I think it is a bit odd that people think a mental break has to be either due to weed/alcohol/other substances/etc.; or a lead up of sad/erratic/abnormal behavior. Maybe the truth is often ignored because it's scary that it could happen to any one of us. The truth is, a mental break can happen to anyone and at any time. For me, the first extreme panic attack and depressive episode happened in my early 30s and came out of nowhere. I did not have a history of mental health issues at all, it happened at a time when I was very happy in my life. I've never done drugs in my life, not even weed. Sometimes it just....happens...I am open about my experience because I don't think mental health issues should have such a stigma.

But also because of these facts, we have to be careful about writing off cases as a mental break.
I hope this can bring closure to the family.

The photo that was posted is a bit confusing because is it not the site the most recent set of remains have been found at. It is the older photo of his vehicle with some clothing strewn on the ground. From the description of the newest finding, it sort of implies the bones found are in the scene and covered by clothes. Maybe they should have chosen a different angle or photo, where only his vehicle is in view.

Any information about where the newest find is from his vehicle?
From the brief map info, these areas seem to be more than 25 miles apart and one would have to cross over I-10, a fairly busy highway) to get from the site his vehicle was found to where this newest set of remains is. Not really a place he would be likely to walk to if he had left his damaged vehicle where it was found.

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